The Viscount's Vendetta (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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The Viscount's Vendetta (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 19

by Paige Cameron

  She talked quietly to Sara and Rook and the marquis and Joan, as she nibbled on the red mullet with cardinal sauce. She enjoyed watching the conversation flow between her visitors.

  Charles had flashed a look of anger at her after seeing his seating assignment. Caroline had chuckled, adding fire to his dislike of her. She was glad to note he had not gotten a word into the conversation all evening thanks to Mrs. Smitten.

  Damon got up after the dessert courses of chocolate cream, pineapple cream, and two ices had been served and finished. He invited the men to join him for a smoke and port in the game room. Caroline led the ladies into the smaller sitting room.

  “Lady Joan, would you play the pianoforte for us. Lady Joan plays exceptionally well,” Caroline said to the group.

  “Miss Annie Upton has a lovely voice,” Mrs. Smitten interjected. “Perhaps she could accompany you, Lady Joan.

  Joan nodded, but flashed a quick warning glance to Caroline. Caroline knew Joan would take her to task in the morning. First for seating her beside the Marquis, and then for placing her in front of the group and having her play. Joan was not pleased.

  The men soon joined the ladies and all sat back to enjoy the music. Annie Upton had a surprisingly light, clear voice, and Joan as usual excelled in her playing of the pianoforte. The applause was long and sincere at the end. Shortly afterward the group began to disband, with the neighbors going home, and the house guests retiring for the night.

  Caroline wished she could visit with her friends, but knew they were tired as she and it was best to wait until tomorrow.

  She sent Agnes to bed after she had helped her into her nightgown. Caroline was sitting at her dressing table when Damon entered.

  “That was quite an impressive dinner, my dear. I marvel at your ingenuity in the seating of our guests.”

  Caroline glanced in the mirror at his reflection and thought for a second she caught a brief smile on his face. He was dressed in a ruby-colored robe, his dark hair tousled, and his beard beginning to show a slight darkness on his jaw. As always, he was handsome, but more than that he was exciting in his own stern way. She watched mesmerized as he picked up her brush and pulled it gently through her curls.

  “Your profile was the first thing I noticed about you. Then you turned those gray eyes toward me, and I knew I had to have you.” Damon’s words were soft and caressing.

  He put down the hair brush and placed his hands on her shoulders. His hands slid down and covered her breasts. The touch and heat of his hands brought a soft sigh from her. His lips trailed down her neck, and then he helped her stand and turned her to face him. He took hold of her waist and pulled her against his hard frame.

  His lips covered hers and her arms went around his neck, pulling him closer against her near-naked body. His heat and the firmness of his body pressing against hers brought shivers of anticipation to Caroline. Leaning around her, he blew out the candles, lifted her, and carried her to the bed.

  Chapter Thirteen

  When Caroline awoke, the only sign that Damon had been beside her was the indentation on the other pillow. The sun shone bright, promising good weather for the early morning hunt planned for the men. She blushed thinking about last night.

  Damon had not spoken after he took her to bed, at least not with words. His mouth and hands filled her with exquisite joy and she tried to touch the inner man Damon kept so guarded.

  She swung her legs out of bed, forcing her thoughts away from the previous evening. If she hurried, she could talk with Sara and Joan before they went down for breakfast. Most of her women guests would lay abed until much later.

  Sara and Joan were up and dressed when Caroline knocked. “I am glad to see I caught you. I prefer to talk with you in this room,” Caroline said.

  “You sound very mysterious, Caroline,” Sara commented with a puzzled look on her face.

  “I was so relieved when Damon said you two were coming. I desperately need someone I can trust to share my thoughts with, and I trust you two above all,” Caroline spoke bluntly.

  Joan frowned. “I thought I could trust you, Caroline, but after last night I don’t know.”

  “Joan, you don’t mean that,” Sara protested. “She is just out of sorts because she finds herself attracted to the marquis and doesn’t want to admit it.”

