Shifting Again

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by Shifting Again (ant

  Soren bowed. "Thank you, my lord."

  Kyran returned the bow, then he and Saxon took their leave. As soon as they were gone, Soren turned to Ryan.

  "Do you have any idea who you were just talking down to?"

  "The alpha of your clan." Ryan shrugged. "Big fucking deal. He never should have sent you here in the first place."

  Soren was fast reaching the end of his patience. "Now listen here, human--"

  "No, you listen." Ryan closed the distance between them, pointing one finger in Soren's face. "I'm sick and tired of hearing about what a superior species you are, as if that gives you and your kind sovereignty over the rest of us." He lowered his hand to push the finger against Soren's still-healing chest. "You may think you're top dog because you sprout fangs and a tail by the light of the full moon, but to me you're just another bigot. I've dealt with your kind before, and damned if I'm going to let you make me feel inferior in my own home. You don't like it, you can pack your injured ass up and get out."

  The torrent was so unexpected coming from the staid doctor that Soren was struck speechless. Before he even came close to thinking up a reply, Ryan walked away and Soren was left standing with his mouth open like an idiot.

  "I'd say you've met your match with that one, little brother."

  Soren turned to find Jacques leaning against the same door Ryan slipped into unnoticed a few minutes before. He scowled. "What is it with the people around here eavesdropping and sneaking up on me?"

  "We shouldn't be able to sneak up on you, lackwit. Your senses should have picked us up before we even made it into the room." Jacques frowned as if thinking. "Guess your mind is somewhere else, huh?"

  Soren looked away. "I don't know what you're talking about."

  "Uh-huh." Jacques walked by him. "You and I both know it's a certain doctor that's driving you nuts." He shot Soren a wink. "You've screwed yourself royally with the guy, and now you don't know how to fix it." He started to leave the room, and Soren panicked.


  Jacques stopped. "Yes?"

  Soren bit back his pride. "What do you think I should do?"

  "Start with the truth, little brother," Jacques said. "Always start with the truth."


  Three hours later, Ryan was in the kitchen, contemplating the merits of nuking a frozen pizza when Soren came in.

  "What are you doing?"

  Ryan barely spared him a glance. "Cooking supper. What does it look like I'm doing?"

  Soren snatched the pizza from his hand. "That is not supper." He stuck it back in the freezer. "That is a frozen cocktail of chemicals and fat."

  Ryan crossed his arms over his chest. "I'll have you know I lived off those things when I was in medical school."

  Soren rolled his eyes. "In case you haven't noticed, you're a grownup now." He rooted around in the fridge. "At least you have some decent dinner makings in here." He pulled out a head of cabbage and a pound of ground beef. "Maybe you aren't a totally lost cause, after all."

  Ryan shrugged. "My mother insisted on stocking the fridge and cupboard when I moved in."

  Soren pulled some fresh tomatoes from the crisper. "Smart woman, your mother." He set the items on the counter, then grabbed some onions from a wire basket on the center island. "Are the two of you close?"

  "Oh yeah. It's been just her, me, and my brother since Dad died ten years ago." Ryan visibly relaxed as he talked about his family. "My brother, John, he's a cop with the city force. He and his wife are expecting their first child any day now."

  "You're looking forward to being an uncle." Soren rooted around in the drawers until he found a knife. "I can hear it in your voice."

  "Oh yeah. Since I'm not going to have children of my own, I plan on spoiling John's kids rotten."

  That brought Soren up short. He turned to look at Ryan.

  "Why can't you have kids? Was it the accident?"

  Ryan shook his head. "Nothing like that." He hesitated. "I'm gay, Soren."

  The news shouldn't have been a relief to Soren, but it was. He went back to looking for the knife, his heart ten pounds lighter.

  "Well?" Ryan said. "Aren't you going to make some pithy comment?"

  "Nope." Soren held up a knife in triumph. "Your mother must've bought these for you, too." He went to the island's cutting board and started work on the onions. "They're top of the line."

  "Oh, come on." Ryan walked to the other side of the island so the two of them were facing. "You've been throwing insults at me ever since you got here. I just gave you a golden opportunity to hurl all kinds of zingers and slurs my way, and you're just going to ignore it?"

  "Yep. Hey, hand me a saucepan, would you?"

  Ryan didn't move. "Why?"

  Soren bit back a sigh. Jacques had warned him to go with the truth. Might as well start now. He laid the knife aside and looked at Ryan. "I won't insult you for being gay. I admit I've been a first-class asshole since the minute I got here, but I'm no hypocrite."

  "Hypocrite?" Ryan's eyes went wide. "You mean..." He closed his mouth, opened it back up, then closed it again. "Oh."

  "Yes, 'oh.'" Soren went back to the onions. "Now, would you please hand me that sauce pan?"

  Ryan did as he was told, and the two of them lapsed into silence. Soren went about his prep work, and not until he'd slid a heaping pan of stuffed cabbage rolls into the oven did he break the silence.

  "I'm sorry."

