49. Alexander, OHP.
50. Letter from Harry Hopkins to Eleanor Roosevelt, Sept. 18, 1940.
51. Letter from Aubrey Williams to Eleanor Roosevelt, Aug. 1, 1939.
52. “A Program of Action,” issued by the American Youth Commission, Oct., 1939; Eleanor Roosevelt, speech to the American Youth Congress, Feb. 21, 1939.
53. “Proceedings of the Model Congress of Youth, July 1–5, 1939,” American Youth Congress; Time, July 17, 1939.
54. Ibid.
1. Irwin Shaw, in the New York Times, May 3, 1936; E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” cited (Ch. 38), May 20, 1936.
2. Eleanor Roosevelt, speech, Jan. 24, 1934; New York Times, May 19, 1934, and Jan. 3, 1935.
3. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Lewis Chamberlain, Feb. 19, 1934; letter from Steve Early to Claude Swanson, May 23, 1934, and Swanson’s reply, May 26, 1934; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Jeannette Rankin, Oct. 23, 1933; Franklin D. Roosevelt’s attitude toward Japan based on Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply to a question submitted by Lorena Hickok in connection with the writing of TIR.
4. Mary Gray Peck, Carrie Chapman Catt (New York, 1944), p. 351.
5. New York Herald Tribune, April 24, 1933.
6. Letter from Esther Lape to Eleanor Roosevelt, Dec. 10, 1933; letter from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Eleanor Roosevelt, Dec. 19, 1933; letter from Esther Lape to Eleanor Roosevelt, mid-Jan., 1934.
7. Letter from Esther Lape to Eleanor Roosevelt, March 18, 1934, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply, March 19, 1934; letter from Esther Lape to Eleanor Roosevelt, March 19, 1934; New York Times, March 23, 1934; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Esther Lape, April 12, 1934; letter from Esther Lape to Eleanor Roosevelt, Oct. 9, 1934; Hull, Memoirs, cited (Ch. 36), p. 388.
8. Wire from Esther Lape to Eleanor Roosevelt, Jan. 15, 1935.
9. F. D. Roosevelt, Public Papers, cited (Ch. 13), 1934, pp. 40–41; New York Times, Jan. 16, 1935.
10. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Esther Lape, Jan. 24, 1935.
11. Eleanor Roosevelt, speech on WNBC, Jan. 27, 1935.
12. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Esther Lape, Feb. 1, 1935.
13. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Mrs. Kendall Emerson, Feb. 12, 1935.
14. Ickes, Secret Diary, cited (Ch. 24), I, pp. 284–85.
15. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to the League of Nations Association, Feb. 20, 1935.
16. Eleanor Roosevelt, speech in Chicago, New York Times, Nov. 1, 1935; on the defects of the “merchants of death” thesis, see George Thayer, The International Trade in Armaments (New York, 1969).
17. Hull, pp. 398–400.
18. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to John Haynes Holmes, Oct. 23, 1935.
19. Letter from Carola von Schaeffer-Bernstein to Eleanor Roosevelt, Jan. 3, 1936, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply, Jan. 28, 1936.
20. New York Times, Jan. 24, 1936.
21. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Miss Schillinger (with a copy to Farley), April 22, 1936.
22. Letter from Felix Frankfurter to Missy LeHand, April 14, 1936; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Felix Frankfurter, April 18, 1936; letter from Felix Frankfurter to Eleanor Roosevelt, April 21, 1936, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply, April 30, 1936.
23. Clarence Pickett’s draft of Eleanor Roosevelt’s speech for the Emergency Peace Campaign with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s corrections, Eleanor Roosevelt file.
24. Sumner Welles, Seven Decisions That Shaped History (New York, 1950), p. 4; E. Roosevelt, My Days, cited (Ch. 39), pp. 28–29.
25. Letter from Hendrik Willem Van Loon to Eleanor Roosevelt, June 23, 1935; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to the Thomas Manns, June 22, 1935.
