Fractured ( Fractured #1)

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Fractured ( Fractured #1) Page 13

by Holleigh James

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  He held me for a long time. It was nice not to have to do anything. The rhythm of his heartbeat steadied my own. To think that I had only known him a few days and he was so supportive was nice. I didn’t even have that with my own family. Then again, it was because of my family that I needed the support. It wasn’t until Rob yawned that I realized he hadn’t slept yet.

  “Oh my gosh, you need to go sleep.”

  His eyes were glassy. “No, I don’t want to leave you.”

  “I’ll be fine. Really. I’m not staying in the house. Jennifer invited me to go to the mall. I think she wants to extract information for getting Bryan’s attention. She’s coming at eleven.” We both looked at the clock. “I thought you’d be sleeping, which you should be. You need to go home. I promise I’ll call you when I come back, okay?”

  With a slight hesitation, he agreed, and I walked him out to his car. He kissed me again before breaking away and getting into his car.

  As I watched the car roll away from the curb, my fingers brushed my lips. I wished I could still feel his pressed against mine. Another glance at the clock told me I had twenty minutes before Jennifer was due to pick me up. I was glad to have some time to think about Rob. After peeking in on Mom, who was snoring in her room, I left a note on the table. Then I grabbed my purse from my room and waited on the porch for Jennifer. Her expensive silver car pulled up to the curb. I reached for the handle and saw the rest of the Beauty Apocalypse–Tanya, Courtney, and Liz–were sitting in the back seat. I didn’t know they’d be coming, too. What had I gotten myself into?

  “C’mon, sit in the front.” With apprehension, I eased in and buckled up. She tore down the street doing twenty miles above the speed limit. “This is going to be fun. The girls and I have been looking forward to this make-over for a long time.”


  “You didn’t think we would let you go out with a hottie like Rob Cooper and not have something to do with your fashion transformation, did you?” A smile appeared on Jennifer’s face.

  “I don’t need a transformation,” I said.

  “We’ll see,” Jennifer kept her eyes on the road.

  “And how’d you know I’m dating Rob?”

  Liz pushed her face forward. “Who do you think gossip central is? We know everything. Everyone talked about it for weeks when he moved in with the Bowmans.”

  “Plus, he’s been the hottie-blip on every girl’s radar. We’ve all tried to get him to notice us.” Courtney said, as the other two girls laughed at her comment.

  I thought about her choice in words and what Rob told me at the restaurant, about how all the girls tried to collect him.

  “Don’t think we haven’t all tried to get to know him,” Tanya said. I didn’t appreciate her sex-kitten tone.

  Courtney added, “You’re the only one who managed to get more than a hello out of him.”

  Was I just another one of the girls on the list who was smitten with Rob’s good looks? Maybe, but I was the one dating him.

  Suddenly, I didn’t know if I wanted to go to the mall anymore. I retreated into my usual quiet self, and let the other girls do all of the talking. Just get through today, Mandy. Then they’ll forget all about you and things will go back to the way it used to be, when you were just another geek they make fun of.

  The mall wasn’t crowded. Aside from the usual bargain-hounds, we were the largest group wandering through the long building. The girls went straight to the store with the nicest clothes. I followed. Jennifer and Courtney piled up outfits for me to try on, as Tanya and Liz quizzed me on what Rob was like.

  “Is he a good kisser?” Liz asked.

  “What’s he like behind those cool blue eyes?” Courtney inquired.

  I didn’t answer any of the questions. It wasn’t their business.

  “You know who’s kind of cute?” Courtney asked. “His cousin, Eric.”

  “Eric Bowman?” Tanya asked. “Court, he’ll only be a freshman.”

  Courtney defended her opinion. “So? He’s still cute. Have you seen his sexy smile? I bet he’s a great kisser… and his eyes. I melt every time he looks my way.”

  Jennifer rolled her eyes. “Here, try these on.” She handed me a pile of clothes and pushed me into a fitting room.

  Through the curtain that separated us, I heard Jennifer whisper to the other girls. “Well, I think Bryan is super hot. I’m hoping he picks up on that I like him.”

