Clean Start

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Clean Start Page 10

by S. M. Shade

  I guess we’re spending two weeks at the hotel.

  # # #

  If Neal presses his lips together any harder, they’re going to disappear. I’m not sure exactly what’s causing this reaction, but I don’t have time to argue with him.

  “This is crazy. You’ll be alone in a hotel for two weeks? What if someone tries to break in? Especially if it’s under construction! People rob construction sites all the time!”

  Aiden and Bailey’s giggles filter in through the window as they throw a frisbee just outside, and I take a quick peek to make sure Aiden didn’t overhear. “Would you keep it down? I don’t want Aiden to be afraid to stay there, and there’s an alarm that I’ll set every night. And a police precinct three blocks away so it wouldn’t take long if we needed help.”

  What I won’t admit is that it does make me a bit nervous. Working this job has taught me that people are crazy. I’m likely going to have to deal with irate customers insisting on a room no matter what shape the hotel is in. And he’s not wrong about construction sites being a common target for burglars.

  I shove Aiden’s swim shorts into his suitcase and zip it closed, moving to finish packing mine.

  “You’ll still be alone.”

  “Aiden will be with me.”

  My grin is met with a glare before he crosses his arms and announces, “I’m staying with you.”


  “Excuse me?”

  “It’s an empty hotel. I’m sure you can find a room for Bailey and me. We’ll stay with you.”

  “I—” I bite my lip to restrain myself from arguing. The truth is I’d love to have them there. Our suite has an adjoining room with two beds and I’m sure we could sneak in some happy naked times while the kids are asleep. “I’ll have to ask the owner.”

  “If he doesn’t like it, he can talk to me.”

  Sighing, I turn around away to shove my clothes into my suitcase. “Lose the caveman act, Neal. I’m not in the mood to deal with any alpha male bullshit.” I’ve already had to deal with Aiden’s tantrum over not wanting to go. I understand why he doesn’t want to stay there, but we need the money. There’s no help for it.

  Strong arms wrap around my waist and his body presses against my back. Resting his chin on my shoulder, he murmurs in my ear. “I’ll show you my caveman side when I drag you off to one of the other rooms once the kids are asleep.”

  My body goes limp and I tilt my head, giving him more access as he plants kisses up my neck. “Are you trying to bribe me with sex?”

  I can feel his smile against my skin. “Is it working?”

  “I don’t know. I might need to hear more.”

  His hands travel up to massage my breasts, his lips continuing their path up my neck. God, this man knows how to make me melt in seconds. I don’t know whether to be impressed or terrified at the way he makes my body respond to him.

  “More, huh? Like how I’m going to lick you until you can’t take anymore? Is that what you want to hear? Or how I’m going to lay you on your stomach, your ass in the air, and take you from behind.”

  Fuck me I never had a chance.

  The sound of the front door opening makes him step back, and I try to continue packing like I’m not a pile of hormones that just wants to ride him like a bumper car, so he can slam into me over and over.

  “Let me make a call.”

  Mike is fine with them staying as well. In fact, he sounds happy with the idea so maybe he wasn’t completely comfortable having us there alone either. “As long as the place is in good shape when I return, I don’t care what friends you have with you,” he tells me. “Just don’t let anyone drown in the pool or get hurt.”

  “Thanks, Mike. We’ll be there by noon.” Hanging up the phone, I turn and smile at Neal, all the dirty possibilities running through my head. “Go get packed.”

  # # #

  The suite we’re staying in is the nicest in the hotel and was unaffected by the sprinklers. It includes two bedrooms, a sitting area with a sofa and TV, a tiny kitchen with a microwave, toaster oven, refrigerator, and sink, and a large bathroom with a sunken tub big enough for four people.

  A door which can be locked on both sides separates the suite from an adjoining room that was also spared from the damage. It has two beds, a small sofa, TV, and attached bathroom. As Neal places his bag on the bed, Bailey announces, “This is mine and Aiden’s room!”

  “Yes!” Aiden darts inside and dives on the bed closest to the wall. “I want this bed!”

