The Travelers- Samuel

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The Travelers- Samuel Page 6

by Gerald Lopez

  “I’ve no reason to doubt anything you say, Cesare. We had to kill Anna and her friends.”

  “I didn’t know that,” Cesare said. “Veronique told me about the attack but no specifics such as who the attackers were. What did you think of Anna and the others when they first appeared on your property?”

  “They were the enemy, if I had stopped to think I’d be dead.”

  “Spoken like a true soldier. I’ve always liked the way you involved yourself in every major war. You’ve always been willing to fight for your freedoms and beliefs.”

  “I believe in my country and will always answer the call to arms when it’s made. You were there to help me turn the Australian during the Great War. How did you know I needed you? In Vietnam with the Thomas boy, my godson, you showed up to help.”

  “When I turned you we became connected through the blood exchanged between us. At times in your life when you’ve had a great all consuming need, I’ve felt your ‘need’ and come to your aid.”

  “That’s poetic. Would I feel it if you needed me?”

  “Yes. And you’d be drawn to seek me out.” Cesare chuckled. “You’d be sniffing the air like a bloodhound. And you’d catch my scent and find me.”

  “Quickly too,” Samuel said. “Both the Australian and my godson were dying in my arms with only minutes to live when you came to me.”

  “We can be fast, you know that. You have very good instincts about people. I like Gerard and Clay. You didn’t think I’d remember their names.”

  “No, I didn’t. It looks like I don’t give you enough credit for a lot of things. Did you turn Clay’s parents?”

  “No. Helena and Veronique did that. And I’m glad of it. I really like Monty and Celia. Samuel, you acted on your soldier’s instincts when Anna and her people went to your home and those instincts kept you alive. You told me as much, but what did you feel at that moment? What did your body’s heightened senses pick up? Think back and try to remember.”

  Samuel closed his eyes and thought back to the attack. Things had happened so quickly. He remembered such a rush of feelings and images in his mind, but one thing stood out. They needed to be taken out for his own protection and for all of his allies to be safe. He relayed all of this to Cesare.

  “The rush of thoughts and images had to be you seeing the goings-on in their minds. Anna and the others couldn’t think straight even if they had wanted to because they were turned too quickly. By someone weak and flawed himself. They would’ve burned out from the inside.”

  “Well, we finished them off quickly,” Samuel said. “They weren’t much to worry about.”

  Cesare stood. “But your instincts told you differently. That’s why you moved so fast. Had they not been newborn vampires they would’ve made formidable enemies. That same restless energy would’ve increased the longer they lived. Their minds wouldn’t be functioning well but their physical strength would’ve been magnified. Even humans with minds that don’t function correctly can develop almost superhuman strength.”

  “Will I have to kill William?”

  “Someone will probably have to do it. That’s what had Veronique scared to tell you about all of it.”

  “She gave him a chance. I can’t fault her for that. Veronique didn’t do it to be cruel. Is there no way to redeem William?”

  “That’s funny you use the word redeem,” Cesare said. “That along with absolution are two of Gauthius’s favorite words. William is of your bloodline. Do what you must, Samuel. If you need me I’ll know.”

  “Thank you, Cesare. For all that you’ve done for me through the years.”

  “We old soldiers have to stick together. Speaking of which, I’d better fill you in about tonight.”

  “There’s to be a hunt,” Samuel said. “Tell me about our prey.”

  “They’re two of the worst sort,” Cesare said. “One man is six-foot-three with an almost maniacal strength and mind. He molested and killed six children under the age of ten. The system set him free after merely one weekend in jail.”

  “Justice truly is blind.”

  “Not our justice,” Cesare said. “The other, my prey, is tall and lanky but devious. A serial killer who stalks college campuses. He’s responsible for the deaths of at least a dozen students.”

  “Horrible. But why did you send for me. It wasn’t just to tell me about what Veronique did, there’s still more?”

  “Normally when one of our kind breaks the rules they have to answer for it. Veronique killed a fellow vampire when they were feeding. That goes against our rules. As I said previously the vampire she killed belonged to Gauthius’ group.”

  “And what does Gauthius want?”

  “Not Gauthius. I spoke with his man here. The man merely wants to be allowed to watch one of our hunts along with his newest recruit.”

  “That sounds like a small price to pay.”

  “The new recruit being William, of course,” Cesare said. “I’m assuming they want him to see the error of our ways and more. And both William and the vampire with him will be paying special attention to our fighting skills.”

  “Surely Paul Gauthius and his cult wouldn’t make a move against you,” Samuel said.

  “They might if they thought they could get away with it. William will be a formidable enemy if he lives.”

  “But you said he’d burn out from the inside.”

  “I said the others did,” Cesare said. “It’s safe to assume William will too. But if his strength is allowed to grow, he can cause unbelievable damage on the way out.”

  “I don’t know what I’ll do, Cesare. But I’m loyal to you and the others of our house. I’m capable of doing what needs to be done when it comes time for it.”

  “I’ve no concern there. Listen to your instincts, my son. Timing is of the utmost importance in this situation.”

  “You called me ‘your son’ today, that’s new.”

