Same Time Next Year (Tundra Wolves Book 1)

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Same Time Next Year (Tundra Wolves Book 1) Page 1

by Maggie Walsh

  The Alaskan Tundra, a cold and desolate place where very few creatures can live under the harsh conditions found there. But one group of wolves known as The Alaskan Tundra Wolves, thrive in the region. With very few females of their kind willing to settle in such a harsh environment, the males of the breed learn to adapt, and for generations, male on male matings are the norm.

  Also what is normal within this breed is their place in the pack. Depending on what they were born as, Alpha, beta, delta, gamma, omega, makes them either dominant or submissive, or any of the levels in between. For the Tundra Wolves, this is not a lifestyle choice, but how they were born. It is inbreed in their DNA to either dominate or submit and is completely natural for them.

  Caleb was born a beta to his pack and spends his life training to be its top warrior with the thought of being his alpha brothers beta when he turns twenty-five, but as Caleb ages he realizes his true desires don’t match with his beta self. He craves to submit to an alpha and to give himself freely, but the beta in him needs to fight and protect. The inner turmoil within confuses Caleb, but not as much as the yearly letters he has received every birthday his whole life.

  On his sixteenth birthday, Caleb’s parents present him with a bundle of letters each noted with his birthday on it since the day he was born. With each letter the writer talks of his past year and his hopes for Caleb in the future. But as Caleb matures, the letters become more intimate, the author telling of how beautiful he thinks Caleb has become.

  On the day before his twenty-fifth birthday, the latest letter arrives a day early with the promise, “I will see you tomorrow.” When the moment finally arrives, Caleb is shocked to see the man of his dreams, literally, just walks into his life. The connection between them is strong and Caleb doesn’t waste a minute fighting it. He has done something that is unheard of for their kind and has found his true mate.

  Ridge is the alpha of the nearest pack of Tundra wolves and has known Caleb’s whole life that he had found his true mate, but Caleb was too young for him to stake his claim, so instead he would reach out once a year to let Caleb know that he wasn’t alone.

  Now that the two have finally met, the pull to be together and to claim is too strong for either of them to fight and Ridge takes Caleb home to his pack. Caleb now has to come to terms with who he really is and what he truly desires and embrace his submissive side.

  Save Time Next Year

  Tundra Wolves 1


  Maggie Walsh


  A Maggie Walsh Book


  Save Time Next Year

  Tundra Wolves 1

  Copyright © 2019 by Maggie Walsh

  Edited by Ann Attwood

  First E-book Publication: April 2019

  Cover design by Maggie Walsh

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2019, Maggie Walsh

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  All characters depicted in sexual acts in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.


  To Miss Stormy Glenn.

  This story grew from her ManLove Fantasies

  Contest. Each author in the group was given an idea and was told to create a short story using that idea. With this latest one for the Spring Edition 2019 of ManLove Fantasies, this is what we were given:

  This quarter's theme is...Since you were born you have received an anonymous letter on the same date every year. The first one stated “see you in 25 years” and the number has dropped by one year every note since. You just got the last ever letter “see you tomorrow”.

  From that we were to write a short story. Right at that time I had just researched other wolf breeds for another book I was working on and the Tundra Wolves came to mind and I said, “All male packs? You know those beasts are getting it on together. They would make the perfect characters for ManLove.” Also from researching them I found that the alphas in this breed were very dominant and the lower pack members as they moved down the hierarchy were more and more submissive.

  So as I began writing this “Short Story” it began to grow out of control as more ideas came to mind. Once I hit the equivalent of three chapters, I knew this had to be a book. By the time I hit chapter four, I had ideas for more books and knew it had to be a series.

  I contacted Stormy and cursed her, all good naturedly, and told her that since she posted our newest challenge, that I couldn’t stop typing. The story kept growing, and now I had a new series that I hadn’t anticipated, on my hands. Of course, with Stormy being the wonderful person she is, she wished me good luck and said she couldn’t wait to see what I came up with.

  Well, Stormy, from your idea to my crazy brain, here it is. Book 1 of my new Tundra Wolves Series. This book took over my thoughts and was the quickest book I have ever written. Five days. That’s all it took me was five day. But because of how it gripped me and wouldn’t let go, as well as gave me ideas for more books as I wrote it, I knew I couldn’t just walk away at a short story and needed to listen to these new characters as they screamed in my head.

  A whole series based on BDSM was never in my thoughts and is new for me, but I couldn’t quite the beast. So here it is. I hope you and all my readers enjoy it.

  Thank you for the inspiration, Stormy.