26. Letter from George F. Peabody to Eleanor Roosevelt, April 2, 1936; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Clarence Pickett, April 2, 1936.
27. New York Times, Aug. 28, 1936; Krock, Memoirs, cited (Ch. 40), p. 183.
28. Letter from Clarence Pickett to Eleanor Roosevelt, Aug. 28, 1936, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply, Aug. 31, 1936.
29. Letter from Adm. Richard Byrd to Eleanor Roosevelt, Jan. 27, 1937.
30. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Adm. Richard Byrd, Jan. 27, 1937.
31. New York Times, April 7, 1937.
32. See F. D. Roosevelt, Public Papers, 1937, pp. 406–11, for “quarantine” speech delivered Oct. 5, 1937, and ibid., pp. 422–25, for the press conference held the next day at Hyde Park; E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Oct. 6, 1937.
33. Welles, pp. 71–73.
34. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Miss Baker, Jan. 2, 1938; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Mrs. Graham, Feb. 2, 1938.
35. Letter from Carola von Schaeffer-Bernstein to Eleanor Roosevelt Dec. 13, 1936; E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” May 27, 1937.
36. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” June 1, 1937.
37. Ibid., July 9, 1937; letter from Martha Gellhorn to Eleanor Roosevelt, July 18, 1937.
38. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Anna Louise Strong, May 18, 1937.
39. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Martha Gellhorn, June 14, 1937.
40. Ibid., June 24, 1937.
41. Letter from Patrick Scanlan to Eleanor Roosevelt, Aug. 10, 1937, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply, Aug. 10, 1937.
42. New York Times, April 30, 1938, and May 2, 1938; New York Herald Tribune, April 18, 1938; E. Roosevelt, My Days, p. 238.
43. Letter from Sra. de los Rios to Eleanor Roosevelt, April 2, 1938.
44. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Louis Fischer, Feb. 25, 1938.
45. Letter from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Eleanor Roosevelt, Dec. 8, 1938; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Martha Gellhorn, June 29, 1938.
46. Max Lerner, in the New York Post, Nov. 9, 1962.
47. Letter from Catherine Delehanty to Eleanor Roosevelt, Jan. 30, 1939, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply, Feb. 7, 1939; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to C. P. Minnigerode of the Corcoran Gallery, Feb. 19, 1939.
48. Letter from Sra. de los Rios to Eleanor Roosevelt, March 31, 1939.
49. Letter from Annie T. Ganey to Eleanor Roosevelt, March 18, 1939, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply, March 24, 1939.
50. Gunther, Roosevelt in Retrospect, cited (Ch. 26), p. 191.
1. Eleanor Roosevelt’s answer to Malvina Thompson Scheider’s memorandum, Nov. 23, 1935; E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” cited (Ch. 8), Sept. 9, 1936.
2. Lash Diaries, April 20, 1940; E. Roosevelt, notes in preparation for the writing of TIR.
3. Welles, Seven Decisions That Shaped History, cited (Ch. 46), pp. 22–23.
4. Eleanor Roosevelt, speech to the Conference on the Cause and Cure of War, Jan. 19, 1938.
5. Sumner Welles, The Time for Decision (New York, 1944), pp. 66–67; Winston Churchill, The Gathering Storm (Boston, 1948), pp. 254, 255; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Martha Gellhorn, April 5, 1938.
6. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Sept. 16, 1938.
7. Ibid., Sept. 20, 1938.
8. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Franklin D. Roosevelt, Sept. 21, 1938.
9. Thomas Mann, The Coming Victory of Democracy (New York, 1938); E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Sept. 23, 1938.
10. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Marguerite Few, Sept. 28, 1938.
11. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Sept. 28, 1938.
