Love's Second Chance

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Love's Second Chance Page 9

by Patty H Scott

  As if my musing about her conjured her up, Katrina walks in with a dark-haired guy sporting a beard and trendy black-rimmed glasses. He looks about five years younger than her. He’s wearing a pair of skinny jeans, a T-shirt, and a plaid flannel shirt over it. His look is very L.A. hipster. This is obviously Michael. They order drinks and sit at one of the side tables that looks out the windows at Main Street.

  She doesn’t see me, so I hang back. I watch as Katrina and this guy talk. They have an ease between them, almost like a brother and sister. They never touch. As a matter of fact, beyond the friendly comfort they share in one another’s presence, I don’t see any sparks between them.

  Maybe I had this all wrong. I should have called her. It’s been three days since she first came into Ferris Wheel Coffee. I could have been spending time with her. Would she have given me her contact info if she were seriously involved with this guy, Michael? Right at that moment she laughs. That laugh. I remember when we spent the day together in Santa Monica. I was so fresh with grief over my mom. Her laugh seemed to split the clouds and let in perfect rays of sunlight for the first time since mom passed.

  I realize I’m staring now. Bryce shoots me a quizzical look. I better go say hi and get this over with. I’ll say hi now and then I’ll call her to ask her out. I’ve kicked myself hundreds of times for letting Katrina slip through my fingers. What am I doing letting it happen one more time? I scold Caleb for this same thing all the time and here I am doing it myself. I owe my brother an apology. I’m not a risk taker by nature, but this woman makes me want to be bold. I don’t want to live a half-life wondering what could have happened. I’m going to pursue Katrina Bradshaw and I’m not holding back this time.

  chapter thirteen


  Michael has me laughing so hard right now. We’re back in that sweet little coffee shop we found a few days ago. The one where I saw Jack. It’s called Ferris Wheel Coffee. Just the name conjures up memories of that first kiss and the way he held my hand all the way down from the top of the ride. But thinking of Jack right now makes me upset. He should have called.

  “Hey, Michael, I wonder why the owners would name the shop Ferris Wheel. It’s not a very Montana wilderness kind of name, you know?”

  “Yeah. They don’t have many Ferris wheels here.”

  “I know it’s more skiing and outdoorsman type activities. You would think they would name this place Forest Grounds or Hometown Blends or The Bean on Main. Oh, that last one is good. Yeah. Forest Grounds probably not. Sounds a bit like they gathered up some mulchy pine needles and added them into the espresso.” Michael laughs.

  “To follow your thoughts, we need a special kind of GPS. You know that, right?”

  I turn my nose up a tad and declare, “I’m a genius. That’s why.” He gives me a sideways glance and rolls his eyes.

  We sit together comfortably sipping our coffee. I start thinking about when I saw Jack here. What a disappointment he turned out to be. I spent months pining away for the ideal guy only to find out he runs hot and cold like the rest of the male species. Except Michael. But what Michael and I have works because it’s not tainted with romantic expectations. I believe romance can happen, but honestly, being friends with guys is just so much less complicated. It hurts way less too.

  All of a sudden, I see Jack. He’s walking to our table. Are you kidding me? What’s the chance he would be here both times I’ve ever stopped in. Well, that’s me and Jack, beating the odds with improbable run-ins. No matter. I’m the Ice Queen now. I’ll be kind but cold. I don’t need the time of day from a man who can’t bother to call and ask me out after I spent the better part of a summer daydreaming about the perfect day we shared on a beach. I’m 27, after all, not 17. I’m Katrina Bradshaw, international photographer. I don’t need men and I don’t need complications.

  “Hey, Katrina.” He gives a warm smile and looks over at Michael.

  “Hi. What a coincidence running into you twice here. Jack, this is Michael, my assistant. Michael, this is Jack.” I don’t know what to say about the look that goes across Jack’s face. He looks sucker punched, then something crosses his features like relief. Anyway. He’s a conundrum, and one I’m not spending one more minute trying to figure out.

  “Nice to meet you Michael.”

  “You too, Jack. Kat has mentioned you before.” Michael sips his coffee.

