Remy's Revenge

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Remy's Revenge Page 7

by Paige Green

  “Shh, shh, baby, it’s over, baby. It’s over,” Tyson assured her, rocking her trembling body in his arms.

  Chapter Ten

  Four weeks later…..

  “C’mon, baby! We got to have these bags packed by tonight, our flight leaves tomorrow!” Tyson yelled up the stairs.

  Remy ignored him as she discreetly packed her clothes into her Louis Vuitton luggage set. When she came across a small picture of Jeremiah, she collapsed her hands over her chest and for the first time in months, she smiled. Kneeling to her feet, she dropped the clothes that were in her hand to the floor before gluing her knees to her chest. Clutching the small picture in her hand, she silently closed her eyes as she held the picture to her lips and kissed it.

  “I love you, Jeremiah,” she mumbled to herself as a sincere smile spread across her face.

  “Baby did you hear me calling you?” Tyson asked as he walked into the bedroom.

  He smiled when he noticed her clutching the picture of Jeremiah in her hand.

  For the past month, Remy and Tyson had been diverting their attention to moving out of Pittsburgh and starting their lives over in North Carolina. After killing Shemar, Remy finally got the closure she shamelessly deserved.

  “I’m sorry, I was just thinking,” Remy smiled as she stood to her feet.

  “It’s okay, baby. I understand. Baby, just know that little man is in a better place and God is taking good care of him for you,” Tyson assured her.

  “Yes, I believe he is,” Remy smiled one last time before turning around to finish packing her clothes.

  Walking up behind her, Tyson gently caressed her neck as he whispered in her ear,

  “I’m ready to start a family. Are you?”

  Turning around to face Tyson, she smiled slightly as she closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Lifting her thick frame up from off the ground, he wrapped her long legs around his waist before slowly walking her over to his bed before gently laying her body down on it.

  Removing each other’s clothes, they both kissed each other passionately, their tongues dancing and making love to each other’s.

  That night, Tyson made love to Remy like never before, taking her body places no other man had taken her, loving every inch of her body, and taking his time with her.

  “I love you, baby,” he whispered sincerely into her ear before ejaculating into her.

  “I love you too, Tyson.”

  The next day, when their bags were fully packed and their flight was scheduled to leave in the next two hours, Remy turned to Tyson and said,

  “Can we do one more thing before we leave?”

  “Sure, anything for you. What’s up?” Tyson smiled.

  “I want to go see Jeremiah. I haven’t seen him yet,” Remy said.

  “Where’s he buried at?”

  “Brighton Heights cemetery.”

  “Okay. Let me grab my keys then we can leave,” Tyson said before running upstairs to his bedroom,

  When they arrived at the cemetery in Brighton Heights, Remy exhaled deeply as Tyson stopped his car near Jeremiah’s grave.

  “You want me to get out with you?”

  “No, I have to do this myself. I got this,” Remy assured him as she slowly climbed out of the car.

  She took a deep breath as she nervously ran her fingers through her long bang. She kept her head up and walked with a steadied posture with each step she took.

  When she reached Jeremiah’s headstone, she knelt down on one knee and rubbed the top of the small tombstone.

  “Hey son, it’s mommy. I just wanted to tell you that um..” Remy said, pausing for a second to catch her breath. “I love you, Jeremiah Kyle, do you hear me son? I love you! I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you, but now your soul is protected for life. Mommy will be fine now, son. I love you.”

  With that, she wiped the single tear that slid down her face and stood to her feet. She smiled one last time at his headstone before turning to walk away.

  As she started to walk away, her heart slammed into her chest as she got a quick glimpsed of a man holding up a gun at her.

  “Tyson! Help m….”


  The loud echo from the gunshots burned Remy’s ears as she fell collapsed to the ground.

  “That’s is for my brother, bitch!”

  That was the last thing Remy heard before her world went black and she instantly lost consciousness.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Oh shit, Remy!” Tyson yelled as he placed his car into park before hopping out of it and reaching into the back of his pants to retrieve his .9mm.

