Compulsive Fascinations

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Compulsive Fascinations Page 14

by N. Isabelle Blanco

  I repeated that to myself as I made my way toward the elevators. People milled about. I stopped, making eye contact with one or two, and wondering where I could go to get some time alone in this freaking place.

  Body heat hit the skin of my back a breath before his hand slipped around my waist. He pulled me along with him, moving at top speed. “Let me go right now, Calum,” I warned under my breath, trying not to trip.

  He stared down at me over his shoulder, his eyes blazing. “No, Liv. You’re coming with me. I don’t want to hear it.”

  The way he commanded me to listen to him was sexy.

  Considering my still roaring jealousy, it also pissed me off.

  “No.” It would’ve become a downright struggle right there, but we turned the corner and passed a couple that I remembered from one of my mother’s get-togethers. I plastered a smile on my face and waved back when they waved, pretending that nothing was wrong.

  He went on ahead, his stare fixed in front of him.

  “Where the hell are you taking me?”

  “I know this building. I’m taking you where we can talk.” He kept going until we came to a door next to the beginning of a glass wall with multicolored lights and water flowing down like a waterfall. Behind it was a large indoor garden, complete with a stone walkway.

  He took out his wallet and pulled out what looked like some sort of passkey. One swipe and the door before us opened.

  “There’s no one in there. The door is closed for a reason. I’m sure that means that only those with authorized access can go—”

  He ignored me and all but yanked me inside. I had to be careful not to trip down the short stairs leading down to the stone walkway.

  “I am authorized access.”

  I whirled on him right as he closed the door, his shoulders moving deliciously beneath his suit. Damn it, even angry I wanted to eat him.

  No, especially then.

  “How so?” I asked, crossing my arms.

  “I’m related to the one of the board members of the Equity Group.”

  Oh, well. I should’ve known that, yes, but of course, I didn’t. He never told me. I clenched my jaw to keep my comment to myself.

  He swiped the key on the inside reader. A beep and a light went off on it. Just like that, he’d locked us inside this private garden during the opening dinner for the design festival.

  My father was somewhere outside.

  His ex, too.



  He threw me a stare that almost made me shrink back.

  “Liv, you need to get fucked. Now. Come.”

  My mouth fell wide open, my eyes shooting even wider. I stumbled back, disbelieving, unable to grasp what he demanded of me.

  And about to lose my mind at the image of him taking me right there.

  Fuck, behind him I saw a bench, tucked inside the wall, low enough to be covered by the artificial fog being pumped into the place. “What? What do you mean? I—”

  He stalked up to me. I blindly stepped back, bumping into the metal railing behind me.

  “Now, Liv.”

  I swallowed, my body vibrating as he got closer. “Now?”

  Calum stepped up to me, pressing his body against me. He cupped the back of my head in his large hands and tilted it back. His eyes searched mine. Sucked in, I could do nothing but stare back, fighting the need to arch into him.

  When he stared at me like that, jealousy ceased to exist. I could do nothing but give into the pull of that stare, the way he seemed to be fucking me in his mind.

  “Tell me something, Livana.”

  I swallowed again, having a hard time breathing.

  “Were you jealous of Diane just now?” He asked the question so calmly, his voice pure silk. He fisted my hair, not caring if he ruined the bun I had it styled into. I stared at his lips, hungry for them. It became clear that he wasn’t going to budge, nor let me move.

  He waited for my answer.

  “Yes,” I admitted in a low tone. Closing my eyes, I blocked him out, ashamed at the admission and not knowing why.

  His response surprised me. He pulled me, using his hold on my head, and brought me flush against him.

  His cock was hard, throbbing into my lower stomach the moment we made contact.

  “Good.” He growled, his eyes falling back to my lips. “I want you fucking jealous. I want you infuriated at the thought of another woman near me.”

  The mouth he stared at fell open again as shock and anger shot through me.

  He fucking what?

  Calum licked his lips before leaning down and possessively tugging on my own. I was too shocked to move, too turned on to do anything but let him.

  Even as I wondered if he had lost his God damned mind.

  “Tell me how it made you feel, seeing her hug me,” he demanded against my mouth.

  “Fuck you.” Galvanized and hurt because he wanted to make me jealous, I pushed and tried to get away.

  This was worse than the Lorraine situation. This was his ex!

  “Tell me. Did it make you want to pull my eyes out? Hers? Did rage make you see red to the point that you wanted blood covering the walls?”

  I froze, panting. That’s exactly what had fucking happened. Thinking back on it, that hug replayed in my mind, making me want the blood covered walls all over again. I’d never experienced anything like this, had never drowned in such a miserable rage.

  Not even when I found out my first and only boyfriend had been cheating on me with Caroline. Nothing could compare to the way it hurt me when I replayed Diane’s hands on him.

  “Damn you,” I whimpered, surprised when my eyes teared-up again. “That’s exactly what I felt. How dare you do it on purpose? What the fuck is wrong with you, Calum?”

  He stared down at me with a hard, almost desperate look. “I didn’t do it on purpose.” He all but dragged me up the length of his body, his hold pulling on my neck. “But it worked out perfectly.” He fed a rough kiss right into my mouth, plunging his tongue deep.