  Ryan, who was sitting at the table in the breakfast nook, looked up from the magazine he'd been reading with surprise. "For what?"

  "For treating you like a lesser species." He pulled out the chair closest to Ryan's and sat down. "I'd like to explain if you'll let me."

  Ryan only nodded.

  Soren wet his lips. "Like you, I also lost my father." Soren looked down at his hands. "Only mine didn't die."

  "What happened?"

  "My mother, she married a human from one of the towns on the other side of the mountain."

  "A human?" Ryan sounded surprised. "Is that normal amongst your people?"

  "It happens." Soren swiped a hand over his face. "In this case, though, it shouldn't have. My mother knew nothing about the guy, and he sure as hell didn't know about her."

  "You mean--"

  "She didn't tell him she was a shifter until after they were married. She was already pregnant with Jacques when she broke the news."


  "You can say that again." Soren laughed, a humorless sound. "Needless to say, my father was less than thrilled when he found out." He glanced up, half-expecting to see pity in Ryan's eyes. Relieved to find only keen attention, Soren continued.

  "At first it looked as if my father was going to split, but eventually he seemed to accept my mother's abilities--even to embrace them."

  Ryan folded his hands on the table. "I'm sensing a 'but' coming."

  "Damn right." Soren took a deep breath. "My father, he had a plan, you see. A plan to make himself rich. And if he had to sell out his wife and kids to do it, then so be it." He swallowed. "My father waited until after my mother had given birth to me and my younger sister Delia, then turned us in to a human doctor willing to pay big bucks to run experiments on real live werewolves."

  The color leached from Ryan's face. "Dear God."

  "We were lucky, I guess." Soren kept his voice flat and even. "Morgan Durand--that's Lord Kyran's father--found out what my father had planned and rescued us. My father, he's been locked up in a remote, clan-run prison ever since." He sighed. "Thank God Morgan got to us before we came to any harm."

  "No harm." Ryan stood up, then started pacing the squat length of the nook. "How can you say that when your own father betrayed you that way?" He stopped pacing, running a shaky hand through his hair. "No wonder you hate humans the way you do."

  "It isn't like that. Not really." Soren came to his feet. "For years I told myself that I hated them--never mind that I'm part human myself--but then I met you and..." He went forward so that h
e was standing directly in front of Ryan. "You're the bravest man I've ever met, human or otherwise."

  Ryan swallowed. "You're wrong."

  "The hell I am. You didn't so much as flinch when I called to you. You just went charging into the woods to save my life." He reached out with one tentative finger, trailing it down Ryan's hot cheek. "That should have been impossible, by the way."

  Ryan leaned into the touch. "Huh?" Soren doubted he even realized he was doing it. "What's impossible?"

  "Mind speak between a human and a shifter." Soren leaned in, ready to take Ryan's mouth with his and damn the consequences. "You never should have been able to hear me."

  They were almost touching now. Ryan parted his lips. "What does it mean?"

  "Damned if I know, but I'm ready to find out." Soren closed his eyes and was just about to claim the kiss when the oven timer went off. He pulled back with a curse.

  "Talk about rotten timing." He scrubbed at his cheeks. "You okay?"

  "Yeah." A slightly trembling Ryan sank back into his chair. "Before we take this any further, there's something I should probably tell you."

  "Hold that thought." Soren went to the oven and removed the pan. The fragrance of stuffed cabbage covered in homemade tomato sauce filled the air. He set the pan on top of the stove, then turned back to Ryan. "What were you going to say?"

  "I'll tell you after dinner." Ryan was already at the cabinet, removing two plates. "If that tastes as good as it smells, I'm afraid I'm going to have to keep you."

  Soren was honest enough with himself to admit he found that thought damn reassuring.


  Half an hour later, Ryan pushed his plate away and leaned back with a groan. "Damn. Where did you learn to cook like that, anyway?"

  "My mother." Soren grinned. "She insisted all three of her children learn how to cook and keep house. Said that just because Jacques and I were men, that didn't give us an excuse not to cultivate our domestic talents."

  Ryan laughed. "Your mother sounds like a real pistol."

  "She is. You'll have to meet her some time." Soren colored as if realizing the significance of the invitation. "I just meant--"

  "It's okay. I'd like to meet your mother."

  "Okay." Soren relaxed. "Now what were you--" He broke off, suddenly tense again.

  Something in Soren's expression put Ryan on alert. "What is it?"

  Soren pressed a finger to his lips. Where's that shotgun of yours?

  Hall closet. Why?

  Soren got up, waiting until Ryan did the same and falling in behind him. Go get it.

  Ryan hesitated, and Soren clamped a reassuring hand on his shoulder. I'll be with you every step of the way. Just make as little noise as possible. We've got to get out of here.

  Ryan complied and within seconds he had the shotgun in his hand. Soren pointed to the back door. We'll slip out that way. Can you make it down the steps?

  Ryan nodded. I did last time, but we'll have to go slow.

  No problem. Just stay with me, and whatever you do, don't let your guard down.