  “You mean Mandy’s brother?” Tanya asked.

  “Maybe if you tell Mandy, she could put in a good word for you,” I heard Liz whisper back. I knew it. I figured that was the reason Jennifer really wanted to hang out with me.

  “Mandy’s not a dating service,” Jennifer said. That made me like Jennifer a little more.

  I bought a couple of pairs of shorts, some new tops, and a skirt that stopped just above my knees. All in all, I felt good about my purchases. The other girls had several packages as well. We stopped for lunch at the food court. They included me in on their discussions, which ranged from what we bought, to the upcoming school year as seniors, to which boys they thought were worth a second look. They asked my opinion frequently, as if I were really part of their group. They seemed to be genuinely interested in what I thought. For the first time in a long time, I felt as if I had friends. But, I knew that it would probably end the minute they dropped me back home.

  When Courtney, Liz, and Tanya got up to throw away the garbage, I turned to Jennifer. “So, you like my brother?”

  Her eyes widened and she nodded. “I know he’s more than just a pretty face. I’d like to get to know him. I just don’t know if he likes me.”

  Is she serious? Every guy in town likes her. “Do you want me to ask him?” I offered.

  “I don’t want to put you in an awkward position.” She smiled at me. “But if the topic happens to come up, I’d appreciate a positive thought in my direction.” Her face became more serious. “I know we used be friends in the first grade, Mandy. I didn’t know what I was doing back then. My parents pushed my sister and me to be friends with girls in certain social classes. I feel awful about how I treated you. Maybe we could try again. Do you think you can forgive me?”

  Wow, I was impressed. Her confession surprised me, but it seemed very sincere. “Sure, Jennifer.” I guess she wasn’t as shallow as I had thought. “And don’t worry, I’ll put in a good word for you with Bryan.”

  She smiled, but it wasn’t her usual fake one. “Thanks.”

  The other girls came back. We walked to the car, each trying to balance our numerous packages.

  I wanted to call Rob the minute I walked in the house, but didn’t know if he was still asleep. In order to distract my eagerness, I went upstairs to unpack what I had purchased.

  At three o’clock, my brother came home from working at Burger Hut. He smelled like pickles and onions. He stopped when he saw me sitting in the kitchen.

  “What happened? Is Mom okay?” Panic edged his voice. “I thought you’d call me.”

  “She’s back to ‘normal’.” He read the disappointment on my face. “Rob met the real Mom this morning.”

  Bryan’s whole body deflated, like a balloon with a large hole. “I guess it was just what you said, an anomaly, huh?” As he opened the refrigerator to grab a can of soda, I wondered when being drunk became normal. “What happened with Rob? Was he okay with it?”

  “He was very supportive. He wanted to fix it. He tried to make me feel better.”

  Taking a sip directly from the can, he said, “What do you mean, he tried to fix it?”

  “He hugged me and told me he understood. I guess since his parents are gone, he knows it sucks when things don’t go the way you want them to.”

  It was quiet for several minutes. Brian broke the silence. “You like him a lot, don’t you?”

  “Yeah. I do.”

  “Just promise me you’ll be careful, Mandy. He’s your first boyfriend, and you don’
t really know him. I don’t want to have to kill him if he breaks your heart. That would ruin my chances at college and the ladies.” He smiled.

  “I know, Bryan, but he makes me feel incredibly special. When he shares his feelings, I can see in his eyes that he means it. When he holds me, it’s as if I can’t breathe without him. And when he kisses me… ”

  He held up a hand. “That’s enough. I don’t need to know anymore. Don’t give me a reason to hate him.”


  “Look, Mandy, you’ve been by yourself for a long time. First, Jennifer dumped you. Then Meredith moved away. I know you’ve sacrificed a social life in order to take care of Dillon. It’s your time now. If this guy makes you happy, then I’m happy for you.” His smile was reassuring. “But if he ever lays an uninvited hand on you, I’ll break his legs.” He grinned.

  “Thanks, Bry. You’re a good brother.”