  For any readers unfamiliar with Stormy Glenn’s ManLove Fantasies Contest:

  Four times a year, each season, Stormy puts out a challenge to the author members of the group. Each challenge is different from the previous ones and we are given a certain amount of time to write them as well as other guidelines. Once everything is submitted

  to Stormy she puts them on the ManLove Fantasies Blog. Everyday for whatever month it is, this one was April 2019, Stormy posts one of these short stories from a new author every day. As a reader, you can read a new story daily, maybe find some new to you authors and if you leave a comment daily on the blog, even if you just drop your email address, you are entered into the contest to win the grand prize. At the end of the month, the winner gets a Kindle Fire HD already downloaded with books from all the participating authors. So April has 30 days in it, which means that Kindle has 30 free books for your pleasure.

  So if you’ve never heard of ManLove Fantasies, please drop by and check it out and remember us in the future for more short stories from some of today’s hottest M/M authors. Here’s the link:

  A special thank you to Master Jeff, Master Black, Jen, and Nick for all your help with the BDSM aspect of this story. Your not laughing at me when I had a ton of questions for all of you and for all your honest answers, you all were so helpful. I hope I did you all proud.


  Table Of Content

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Maggie Walsh’s Other Books

  About The Author


  “Caleb, get down here before you’re late!”
His mother yelled up the stairs to him.

  “Coming!” Caleb answered as he grabbed his shoes and ran for the door. It was his sixteenth birthday and his father was going to let him run the monthly pack run tonight. If he did a good job, then tomorrow morning he would begin his beta training. It was something Caleb had been looking forward to his whole life.

  Being the second born son to the alpha of the pack, Caleb always knew his brother Dell would be the next alpha and his place would be by Dell’s side as his second in command and head beta someday. To take that honorable position, Caleb would need many years of training and he was ready.

  His father and brother had worked with him since he could walk and Caleb already knew most of what he would need to assist his brother once he took over, but now that he was of age his real training would begin. Today had been his last day of school and tomorrow he would start his daily training with the betas and deltas of the pack as they taught him how to fight and defend his people.

  Caleb entered the kitchen to find his mother grabbing a large crock pot from the counter, and his father and brother taking coolers out the back door. He immediately ran for the last cooler and grabbed it, then followed his family out the door.

  “Do we have everything?” his father asked.

  Caleb met him at the back of the Jeep and slid the cooler in beside the others.

  “Yes, husband, that’s it. Once we get there I need you boys to help me set up the table before you run off to gather for the run. You know how hungry everyone will be after the run and I want everything set up and ready, so no one has to wait,” his mother replied.

  “Yes, mom,” he and Dell answered together as they climbed into the backseat of their father’s Jeep.


  The run had gone great and his dad and Dell were both proud of him for the way he handled leading the pack for the night. Then once everyone returned, he had set up a plan for everyone to get food and make the line go more smoothly, also making sure everyone got fed. His father patted his back as he smiled with pride and commended him on a job well done. Then his dad said his way of handling the food line was a great idea and from now on it would be the way the pack would do it. Caleb’s chest filled with pride from his father's words and encouragement.

  Once they returned home and unloaded the car, Caleb was ready for a few hours’ sleep before he was expected at the training grounds. Just as he put the last cooler away his parents stopped him and asked him to have a seat at the table. He was a little nervous as to what they wanted to talk to him about, but he followed them and his brother to the kitchen table and sat, then looked at his father expectantly.

  His father's gaze met his and Caleb could see worry in his eyes. The look made him anxious and Caleb was suddenly afraid of what was coming. “Caleb, now that you’re a man there is something we need to discuss with you.”

  “Okay,” he replied hesitantly.

  Dell reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. “It’s nothing bad, bro, relax.”

  He gave Dell an appreciative smile as he relaxed a little. Dell was his big brother and seven years older than him, and had always been Caleb’s best friend, so if Dell said it was okay, then Caleb believed him.

  “Caleb, we all know that today you expect to go to the training grounds to start your training, but I’ve put that off until tomorrow,” his father started.

  Caleb’s eyes widened and his mouth opened to protest, but his father held up a hand, stopping him. “I know you’re confused, but hear us out, okay?”

  “Okay,” he answered, and looked to his mother, then back to his dad.

  “After you have a good sleep, there is something else you need to do and we want you to give it your full attention, so that is why your training is being put off a day. There is something your mother and I need to show you, but we can’t fully tell you what it’s about. Not yet anyway. We wish we could, but it is against our laws. Just know that it’s nothing bad and we are both here for you as always.”

  “Okay, I trust you and Mama. So, what is it?” Caleb asked.