  “I’ve always thought of you as my son,” Cesare said. “We’re more alike than the others I’ve sired. I thought of myself as a military man before I became a diplomat of sorts. Out of respect for your family I never referred to you as a chid of mine. But enough time has passed that I thought I could call you son tonight.”

  “It’s appropriate since I’ve always thought of you as a second father. When I became a vampire I was reborn into your family.”

  “Nicely put,” Cesare said. “We’ll be battling naked and without weaponry tonight. We need to sharpen our skills should we have to do battle with our own kind sometime soon. And there’s no need to let Gauthius’ people see what sort of weaponry we possess.”

  “That’s good thinking. When will Gauthius’s people arrive?”

  “In time for dinner. Before that I want to show you where we keep our weapons.” He removed a book from the bookcase to their left and the entire bookcase swivelled open.”

  “Janelle really does like hidden doors,” Samuel said.

  “I must admit I’m rather fond of them myself. Such passageways came in handy during the French Revolution.”

  “I should think they would have. Not that you couldn’t have fought an angry mob successfully.”

  “True, but there are times it’s much simpler to escape quietly into the night.”

  “But, Cesare, you weren’t nobility. Why would a mob have come after you back then?”

  “My lady friend who I cohabited with had noble blood and a title.”

  “Oh, I see,” Samuel said then rose from the sofa and followed Cesare through the secret passageway, and down a staircase that ended in the middle of an immense armory.

  “Is there another way in here besides through your office?” Samuel said.

  “Yes,” Cesare said. “One where you first enter the house. The wall at the end of the hall has a hidden door. Hold your hand up about four feet from the floor and push just slightly to the left of true center. The door will spring open.”

  They looked around and Cesare showed off some of his favorite
weapons for a while then he spoke to Samuel.

  “I can feel Veronique growing tense. She’s concerned for you.”

  “She needs to go away for a while and relax,” Samuel said. “I don’t think it would help for her to see what I might have to do.”

  “I’m in complete agreement with you. Ireland is the place for her. Ask her why and make her answer you.”

  “Alright,” Samuel said.

  He realized he’d get no more answers from Cesare and was curious to hear what Veronique would have to tell him. Hopefully it wouldn’t involve his possibly having to put down more errant family members.

  Chapter 11

  Setting Her Mind at Ease

  SAMUEL FOUND VERONIQUE right where Cesare told him she would be. But Samuel didn’t need to be told Veronique’s location… his senses could pick up on her worry. The back garden had a tranquil atmosphere, with a trickling fountain at its center. There were four carefully manicured groupings of plants in front of the fountain. Large tiles formed evenly spaced pathways. Veronique stood in front of the fountain. Without saying a word, Samuel walked up behind her and gave her a warm, all-encompassing hug.

  “I love you,” Samuel whispered in Veronique’s ear. “I still love you, momma.” He chuckled and so did Veronique.

  “Don’t I look way too young to be your mother?” Veronique said.

  “You can be my sexy stepmother.”

  “Evil stepmother would be more like it,” Veronique said.

  “Why did you try to save William? And what’s this thing with Ireland?”

  “They’re interconnected,” Veronique said. “Let’s stroll, shall we?”

  “OK, but I want you gone from here before our visitors arrive.”

  “That sounds like an order. I’m not used to getting orders from you. Is it the soldier coming out?”

  “No,” Samuel said. “It’s the caring son. Your nerves are not what they should be and one of our kind would know that before they got ten feet in front of this house.”

  Veronique put her arm around Samuel’s as they walked on a path. She bent down to smell a rose and smiled before speaking. “You are absolutely right, my dear. So I’ll give you some quick answers to your questions. First, I’ve known and watched over your family for a very, very long time. I haven’t seen fit to make many of them vampires though.”


  “No. I was missing you something awful and I tried to reach out to William believing I could help him. Wanting—I don’t know what. In a strange way I suppose I might’ve been looking for a new companion for you. A forever type of special friend.”

  “Do I need one?”

  “Yes you do… besides Gerard.”

  “We’re not those type of friends,” Samuel said and chuckled. “The Great War brought us together like brothers. He’s a special guy and I wanted him to live. Something inside me told me he’d appreciate immortality. As an orphan with no family to worry about, I guess that made it easier for him.”

  “Well, you need—no, let me be blunt. You need a lover who will always be around. Poor Charlie just wasn’t cut out to live forever. I thought William could possibly have been a choice. But, clearly I’m not as good a judge of character as you and Cesare.”

  “Don’t you think a straight drug addict is a bit of a poor choice for me?” Samuel said.

  “It did seem strange, but I’m sure my instincts picked up something there when I drove past his house.”

  “Can our superior instincts actually sniff out love?” Samuel chuckled as they walked under a vine covered stone arch.

  “Don’t laugh. I think our instincts, senses… or whatever they are can pick up such things.”

  “Since you didn’t actually go in the house, maybe the love of my life was someone else in there.”

  “I don’t see Anna having been the one. And I smelled yours or rather your brother’s bloodline in the apartment.”