  “I do not, Sara. You and Caroline are hopeless romantics, and you can’t accept that I have a more realistic view of the world.”

  “Then you and the marquis should suit quite well,” Caroline commented dryly. “The marquis seems very serious and has been a recluse since his wife died. He is not at all the rakish type and would absolutely not need to marry for a woman’s income.”

  “That doesn’t mean he wouldn’t expect complete obedience and control his wife at every turn. Thank you, but no. I have seen the type before. I really have no need for a man in my life.” Joan’s frown warned her friends to not meddle.

  “Then I am truly sorry, and I will not try to push you and the marquis together again. He seems a sad man to me, and I thought you might bring some joy to his life.”

  “The last thing I need is a moody man. Now tell us what has you so concerned,” Joan added.

  They sat by the window and Caroline told them of Charles, her visit to the ancestral home, and finding the diary. All three sat quiet as she finished her tale.

  “He sounds a most disagreeable and dangerous man,” Sara said. “Am I correct in thinking you believe he killed Damon’s father?”

  Caroline was startled to hear her most secret thoughts voiced by Sara. “Yes, you see as I do that everything is pointing in that direction.”

  “And you believe he was the one who shot at you?” Joan asked.

  Caroline nodded. “But I don’t have enough proof to convince Damon. He becomes angry if I say anything negative about Charles. He feels I have taken an unreasonable dislike to the man.”

  “Well, I can see how he would feel that way,” Joan commented. “You did say you disliked and distrusted the man right from the start.”

  “I can’t explain it, Joan. It was an instantaneous feeling. I couldn’t shake it,” Caroline tried to explain.

  “How can we help?” Sara asked.

  “I don’t know. I need more information, but I’m not sure where to find it.”

  “Where does he live? Maybe we could sneak in his house and find something,” Sara suggested.

  “Sara, are you addled?” Joan frowned at her friend. “If Caroline is correct in her assumptions, you could be in danger.”

  “Joan’s right, I don’t want you to do anything illegal or remotely dangerous,” Caroline said. “Charles lives in the smaller manor house about two miles from here. If he caught you snooping, I don’t know what he would do.”

  “I wouldn’t go alone. Rook could go with me. You said there will be a ball two nights from now. Rook and I could appear romantically involved and go out in the garden. No one will miss us. We’d ride over and be back in no time.”

  “Now I know you have lost your mind, Sara. Just because Rook has started to show some interest in you doesn’t mean he would be willing to break into a man’s home. And I for one have no intention of being involved in this crazy scheme.” Joan frowned at her friend and walked over to the fireplace.

  “Joan’s right, Sara. You mustn’t even consider such a plan, and I don’t know if we could trust Rook to help us and not speak to Damon. Forget it, we’ll figure out some other way of getting information on Charles.” Caroline stood and leaned over, kissing Sara on the cheek. “I love you for wanting to help though.”

  After hugging Joan’s stiff figure, Caroline left the room. Joan had not forgiven her for last night.

  Caroline found the breakfast room empty as she had expected. The ladies were still abed. She went to the sideboard and helped herself to ham, eggs, muffin, and coffee. She was hungry this morning since she had eaten sparingly during the dinner last night.

  “Good morning, Lady Caroline.” The
smooth, silky voice was immediately recognizable.

  Caroline set her coffee cup down and watched as Lady Ferrier moved into the room. Today, she had dressed in a light-green and white dress with small cap sleeves. Her red hair was worn up with a white ribbon threaded between the braids.

  “I do not remember giving you permission to call me Caroline. I would appreciate you calling me by my proper name, ‘Lady Royston.’”

  Marguerite laughed. “Why stand on formality when we share someone so close to both of us?”

  “We share nothing in common, Marguerite, nothing.” Caroline ignored her guest and began to eat.

  Sara and Joan entered soon after Marguerite. Their appearance relieved the tension, and Caroline motioned for them to join her. “I thought we would have lunch out in the garden and walk around the lake. There is a lovely footpath going completely around and a gazebo and dovecote to explore,” Caroline said.

