Dalakis Passion 2 - Lucian's Delight

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Dalakis Passion 2 - Lucian's Delight Page 12

by N. J. Walters

  free hand on her stomach and urged her bottom back further even as he whispered

  encouragement to her. "You can spread your legs a little wider for me, Delight." Her

  feet inched apart, leaving her wide open to him. "Beautiful," he muttered as he kissed

  her bottom.

  Bringing both hands between her legs, he traced the damp folds of her sex until his

  fingers were coated in her cream. Her clit was swollen and needy, so he teased it ever so

  gently before dipping his fingers into her opening once again. Over and over, he

  stroked the bud of her pleasure before plunging his fingers into her waiting warmth.

  With his other hand, he traced the dark cleft of her behind to her other tight little

  opening. He stroked his fingers over it until it was wet with her own cream, then ever

  so carefully, he inserted the wet tip of one of his fingers into her ass.

  "Lucian," she squealed. He could sense her discomfort.

  "I won't hurt you," he reassured her. "But this is something that can bring you

  pleasure as well, my love. Someday, I want to be able to love you in all ways, so we

  must start to prepare your body." He kept inserting his finger as he spoke, pushing it

  deeper and deeper, past the tight resistance of her bottom. "Your ass is so tight. The

  pleasure will be incredible for both of us when I can finally get inside you."

  Delight shivered as the pleasure-pain racked her body. He knew it was a bit of both

  as his finger was long and thick and her small hole was tight. He used his other hand to

  his advantage, stroking her clit and the folds of her sex as he pushed his finger as far as

  it would go in her behind. The sensations were too much for her and he could feel her

  body tightening as he slipped his fingers into her wet pussy. Her muscles clamped

  down hard, squeezing the fingers he had inserted in both openings.

  Leaning forward, he blew on her heated flesh. Delight cried out and came in a rush,

  her entire body shaking as she convulsed around him. It was incredible to watch her

  give herself over to the pleasure he gave, knowing she trusted him in a way she'd

  trusted no other man. Her body was racked with shivers and Lucian carefully removed

  his fingers from her body, ignoring the slight flinch of her body as he pulled his long

  finger out of her behind.

  Sitting on his knees on the floor, he pulled her into his lap. She collapsed in a heap

  against him and he wrapped his arms around her to keep her from toppling over. His

  cock was like steel against her back and Lucian knew he could wait no longer. He was

  in real pain now. His cock and his balls were so heavy they were about to burst and his

  teeth ached to sink into her skin and taste her blood. The craving was upon him and

  could no longer be denied.

  Lifting her easily, he laid her on her stomach on the soft Persian carpet that covered

  the center of the foyer. He knew he should take her upstairs to his soft bed, but he had

  waited too long. Past the point of no return, he had to have her now.

  She shifted and turned her head to look at him. Her eyes were drowsy and her

  smile was sultry. When she got a good look at his face, her eyes widened and she licked

  her lips nervously. Lucian could well imagine the picture she saw. He knew that his

  normally green eyes were probably glowing an eerie reddish color and that his fangs

  were extended over his bottom lip. His face, austere at best, would look harsh and

  unforgiving in the dim light cast by the lone lamp.

  Delight glanced at his cock and gasped when she saw how swollen and red it was.

  A growl vibrated in his chest as he felt her gaze like it was a caress. His cock jumped

  and more liquid seeped from the slit. He was so close to coming, he'd soon come on the

  carpet if he didn't get inside her.

  But now that the moment was at hand, and the final act of claiming was upon him,

  he found that he was waiting for her decision. It had to be her choice. While every

  instinct was screaming at him to just drive into her and take her, he could not.

  He'd always laughed at his ancestors and the stories they'd passed down

  throughout the ages of a love so great a man would deny his very salvation rather than

  take what was not freely given. Now the cruel joke was on him. He finally understood

  what it meant to find his one true love, the woman who would complete him and be his

  for eternity. Lucian knew he would rather face his own death than to take what she

  would not offer. He waited, his life in her hands.

  "What's wrong?" She sounded confused, but Lucian couldn't answer her. Speaking

  was beyond him now. It was taking all of his strength to keep his passions under his

  control. "Lucian?"

  He shook his head and clenched his fists. The pain in his body was almost

  overwhelming and he could feel a bead of sweat roll down his back. Delight moved in

  one motion. Coming up on her hands and knees, she glanced over her shoulder and

  captured his fiery gaze. "Take me, Lucian. Make me yours." She hesitated and

  swallowed hard. "Love me forever."

  Before she'd spoken her final word, he was between her spread thighs, driving

  himself home. He felt her shudder as he surged past her swollen, delicate flesh and into

  her body. Unable to stop, he seated himself to the hilt in one thrust.

  Dropping his head to her shoulder, he gasped for breath. "I'm sorry if I hurt you."

  "I'm fine, Lucian." Her words were gentle and giving even though they did not

  deny the hurt.

