Shifting Again

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Shifting Again Page 32

by Shifting Again (ant


  They rolled again, suddenly, his back clunking against the floor. Roman rumbled, biting at his shoulder, hips rolling against him.

  Damn it. He rolled up, trying to get a place to bite himself, to make Roman feel. They rocked back and forth, grunting and pushing each other to the limit, all snarls and teeth. Fuck, it was amazing. His cock was full, aching, leaking everywhere it slid against Roman's skin. Roman pulled him up with a hand on the small of his back. They rubbed and rubbed like a pair in heat, licking and biting until one or other of them was gonna just explode, he was sure.

  He wasn't sure which of them shot first, which of them bit deep and which of them scratched. He just tumbled, all heat and teeth and claws and good.

  They lay panting together, Roman licking his throat with long, rough strokes. "Better, Cub."

  "Not a cub." He hummed, throat working.

  "No. Not a cub. Mine, though." So sure, so solid.

  He rumbled, but his chin lifted, letting Roman have more.

  "Mmmhmm. God." At least Roman sounded like he couldn't quite believe it either, even if those touches never faltered, Roman's mouth working.

  "I..." Okay. For now. It felt so right. Asshole.

  Later they could work out who was gonna win this pissing contest. After. When he could think. For now he'd just feel.


  Well, the kid had stopped pacing a little. Had stopped vibrating and sniffing the air. They'd managed two days in a kind of peace. Roman was getting a little...prowly himself, though. Feeling the need to run.

  He just didn't know if he could, at least not doing it and having the kid go nuts again when he got back, ruining the work he'd done.

  "Hey, Cub," he finally said, walking up and squeezing the kid's ass as he looked in the fridge. "Wanna go out?"

  "Out? Where?" The kid was a housebody, working hard on the knives and tools that he traded.

  "Out for a run. Hell, we can take food. Come on, let's just go." No one would come while they were exploring.

  "Okay." He got a quick grin, the sudden look all cub and curiosity and need to go and play.

  "Cool. We should take some food just in case we suck at getting something, but we won't need water. I know where all the springs are." He'd bet anything Cage didn't. He probably stayed in until he had to get out.

  "I can hunt." The cub packed a few things, though, starting to bounce, to twitch, nose wiggling.

  "Good. Come on." He clapped the kid on the back, heading out, grinning huge as he stretched his arms and back.

  Cage followed, moving quick and heading straight for the trees, herding him a little.

  Oh no. No way. Roman immediately broke the other direction. The kid had to understand. He wasn't gonna be out-alphaed. That got him a growl, the cub following close behind.

  Grinning, Roman pushed the speed, really racing now, stretching out his legs. And cussing the limitations of human bodies. He was surprised as Cage kept up, short legs moving faster, covering the ground.

  Hell, the kid pushed him, prodding him, and if he'd been a deer or something he'd bet the damned cub would be snapping at his ankles. They hit the rocky slope that led up from his little valley then, and Roman scrambled, knowing every damned hole and stone.

  The cub could hunt, could follow him without even seeming to think, so fucking focused.

  Pure exhilaration. That what it felt like to have someone so good with him. His heart raced and he all but howled, changing direction abruptly, heading across the scree toward the first spring.

  Cage followed, sounds less and less human, more feral as they moved.

  Yeah. Come on, Cub, he thought. Show me what you can do. He leaped over a fallen tree, landing hard and jolting himself before picking up the pace. Cage landed on his heels, close enough to smell. Yes. Hell.

  He was actually torn for a minute between moving on and turning and throwing the cub down right there on the ground. God. Then the smell of fresh, clear water overtook him, and that was that. The spring, then.

  The cub stopped, sniffed, a pure, happy bark sounding. Roman barked right back, taking the last quarter of a mile at a dead run, seeing if Cage could keep up. His legs took the lead, but Cage stayed close, panting at his heels. Roman skidded to a stop where the spring bubbled out of the ground, creating its own little stream. He leaned his hands on his knees and panted, grinning like a fool. "Good one, Cub."