  Trigger-Happy, who noticed Tyson making his way towards him, cursed at himself as he glanced down at an unconscious Remy before turning around and running away. Tyson aimed his gun at Trigger-Happy, who was already making a run for his Aston Martin. When he felt as if he got a good aim, he pulled the trigger, releasing off three rounds.

  Trigger-Happy, who was already in his car, ducked as he placed the key into the ignition and quickly placed his car into reverse.

  Tyson, whose hand tremble as he kept the gun aimed at Trigger-Happy’s car, kept his finger on the trigger, releasing bullet after bullet, trying his best to silence Trigger-Happy but it was to no avail. Once Trigger-Happy finally made it out of the cemetery unharmed, Tyson cursed at himself as he inhaled deeply, silently preparing himself for the worse.

  He looked down at Remy, who laid sprawled out on the ground right under Jeremiah’s tombstone, before kneeling to his knees and scooting her limp body up into his arms. Gazing around at her limp body in a frantic, he slightly exhaled when he noticed Trigger-Happy hadn’t shot her but instead hit Jeremiah’s tombstone.

  Taking a deep breath, he quickly walked back towards his car before gently placing Remy in the back and hopping into the driver seat. Putting the key into the ignition of his car, Tyson started his car before finally making his way out of the cemetery.

  Driving to the west side before parking his car into the Green Tree hotel, he hopped out the car, carrying Remy into his arms, before walking into the hotel.

  “Hello sir, welcome to the Green Tree hotel, how can I assist you?” the receptionist as he eyed a sweaty Tyson skeptically.

  “Yes, one of your best rooms please,” Tyson said before reaching into his back pocket and pulling out his credit card.

  Swiping his credit card, the receptionist glanced at an unconscious Remy before eyeing Tyson again and handing him his room key and credit card back.

  “Um sir, do you want me to call the ambulance or something?”

  “No, she’s fine,” Tyson said firmly before reaching into his pocket again and tossing the receptionist a hundred dollar bill before walking towards his room.

  Walking into the luxury suite, he slowly walked over towards the King size bed before carefully placing Remy into it.

  He unzipped her black leather jacket and removed her shoes off of her feet before tucking her into bed. Walking into the bathroom, he took a white towel before damping it with warm water and making his way towards Remy and stepping out of his shoes.

  Climbing into bed next to her, he gently pressed the damp towel against her hot face and neck, trying his best to bring her body temperature down.

  “We were this fucking close of leaving Pittsburgh then this shit happens? I can’t believe it! I got to get me and my baby out of here,” Tyson thought to himself as he shook his head in disbelief.

  He continued to press the warm towel against her body until his hands and arms became weak and his eyelids became heavy. Yawning and finally in need of some sleep, he wrapped his arms around Remy’s waist before resting his head against her chest and slowly but surely dozing off to sleep.


  Remy flew through the gates of heaven, her face as soft as an angel, and a heart finally at peace. Glancing through the white, shimmery clouds, she noticed her son, Jeremiah, flying towards her in the distance.
/>   Flying towards him, a bright, angelic smile spread across her face as she then gently grabbed him before lifting him up in the air and playfully spinning him around. Jeremiah released a soft, playful laughed as Remy then cradled his one month old body into her arms before firmly pressing him against her chest.

  “Mommy missed you, Jeremiah! Now we can finally be together forever,” Remy whispered as tears started to cascade down her cheek.

  Glancing into his eyes, her insides melted as he smiled back up at her and playfully moved around into her arms.

  Just as she started to plant a kiss on his cheek, she felt her knees and arms becoming weak.

  “Baby? Where are you going? Jeremiah? Jeremiah, please don’t leave me, again! Where are you going?” Remy screamed and yelled at the top of her lungs as Jeremiah flew out of her arms.

  As soon as he flew out of her arms, a mighty, uncontrollable force then pushed her out of the gates of heaven, causing Remy to slowly break down.