  He nodded and licked the slick flesh of her nape, tasting the mixture of salt and

  desire. "I have no control left," he gritted out between clenched teeth. His cock was

  pulsing hard and the urge to thrust was enormous.

  Delight pulled her hips forward and then slammed them backwards, giving him all

  the permission he needed. Wrapping one arm around her waist, he slammed his cock

  into her from behind, driving it as hard and as far as it would go. Her body shivered,

  but accepted him. A wild pleasure grew in him as he repeated the motion, over and


  He palmed one of her breasts, gripping the soft mound in his hand as he continued

  to pound into her willing flesh. Her moans quickly became ones of pleasure that made

  him thrust even harder. He couldn't get far enough inside her to please him. Harder

  and faster, he ground his cock into her wet pussy. This was his, now and forever.

  They were both so close to coming, but another need, a far more powerful one,

  needed to be assuaged first. The words welled up deep in his soul and spewed forth,

  both a promise and a vow. "You are my heart and my soul. I will protect you with my

  entire being for as long as you shall live and beyond if you some day choose to join


  Now that the words had been said, Lucian finally relaxed and let go. His testicles

  drew up tight to his body as he shoved his cock hard within her one last time. As he

  started to come, he leaned over her and bit the back of her neck, burying his teeth to the

  hilt. Delight's body jerked as she came, her inner muscles clutching his cock even as he

  drank her blood. The sensation was incredible.

  Lucian emptied himself into Delight even as he fed from her. It was only when she

  slumped forward that he realized he'd lost all sense of time. Retracting his teeth, he

licked the wound, closing it and healing it instantly. He withdrew his semi-aroused

  cock from her warmth and slowly lowered her to the floor. She shivered even though

  she wasn't cold.

  Lucian slumped next to her, pulling her into his arms. He felt totally drained, yet

  fully alive at the same time. As her blood seeped through his veins, he flicked his

  tongue over his teeth, capturing the last taste of her. Delight sighed and shivered once


  Heaving himself up off the floor, Lucian bent down, easily scooping Delight up into

  his arms. Ignoring the clothing strewn all over the floor, he padded up the stairs with

  his treasure clasped tight in his arms. They had much to sort out, but that was for later.

  Right now, she needed to sleep and regain her strength. There would be time to talk


  Locking all the doors carefully behind him, he deposited Delight onto his bed. She

  immediately rolled to her side and snuggled under the covers he pulled over her.

  Taking his time, he checked to make sure all the windows were barred tight and locked

  down. After doing a mental sweep of the house and assuring himself that everything

  was as it should be, he climbed into bed and pulled Delight into his arms. Although she

  had already drifted off to sleep, Lucian planted the suggestion in her mind that she

  would sleep until the next sunset.

  The dawn would be breaking soon, but Lucian didn't wait for the sun to rise.

  Instead, with Delight tucked tight against his chest, he relaxed and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Just like the last time she was here, Delight awoke with great difficulty. She really

  had to have a talk with Lucian about his tendency to want her to sleep while he slept

  and be awake only when he was. She had an entire life and a family to take care of and

  she couldn't do that if she was in bed all day.

  She had no idea what time it was, but sensed that it was once again late afternoon.

  Stretching gingerly, she smothered a gasp when some of her muscles protested. Her

  poor body wasn't used to all the vigorous sexual activity. She hurt in places she hadn't

  even known existed until she met Lucian.

  Even in sleep, his arm was locked tight around her waist. Carefully, she pried his

  fingers open and slipped from his grasp. He didn't move, but continued to lie there as

  still as death. Delight bit her lip nervously as she placed her open palm on his chest.


  Tugging her hand away, she brought it to her own chest and felt the comforting

  thump of her heart. Intellectually, she knew that Lucian was a vampire. As farfetched as

  that sounded, it was indeed a reality. What that actually entailed, she wasn't really sure.

  She had so many questions to ask him, but they always seemed to get sidetracked when

  they were together.

  Delight shivered as memories from last night flashed in her brain. Everything that

  she'd done in the restaurant and the downstairs hallway both astonished and delighted

  her. She seemed to have no control where Lucian was concerned and that would have

  bothered her, except that he seemed to have very little control himself when they were


  When he'd finally taken her on the floor last night, it was if something inside her

  had changed. As he'd recited what sounded like a vow before allowing himself to

  finally make love to her, she'd felt as if she'd finally come home. There was a sense of

  belonging and almost of destiny with Lucian. It sounded silly when she thought about

  it, but it was true nonetheless.

  That was all fine and good, but she still had responsibilities and one of those would

  be waiting at home to talk to her. She and Lucian hadn't had time to talk, but she'd

  already decided to tell Chase the truth. He was her brother and if Lucian was going to

  be a huge part of her life, then he had to know that Lucian was a vampire.