  “It sounds very pleasant. The weather is warm and the fresh air will be invigorating,” Joan commented. “I would like to write some letters this morning, so I will excuse myself after breakfast and join you in time for the outing.”

  “Do not count on me,” Marguerite added. “I have no interest in walking a footpath in the sun. My complexion is very delicate and freckles too easily.”

  “What a shame. I fear I have no other plans for the day.” Caroline smiled at her.

  Marguerite leaned over and patted her hand. “Do not fret, my dear Lady Royston. The gentlemen should return by early afternoon or before. I am sure they will keep me entertained.”

  Caroline pulled her hand back and frowned at Marguerite. “My husband is planning to entertain his friends in his game room. Women are not welcome to join them in their male pursuits of billiards, drinking, and smoking.”

  “Ah, my dear, have you not yet realized how much freedom a married lady has over a young innocent such as your friends?” Marguerite smiled and nodded to Sara and Joan, who were watching the exchange with curiosity.

  “A lady still behaves as a lady after her marriage, Marguerite. Only a married woman who has no care for her or her husband’s reputation would behave otherwise.”

  Marguerite’s face turned bright red at Caroline’s words. She turned with a flounce and walked to the door. “Being a lady can be cool comfort late at night.” She threw the words at Caroline as she left.

  “She is a venomous bitch!”

  Caroline and Sara turned to stare at Joan.

  “I don’t like her, but I agree with Marguerite, there are times when being a lady is unrewarding and too limiting.” Joan stared back at her friends daring them to rebuke her.

  Sara and Caroline burst out with laughter. They bent over with their laughter and wiped tears from their eyes.

  Finally gasping for breath, Caroline wiped her eyes a final time and went to hug Joan. Joan stood, staring at her two friends as though they had lost their minds.

  “You are a wonderful crusader for anyone you hold dear, Joan. I’m so proud to have you for my friend.” Caroline brushed a kiss on the side of Joan’s face.

  Joan flustered, straightened her skirt, and moved away. “I think I will go up and complete my correspondence. I’ll see you two at lunch.”

  Sara and Caroline watched her hurry out and heard her going up the stairs. “Too much emotion has always flustered her,” Sara said. “Why do you suppose she holds her feelings in so tightly?”

  Caroline put her arm through Sara’s as they left the breakfast room. “I don’t know, but something is causing her emotions to begin to break out. We will need to be there to support her when the inevitable explosion occurs.”

  “Let’s sit outside,” Sara said. “We need to talk about how to address your problem.”

  “Promise me you won’t do anything foolish, Sara. I’d never forgive myself if you were hurt trying to help me.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.”

  Caroline looked skeptically at her friend and hoped she had not created a larger problem by sharing her suspicions with Sara.

  * * * *

  Damon, Edward, Rook, and Rand came into the entranceway laughing. Everyone had been successful in the hunt, except Rook.

  “It shows you are spending too much time in London with the ladies and not enough at your estate. Why, you have one of the best estates for hunting,” Edward said.

  “I would much prefer to hunt the ladies, my friends, but I must admit this morning has been enjoyable.”

  Damon glanced into the sitting room. “I don’t see any ladies around. What say we have a drink and smoke, then clean up and find our wives?”

  “Sounds good to me,” Edward agreed. “I hope Katherine has not overdone.”

  * * * *

  In the garden, Caroline led the group of women along the path by the lake. Birds were chirping in the trees and a faint breeze blew across the lake, where two white swans floated along majestically.

  They were almost to the gazebo when Katherine stopped.

  “Listen, do you hear that noise, like a whimpering sound?”

  Caroline, Sara, and Joan halted. They stood listening.

  “I hear it,” Sara said excitedly. “It’s coming from over here.” She pointed to a clump of brushes.

  Caroline stepped carefully around the brushes and halted, then knelt down.

  “It’s a small dog,” she said.

  “Be careful, he looks hurt and may bite,” Joan cautioned.