  His father nodded at his mother and she immediately reached back to the china cabinet behind her, opened one of the lower doors, then pulled out a box. Caleb watched as she placed it on the table. His father then unlocked it with a key he pulled from his front pocket. He lifted the lid, pulled out a stack of envelopes that were banded together by a rubber band, then slid them across the table to him.

  Caleb placed his hand on the stack and looked at his parents in confusion. “What are these?”

  “They are for you. You need to read them and make up your own mind as to what to do. We don’t know what’s written on any of them, but we do know why they were written. Unfortunately, we can’t tell you. All we can say is that before today we weren’t allowed to show them to you. We had to wait until your sixteenth birthday. But that’s not all. Those won’t be the last, there will be more to come for some time.”

  “What do you mean? What exactly are they? Did you get some too, Dell?”

  Dell smiled sadly at him as he shook his head. “No, bro, I haven’t been as fortunate as you, but hopefully someday.”

  “What does that mean?” Caleb asked.

  “I wish I could tell you, Caleb but I can’t. Someday, years from now, I will be able to discuss it with you. Just trust us right now when we say it’s nothing bad and no matter what happens, always remember you have free will,” Dell relpied.

  “Well, that’s not ominous, or worrisome at all. Thanks,” Caleb said, sarcastically.

  “Caleb,” his father said, bringing his attention back to his father. “Have any of us ever lied to you, or made you feel like you couldn’t trust us?”


  “So then, please trust us when we say we can’t tell you anymore right now, but someday it will all become clear, and when that day comes, we will all be right here by your side to help in any way that we can. We will always support you.”


  Caleb took the stack of letters and went to his room, then locked the door. He had no idea what he was about to find, but knew he wouldn’t have all the answers he was sure he would be looking for when he was done. He didn’t understand why his family couldn’t tell him things, but he knew in their world there were rules and laws for everything and most of the time they were for the betterment of them all and to keep them safe, so as confused as he was, Caleb would trust his family.

  He moved to his bed and tossed the stack of letters down, before toeing off his shoes and climbing onto the bed. He sat cross-legged and just stared at the stack for a few minutes. Caleb sighed heavily, then grabbed the stack and pulled the rubber bands off. He looked at the one on top and saw a date that caught his attention. His birthday was written on the front. Not just his birthday as in every year, but the actual date he was born sixteen years ago. Caleb quickly looked through the stack and saw that each letter had his birthday written on it, but each one a year later. It started on the day he was born and went right up until yesterday, his sixteenth birthday. Now his curiosity was really piqued.

  Caleb grabbed the first one again and tore the envelope open, then unfolded the page and began to read.

  Welcome to the world, little one. Today you will start your journey in this world. I can see that you have a wonderful, loving family and I know they will raise you to the best of their ability. I have no doubt that you will grow to be an amazing man someday. I look forward to that day and to finally meet you again. So until then, have a wonderful life and know that you will never be alone and that someone will always be watching over you.


  Caleb stared at the small note, reading it over and over again, trying to figure out what it all meant and who this R was, but there was nothing in the few sentences that told him anything he wanted to know. Part of him was creeped out from the words that someone would always be watching over him, but at the same time those words also brought him a measure of comfort. Caleb was even m
ore confused now than before he had read the letter. Maybe he would get more info in the following ones?

  Caleb reached for the next letter in line and tore that open.

  Happy first birthday, Caleb.

  You’re growing so big for a one year old. I can also see that you are very smart and will someday grow to be a strong wolf just like your father and brother. That makes me very proud. Even at only one, you are already ahead of all the other pups your age in walking and talking. That shows that you will be a strong wolf when you grow up. I hope you have a wonderful year and are happy.


  As he read through each letter, they said more of the same, commenting on his year and growth, and hoping his next year was good and full of happiness. Each one got a little longer than the one before it, because as he grew the writer added more info about his previous year. Caleb wanted to be freaked out, but he wasn’t. A part of him was amazed at what he was reading. These letters were like a diary of his life, of things he mostly didn’t remember, but some he did as he got older.

  Then he got to the last letter in the bunch, the one with yesterday’s date on it. Caleb was a little nervous to open it, but also excited. He wondered what his secret pen pal would say. He ripped the envelope open and pulled out the page, then unfolded it.

  Dear Caleb,

  Wow, sixteen. It seems like only yesterday that you were born, but it also feels like it has been longer in another sense. I know you don’t understand that, but someday you will. I wish I could finally meet you face to face, but it’s something that cannot happen yet. With each year it grows a little harder, but then I remember how old you are and how much growing you still need to do, and it makes it easier.


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