  Neal looks at me, his eyebrows climbing his forehead. We planned for him and Bailey to stay in this room and he could sneak into the suite at night.

  Shrugging, I put Aiden’s suitcase on the bed and start moving his clothes to the drawers. “The suite has two bedrooms. I suppose I could put up with you snoring in the other room.”

  Neal flashes me a wicked smile before he goes to inspect the door which leads out to the parking lot. “Okay, but I want this door to stay locked all the time. Just like this. You understand?” He directs his words toward Bailey, and she nods. “Aiden, do you promise not to unlock this door? Only go in and out through your Mom’s room?”

  “I promise!”

  The outer door has a lock on the knob, a deadbolt, and a swing bar guard at the top instead of a chain. There’s no danger of anyone getting in, and we’ll be on the other side of the wall, so I guess it would be okay for the kids to stay in this adjoining room.

  “Can we go swimming?” Aiden asks, bouncing up and down.

  “Let me get a few things unpacked, Ade. And that’s another thing.” I kneel down in front of him, so I can be sure he’s looking at me and listening. “You don’t go near the pool without either me or Neal with you. Not even one step inside the fence. Do you understand?”


  “I mean it. If you’re inside the fence without us, you won’t be swimming again while we’re here.”

  “I won’t! I promise!”

  Neal cautions Bailey as well. “I know you’re a good swimmer, but you never know what could happen.”

  Once we’re convinced both kids know the rules, we spend the next few minutes unpacking and getting settled in. Both kids are dying to get in the pool, so we head outside. We really do have it made while we’re here. No bills to pay, no other people to bother us, and an entire swimming pool to ourselves. I’m sure the kids will get bored faster than we will, but for now, they’re thrilled.

  I drag four chairs together by the shallow end of the pool and toss a towel on each one. “Aiden!” I call as he starts to dart away. “Sunscreen!”

  Aiden and then Bailey stand still while I spray them down, then they jump into the water. I dig into my bag to find the book I’ve been reading and spread out on my stomach to soak in the sun and read.

  I peek up after a few minutes to see Neal looking at me. “What are you looking at?”

  “You’re lying on your stomach in a bikini. What do you think I’m looking at?” His tongue darts out to wet his lips, and I don’t know if it was an unconscious action or deliberate, but it doesn’t matter because its effect on me is the same.

  Glancing toward the pool, I make sure the kids are out of earshot. They’re playing Marco Polo, so they can’t hear. “You know what I’ve been thinking about all day?”

  “Me?” he teases.

  “Well, sort of. I’ve been thinking about how you grit your teeth and hiss when I blow you. I’d really like to do that tonight.”

  His mouth falls open and he takes a deep breath. “Fuck, V, you can’t tell me that in the middle of the afternoon. I’m going to be hard until tonight.”

  I can’t help myself. I’ve never had a guy that seems to get worked up over me the way Neal does. Rolling over, I tuck my hands behind my head, making my breasts push against the thin material of my bikini. My nipples could key a car right now and it doesn’t escape his attention. I grab my spray bottle and mist my neck and chest. “Ah, that’s better. So, is that a no, then?”

  His lip quirks up and he sits upright. “Keep teasing me, woman, and see what happens.” He grabs a tube of sunblock and scoots his chair closer to mine. “You look a little red. Let me help you.”

  He’s positioned where the kids can’t see exactly what he’s doing, since his back is toward them, plus they’re caught up in their own fun.

  The cold lotion makes me gasp when his hands land on my ankle, but it warms quickly. His hands feel amazing as they rub and massage much longer than necessary to spread the lotion, working their way slowly up my leg. His fingers barely brush over my crotch, just enough to drive me crazy, before he moves back and starts at the other ankle, giving my other leg the same treatment.

  I shouldn’t have started this. He’s way better at tormenting me. And dark has never seemed so far away.

  “You okay?” he asks, and I want to kiss his taunting smile.

  “I’m good.” Sure, just ignore the fact my voice is way too high.