  Ryan still had no idea what they were running from, but the sound of Soren's voice had convinced him to haul ass now and ask questions later. They'd just made it to the back door when the front windows exploded.

  "Son of a bitch." Soren grabbed Ryan's free hand and all but pulled him through the French doors and onto the deck. They got halfway down the steps before a tall man with an automatic rifle strapped to his back came from the shelter of the trees.

  He grinned at Soren. "You escaped me the first time, wolf, but I've got you now."

  Ryan heard Soren swallow, but he kept his voice even as he faced the gunman down.

  "What do you want with me?"

  "What do I want?" The guy pretended to think about it as he moved the rifle into position. "I want your filthy hide nailed to my wall, of course."

  Soren's grip on Ryan's hand intensified. It's me he wants. On my signal, I want you to run.

  Hell, no. The thought of leaving Soren behind was so appalling, Ryan actually gritted his teeth. I have a better idea. And before Soren had a chance to stop him, Ryan threw all his weight onto his injured leg and toppled forward.

  The gunman was unprepared for the assault. Ryan careened into him, knocking the rifle out of his grip. They hit the ground hard. Fighting off waves of pain and nausea, Ryan tossed his own gun to Soren.

  Soren caught it mid-air. He pointed the shotgun barrel at the man lying next to Ryan and said, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't blow your head off and be done with it."

  "I'll give you three." Their would-be assassin smiled in a way that cut through Ryan's agony-fogged brain and gave him chills. The bastard looked Soren dead in the eye. "If you kill me, you'll never see your brother, sister, and mother again."


  The next hour was a haze of frantic phone calls, broken mind speak, and damage assessment, but Ryan knew little of what was happening outside the bedroom where Soren had rushed him the moment their attacker was tied up in the kitchen.

  Not that Ryan minded. The tearing sensation he'd felt when he jumped the bad guy told him he'd put a major hurt on his gimpy leg. There was nothing to do now but live with the consequences. He lay for a solid hour drifting between piercing agony and blessed unconsciousness.

  The next time he awoke it was to find Dr. Paxton Elliguard sitting beside him on the bed. Ryan struggled to sit up, but Elliguard pushed him back down.

  "Easy, Dr. Hightower." He laid his hand on Ryan's arm. "Let me see what you've done to yourself before you try moving."

  Ryan shook his head. "Soren's family...are they--"

  "We're fine," Jacques said as he stepped into the room. "Whatever those bastards had planned for us failed at the last minute." He moved from the doorway, allowing a woman with Soren's eyes and a fragile, gracious beauty to come in after him. "Ryan Hightower, may I present my mother, Allisande de Beck. Mother, this is Ryan Hightower, the man who saved Soren's life. Twice."

  Allisande must not have needed an introduction. She was already across the room, peppering Ryan's face with kisses.

  "Oh, my dear boy." She brushed trembling fingers across Ryan's face. "Somehow ‘thank you’ doesn't seem like enough." She grabbed Ryan in a bracing hug, much stronger than her slight build betrayed.

  Ryan bit back a groan as her attentions jostled his injured leg. Just when he thought he couldn't take it another minute, Allisande was gently pulled away, and Ryan could breathe again.

  Soren was standing behind Allisande, his hands on her shoulders. "Careful with him, Mother." Soren's eyes glittered with emotion. "The damn fool nearly tore his leg off trying to protect me."

  Ryan would have objected had the worry and concern in Soren's voice not gotten through to him. Instead, he lay back against the pillows, conserving his energy to deal with the pain.

  Elliguard took over. "Speaking of Dr. Hightower's injuries, I need you all to leave while I finish the examination."

  Allisande and Jacques left, but Soren didn't budge. "I'll stay," he said. "Ryan and I have much to discuss as soon as I know he's all right."

  Elliguard looked as if he wanted to object, but Ryan stopped him. "I'd like Soren to stay with me, Doctor."

  Elliguard nodded. After instructing Soren to stand on Ryan's other side, the doctor removed a pair of scissors from the case at his feet and cut Ryan's jeans away.

  Thirty minutes of gentle but excruciating poking and prodding followed. Soren held tight to Ryan's hand, holding him steady as Elliguard manipulated the leg and tested the muscles.

  Ryan endured it as best he could, but it was torture. His body was bathed in a fine sheen of sweat and his throat was sore from choking back screams. Finally, when Ryan was certain he couldn't take another second, Elliguard pulled back.

  "It's worse than I feared," Elliguard said in the same flat tone Ryan had once used to tell patients' families their loved one was dying. "You've re-broken the bone and hyper-extended the knee join

  Ryan didn't have to ask what that meant. "Surgery."

  Soren looked to Elliguard. "Can you do it? I don't want him languishing in one of those human hospitals."

  Ryan almost smiled over the faint note of derision in Soren's voice. "I hate to break it to you, buddy, but I happen to be human."

  "Maybe, but I'm in agreement with Soren on this," Elliguard said. "Our people have more advanced ways of dealing with your type of injury." He paused. "If you're willing, that is."


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