  He’d always been intense.

  This went far beyond that. Something was off. Something was wrong with him.

  And I kind of loved it.

  “You feel that, baby?” he pulled back to pant, his tongue tracing my lips. I gave in, opening for him, my tongue shooting out to chase his. “Feel that?”

  I nodded, breathless. Desperation. Coursing through me. Leaking out of him. Palpitating in the air around us.

  “I need to claim you and you need to claim me.”

  Those words almost sent an orgasm through me, my sex fluttering and pulsing in response to them. I had to acknowledge the truth in his statement; something was happening to us. Something strictly biological and territorial.

  We each felt threatened. Our exes had set off alarms. I couldn’t handle the idea of Diane near him; he had to deal with my ex-lovers being around.

  If any weekend ever promised to be a fucking mess, it was this one.

  “I need to have you.” He circled one arm around me, holding me still and thrusting into me.

  “Take me,” I whispered, giving in.

  His eyes flashed. Tugging me, he headed straight toward the bench that I’d been eyeing.

  And I didn’t care. I didn’t care that the wall consisted of glass, that my father was around, or that people we knew could pass by.

  I needed him. Now. He needed me as badly and no matter what, I wouldn’t deny us this.

  Which was the first moment that I finally, truly, admitted it to myself. I wasn’t falling . . . I’d already fallen in love, and was so far gone that it bordered on obsession. He’d become the one thing that I needed, and there would be no easy extrication.

  He was it for me.

  And I had to find a way to make sure I was it for him.


  Calum lead me backwards toward the bench. I allowed it, ready to let him fuck me on it. Right before the back of my legs met the bench, he stopped, hands r
ising to cup my breasts roughly.

  I gasped at the small hint of pain.

  His grip turned just shy of brutal. He tightened his fingers, sending more shocks of pain through my tits.

  The volatile force of his anger seemed to permeate into me, feeding my own ire.

  He brought me flush against him.

  I reached up and sank my nails into his wrists.

  His retaliated by pinching my nipples, so damn hard that I felt the sting through my dress and padded, white demi-cup bra I wore.

  My lips parted, but no words came out. I didn’t have a single clue what I’d been about to say. My attention was riveted by the quiet fury in his darkened eyes. His jaw twitched in a constant tempo.

  This man stared at me as if he planned to eat me alive.

  Like he planned to fuck me with all the strength in his body.

  Like he’d kill anyone that got in the way of that.

  Exhilaration left me breathless. I sunk my nails farther into his skin to try and steady myself.

  “I asked you if you were mine. Do you remember what you said?” His voice was deceptively soft.

  Of course I did.

  Clearly, he needed me to repeat it once again.

  Remembering his arms wrapped around Diane made me want to cause him some type of physical harm. Primal jealousy, the likes of which I’d never experienced before, destroyed me.

  And it made it impossible for me to admit out loud what went through my head: I am yours.

  I stared mutinously at him. “You hugged her, knowing she wants you back.” What I really wanted to do was rail at him. Make him understand how fucking crazy the thought of her touching him made me.

  He glared down at me, grappling with himself.

  On the verge of losing control to whatever he battled.

  I sensed it. Saw it.

  His anger rivaled my own. I suspected why, too.

  Corey. Daniel. They’d set him off.

  In turn, he’d decided to give me a taste of what he felt, letting Diane touch him.

  She was recent. My exes weren’t, damn him!

  Instead of talking it out, we both refused to budge. Silently battling. Our wills clashing.

  Our prides getting in the way of open communication.

  It occurred to me that we never really had angry sex before.

  It was about to happen.

  Right now.

  Leaning down, he slanted his mouth over mine. I took it, opening my mouth for the aggressive thrust of his tongue. Our tongues tangled, breaths mingling. He kissed me with slow, hard laps, making his message clear.

  He owned my body.

  He knew it.

  Did he think that gave him the right to hug his ex in front of me and that I’d have no say about it?

  Hurt, I bit down on his lip.

  Not breaking our kiss, he groaned and sucked on my tongue. His fingers tightened around my nipples. That hint of pain again.

  Each sting merged with the sensations his tongue evoked, until I was drugged. Couldn’t think about anything but him coming inside me.

  Letting go of his wrists, I fisted his lapels. “God, just fuck me already. Please.” My tone was incoherent. Needy.

  He wrenched my head back with a fist in my hair, attacking my neck with his tongue and teeth. “You want me to fuck you?” He gave me a harsh bite that made me yelp.

  It wasn’t lost on what his words truly meant. “Yes. You.” Gasping for breath, I pressed as close to him as possible. “Always you.”

  He didn’t deserve that, but I had no choice but to give it to him.

  A guttural sound left him. His hands came down on my ass, lifting me up against him. “I’ll give it to you. Every single, God damned thing.”

  Christ, please tell me that meant what I thought it meant.

  Bending at the knee, he scooped me up into his arms.

  I'd become so lightheaded with want that it took me a few seconds to find my voice. When I finally did, it sounded raspier than I’d ever heard it. “Where are we going?”