  “Turn over, let me get your back.”

  A glance at the pool shows me the kids are playing with innertubes, taking turns jumping into them. As soon as I roll over, he smacks my ass. “Neal! The kids!”

  “Are completely ignoring us.” He sits on the edge of my chair, and I let out a groan when his hands start kneading my shoulders. Slowly, he works his way down to my lower back leaving me in a puddle on the chair. Leaning over, he murmurs in my ear. “You can suck me all you want tonight, but you’re still going to end up with your ass in the air, trying not to scream while I fuck you.”


  I’m dead.

  He wins.

  “No fair. I’m no good at dirty talk.”

  He chuckles and squeezes my ass before retreating back to his chair. “But you like it.”

  “From you, yeah.”

  His eyes squint at the edges as he smiles at me. “You can talk dirty. Anyone can.”

  “Nope, I’m terrible at it.”

  “We’ll see.”

  The kids run up, and Aiden flops down beside me, dripping cold water down my back. “I’m hungry.”

  “Me too,” Bailey adds. “Can we order a pizza for dinner?”

  Neal glances at me and shrugs. “Sounds good to me.”

  My phone rings, and I get a strange look from Neal and Bailey when they hear my ringtone. What can I say? The wicked witch music from The Wizard of Oz is perfect for my mother’s tone.

  Neal snorts out a laugh when I say, “Shit. It’s my mother. I need to take this.”

  “Come on,” he tells the kids. “You guys can get showered while I order some food.”

  I mouth a thank you before accepting the call I know is going to make me do something I don’t want to do.

  Chapter Ten


  While the kids are hogging the bathrooms, taking their showers, I watch Veronica through the window. She paces back and forth around the pool while she talks, her face reflecting her annoyance. Finally, she hangs up, sits down on the chair, and flops back, rubbing her forehead. I hope she didn’t get bad news.

  By the time I’ve ordered our dinner and made sure Aiden is dressed, I hear her come back into the suite. Aiden curls up on the bed to watch cartoons, and Bailey stretches out on the other bed to read, so I head over to the suite to wait for the pizza.

  “Hey,” she says, a smile pushing across her face. “Do you want the next shower?”

  “Nah, go ahead. I don’t have sunblock to shower off. When you have the golden skin of a god, you don’t need it.”

  She snorts and shakes her head, grabbing a change of clothes.

  “Is everything okay?”

  I don’t want to push her if she doesn’t want to talk, but she’s also not the type to just volunteer information, especially if it’s negative.

  “Yeah, just my mom and her bullshit. I’ll tell you about it later, okay?”

  She heads into the bathroom, and I hear the shower start up. The urge to join her is only slightly less than the fear of one of the kids wandering over, plus I have to wait for our food. It’s killing me that she’s all naked and soapy on the other side of the wall.

  With a sigh, I sit at the table by the window and prop my feet up on the opposite chair. I wonder what her mother said that riled her up. She doesn’t really talk about her parents. I mean, I know she never knew her father, that he bailed before she was born, but her mother lives nearby. It’s a little odd in all the time we’ve spent together that I’ve never seen her. She’s never come by, not even to pick up her grandkid. There must be some kind of family drama.

  “Neal! Grab me a towel from the drawer. The kids took them all,” Veronica calls out.

  “Come on out and get one. The kids are in the other room,” I tease.

  “Don’t be an ass!”

  “Okay. Hang on.”

  I get to my feet just as there’s a knock at the door. Assuming it’s the pizza guy, I call out while I’m opening the drawers, trying to find a towel, “Come on in!”

  The door opens, spilling the late afternoon light across the floor. “The money is on the table,” I tell him, absently. It takes a second before I realize the room is dead silent, but it doesn’t stay that way. A squeal echoes through the room, and I look up to see Veronica streak back toward the bathroom, her naked ass glistening and jiggling, while a young guy stands frozen in the doorway, his eyebrows touching his hairline.

  “Uh—yeah, sorry,” he mumbles. “I thought I heard you tell me to come in.” He snatches the money off of the table and puts the boxes in its place.