  If the death glare were such a thing, Michael would be getting one. I’m secretly wishing I had the force so I could give Michael that hold-the-neck thing that Darth Vader does. I mentioned Jack. Yes. I mentioned him. In private. Not for Jack to know about. Ugh. Men. Michael just jumped lists. He’s a man too. He’s now on my man list. I should have known they’d stick together. It’s some sort of unspoken conspiratorial brotherhood between all men.

  “She mentioned me, huh? Hmmm. I wonder what would make Katrina Bradshaw mention me.”

  Smug. Pompous. Just grrrrr. I put on an unaffected expression. “I told him how you helped me out with my rental car when it overheated. That’s all.”

  “Well, Michael. Seems I made quite an impression, then, for Katrina to mention me to you.”

  I realize I have to get out of this coffee shop fast. “Yes. Well. Um. Jack, Michael and I were just leaving. Weren’t we, Michael? We have some photos to send off to the editor and a couple details to firm up about the upcoming few days of shoots. Good seeing you, Jack. Take care.”

  Michael looks stuck and embarrassed. “Uh. Yeah. Nice meeting you, Jack. I guess we are leaving.”

  “Nice to meet you too, Michael. Good seeing you, Katrina.”

  Of all the nerve! I wait until we are well out of view of the coffee shop before I turn on Michael and blast him. “What were you thinking? ‘Kat has mentioned you, Jack. Kat thinks of you, Jack. You’ve been a subject of conversation, Jack.’ Michael. Really?”

  Michael just stares at me like I sprouted a second head and a pair of wings. We’ve worked together for a long time. This may actually be our first official fight, and of course it’s over a man like Jack. Michael might be a man, but he’s the smartest one I’ve ever met because right then he doesn’t even answer me, try to correct me, or tell me to calm down. He simply walks toward our car and opens my door for me and then drives me back to our inn in silence.

  I need a bath – a long, hot, glorious, bubbly bath. I want Whitney Houston belting out songs about dancing with someone, great love, and all things romantic. Yes. I’ve sworn off men. I didn’t swear off Whitney.

  I draw up the water in my tub and drop in this lovely little bath bomb made by some local artisan. It smells like lavender and something else – blackberry maybe. So very yummy. I step in and try to lose myself in the luxury of hot water and fizz. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath. Jack … Oh, glorious hallelujah! I can’t even step into a bath without that man invading my privacy. There would have been a time this summer when thinking about Jack as I soaked in a tub would have meant the end to a great day. This is not that moment. I want an exorcism or something. Maybe I need to go for a run or a walk. Just get some fresh air.

  I get out of the tub, dry off and dress in my old jeans and a fleece I brought for the cooler summer evenings. Fleece is like formal wear in Montana. As a matter of fact, I don’t think you can take up permanent residence here if you don’t own a Subaru Outback and at least three items of Patagonia in your wardrobe. It’s like a bylaw in the state constitution, I’m pretty sure.

  I pop off a quick text to Michael. I’m not as mad at him anymore. Poor guy. He saves my hiney most days. I need to apologize to him. He shouldn’t have told Jack I talked about him, but under other circumstances I wouldn’t have minded. How would he know my Ice Queen agenda?

  Katrina: Hey, Michael. I’m not mad. Actually, I shouldn’t have gone all psycho on you at the coffee shop. I just want to apologize. You truly are the best. I need to get some air. I’m going on a walk. It’s safe and I’ll have my phone. Not going far. Just need to clear my

  Michael: No prob, Kat. You know I get it. I didn’t mean to blurt out the state secrets. I didn’t realize he wasn’t on the A-list anymore. Sorry for overstepping. Be careful, k?

  Katrina: K. I will. Thanks.

  Just then my text buzzes again. I expect it to be Michael. It’s not. I look down to see Jack’s number.

  Jack: Hey, Katrina. It really was good to see you today. Nice to meet Michael and find out he’s your assistant.

  Katrina: Good to see you too, Jack.

  What does he mean find out he was my assistant? Whatever. What else would he have been?

  Jack: Any chance you still want to meet up sometime while we’re both in town? I know some great little bistros, or they have the best pizza place right off main street. You tell me.

  Katrina: I don’t know, Jack. Time is pretty tight with my shooting schedule. I’ll have to let you know.

  I stand there staring at my phone like it just grew claws and is about to attack me. Yet, I have this crazy urge to leap through the screen, melt the Ice Queen and kiss Jack Anders like I mean it. I’m not going to though. I’m out the door to let that cool Montana air restore me to my senses before I get whiplash from my erratic feelings for that man.

