The Young Explorer; Or, Claiming His Fortune

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The Young Explorer; Or, Claiming His Fortune Page 4

by Jr. Horatio Alger



  The week was over, and Ben persisted in his determination to leaveHampton.

  "I'm sorry you are going, Ben," said his Cousin Jennie. "I shallmiss you awfully."

  As Jennie was the prettiest girl in the village, though she did notinherit any good looks from her plain-looking father, Ben wasgratified.

  "You'd forget me soon," he said.

  "No, I won't."

  "Especially when Sam Sturgis comes round to see you."

  "I don't want to see him. He's a stuck-up boy, and thinks himselftoo good to associate with common people."

  "He wanted to have me black his boots," said Ben.

  "He isn't fit to black yours," said Jennie energetically.

  "Oh, yes, he is," said Ben, laughing. "That's where you and Idisagree."

  "I guess we both mean about the same thing," said Jennie, who sawthe point.

  Ben's resolve to go to California was modified by an advertisementin a New York daily paper which he saw at the village tavern.

  It ran thus:

  "Wanted, six boys, from fifteen to eighteen years of age, to fillpositions of trust. Ten dollars per week will be paid; but a depositof fifty dollars is required as a guarantee of honesty. This sumwill be repaid at the close of term of service. Address Fitch &Perguson, No.--Nassau Street."

  This advertisement looked quite attractive to Ben. He copied it, andshowed it to Uncle Job.

  "Isn't that a good chance, Uncle Job?" he said. "Just think! Tendollars a week!"

  "You'd have to pay your board out of it," said his uncle.

  "I know that, but my board wouldn't cost more than four dollars aweek. That would leave me six."

  "So it would. I declare it does seem to be a good chance. Maybethey've got all the boys they want."

  "Why, you see, uncle, there's a good many boys that couldn't pay thedeposit money. That would limit the number of applicants. Now, Ihave the money, and I guess I'd better write to New York at onceabout it."

  "Maybe you had, Ben."

  Ben immediately procured a sheet of paper and wrote to theadvertisers, stating that he would like the position, and assuringthem of his ability to furnish the required sum. The letter went toNew York by the afternoon mail.

  Naturally Ben was a little excited and suffered a little fromsuspense. He feared that all the places would be filled, and suchanother chance was hardly to be expected again very soon. However,on Monday morning he was gratified by the receipt of the followingletter:


  "MR. BENJAMIN STANTON: Your letter of yesterday is at hand.Fortunately we have one vacancy, the other places being alreadyfilled. We have rejected three applicants for it on account ofunsatisfactory penmanship. Yours, however, is up to the mark, and wewill engage you on the strength of it. It will be necessary for youto report as soon as possible at our office for duty. We require thedeposit on account of the sums of money which you will handle. We donot doubt your honesty, but it seems desirable that you shouldfurnish a guarantee, particularly as we pay a much larger salarythan is usually given to young clerks.

  "Yours respectfully,


  "P. S. Your engagement will not commence until the fifty dollars arein our hands."

  Ben was quite elated by his success.

  "I must start to-morrow morning," he said, "or I shall be in dangerof losing the place."

  "It seems very sudden," said his aunt. "I am afraid I sha'n't havetime to get your clothes ready. Some are dirty, and others needmending. If I'd had a little notice-"

  "It won't make any difference, Aunt Sarah," said Ben. "I'll take afew clothes in a carpetbag, and you can send the rest by expresswhen they are ready."

  "Yes, Sarah, that will be the best way," said Uncle Job. "Ben don'twant to run the risk of losing the place by delay."

  Mrs. Stanton acquiesced rather unwillingly, and for the remainder ofthe day Ben was busy making preparations to leave his country home.


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