  “I’m not just your brother. I’m your triplet.”

  “Yeah.” I reached over and hugged him. “By the way, I went shopping with Jennifer today.”


  “She’s nice. She said it was because of her parents that she couldn’t be friends with me before. We’re trying again.” He was silent. Then I thought I’d throw it out there. “You know, I think she likes you.”

  “Yeah?” He sounded surprised.


  As he got up to leave the kitchen, I reminded him that Dillon would be home any minute. “Dinner will be ready at six.”

  When I was sure I was alone in the kitchen, I dialed Rob’s number.

  “Hello?” He sounded groggy.

  “Did I wake you?”

  “No, this call is just a continuation of my dream. Now I have the wonderful sound of your voice to match the images that are filling my head.”

  Even though he couldn’t see me, I knew he could tell I was blushing.

  “Did you sleep well?” I asked.

  “I crashed as soon as I got home. How was your day?”

  “Nice. I bought some new things and actually had a nice day with Jennifer and the girls.”

  “That’s great. You’ll have to model your new outfits for me.”

  The heat returned to my face.

  “I have the day off tomorrow. Can I spend it with you?” he asked.

  Did he even have to ask? “Of course. I would love that.”

  “Is noon okay?” he asked. “We can be together without me having to leave you before dinner.”

  “Perfect,” I said.

  “I have to work tonight, but I promise to call you at nine.”

  “Okay. I’ll be waiting. Tell Matt you need your dinner break.”

  “I will.” His voice softened. “I miss you.”

  “I miss you, too.”I hung up the phone and stared at it for a long time with my hand on the receiver. I didn’t want our connection to be broken, even for a little while.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Dad strolled into the kitchen just as I finished preparing dinner. “Hey, Mand. How was your day?”

  “Interesting, Dad. I’ll tell you all about it at dinner.” He walked past me and set the table. Everyone filed in and took a seat too, except Mom, who was still upstairs. I served pancakes for dinner. Dillon wasn’t happy about the choice. He liked having breakfast foods for breakfast. But, I hadn’t prepared anything earlier in the day, and everyone was hungry.

  Dad wasn’t as surprised as the rest of us to find that Mom’s miraculous recovery was short lived. I couldn’t help but wonder if he was the one who supplied her with the bottle she had in her pillowcase. He seemed too comfortable that things had fallen back to their usual status.

  “I have to work late tomorrow,” he announced.

  A flash of panic ran through me. “I… I have plans tomorrow night,” I said.

  Dad and Bryan looked at me at the same time. I don’t know why it was a shock to Bryan. He just told me that he was happy for me, and understood that I needed to do what I wanted. Did he think I was going to waste my evening in the house? Sheesh! It was one night in seventeen years. You’d think he’d be okay with staying home for once. He never has to ask when he wants to go out. Yeah, that’s because I’m always home. “I need someone to be home with Dillon.” I made sure my tone was stern. I wasn’t giving this up. “Bryan, I never go out. You know that. Can’t you do this for me, just this once?”

  Dad turned his head toward Bryan. An authoritative look came over his face.

  “Fine, I’ll stay home.” Bryan rolled his eyes and pushed back in his chair. “But I’m gonna invite Jennifer and Tanya over. You said she was interested, right, Mandy? That way Jimmy and I won’t have to be stuck looking at each other all night.”

  “Thanks,” I said, with an appreciative smile. He grinned back.

  Dad’s smile disappeared, and his eyes focused on Bryan. “You’re interested in Jennifer? Jennifer Sutton?”

  “Yeah, maybe. Mandy said she was asking about me today,” Bryan said. “I hear she’s a great kisser.”

  From the corner of my eye, I saw Dad’s fists curl. Bryan shrugged his shoulders, and his cheeks flashed crimson. Bryan also saw Dad’s reaction. He dropped the topic and switched to another. “Ready for tonight’s game?” They finished their meal and went into the living room. Dillon placed his plate and cup in the sink and went up to his room. Soon Dad and Bryan were yelling at the TV, and I knew they’d be occupied with the baseball game all night. The phone rang as I cleaned the dishes from dinner.