  He got a nod, a lopsided grin, Cage slumping to the ground with a thud.

  He chuckled. Okay, yeah, he still had it. All that pumping iron while was stuck in the city, he figured. That and running on a treadmill like a show dog. Jesus.

  Cage stripped his shirt off, letting Roman see those fine muscles shift and ripple. Fingers twitching, Roman went to the spring and pulled up a handful of water, slurping it down before moving aside to let Cage have at.

  Cage drank, the sun turning that skin to gold. Damn. Roman gave into his baser urges and pounced, his lips fastening on the kid's throat. He could get used to that bark, that deep, surprised sound that he got every time he got that throat. Licking it gave him all of that scent, all of that taste of sweat and musk and Cage. He bit down gently, giving some warning before biting hard. Hard.

  Cage went stiff and still, hard as stone underneath him. Caught between the urge to fight and the instinct to submit, the cub just fucking vibrated, pheromones pouring from them both.

  Deliberately Roman rolled to his back, letting Cage have the top for a moment, letting the kid relax.

  He could see his mark, dark and wet, visibly throbbing in his cub's throat. Cage leaned down into him some, lips parted. Roman guided him, letting the kid kiss him. No biting. That was his job. The kissing, though, that he loved. Seemed like the cub didn't mind it, tasting him nice and slow, focused on it, on him. Those lips were full, swollen from his nips and nibbles, just a little red. Such laser-like focus just seemed weird in someone Cage's age, but he liked being on the receiving end. End. Mmm. Cage had a fine ass, and Roman squeezed it with both hands, loving the resilience.

  A little rumble pushed into his lips, Cage's hips arching, tight little butt rolling in his hands.

  Roman let his fingers slide, his thumbs digging into the muscle as his middle fingers and pinkies teased the seam of Cage's jeans. Cage's motions slowed, the look in those eyes all tied up in a mix of worry and want and need. "Shh. Come on, Cub. Nothing you don't want, okay?"

  Poor confused kid. Wasn't his fault Roman knew exactly what he wanted.

  "Okay. Yeah." That was enough to ease Cage, to put that focus back on the kisses, one after another, slow and deep and wild as all fuck.

  Roman arched up, humping, happy as anything. Yeah. Damn. "That's it, Cub. Like that. Hot," he murmured between kisses, between touches.

  "Uh-huh. Good. Good." Oh, that hunger was something and all his, whether the cub knew it or not.

  Panting, all but growling continuously, Roman started working those jeans off, too, wanting the cub naked in the sunlight. That skin fascinated him, and he wished to hell he could remember what the kid looked like in the fur.

  Cage tugged his shirt up, mouth moving down to taste his skin, teeth threatening his nipples. Chuckling, Roman shifted, let the kid gnaw on him a little. That he didn't mind. If he moved down to the belly...well.

  "Taste good." Those bright eyes stared up at him, mouth sliding down his breastbone, slow and stubborn.

  "Uh-huh. I bet you do, too." The jeans gave with a rip at the seam, and Roman rolled them, pushing Cage down again and licking down toward the straining cock.

  "Those... those were my pants." Uh-huh. And that was a beautiful belly and a heavy, wet-tipped prick.

  "They were. You don't need them. It's not so cold today." Just crisp. Pretty, pretty fall weather that made the world seem bright, made the kid's skin glow.

  "I will." Cage moaned, stretched out long, offering that belly without even thinking.

  "We'll get you more..." Of course, keeping the cub naked
and needing sounded good. Roman licked down, nuzzling the shallow navel, nibbling the trail of hair. The scent was rich, male, and addictive, Cage curling up around him, moans sounding so much like growls. Cage's cock nudged his cheek, his neck, leaving hot, wet kisses.

  He could handle that. He surely could. Roman took a bite at one hipbone first, leaving a nice, lurid mark. Then he went to investigate the shape and feel and taste of Cage.