  “So, maybe William has a cousin or brother,” Samuel said.

  “He has a two-year-old girl and twin baby boys.”

  “Babies, huh,” Samuel said. “I don’t think I want to be single long enough for them to grow up. No older brother, huh?”

  “William is an only child, raised by his single father. There’s no mother in the picture. I believe the father used a surrogate.”

  “Hmm, interesting,” Samuel said. “Could it be you were sensing the father’s presence?”

  “I hadn’t even thought of him. He’s sort of a reclusive bookworm type who spends time to himself and—and am I that big a fool?”

  “Sort of looks that way seeing as how you just described my ideal man. And I’ll give you a hint. I’m not talking about the drug addicted, straight, newly-turned vampire son.”

  “What is wrong with me?” she clutched Samuel’s arm. “I’m tired, Samuel. Not the walk in front of an oncoming train sort of tired, though. The—I just need to feel renewed and refreshed kind. Sitting by a noisy mountain stream does that for you.”

  “Yes, it does. The sound of the water has a healing quality to it. Does Ireland help you to rest and heal?”

  “It does indeed,” Veronique said. “That’s where Kaelin lives.”

  “Who is he to you?”

  “The other love of my life. My two great loves have been him and Cesare. The two can’t be more different and I’ve never been able to choose between them. Lucky for me they understand and humor me.”

  “That’s mighty decent of them to share you,” Samuel said, as they reached the end of the path and turned around to retrace their steps.

  Veronique combed her fingers through Samuels long hair. “Kaelin’s hair is a darker black than yours. He wears it long too. And his eyes are a shade of green even more vibrant than yours, as impossible as that is to believe.”

  “That’s not so impossible.”

  “You came out looking the most like him,” Veronique said. “Others had black hair and green eyes, but not like you. Kaelin’s the founder of your family… before he became a vampire and could still have children. He doesn’t stray far from the Emerald Isle. It’s his joy in life to look after his descendants there, whether or not they come to know him.”

  “Do they know he’s a vampire?”

  “One or two who he’s turned into vampires know,” Veronique said. “The others may know him as a distant relation or a long lost uncle. Sometimes he’s just a friendly neighbor. He has to be careful not to overstay his welcome as you can imagine.”

  “He also has to be careful not to appear in any photos or videos which would give the game away.”

  “True, but he’s an old pro and knows how to play the game.”

  “Does he know about me?”

  “Yes he does. And he likes what he knows. One day the two of you will have to meet.”

  “What do you do when you visit him? Besides the obvious.”

  “You won’t believe me, but I live simply. He’s kept ownership of a small cottage on a hill in Ireland. I let my hair down there and just be with him. We’ll shop in the local market, take in a movie, or visit his family. Once I even helped him raise sheep.”


  “Sheared them and everything,” Veronique said and smiled.

  “Did you ever have children… when you were human, Veronique?”

  “Yes, but the times they were born into were hard. I lost some to disease, others were torn away from me, practically from my breast and made into slaves for a cruel empire. None survived, that much I know.”

  “I’m sorry about that,” Samuel said.

  “It all occurred a long, long time ago.” She turned to Samuel with a serious look on her face. “Whatever happens with William is because of what I did. You mustn’t feel any guilt or remorse for what you may have to do.”

  “I understand.”

  “If I had the strength to undo what I did then I would,” Veronique said.

  “Cesare said William would be strong.”

  “Make no
mistake about it, he will be,” Veronique said.

  “Even stronger than you?”

  “Perhaps… probably. William has all of my strengths because I made him. The insanity growing inside him will heighten every one of those strengths. You, my love, are stronger. And you have others who’d willingly rush to your side should you need them.”

  “It’s time you were going, momma,” Samuel said and smiled.

  Veronique squeezed his lips with her fingers and smiled. She kissed him then spoke. “Watch yourself around the representative from Gauthius. The vampires from that family are not to be trusted.”

  “Will you be safe in Ireland?”

  “Perfectly safe. Kaelin is waiting and he’s put two of his vampire children on call should we need their help. Paul Gauthius wouldn’t send anyone after me anyway. I’m not his target. He or someone close to him is using this situation to get to you and Cesare.”

  “For what?”

  “I only wish I knew,” Veronique said.

  Chapter 12

  New Guests

  WHEN VERONIQUE LEFT, Samuel sat on a bench next to the fountain. He closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the water.

  “It’s soothing, isn’t it?” Janelle said.

  Samuel kept his eyes closed. He hadn’t heard Janelle walk up to him and barely felt her presence until she arrived at his side. “The water feature is very nice and you’re quite good.”

  “I studied with a ninja for a while,” Janelle said and smiled.

  Samuel finally opened his eyes and looked at his hostess. She had a warm and friendly smile, he thought. Janelle was self-assured but approachable. “How long have you known Cesare?”

  “Not so long. I tend to travel around Asia but finally decided to broaden my horizons and come here. As much as I loved studying Asian architecture through the many years I’ve been alive, I wanted to see something different.”

  “I’m a bit rooted in the states myself,” Samuel said.

  “You fought in The Great War,” Janelle said.


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