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Endorsed Page 19

by Marni Mann

  “Are we all set?” I asked the staff.

  The chef stopped mixing whatever was in the large bowl and said, “Sure are, Mr. Hunt. We’re prepared to start passing appetizers as soon as your guests arrive. We’ll also be setting up a station near your living room where they can help themselves to some shellfish on ice. We’ll serve dinner about forty-five minutes later, followed by the sundae and cookie station you requested for your daughter.”

  My daughter.

  I fucking loved hearing that.

  And my daughter was going to freak out when she saw all the cookies and ice cream and frosting and candies I’d requested. Samantha was probably going to kill me for giving her that much sugar before bed. But I didn’t care.

  Tonight was important, and I wanted to spoil my kid.

  I thanked the chef and her staff, and I moved toward my bedroom, hearing Samantha and Lucy giggle as soon as I got to the door.

  “Is everyone decent?” I called out.

  “Jack!” Lucy yelled. “Come in.”

  I stepped inside and noticed they were in the bathroom, Lucy sitting on the counter while Samantha did her hair.

  “What’s so funny?” I said from the doorway.

  “Lucy asked if she could have her birthday party in your bathroom.”

  “My bathroom?”

  “Yes!” She moved her arms in front of her, her fingers shooting to the right and then the left, like her little hands were airplanes. “That’s what your water is like, Jack. It’s everywhere! My friends will looove it. So, can we? Can we have a party in there?”

  This had to be a joke.

  A bunch of eight-year-olds didn’t want to hang out in my goddamn bathroom.

  I needed to step this up a notch.

  “How about we go to Disney instead?”

  Lucy squealed, “Did you just say DISNEY?”

  I gazed at Samantha. “We can take the plane to get all the kids there, rent a big suite for the night, and do a few of the parks. Then, we’ll fly back the next day.”

  Samantha’s eyes were so fucking large, I thought they were going to pop out of their sockets. After she gave me that look, she turned toward Lucy and said, “Baby, don’t listen to your daddy. He’s obviously lost his mind.”

  She didn’t want me to spend the money.

  I knew that was the cause of her reaction.

  I moved over to them, putting an arm around Samantha’s waist and another one around Lucy’s shoulders. “Your dad hasn’t lost his mind. I actually think it’s one of the best ideas I’ve come up with.”

  “We’ll talk about this later,” Samantha said, wrapping the final twist around Lucy’s ponytail.

  “Mommy, Jack said Disney. He said he wants to bring me and my friends to Disney. Oh my God, DISNEY.”

  Samantha groaned and gave me the eye again. “I hope you realize you’ve just created a monster.”

  I laughed at both of their faces. Their expressions couldn’t be more opposite. “Lucy, we’ll discuss Disney tomorrow once your mom warms up to the idea a little.”

  I kissed Samantha’s cheek and gave her the softest growl that I was sure Lucy couldn’t hear. But I knew Samantha could, and she knew exactly what I meant by it. She was getting my tongue later tonight after Lucy went to bed in the room Samantha had decorated for her.

  All of us were sitting in the living room after dinner and dessert—Max and Eve, Brett and James, Scarlett and Vince. My couch wasn’t big enough to hold everyone, so James and Samantha took the floor, and Lucy was sitting on my lap.

  This was the first night they had all met my daughter, and it had gone better than I’d planned. They’d spoiled the hell out of her, showing up with so many goddamn gifts. Samantha was overwhelmed by their generosity, especially with presents like a year’s worth of horseback riding lessons and getting to have lunch with Taylor Swift.

  She’d eventually get used to the way my friends and I spent money because I planned on dropping plenty of it on her and Lucy.

  I wanted to give them everything, and I could afford to do it.

  The four of us from The Agency had come from nothing. We’d grown up in rent-controlled apartments in Boston, and that was what had fueled us to get to where we were, what had driven us to keep fighting and never backing down. We didn’t take our success for granted, and we appreciated every fucking second of it.

  But my priorities had recently changed.

  I wasn’t just working for me anymore.

  I was working for Samantha and my daughter.

  I looked around the room, at everyone on the couch and on the floor. We were all a little sluggish after eating so much, and the room had turned quiet.

  Max held up his phone and said, “Lucy, what’s your favorite song? I’m going to play us some music.”

  I didn’t know the answer to this one.

  I wished I’d thought of asking it before Max.

  “My favorite song is ‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,’” Lucy replied.

  I turned her little body, so I could see her face. “That’s your favorite song, too?”

  I couldn’t believe what she’d just said.

  “Mommy told me she named me after that song because, when she was in the car with you, you were singing it.” She talked loud enough for the whole room to hear, and she put her arm around my neck. “It’s been my favorite ever since I was little, and now, I know it’s your favorite, too.”

  The room was silent, and I could feel every set of eyes on me.

  I looked at Samantha, trying to keep my emotions in check, but fuck, it was hard. “It was playing in the taxi that night,” I said softly. “On our way back to the hotel.”