  “Hello?” I asked.

  “Mandy?” It was a girl’s voice, one that used to irritate me. Now it belonged to my new friend.

  “Oh, hi, Jennifer. What’s up?”

  “I was wondering if your brother was home. He called my cell before, but I was getting a manicure. I’m returning his call.”

  “Sure.” Then I whispered, “I asked him if he likes you, and he said yes.”

  “Thanks, Mandy.”

  “No problem. Thanks for today. Hold on, I’ll get Bryan.” I pressed the receiver to my chest and walked into the living room. I held the phone out to Bryan. “It’s Jennifer.”

  He grinned as he grabbed the phone, and walked into the kitchen to talk to her privately. I took his seat on the couch when he got up. Dad was wearing a scowl.

  “Dad, I just want you to know that I’m going out with Rob tomorrow.”

  His stare never broke from the television, but the creases on his forehead were deep. “I figured.”

  “Don’t be mad, Dad.”

  He turned his head toward me. The lines on his face disappeared. “Mandy, I’m not angry with you. Rob seems like a nice guy. Of course, the only thing I know about him is that he has to live with his aunt and uncle because his parents were killed in a fire, and he drives an expensive car.”

  “Well, I could invite him over for dinner one night so that you can get to know him, if you want.”

  He smiled. “That would be nice. You do that. I’ll make sure I’m not working late one night next week.”

  I felt my body relax a bit.

  Bryan walked back into the room without the phone. “Jennifer and Tanya are going to hang out here tomorrow night. I’ll tell Jimmy to get here early so we can go over the plan.” Bryan sat in the recliner and pushed back. “That way you can be with Rob.”

  “Thanks, Bry.” I knew the topic of me finally dating made Dad uncomfortable, so I changed the subject. “So, do you think you might like Jennifer?” I said.

  “Maybe.” His smile suggested he was thinking inappropriate thoughts. He blushed. “I thought I liked Tanya better. She has a smokin’ body, but I think Jimmy’s better off with her.” Dad turned his attention toward Bryan. I knew he was okay with Bryan’s conquests, but I also knew that he didn’t appreciate Bryan giving me any ideas now that Rob was in the picture. Still, Dad didn’t seem happy with the conversation.

  My eyebrows lifted, and I gave Bryan a sideways glance. I noticed that Dad returned his attention to
the game.

  “She’s a bit fast,” he whispered.

  “And that’s a problem for you?” I chuckled.

  “I don’t have a problem with… the ladies,” he chose his words carefully this time. “I’m worried about Jimmy, though. He’s okay when I take the lead and get him set up, but when I leave him alone, he freezes.”

  Dad screamed at the television, and Bryan’s attention was diverted to the ball game as well. I knew I’d never get the conversation back, so I went upstairs and got ready for bed.

  After my shower, I grabbed the brush from my dresser; I sat in my chair and finished drying my hair. The phone rang. “I got it,” I called down the stairs.


  “Hey, gorgeous.” His voice was sultry.

  All of my disappointment with Dad and Bryan disappeared. There was only Rob. “Hi!” I lunged for the door and closed it. Even though Dad and Bryan were engrossed in the game, I didn’t want them to hear any of my conversation.

  “I hope I didn’t interrupt anything.”

  “No. I was just brushing my hair.”

  “I wish I could do that for you.”

  I tried to control my breathing so that I wasn’t panting into the phone. I had to change the subject; otherwise, I would have run to the supermarket in my pajamas. “So, Matt remembered to give you a break?”

  His voice evened out, and he sounded disappointed about the change in our conversation. “Yeah. I’m not taking the whole 45 minutes though. There aren’t many boxes to unload tonight. Matt said I could leave when I’m done.”

  I wished I could be with him when he got off work. I wished I could be with him every moment of every day.

  “I wanted to hear your voice. It’s going to be a long time before I can talk to you again.”

  Panic filled me. Was he canceling? “I thought we were getting together tomorrow.”

  “I know, but that’s several hours away.”


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