  “I did,” I reply, trying not to laugh as a string of curses spills from the bathroom. Most include shoving something into one of my orifices not designed for such use. The kid can’t be more than seventeen and his face is growing redder by the second. “I’m sorry. Keep the change.”

  As soon as the door shuts behind him, I step into the bathroom and hold out a towel. Veronica sits on the edge of the tub, glaring at me. “You told me the kids weren’t there and to come on in!”

  “No, I told the pizza guy to come in and you to hang on a second.” A laugh jumps from my throat. “It was a misunderstanding.”

  “Stop laughing at me!” She throws a wet washcloth at me and it slaps against my chest before hitting the floor. “I probably scarred the kid for life.”

  “I’m not laughing.” My guts are about to burst from holding it in, though. “And you made his day.” My eyes are pulled down to the bare patch between her legs. “When did you start shaving?”

  “I’m going to shave your balls in your sleep if you don’t wipe that smile off your face. Get out of here before the kids see us.”

  The twitch of her lips assures me she’s not really mad, but I can’t wait to tease her about this later.

  The kids eat at the table in their room where they can watch cartoons, which gives Veronica and I a little time alone. I’m trying to find a way to ask her about the call from her mother in a way that won’t sound nosy when she asks, “Do you think you could keep Aiden for a few hours tomorrow? I need to help my mom with something. Max will be here overseeing the work crew until around six, and I’ll be back before then, so you wouldn’t need to do anything other than entertain the kids.”

  “I don’t mind watching Aiden. What’s going on with your mom?”

  “Nothing out of the ordinary,” she grumbles, taking a bite of her bread stick.

  “You never talk about her. She lives locally, right?”

  “Out in the county, about thirty minutes from here. We aren’t close or anything, but I’m her first call if something goes wrong.” She pauses long enough for me to think that’s all the information she’s willing to share, but then continues. “The board of health is threatening her with fines if she doesn’t clean up the property a little and cut the grass. It hasn’t been cut at all this year so it’s probably waist high in some areas. I just need to go out and cut the area around her house and down to the road. They’ll leave her alone.”
  “Does she live alone?”

  “Her ex lives in another trailer on the property and he was keeping up with it, at least enough to keep the board of health off her back, but he broke his leg and can’t do it right now.”

  I have a ton of questions, but I’ll save them because her clipped tone tells me she isn’t thrilled about this conversation. “I’ll go with you. You can hang out with your mom and the kids while I cut the grass.”

  “No.” The word flies from her mouth whip fast. A second later she says, “Sorry, I don’t mean to snap at you, but you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. It’s going to be a damn jungle.”

  “I’ll borrow George’s field and brush mower. It goes through anything.”

  Sighing, she sits back and wipes her mouth with a paper napkin. “It’s not just grass. I don’t take anyone out there, Neal. It’s disgusting. Her and her ex are both hoarders. Her house is stuffed full and trust me, you wouldn’t want Bailey in there. It isn’t safe.”

  Her face flushes, and I reach across to grab her hand. “V, you don’t have to be embarrassed. I swear I won’t judge. We can’t control what our parents do.”

  She’s quiet for a moment, and I give her time to think. “The field and brush mower would probably make the job quick. There’s a nice little creek on the property. I could take them there to play, I suppose.”


  Her gaze meets mine. “It wasn’t that bad when I lived at home. I mean, it was bad, and I couldn’t wait to get out, but not like it is now. I’m not…dirty like that.”

  I get up and pull her to her feet and into a hug she really looks like she needs. Veronica is always so happy, peppy, and quick witted. She doesn’t display this vulnerable side very often and I want her to know she can. “I would never think that. Your place is always spotless. If anything, you’re a bit of a clean freak.”

  And now I understand why.

  “It’ll be fine. Let me help. This is what we do, remember? We help each other. I cut your mom’s grass, you have the sex talk with my daughter, quid pro quo.” Yeah, I threw that in there. I’ve been trying to find a way to bring it up.


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