  The look in his eyes somehow turned hungrier.



  I couldn’t focus on the beautiful garden around us, or what direction he stormed in.

  It was all about him. That austere expression, the hardened brow. His golden eyes fixated ahead and burning with that violent energy.

  Oh, God. I loved him. I truly did. So fucking much, and suddenly, I couldn’t breathe through the emotion—could barely contain the words inside me.

  Calum raced up another short flight of steps and lowered me down to my unsteady feet. He reached into his coat pocket for that passkey again and stepped up to me.

  His free hand met my pussy through my dress, palming it, the action possessive. “We’re going somewhere private. You’re mine. No one sees you come but me.”

  His hand left me and he moved away, leaving me trembling.

  He had me that far gone.

  More than ever before.

  Now that I'd admitted to myself that I loved him, I suspected his effect on me would get much worse.

  Another swipe of the key and the door we stood in front of opened. Calum swooped me back into his arms and stormed out into the hallway on the other side.

  I held onto his neck as he power-walked down that hall. I spotted a plain, dark door to the left.

  He tilted back his head, hitting me with those feverish, hazel eyes. “Kiss me.”

  There was no thought behind my reaction. Only pure instinct. My man asked for a kiss; I rushed to give it to him, taking his mouth with rough licks and bites.

  He moaned into my mouth, barely pausing in his stride. The hungry sounds leaving him fueled my desperation. They were too reminiscent of what he sounded like right before coming.

  Ending our kiss, he placed me on my feet.

  We’d stopped in front of the dark door I’d seen.

  The door had a typical lock and another card reader on it, as a regular hotel room door would.

  He swiped the key and I watched the little light flash green.

  Where was he taking me?

  His hand on my lower back, he urged me inside.

  An office.

  I stumbled a few feet, eyeing the small space. White walls. No frames. A small side table off to one side with a coffee machine on it. No coffee packets, though. As a matter of fact, the office seemed unused.

  But no matter where I looked, my eyes kept going back to one thing: the wooden desk in the center of the room.

  The empty desk.


  I tensed. Had he locked the door?

  He came up behind me, hands cupping my shoulders. I wanted to lean back and soak in his heat.

  I stood frozen, eyes on that desk. My mind raced, calculating.

  The deduction it came to left me shivering.

  “Hmm.” He sniffed the back of my neck, his lips ghosting across the sensitive skin.

  God, I loved when he made that sound.

  More goosebumps. My nipples ached for his tongue.

  Shaking with anticipation, I leaned back into him and gasped his name.

  I couldn't tear my eyes away from that damned desk.

  “This was what you wanted, right?” He trailed his tongue along my neck; light licks that made my fists clench. “For me to fuck you on a desk.”

  His wet tongue drugged me. Tilting my head, I offered him the side of my neck. “On your desk, yes.”

  “You’ll get that, too. Don’t worry.” He reached for the concealed zipper on the back of my dress. Once he’d grabbed hold of it, he pressed his other hand to my lower abs and brought me flush against him.

  He lowered my zipper and pushed my dress of until it landed in a pool of white fabric at my feet. “We’re going to fuck right here. And it’s going to be hard, Liv.”

  My body shuddered at his warning.

  The fingers of his left hand trailed down my abs, making every muscle tense. I fought to stay still
, sensing that Calum needed this—me, completely at his mercy. Under his control.

  I craved it even more than he did, although it went against every self-preservation instinct I possessed.

  He dipped his fingers into my thong, teasing my wet seam.

  I bucked against those fingers, searching for more friction.

  He withdrew them, ripping a frustrated groan from me.

  When his fingers came up to my mouth, I opened eagerly, taking them in. The taste of his skin and my own arousal hit my tongue. I whimpered around his fingers.

  The fingers of his other hand pushed their way into my thong, finding my aching pussy.

  I whispered his name and licked his fingers.

  One finger entered me. My walls immediately clamped down on it, trying to force it deeper.

  “Suck,” he groaned.

  I did, closing my eyes and imagining it was his cock.

  “Fuck my fingers.” He slid another two inside me.

  I jerked at the intrusion, the fullness of his three fingers. My core contracted, sucking greedily on the digits inside it.

  With a snarl, he ripped his fingers out of my mouth and yanked my head back so he could take my tongue.

  He fucked me harder with his fingers, sucking the taste of my juices out of my mouth.

  Groaning like he fucking couldn’t get enough of me.

  Shoving my bra down, he pinched a nipple with fingers wet with my own saliva, and ground the three inside me even deeper. “Feel that, baby? Feel how you fall apart for me?”

  Tears threatened—I was falling apart for him, overwhelmed on every level.

  My legs lost all their strength.

  He caught me, lifting me up against him.

  “I need your cock inside me.” I needed that connection, to know that, for those few moments at least, the man I loved belonged to me.

  Only me.

  He moved toward the desk, still supporting me. Once there, he urged me to lean on it, bending me over with my ass in the air.

  I braced myself on shaking arms as he slipped my thong off. He unclipped my bra next, leaving me in only my heels.

  He loved taking me with just heels on.

  I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love it, too.


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