  "He'll think I'm nuts," she muttered as she made herself roll out of bed and pad to

  the bathroom. The woman in the mirror looked a fright with her hair sticking up on end

  and her pale face staring back. Delight stuck out her tongue at herself before stepping

  into the large shower stall and turning the water on full blast.

  She didn't linger, but quickly washed and rinsed herself. Turning off the water, she

  climbed out of the shower, grabbed a towel off the rack and quickly dried herself off.

  There wasn't much she could do with her hair, so she finger-combed it before wrapping

  the towel around herself and padding back to the bedroom.

  Lucian hadn't moved. Delight walked over to the bed, stepped up onto the

  platform, bent down and kissed his warm lips. "I'll talk to you later." She continued to

  watch him for a moment, unable to pull her gaze away from his beloved face.

  Finally, she made herself step down from the bed. "You've put off leaving long

  enough." Delight continued to talk to herself as she unlocked the bedroom door, being

  careful to close it tight behind her when she stepped out into the hallway.

  "Now, where are my clothes?" She crept down the stairs, nervous for some

  unknown reason. She felt more like an intruder than a guest, and she really didn't like

  the feeling that she was sneaking out on Lucian. Again.

  "I'm not really," she assured herself as she picked her black lace panties off the

  floor, shook them out and stepped into them.

  Her dress was a black clump on the floor. It would have a few wrinkles, but that

  couldn't be helped. Bending over, she plucked it off the floor and straightened the

  fabric. "I'll be back. I promise." Dropping the towel, she raised the dress to pull it over

  her head.

  "I'm glad to hear that."

  Delight shrieked as a rough male voice startled her. Pulling the dress back in front

  of her like a shield, she backed away from the unfamiliar voice. Clad only in her

  underwear, she confronted the intruder. "Who are you?"

  He continued to advance on her, his every movement filled with a masculine grace

  that reminded her of Lucian. The more she stared at him, the more convinced she was

  that he had to be related to Lucian somehow. This man was even larger than Lucian,

  which made him absolutely huge, but he had the same green eyes and they shared the

  same basic facial structure. The stranger also had long black hair that was pulled back

  in a ponytail.

  "You're Lucian's brother." She was both thrilled and dismayed by this turn of

  events. Delight was pleased to meet Lucian's family, just not in her underwear. Trying

  to ignore the fact that only a small black piece of fabric covered her, she thrust her hand

  towards him. "I'm Delight."

  "You certainly are." His words charmed her as he took her hand in his much larger

  one and held it for a moment before bringing it to his lips. "I am Stefan Dalakis." After

  placing a soft kiss on the back of her hand, he kept possession of it, ignoring her

  attempts to pull her hand from his grasp. "But where are you going? Lucian would not

  be pleased that you are leaving on your own."

  Delight stopped trying to pull her fingers from his grasp. What was it with these

  Dalakis men that made them think she had to do whatever they told her? Frowning, she

  glared up at Stefan. "Well, he'll just have to get over it now, won't he? I've got thing
s to

  do." Her scowl got even deeper as another thought occurred to her. "Why are you

  awake and Lucian isn't?" She glanced out the window and noted that the sun was just


  "Because I have learned to test my limits, while my brothers have not bothered.

  There is much to be learned if one is willing to reach for the knowledge."

  It occurred to Delight that just because he was Lucian's brother didn't mean that

  Stefan wasn't dangerous. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she gave her hand one

  last tug. He released her so suddenly she would have fallen if he hadn't steadied her.

  Stefan's face was impassive, but his eyes swirled with myriad conflicting emotions.

  She feared that he might even be more dangerous than Lucian. Lucian might be a force

  of nature, wild and powerful, but this self-contained man was terrifying.

  Delight screamed, loud and shrill, when a pair of arms locked around her from

  behind. Her terror was so great that it took a moment for the voice to penetrate her fear.

  "Shh, my love. Everything is fine." Lucian rocked her in his arms as he whispered

  in her ear.

  She calmed immediately, slightly ashamed at her outburst, but excusing it as a

  result of the crazy few days she'd endured. "I'm okay. I was already freaked out and

  you startled me, is all."

  It was definitely the wrong thing to say. Delight found herself thrust behind

  Lucian's back as he confronted his brother. "What did you do to frighten Delight?" The

  words were practically growled and she could see that his fists were clenched by his

  sides. Stefan on the other hand, looked mildly amused and extremely sad. It was that

  sadness that reached out to her and touched her heart.

  Scooting around Lucian, she tapped her hand on his chest until he looked down at

  her. "I hardly expected to meet someone in your home. You didn't tell me you had a

  brother, so it's your fault he frightened me, not his."

  "Is that so?" He sounded more amused than angry.

  "Yes it is. And how is it that he can be up around in the daylight and you can't? If

  I'm going to be a part of your life, we've got to talk about these things."

  Stefan snickered under his breath so she turned on him as well. "And just because

  you're Lucian's brother doesn't mean you can boss me around."


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