  “God, what’s happening to me? God!”

  “Remy, wake up! Wake up, girl!” Tyson yelled as he shook her shoulders, trying his best to awake her.

  Remy fought, kicked, and punched at Tyson as her eyes remained closed and she continued to cry for Jeremiah and God.

  Remy look almost possessed as her body shook in grief uncontrollably and her mind became completely blank.

  Quickly hopping on top of her and pressing his body weight against hers before wrapping his arms around her, Tyson held Remy close as she then arched her back and a slew of hot tears gushed out of her eyes, instantly burning her cheek.

  A couple minutes later when all the fight finally left her body, Remy slightly exhaled as her body became weak into Tyson’s arms.

  Slowly lifting off of her, he watched as she opened her eyes before shifting her eyes around the hotel room.

  “Where are we, Tyson?” she asked in almost a whisper.

  “At a hotel in Green Tree, we didn’t make it to North Carolina yet, baby. Do you remember what happened?”

  “All I remember is Trigger-Happy pointing a gun at me and everything else went black.”

  “Yeah, he shot at you but he didn’t shoot you. When you blacked out, he drove away. I tried to shoot him but I missed him, too. Don’t worry though, he’s going to get his,” Tyson assured her.

  Remy nodded her head as soft tears trickled down her cheek. She collapsed her hand over her face, slowly tortured by the pain that continued to taunt at her.

  Removing Remy’s hand from her face, Tyson gently kissed all of her tears away and asked,

  “Baby, what are you crying for?”

  “What do you mean what am I crying for? This shit never seems to end. You know...I-I-I never thought I’d be saying this but…but I wish that I never sought revenge on the motherfucker’s that did this to me and my son, baby. I swear I wish I never did,” Remy said before eyeing the floor and shaking her head in disbelief.

  “What do you mean by that?” Tyson replied, squinting his eye in confusion.

  “Look at what this brought us, Tyson! More pain and heartache! I just want my son to rest in peace and move on with my life, baby. I know he’s in a better place and that’s all that matters now. But now we got Trigger-Happy coming after us? What if we hit Trigger-Happy and one of his homeboys comes after us? This shit is just never going to end!”

  “I hear what you’re saying Remy but look, don’t stress it. We’re going to be good, baby. We got each other, that’s all that matters,” Tyson assured her before placing a kiss on her forehead.



  The loud knockings of their hotel room door interrupted Remy from uttering another word as they then turned and glanced at it. Standing to his feet with caution, Tyson grabbed his .9mm from the back of his pants before tightly gripping it into his hands.

  “Who is it?” he asked in a loud yet firm voice.

  “Room service, you have an urgent message,” the house keeper said.

  Walking up towards the door before peeping out the peep hole, he saw the short, Caucasian housekeeper with a box in her hand, standing outside of his door.

  Finally opening the door, he held his gun behind his back and asked,

  “Mail? From who?”

  “I don’t know. It was delivered to the hotel with your name and hotel room number on it.”

  Slowly grabbing the box out of her hand, Tyson thanked the house keeper before closing the door behind him and making his way back over towards the bed.

  “Who is it from?” Remy asked.

  “I don’t know, it doesn’t say,” Tyson said as he eyed the box with caution.

  “How did anyone even know we were here? We weren’t even here for that long!”

  Tyson nodded his head in agreement as he slightly held his breath before opening up the box. When he noticed a small cut out sheet of paper and a package sealed in a big brown envelope, he quickly picked up the sheet of paper before reading it.

  “Revenge, the action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for a wrong suffered at their hands.”

  “What? What is that supposed to mean? Who the hell send that, Tyson?!” Remy yelled before standing to her feet and walking next to Tyson.

  Remaining quiet as he darted his eyes at the sheet of paper and package, Tyson’s mind raced a mile a minute until he finally realize what the message meant.

  “We got to get the fuck up out of here, c’mon Remy!” he yelled before quickly tossing the piece of paper down, grabbing Remy’s hand, and quickly running out of the hotel room.