  Cage made a shocked little sound, eyes wide and almost glowing, watching him. "R-r-r-r-roman."

  Meeting those eyes for a moment, Roman opened up and sucked Cage in, lips sealing around that thick, pretty cock and sliding down. And down. Nice.

  "Uhn." Cage's hands opened and closed, the cub's hips bucking and rolling, pushing up toward his mouth.

  A low growl escaped him, vibrating along Cage's cock. The kid was on fire for him, hot drops sliding down his tongue as his mouth rode up and down. Cage spread like a practiced whore, thighs tight and sheened with sweat. Yeah. Yeah, just like that.

  He stroked Cage's ridged belly, rubbed his thumbs in circles along the sharp hipbones. The cub made him crazy, and Roman wanted to taste Cage's come, so he pulled harder. A lot harder. It didn't take any more than that, salt and heat just poured into his lips, cock throbbing on his tongue.

  Licking and sucking, Roman cleaned Cage right off. Happily. Cage murmured and rumbled, the cub gone boneless and melty.

  Roman moved up the cub's body, rubbing a little desperately, his jeans irritating his prick unmercifully. It took a little for Cage's fingers to work, to get his cock free and wrapped in those strong, smart fingers. Fuck. His back arched and his head fell back as he rode that touch. Yeah. Please. Yeah.

  Cage nuzzled in, kissing and licking his throat, the threat there just enough to drive him wild, to make him hump and snarl.

  His come spilled out of him like nothing going, hot and wet against his skin and Cage's hand. His howl echoed through the trees.

  "Pretty." Cage groaned and gentled his touch, fingers slick with seed. "Smell good."

  "We do, don't we?" They smelled right together. Even better out in the open than they did in the house.

  "Uh-huh." Cage blinked slowly, eyelashes tickling him.

  "We can't nap here, Babe." Roman grinned. It was too unprotected. But he knew a place not far. "Come on, let me up."

  "Hmm? 'kay." Those eyebrows went down a second, then the cub hopped up, offered him a hand.

  Taking it, he hoisted himself up and grabbed the clothes strewn all over before leading the way. There was a natural lean to of rock and trees where they could rest before running some more.

  "Uh-huh..." he tried to think. He really did. His hands moved, more like paws batting at the overgrowth, but hey, he tried. But he just couldn't think with anything but his cock.

  Cage's hands were on his ass, squeezing, caressing. Rubbing then disappearing, then coming back. The kid was just fascinated, and Roman would bet it was in spite of himself. He tossed the clothes into the little opening and beckoned. "Come on and curl up with me, Cub."

  "Not a cub." The pup puffed up, coming right to him.

  "Uh-huh. This is my bolt hole, Cub. Remember that if you ever need it, okay?"

  "Okay." Cage sniffed and looked, learning it and Ramon knew--knew--Cage would remember.

  "Just in case." He couldn't imagine anyone coming after Cage, but then he hadn't been able to imagine needing to leave his home for as long as he had, either.

  Those hands were on him again, quick, random little touches that were more about exploring than arousing. So curious, his cub. They got settled, the clothes helping soften the hard ground. Roman grabbed Cage and pulled him close, nuzzling his throat. It was easier this time, faster for the cub to accept him, relax and let him have what he was going to take anyway.

  Praising with a happy growl, Roman licked at the spot just under Cage's ear, the scent good there, strong. What was it about this kid?

  Cage rumbled, the sound deep and heated, hands petting him in long, slow strokes. His eyes slid closed as he stroked back, his fingers lingering at the small of Cage's back. That got a little growl, Cage's hips shifting just a little. Mmm. Right there.

  "So, what happened to Johnny, Cage?" He asked it casually, voice low and even, hoping for a knee-jerk answer.

  "He was gone when I woke up. I was hurt bad."

  "You said you two fought?" It was just...if Johnny could go when the kid was unconscious, why couldn't he have killed the cub? Not that Roman wanted Cage dead. Not at all.