  * * *

  Today I feel a bit better. Walking at night along the dark roads in a small Montana town was just the medicine I needed. I slept deeply and woke ready to face the day. Michael and I came down from our rooms into the lobby dining area at the same time this morning. It was our day to visit a ranch and the idea thrilled me. Growing up in Texas, I saw my share of cattle and horses. I’m not a stranger to a saddle. It’s been a while since I’ve been on a ranch and thinking about going gave me the momentum I needed to dig into the day. I even said to Michael “Coffee shops and men texting about dinner can wait. I’ve got my camera bag, a day of open air, and some cowboys ahead of me.” He gave me an eyeroll, of course. Michael could outdo a teen girl some days with his rolling eyes.

  We pull into the parking lot after our long day out on the ranch and I am spent. Between the emotions over Jack, the sun on my face all day, and the exertion of pouring myself into the shoot, I could fall over before we even eat supper. I look at my phone and see I had a call from Mindy that went to voice mail. We’ve been trying to get together regularly even though my schedule is anything but predictable. She’s so sweet and patient. She just keeps reaching out. I decide to text her instead of calling because I’m honestly too tired to talk.

  Katrina: Hey, Mindy. I saw you called. Sorry, we were outside range for good phone service part of the day. I would call, but I’m beat.

  Mindy: Oh, no worries. I just wanted to see if you wanted to go to a mid-morning breakfast next Wednesday. I thought you had mentioned being free that day.

  Katrina: I am, and that sounds great. How was your day?

  Mindy: It was good. We had a guy come in with rope and some barrels made out to be steer. The kids learned roping from him. Lots of fun.

  Katrina: That sounds like fun. They’re a great group of kids.

  Mindy: Well they sure loved you and a bunch of them are all excited about photography now.

  Katrina: Awww. That made my day. Thanks, friend.

  Mindy: How was the ranch?

  Katrina: Besides being surrounded by a bunch of rugged cowboys all day? :)

  Mindy: Kat! You know what I mean. Yes, besides the rugged cowboys, who are often a hot mess, let me tell you as a local girl.

  Katrina: Yes. Well, I’ve sworn off men anyway. Cowboys included. But being at the ranch was exhilarating. I had forgotten how much I love that life. My heart feels a little homesick for Texas, and Mama. I need to make time to go see her and Daddy soon. It’s been too long. Sometimes I let my life just take off like a downhill train without brakes and before I know it, I’ve gone way too long without a visit. I’m going to schedule one after this Montana job wraps up. For sure.

  Mindy: That sounds good, Kat. I don’t know what I would do going months on end without seeing my parents, but I’ve never lived a life traveling all over like you do. I admire you.

  Katrina: Thanks, Mindy. I’m really glad we caught up. I’m looking forward to next Wednesday.

  Mindy: Me too. Rest up. We can talk soon, and if you want to run one morning this week, let me know.

  Katrina: Thanks. Will do.

  I head up to my room, order delivery for supper, and put on my coziest pair of pjs. I curl up in the oversized chair in my room. My body is the best kind of bone tired after being on the ranch all day, but I want to look through pics I took. As I open the cloud where I upload them, a picture of me and Jack catches my eye. It’s from our day in Santa Monica. We were being cheesy taking a selfie on my phone.

  Honestly? I can’t get away from that man. It’s like someone inserted a chip in me when I wasn’t looking and now everywhere I turn I’m magnetized back to him. My mind feels all jumbled. I need to hash this out with Patrice. She always talks sense when I’m spun.

  Katrina: You got a minute? I miss you.

  Patrice: Sure. What’s up? I miss you too.

  Katrina: I think I have man trouble.

  Patrice: Someone up there in Montana? P.S. What happened to the man-fast and your mantra? I feel out of the loop!

  Katrina: Yeah. Well. The fast is still on. I ran into Jack up here.

  Patrice: Jack, Jack? As in Ferris wheel Jack? A Kiss to Remember Jack?

  Katrina: the one and the same.

  Patrice: That’s great! Or not? You tell me.