  She nodded, and I could tell she was struggling with her feelings as well. “You asked the taxi driver to turn up the radio. You sang every word to me, and then you told me how much you loved it.”

  “See, Jack? I told ya,” Lucy said.

  I kissed her on the cheek and glanced back at her mother.

  We had an audience.

  I didn’t care.

  “You named our daughter after my favorite song and Jacklyn as her middle name.”

  “I couldn’t give her you, so I gave her every piece of you that I could.”

  I barely had time to take a fucking breath before the song began to play softly in the background.

  Lucy wiggled off my lap, moving out from underneath my arm, and now, she was standing in front of me, tugging on my fingers. “Come dance with me, Jack.”

  I couldn’t say no.

  As Samantha wiped the corners of her eyes, I rose from the couch, and I let Lucy lead me to the middle of the living room. She stepped onto my feet, her sparkly shoes resting on my leather ones, and she tried so hard to reach my shoulders.

  She wasn’t even close.

  I bent down and lifted her into the air until her hands were resting on me, my arm tightly holding her back.

  “Much better,” she said. “Now, we can really boogie.”

  I swayed our bodies and belted out the lyrics while Lucy sang along with me.

  My daughter.

  It was a word I’d gotten used to.

  One I fucking loved to say.

  “Lucy, hold on; I’m going to dip you,” I told her when we got to the first chorus.

  “Yay!” She giggled.

  Her laughter was my favorite sound.

  Right before I leaned Lucy toward the ground, I glanced at Samantha. Tears were dripping from her eyes, emotion filling her whole face, her hand pressing against her heart.

  I fucking loved that woman.

  Eight years had passed between us.

  I didn’t want another second to go by without her knowing how deep my love was.

  While the most important people in my life watched me from the other side of the living room, I put my hand up to Lucy’s ear, and I whispered several words.

  When I finished, she turned her face toward me and said, “Really? I can say that?”

  I nod
ded. “Yes, sweetheart, you can.”

  She looked at her mom, and with my encouragement, she said, “Mommy, Jack wants to know if you’ll marry him.”



  Mommy had bought me pancake mix the last time she was at the store. I made her keep it a secret because I didn’t want Jack to know. She even got a big bag of chocolate chips because Jack loved them in his pancakes, and I loved them in mine.

  When Mommy met me in the kitchen, I took out the box and the chocolate chips from the pantry, and I mixed them all together. With Mommy watching, I stood on the stool I used when I helped her cook, and I flipped each one.

  Once all three were done, Mommy got out a tray, and I put the plate on top with a cup of coffee and a bowl of grapes—those were Jack’s favorite, too.

  “Looks like you’re all set to go, baby,” she said.

  I smiled. I was just so excited.

  I took the tray off the counter and very carefully walked toward their room.

  Mommy and I had moved into Jack’s as soon as they got married. Their wedding day was the best day ever. Mommy said she had finally married her Prince Charming, and Jack said he’d married the girl of his dreams. I had gotten to be the flower girl, and I’d sprinkled little petals all over the sand before Mommy walked down the beach to meet Jack.

  Now, Mommy and Jack shared the big room, and I had my own room down the hall where everything inside was Titans blue. I’d sent Uncle Shawn pictures, and he thought it was so cool. I couldn’t wait for him to come see it, but he was so busy with football. I still saw plenty of him because we flew to all of his games.

  Usually, when I got to their room, I would run as fast as I could toward their bed, jump on top, and bounce until they woke up. But, today, I had a big tray I had to carry, and I couldn’t spill Jack’s coffee.

  I went over to where he was sleeping, and I got on my knees and set the tray on the floor. “Hey,” I whispered, pushing on his arm to wake him.

  His eyes opened, and he let out a yawn. “Good morning, baby.”

  I smiled real big again. “I made you something.” I pointed down, so he could see what I meant.


  “Yep! Chocolate chip ones!”

  “They look delicious.”

  “I made them. Mommy helped, too.”

  I lifted the tray and set it on the bed, and Jack scooched over, so there was plenty of room.

  Today was such a special day. We weren’t just going to have pancakes. Mommy said we were going to the marina where we were going out on the boat. I loved the boat, and I loved when Jack drove it fast.

  “I have something to tell you,” I said.

  He sat up a little, so he could take a big bite. “What?”

  “I’ve waited all my life to tell you this.” My shoulders pushed up, and I stood tall on my knees. “Happy Father’s Day, Daddy.”

  He put his fork down, and I saw all kinds of tears in his eyes. “Come here, baby.”

  I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed as hard as I could.

  “Say it again,” he whispered.

  I closed my eyes. “Daddy.”

  “Out of all the endorsements I’ve ever gotten, you just gave me the best one.”


  Jovana Shirley, you’re a treasure, and I just love you. Your heart, your talent, your vision, your ability to find the pretty that lies beneath is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Thank you for always squeezing me in, for being there whenever I need anything, and for making my books shine. XO.

  Nina Grinstead, I don’t even know where to begin. There are no words that could even come close to expressing how much gratitude I have for you. Every day, I’m thankful I have you in my life. You are one of the most incredible people I’ve ever met, and I’m so fortunate to have you as a publicist and as a dear friend. I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone but you. Love you.