  "I guess so. We must have." His hand was brought over to the heavy scars on his cub's belly. "It's all fuzzy. I remember I took his eye."

  Roman stroked them, thinking on it until he figured thinking was overrated. Exploring was better. Cage hummed as his hand slid to one lean hip, then petted the lightly furred thighs. He wanted to hunt with Cage, howl and follow the moon. Soon. They would soon. It would seem like an age, but the moon would come their way again. The kid had fought so well, he would have to hunt even better. Cage's body flowed under his fingers, shifting with each press and rub.

  Their noises joined together, rumbles and growls and soft pre-verbalizations that settled inside him and sort of echoed. They learned each other, slow but sure, every movement careful and slow, both of them touching and licking.

  Cage nuzzled, tasting his fingers, his lips, his jaw, the touches gentle enough to not raise his hackles. He shifted a little, rubbing along Cage, letting their bodies fall naturally into line together. They fit well, hand-in-glove, and Cage's stretch proved he wasn't the only one to think so.

  A deep bass rumble escaped him, sliding along Cage's skin. God, it felt good. He'd been lone wolf too long. Cage arched, the look on that lean face pure pleasure. Maybe he wasn't the only one. "Mmmm. Cub. I swear. I'd much rather have you than Johnny."

  "Not a cub." His throat got nipped, just the tiniest bit.

  "Oh, now. None of that." He grinned, pinching that fine ass. Just fine. It felt good enough that he did it twice.

  Cage squeaked, twisting against him. "Watch it."

  "I can't watch it and lay like this at the same time, Cage. Figure out what you want." Stifling a laugh, he rubbed where he'd pinched.

  Oh, that growl was almost cute--frustrated and rough, all fuss and bluster.

  It was his turn to nip. Then lick the bite. Cage's chin started to lift, to expose that throat, then it dropped quickly. Oh, sweet cub. Roman licked all along one collarbone, then up, sorta tilting Cage's head up with his nose. Then he licked back down the kid's throat. Roman could go for months on the mixture of arousal and need and reluctance in those raw little cries. His teeth never sank in, but they threatened, letting Cage feel what he wanted. Man, he wanted it so bad, that hint of submission. Not all of it, though. Cage was way more intriguing when he fought a little.

  Cage's hands curled around his shoulders, holding on, digging in. Man, he had to hump just a little. Okay, a lot.

  "Horny bastard." The words would be more impressive if they weren't all growl.

  "You bring it out in me, Cub. I swear you do." His cock tried valiantly to rise, twitching madly.

  "It's the scent. It drives me crazy."

  "You know it. It makes me hard, Cub. Makes me want to fuck you." The bomb just dropped, and Roman waited, wondering what Cage would make of that. Cage's eyes went wide, stared over at him in pure shock. To soothe the cub, he nuzzled and kissed all along the side of Cage's neck before taking a deep kiss right on the mouth. "I told you," he said when he pulled back. "Nothing you don't want. But I'd like to."

  The tension eased, eyes searching his for a long minute, then Cage licked his chin. Cage nodded, giving him that little bit of trust, relaxing against him and starting to move against him, slow and easy.

  "Oh, good, Cage." He figured pup would have the kid tensing up again. "We don't have to do that now, but I sure as fuck hope we will someday."

  Cage looked at him and he could fucking see all the confusion and
conflict and desire in those eyes. Christ, hadn't the pup ever had a pack? He'd bet not. He'd bet the kid had been lone wolf since his momma kicked him out of the den. Roman would show him, though, show him how good it was to have another.

  Rumbling low, Cage explored him, petting his skin. The heavy eyelids closed, Cage focusing on touching him, feeling.

  That was it. That was the look he should always see. Lost in pleasure was a fantastic one for Cage. Roman kissed his upper arm, his shoulder and throat, tongue sliding out to taste.

  "Mmm..." Cage's fingers stilled for a bit, then started moving again. Oh, yeah. Someone liked that.


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