12. Ibid., Sept. 30, 1938.
13. Ibid., Oct. 7, 1938; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Helen Gifford, Oct. 14, 1938.
14. Letter from Mrs. Philip Vaughn (“Bennett”) to Eleanor Roosevelt, Dec. 14, 1938, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply, Jan. 4, 1939.
15. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Franklin D. Roosevelt, Oct. 21, 1938.
16. Letter from the Grand Duchess Marie to Eleanor Roosevelt, April, 1934; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to the Grand Duchess Marie, July 2, 1934.
17. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Judge Justine Polier, Jan. 4, 1939.
18. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Franklin D. Roosevelt, Feb. 22, 1939; letter from
Eleanor Roosevelt to Judge Justine Polier, Feb. 28, 1939.
19. Franklin D. Roosevelt, memorandum, June 2, 1939; E. Roosevelt, speech to the Conference on the Cause and Cure of War.
20. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Mrs. Clark, Aug. 22, 1938.
21. Weldon Wallace, carbon copy of a story written for the Baltimore Sun, based on an interview with Eleanor Roosevelt which took place in 1954 on the subject of racial prejudice.
22. Eleanor Roosevelt, “The Future of the Jews,” Liberty, Nov. 25, 1938, written in reply to an article on the same subject by H. G. Wells.
23. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Mrs. Paxton, Feb. 15, 1937.
24. E. Roosevelt, “The Future of the Jews.”
25. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Dr. Hyman, Nov. 19, 1938.
26. Letter from S. Margoshes to Eleanor Roosevelt, Dec. 24, 1938; letter from Malvina Thompson Scheider to S. Margoshes, Jan. 3, 1939.
27. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Feb. 2, 1939.
28. New York Times, Feb. 5 and 8, 1939, and March 1, 1939.
29. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” April 3, 1939.
30. Ibid., April 17, 1939.
31. F. D. Roosevelt, Letters, cited (Ch. 10), IV, pp. 867–68; the Rev. Charles E. Coughlin’s comment, in the New York Times, June 12, 1939.
32. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” May 28, 1939.
33. Alexander, OHP; Ickes, Secret Diary, cited (Ch. 24), II, pp. 642–50.
34. New York Times, June 10 and 14, 1939.
35. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Kathleen McLaughlin, June 29, 1939.
36. Harry Hopkins, Papers, in FDRL.
37. Helen Robinson, Diaries, cited (Ch. 16), June 11, 1939.
38. E. Roosevelt, “I Remember Hyde Park,” cited (Ch. 10).
39. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Maude Gray, June 13, 1939.
40. Ickes, II, pp. 642–50.
41. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” July 20, 1939.
42. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Mrs. Helen Hirst, July 25, 1939; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Martha Gellhorn, Aug. 8, 1939.
43. Letter from Mrs. Philip Vaughn (“Bennett”) to Eleanor Roosevelt, Nov. 26, 1939, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply, Dec. 15, 1939.
44. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Aug. 24, 1939.
45. Ibid., Sept. 1, 1939; letter from Carola von Schaeffer-Bernstein to Eleanor Roosevelt, Aug. 19, 1939.
46. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Carola von Schaeffer-Bernstein, Sept. 6, 1939.
47. Letter from Harry Hooker to Anna Roosevelt Boettiger, Sept. 11, 1939.
48. New York Times, Sept. 16, 1939; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Maude Gray, Sept. 17, 1939.
49. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Mrs. Barmore, Oct. 3, 1939.
1. Letters from Alice Davis to Eleanor Roosevelt, Dec. 24, 1933, and Oct. 15, 1934; E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” cited (Ch. 8), Dec. 4, 1936.
2. Lorena Hickok, reports to Harry Hopkins, in FDRL.
3. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Miss Holden, Nov. 7, 1934.
4. Letter from Lorena Hickok to Aubrey Williams, Aug., 1934; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Mrs. Goodspeed, Oct. 4, 1934.
5. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Mrs. Deane, June 7, 1934.
6. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Robert W. Bingham, Jan. 8, 1934, and Bingham’s reply, Jan. 14, 1934; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Robert W. Bingham, Jan. 27, 1934.
7. Elizabeth Dilling, The Red Network (published by the author, Milwaukee, 1934), p. 317; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Mrs. Trautman, July 1, 1936.
8. Franklin D. Roosevelt, address to the Foreign Policy Association, Oct. 21, 1944, in F. D. Roosevelt, Public Papers, cited (Ch. 13), 1944, pp. 342–54.
9. Caroline Phillips, Journals, Feb. 13, 1918; letters from Eleanor Roosevelt to Franklin D. Roosevelt, July 20, 1918, and Aug. 8, 1918.
10. Letter from Esther Lape to Joseph P. Lash, Oct. 12, 1970; interview with Esther Lape.
11. Krock, Memoirs, cited (Ch. 40), pp. 149–50.
12. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Feb. 20, 1936.
13. Letter from Sarah Millin to Eleanor Roosevelt, Nov. 17, 1936.
14. Letter from Anna Louise Strong to Eleanor Roosevelt, Jan. 29, 1935.
15. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Anna Louise Strong, Feb. 13, 1935.
16. Letter from Alice Davis to Eleanor Roosevelt, Dec. 11, 1936.
17. Eleanor Roosevelt, speech at the Women’s Faculty Club, Harvard University, Dec. 5, 1935; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Helen Reid, Nov. 8, 1938; E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” Sept. 26, 1938.
18. Letter from Franklin D. Roosevelt to John Cudahy, April 16, 1938, may be found in F. D. Roosevelt, Letters, cited (Ch. 10), IV, p. 776.
19. Letter from Anna Louise Strong to Eleanor Roosevelt, Feb 13, 1937, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply, Feb. 24, 1937; letter from Mrs. Joseph Davies to Eleanor Roosevelt, April 12, 1938, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply, April 27, 1938.
20. Letters from Jerome Davis to Eleanor Roosevelt, March 1 and 26, 1938, and Eleanor Roosevelt’s reply, April 15, 1938.
21. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Mrs. William B. Meloney, Nov. 28, 1938.
22. Arthur Krock, in the New York Times, June 8 and 9, 1939; Frank Kent, in the Baltimore Sun, June 5, 1939.
23. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Mrs. Bernstein, June 21, 1939.
24. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Anna Louise Strong, Oct. 25, 1939.
1. Letter from Paul Kellogg to Eleanor Roosevelt, July 5, 1939.
2. The New Republic, quoted in Walter Goodman, The Committee (New York, 1968), p. 74.
3. New York Times, Nov. 22, 1939.
4. Goodman, p. 74.
5. Lash Diaries, Nov. 29, 1939.
6. Ibid.
7. E. Roosevelt, “My Day,” cited (Ch. 8), Dec. 1, 1939.
8. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Bernard Baruch, Dec. 2, 1939; ibid., Dec. 12, 1939.
9. Ickes, Secret Diary, cited (Ch. 24), II, p. 721.
10. Lash Diaries, Jan. 16, 1940, and Feb. 9, 1940.
11. Eleanor Roosevelt’s marginal note on Aubrey Williams’ letter to her, Nov. 11, 1939.
12. Lash Diaries, Feb. 5, 1940.
13. Letter from Harlan Miller to William Hassett, in the President’s Secretary’s File; E. M. Watson to William Hassett, Feb. 7, 1940.
14. Letter from John W. Studebaker to William Hassett, Feb. 5, 1940, and letter from Aubrey Williams to William Hassett, Feb. 5, 1940. Both Hassett and Judge Samuel I. Rosenman, whom the author consulted when he was writing Eleanor Roosevelt, A Friend’s Memoir (cited, Ch. 2), said they thought the president had written this speech himself.