  Caroline spoke softly and soothingly to the black pup. She put her hand out slowly. The pup whimpered and pulled back. Caroline came closer and touched his head.

  “Good boy, it’s all right. I’m not going to hurt you.” Her words seemed to quiet the animal.

  Reaching down, she picked him up. His fur was matted, and he had marks on his back. He was thin. Apparently no one had fed him for some time.

  “Who would treat an animal in such a horrid way?” Sara asked. “He looks like someone beat him, and then put him out to starve.”

  “We must take him home and feed him and get him clean.” Caroline smiled at her friends. “I hope you will forgive me if I don’t continue our walk. I’ll take him back. You can all continue, just follow the path. You can’t get lost.”

  “I’ll come back with you, Caroline. I have walked enough.” Katherine turned to go back with Caroline and her newfound pup.

  Caroline held the puppy close and rubbed its head. All along the return walk, she cooed softly to it.

  “What shall I name you,” she mused out loud.

  “It is so much fun to name a pet,” Katherine added. “I remember I took two weeks and went through a dozen names before naming my first dog.”

  “What was the name you decided on?”

  “Biscuit, because every time Cook fixed biscuits he got into them and into trouble with our cook.”

  * * * *

  Damon and Edward heard the laughter before they saw their wives coming around the bend. Katherine and Caroline were laughing gaily and Caroline held something black in her arms. Coming closer, Damon saw the small mutt she was holding.

  “What have you there?” Damon asked, coming up to Caroline.

  “A small puppy almost dead from starvation, and someone has hit his back several times. I’m taking him to Peter. He’ll know how to help him.” Caroline held the pup out where Damon could see him better.

  Damon reached out a hand and the puppy put up his head and growled. “Well he still has some fight in him. It’s a wonder you weren’t bit when you picked him up.”

  “Oh no, I’ve always been able to handle animals. I approached him very carefully,” Caroline explained.

  Again the small dog growled when Damon came closer. Damon chuckled and stepped back.

  “I think he is going to be your protector. You will have to name him. He has already decided he is yours.”

  Edward had walked up and had an arm around his wife’s waist. “I agree, Damon. He looks like he is a mixture of Labrador and wolfho
und. He should make a good guard dog for your lady.”

  “Then I shall name him Gallant,” Caroline said, looking down at the pup. “You shall be my gallant protector.”

  Damon observed his wife. Curls of her hair had blown loose and framed her face. Her white gown had smudges of dirt on the front from holding the pup. Glancing up at him, her gray eyes glowed with a warm light. He realized he had never seen her look more beautiful.

  “Lord Royston, I’m so glad you are back. It has been positively boring without you handsome men.” Lady Ferrier smiled at both Damon and Edward. “My goodness, what are you holding, Lady Royston?”

  The small pup raised his head at her shrill tone and growled again. Caroline and Katherine smiled at each other.

  “Oh my goodness, you are holding a wild, mangy dog. Why, he may bite you at any moment.” Lady Ferrier shuddered. “I would never touch such an animal.” She stepped closer to Damon. “Please won’t you walk with me around the lake? After seeing that beast I would be afraid to continue on my own.”

  Damon glanced over at his wife and caught her biting her lower lip. Her smooth brow was wrinkled. But Lady Ferrier was his guest.

  Holding out his arm to Lady Ferrier, he nodded to Caroline and the others. “I must help entertain our guest. I’ll see you three back at the house.”

  Caroline muttered under her breath and turned to walk toward the barn. “I’m sure Katherine would like to rest. I’ll take Gallant to old Peter and join you two later.”

  Damon watched as Katherine and Edward headed to the house arm in arm and Caroline hugged Gallant tight to her chest and walked toward the stables. He wished he’d said no to Marguerite.

  * * * *

  Caroline spoke very little to Damon for the rest of the day. She mingled with all the guests and was either busy being the hostess or going behind scenes with Mrs. Parker to handle crises as they occurred.


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