  Judy Zweifel, once again, you rock my whole world. Thank you for being a part of this, for treating my words with so much love. I’m so grateful for you.

  Kaitie Reister, I love you, girl, so hard. You’re my biggest cheerleader and such a wonderful friend. Thank you for everything. XO.

  Shannon, you’re incredible. I can’t thank you enough for all your hard work and for putting up with us and for every insane request we made. You gave this book the sexiest face.

  Ricky, my sexyreads, you made me reach, as you always do, but this journey was so different for us. You wiped my tears, you gave me the words I needed, and you answered every text. I couldn’t have done this without you. Love you.

  Kimmi Street, my partner in crime, I couldn’t have done this book without you. You’re the hand I always need to hold and the shoulder I always want to lean on and the virtual tissue that’s there whenever I need it. You’re the most incredible friend, and I’m so lucky to have you as my person. Love you so much.

  Crystal Radaker, you made me dig so deep for this book. You helped me find that bit of angst that I never knew was living inside me. You made me a better writer, a better listener, a better storyteller. I’m beyond grateful for you and our friendship. Love you so much.

  Donna Cooksley Sanderson, thanks for all of your support. Love you, lady. XX.

  Extra-special love goes to Stacey Jacovina, Jesse James, Kayti McGee, Carol Nevarez, Julie Vaden, Elizabeth Kelley, RC Boldt, Jennifer Porpora, Melissa Mann, Katie Amanatidis, my COPA ladies, and my group of Sarasota girls whom I love more than anything. I’m so grateful for all of you.

  Mom and Dad, thanks for your unwavering belief in me and your constant encouragement. It means more than you’ll ever know.

  Brian, my words could never dent the amount of love you give me. Trust me when I say, I love you more.

  My Midnighters, you are such a supportive, loving, motivating group. Thanks for being such an inspiration, for holding my hand when I need it, and for always begging for more words. I love you all.

  To all the bloggers who read, review, share, post, tweet, Instagram—Thank you, thank you, thank you will never be enough. You do so much for our writing community, and we’re so appreciative.

  To my readers—I cherish each and every one of you. I’m so grateful for all the love you show my books, for taking the time to reach out to me, and for your passion and enthusiasm. I love, love, love you.

  Bonus Scene

  Do you want to read Jack and Samantha’s wedding night scene? If so, please sign up for my newsletter, and I’ll send you the exclusive bonus scene that isn’t available anywhere else.


  Marni’s Midnighters

  Getting to know my readers is one of my favorite parts about being an author. In Marni’s Midnighters, my private Facebook group, we chat about steamy books, sexy and taboo toys, and sensual book boyfriends. Team members also qualify for exclusive giveaways and are the first to receive sneak peeks of the projects I’m currently working on. To join Marni’s Midnighters, click HERE.

  About the Author

  Best-selling author Marni Mann knew she was going to be a writer since middle school. While other girls her age were daydreaming about teenage pop stars, Marni was fantasizing about penning her first novel. She crafts sexy, titillating stories that weave together her love of darkness, mystery, passion, and human emotions. A New Englander at heart, she now lives in Sarasota, Florida, with her husband and their two dogs. When she’s not nose deep in her laptop, working on her next novel, she’s scouring for chocolate, sipping wine, traveling, or devouring fabulous books.

  Want to get in touch? Visit me at…


  [email protected]

  Also by Marni Mann


  Signed (Erotic Romance)

  The Unblocked Collection (Erotic Romance)

  Wild Aces (Erotic Romance)

  Prisoned (Dark Erotic Thriller)


Animal—Book One

  Monster—Book Two


  Seductive Shadows—Book One

  Seductive Secrecy—Book Two


  Pulled Beneath—Book One

  Pulled Within—Book Two

  The MEMOIR SERIES—Dark Fiction

  Memoirs Aren’t Fairytales—Book One

  Scars from a Memoir—Book Two


  Lover (Erotic Romance)

  Drowning (Contemporary Romance)

  Sneak Peek of Contracted

  Turn the page to read the prologue of Contracted, which is Max’s story, that’s releasing on June 21.


  Max - Two years ago

  “Get up,” Brett said as he walked into his condo. He’d left me on the couch, watching the Heat game, to go to the lobby of his building and pick up the pizza he’d ordered. “We’re going to James’s.”

  As he went into the kitchen and grabbed a twelve-pack from the fridge, carrying it into the living room, I flipped off the TV. The look on my face told him exactly how I felt about the bullshit he’d just said to me.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Why the fuck are we going to James’s?”

  “I just saw her downstairs with her stylist, and they need my approval on some outfits.”

  James Ryne, Brett’s newest client, had recently relocated to Miami and was renting a place in his building. America’s sweetheart had escaped LA when a sex tape came out that ruined her whole career, taking her from one of the highest-paid actresses in Hollywood to unemployable. She’d hired our company, The Agency, to represent her, and Brett was now her agent.


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