  Katrina: Well, at first, I thought it was, and then I don’t know. We bumped into one another at this little coffee shop downtown – Ferris Wheel Coffee – and I was in shock. Seriously, what’s the likelihood of us being here in Bozeman at the same time? He seemed happy to see me, and I was so, well, you know, I was really happy to see him. I thought I never would again. But then, I gave him my number and the address where I am staying, and he never called – it’s been four days.

  Patrice: Wow. Ferris Wheel. That’s odd. You two seriously have the world’s most coincidental relationship – but that coffee shop name, seriously? After the best kiss of your life was with that man on the top of a Ferris wheel … Sorry to hear about the mixed signals, Kat. So, what are you going to do?

  Katrina: Well, that’s not all. Michael and I were in the same coffee shop again yesterday and all of a sudden Jack walked up. Twice I bump into him and it’s the only two times I’ve been in there. But I was already pulling the Ice Queen because I didn’t think he deserved anything better after fully ignoring me.

  Patrice: I hear you. I wonder why he didn’t call though. He sure seemed into you in Santa Monica. Men. No wonder you are on a fast.

  Katrina: You’re not helping.

  Patrice: Sorry, sweet friend. I know this is confusing. What’s your heart telling you? You seemed to think he was different from the other guys you dated, right?

  Katrina: Well, that’s the thing. He texted me last night after we bumped into him and asked me if I’d go to supper with him.

  Patrice: Okay! So, he finally asked. What did you say?

  Katrina: I told him I was busy with shoots and I’d have to get back to him. Then I took myself on a long walk in the cold air to freeze the desire I had to track him down and give him a kiss to surpass the one we had on top of that Ferris wheel. See. I told you. I’m a hot mess. What should I do, Patrice?

  Patrice: Look, Kat, I’m not going to be the one to tell you what’s what here. I don’t want to subject you to more heartache than you’ve already endured, but from where I sit, the man you’ve been infatuated with all summer is finally in the same town with you asking you to dinner. Yes. He missed a beat, and we don’t know what that was, but I don’t think it’s time to close the door on this. Unless you do. If you do, girl, you know I’ve got your back.

  Katrina: Thanks, Patrice. You’re the best. I can’t wait to get home and have another girls’ night.

  Patrice: You know you’ll be there f
or me when I have an earth stopping kiss that makes me want to chase a man half-way around the continent. (And, I’m way overdue for that if you know what I mean!) … Keep me posted, k? Love you.

  Katrina: I will. What would I do without you?

  Patrice: As far as I’m concerned, you’ll never have to find out. Don’t be a stranger, girl. Text me again soon.

  Katrina: I will. Goodnight, sweet friend.

  Thank God for girlfriends. I can’t think my way out of a paper bag when things get tricky with a man. Texting with Patrice was just what I needed. I step out of my room and walk out the back of the inn. There’s a swing on one end of the porch. I make my way over and sit on it to consider everything Patrice and I talked about. She’s right, of course. I need to give this a chance. I want to give Jack a chance, and if my heart gets broken in the process, at least I won’t regret having never found out if this thing between us might be real.

  It’s late, but I decide to text him right then.

  Katrina: Hey.

  Jack: Hey, there.

  Katrina: so, about dinner …

  Jack: Yes?

  Katrina: I’m a pretty big fan of local pizza anywhere I can get it. Does your offer still stand?

  Jack: Always. What night is good for you? And I’d say Michael could come, but I kind of was hoping it could be just the two of us. Is that okay?

  Katrina: Yep. That’s fine. Michael tends to collapse at the end of our workdays. Keeping me in line seems to be a full-time job.

  Jack: I bet. ;)

  Katrina: Ha ha. well, then I guess I’ll see you for pizza tomorrow.

  Jack: can I pick you up?

  Katrina: Yes. That would be nice. How about 6:00?

  Jack: sounds good. See you at 6. Nite Katrina.

  Katrina: Good night, Jack.

  And apparently my stomach did not get the memo about the man-fast because a swarm of butterflies seemed to have taken flight right when he typed the word “always” and they don’t appear to be letting up anytime soon. I feel like a junior who was just asked to prom by the guy she’s been crushing on all semester. It’s just pizza, Kat. Yeah. Tell my stomach and my heart about that. I wonder how I’m going to sleep tonight. One thing is for sure. My dreams will be filled with visions of Jack Anders.


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