15. Franklin D. Roosevelt, speech to the American Youth Congress, Feb. 10, 1940, in F. D. Roosevelt, Public Papers, cited (Ch. 13), 1940, pp. 87–94.
16. “This Is Youth Speaking: Record of the National Citizenship Institute, Feb. 9–12, 1940,” American Youth Congress; Dewey L. Fleming, in the Baltimore Sun, Feb. 11 and 12, 1940.
17. Lorena Hickok recalled the episode of Tommy’s lacing into the Youth Congress leaders in a letter to Nannine Joseph, Feb. 5, 1954; E. Roosevelt, TIR, cited (Ch. 16), p. 201; Lash Diaries, March 6 and 29, 1940.
18. Lash Diaries, Feb. 19, 1940, and May 9, 1940.
19. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Joseph P. Lash, March 8, 1940.
20. Transcript 649 A, contained in Roosevelt press conferences, in FDRL, June 5, 1940.
21. In 1936, Roosevelt told David Lilienthal of his hopes that the thoughtfulness of youth and women about economic issues would ensure the growth and consolidation of liberalism. See Lilienthal, The Journals of David E. Lilienthal, cited (Ch. 37), I, p. 64.
22. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Joseph Cadden, May 12, 1940.
23. Betty Lindley and Thelma McKelvey, report, in Eleanor Roosevelt files, 1940.
24. Letters from Eleanor Roosevelt to Mrs. Dorothy Backer, May 12 and 14, 1940; letter from Eleanor R
oosevelt to the Youth Congress leaders, undated.
25. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to the Youth Congress leaders, Dec. 16, 1940.
26. Ibid., Sept. 17, 1941.
27. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Polly Raymond, Oct. 22, 1941.
1. James A. Farley, Jim Farley’s Story (New York, 1948), p. 302.
2. Bess Furman Armstrong, “Public Man’s Wife,” the New York Times Magazine, May 14, 1939.
3. Letter from Anne Shriber to Eleanor Roosevelt, Oct. 24, 1939.
4. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Lionberger Davis, Sept. 13, 1940; letter from Malvina Thompson Scheider to Emma Bugbee, Jan. 10, 1940.
5. Eleanor Roosevelt, The Moral Basis of Democracy (New York, 1940), p. 69; Emma Bugbee, in the New York Herald Tribune, Jan. 21, 1940.
6. Letter from William Allen White to Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dec. 22, 1939; New York Times, Dec. 20, 1939.
7. E. Roosevelt, My Days, cited (Ch. 39), p. 108; newspaper clippings: New York Times, New York Herald Tribune, New York Post, New York Sun, New York World Telegram, and the New York Daily News, Jan. 21, 1937.
8. New York Times, Jan. 15, 1938, and Nov. 6, 1939.
9. Ickes, Secret Diary, cited (Ch. 24), II, p. 456; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Lady Florence Willert, Jan. 12, 1938; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Franklin D. Roosevelt, Aug. 12, 1938.
10. Helen Robinson, Diaries, cited (Ch. 16), Oct. 8, 1938.
11. Farley, p. 164; F. D. Roosevelt, Public Papers, cited (Ch. 13), 1939, p. 64.
12. Letter from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Eleanor Roosevelt, May 13, 1939; letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to George Taylor, May 29, 1939.
13. Ickes, II, p. 589.
14. Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, cited (Ch. 43), p. 117.
15. Ickes, II, p. 606.
16. Memorandum from Eleanor Roosevelt to Franklin D. Roosevelt, undated; Lash Diaries, Feb. 4, 1940.
17. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Franklin D. Roosevelt, April 11, 1940.
18. Lash Diaries, April 20, 1940.
19. Letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Maude Gray, May 17, 1940.
20. Lash Diaries, June 3, 1940.
21. Ibid., Eleanor Roosevelt, speech to the Junior Chamber of Commerce, Jan. 2, 1941, in which she described this conversation with the president; United Press, Jan. 2, 1941.
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