  “What are you doing? What’s wrong?” Remy asked with confusion as she tried her best to keep up with Tyson who was running as fast as a track star.

  When they reached the end of the hall, Tyson and Remy felt an uncontrollable force lift them off of their feet and into the air before they slammed to the ground in pain.

  Glancing behind them, Remy’s body shook uncontrollably as she watched in sheer terror as more than a handful of people ran around and out of the hotel, which was set ablaze.

  Groaning in pain as he stood to his feet, Tyson then helped a trembling Remy to her feet before running out of the hotel and into the parking lot before hopping back into his car.

  “What the hell happened?” Remy yelled as Tyson placed the key into his ignition before driving away from the hotel.

  “There was a fucking bomb in that package!”

  “How did you know that?” she asked as her lip quivered uncontrollably.

  “You know I was in the army before, Remy. When I read that note and saw that package, I knew that had to be a fucking bomb. If we would’ve opened it, our ass would’ve been done.”

  Remy, still trembling in fear, shook her head in disbelief as she held her breath and glanced out of the window. The couple remained quiet the remainder of the ride, silently trapped and drowning in their thoughts.

  When they finally reached their destination, which was Tyson’s storage unit, Tyson quickly hopped out of the car, unlocked and opened his unit, before hopping back into his car, driving it into the unit, and parking it.

  “C’mon baby, let’s go. We got to switch cars, just in case their following us, we can hopefully shake them,” Tyson said as he gripped his .9mm into his hand and hopping into his black on black Escalade.

  Remy quickly followed after him, hopping into the passenger seat and watching as Tyson drove the Escalade out of the storage unit before hopping out of his car and locking the storage unit back up, and hopping back into the car.

  “Listen Remy, I know this is hard for you baby, because it’s hard for me, but what can we do about it? I want you to stop those tears baby, okay? You’re a strong woman and ultimate fighter and I love you, Remy. You know only the strong survives around these parts, baby. I want you to stay strong and keep your gun on you, twenty-four-seven, no questions asked, okay?” Tyson said as he gently placed his hand onto her lap.

  Remy nodded her head as she then s
ucked up all of her weak emotions and forced a smile onto her face. When they finally reached Tyson’s loft on the outskirts of Pittsburgh, Remy and Tyson hopped out of the car before walking into the loft.

  Tyson’s loft, which was spacious with a calm décor like his old house he owned in Pittsburgh, was where Tyson went to whenever he wanted to clear his thoughts.

  Walking into the living room, Remy zipped down her leather jacket as she then watched Tyson walk run upstairs before running back down a couple minutes later with a huge duffle bag in his hand.

  Remy remained quiet as she then watched Tyson sit the duffle bag next to her on the couch, open it up, and remove five handguns and two shot guns from it.

  Walking towards a nearby corner with duct tape in his hand, he placed and taped a handgun on the side of a table stand before moving to another corner and taping another gun. He continued to tape the other three guns into discreet places before placing the one shot gun under each of the two couches.

  When he was done, he reached back into the duffle bag before pulling out a handful of hunting knives and hiding them into places, also.

  “Damn, do you have all your weapons from your army days in there or something?” Remy joked half-heartedly.

  Tyson smiled back at her before tossing his duffle bag to the side of the couch when he was finally finished. Taking a seat next to Remy, he said,

  “Not really, I’m just prepared for war, baby. You know how that goes.”

  Remy nodded as she eyed the love of her life. Her insides melted as she glanced at his chiseled features and thick, full lips. Having a sudden urge to taste his full lips, Remy gently cupped Tyson’s face into her hands as she passionately kissed him.

  Tyson leaned in closer to her, kissing and making love with her tongue, also. Climbing on top of him, she straddled him as he held her close into his arms before standing to his feet and started to unbuckle his pants.

  Pulling down her pants and tossing them off of her body, Remy moaned in pleasure as Tyson then pressed her thick frame against the wall before parting her legs like the Red Sea and entering her.


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