Falling For Crazy (Moroad Motorcycle Club)

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Falling For Crazy (Moroad Motorcycle Club) Page 5

by Debra Kayn

  Fuck him.

  He lay against her bare breasts.

  She had no clothes on.

  She'd gone to sleep wearing a short nightgown. Nothing sexy about the outfit. The material covered her clear to her knees, had long sleeves, and hung off her slim body. Hell, the shirt was three sizes too big for her. He'd caught a glimpse of her scurrying out of the bathroom after a quick shower, and the unsexy outfit had his dick hard and the blood rushing through his head.

  Somehow, he'd managed to maneuver the material off her and taken advantage of the natural plush cushion made for a man's head. He tried to imagine the whole act of how he'd achieved the lucky position in his head, wishing he could remember touching her and if she'd turned and sought him out.

  Amy swallowed. The gulp permeated his thoughts. Any second she'd make him move and for once, he wanted to stay in bed. He had no desire to get up, wander outside, and try to forget.

  "Jacko," she whispered.

  He ignored her.

  She inhaled a deep breath. Her breast pushed against his cheek, and her nipple grazed his lip.

  Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him.

  Faced with the impossible, he couldn't stop himself from taking what was literally right in front of his face. He nuzzled against her, trailing his lips across her hardened nipple.

  She softly moaned and trembled. He opened his lips, seizing her tit and groaned. Damn, he had no idea she had bigger breasts than most women he'd been with since released from prison.

  He licked.

  She gasped. The action pushed her nipple into his mouth. He took the offer, latching on and drawing her body into his mouth. His mouth performed in a way that came naturally to him.

  Suck, draw, stroke, suck, draw, stroke.

  His cock, nestled against her leg, pounded. He moaned in satisfaction.

  "Jacko!" She pushed against him, ripping her nipple out of his mouth.

  He sat up with the pulse of her breast still beating on his lips. "What?"

  "What do you think you're doing?" She tugged viciously at the material of her top shoved up under her armpits, scrambling to get away from him, and tripped herself in the blanket tangled around her legs.

  Standing at the side of the bed, she faced him. Her breasts rose and fell with each breath. He ogled her chest and wanted her warmth and his mouth back on her body.

  "Stop staring at me." She picked up the pillow and threw it at him. "Shit. I can't believe you touched me. You can't do that."

  He snatched the offending object out of the air and glared at her. Her shock irritated him. He hadn't raped her. Hell, he'd barely call what they'd done cuddling.

  Already dressed, he stood, adjusted his aching cock, and headed toward the door. Fuck, he had better things to do than stand here and listen to her bitch about him touching her tits.

  "Wait." She tugged on his arm, keeping him from leaving the room. "Just stop for a second and stop running away from me all the time when I'm trying to talk to you."

  He turned and faced her. "I'm not running."

  "What do you call it then? For the last three nights, you've left the room as if being around me makes you physically sick. I've heard your motorcycle leave, so you're going somewhere else at night."

  "It's none of your business where I go," he said.

  "Are you going out on club business?"

  He shrugged.

  "Do you go alone?"

  He gazed at her without answering.

  "Do you have a girlfriend?"

  "Jesus," he muttered.

  "That's it," she whispered. "You don't want me to find out that there's someone else in your life. It's no big deal. I never expected you to give up on finding love again."

  "There's nobody in my life."

  Her brows lowered. "So, you leave to get away from me."

  "It's not you," he said.

  She rolled her eyes. "Come on, Jacko. You can come up with a better excuse than that one. Every man uses that same lie when they don't want to tell the truth."

  "Damn it, Amy. We don't have a relationship."

  "Exactly, so stop treating me like you can't stand to be in the same room as I'm in." She flung her arm out to her side. "And, stop whatever you were trying in bed with me. I've heard how you go after every woman you meet. Don't try that shit with me. You loved my sister. It's...wrong."

  "Sarah's dead," he muttered.

  "Yeah." She softened her voice. "But, I'm not, and I remember how it was between you two. For you to touch me or try to...ugh, just don't go there."

  "I'm done talking about this." He grabbed his vest and shoved his arms in the holes. "What happened in bed won't happen again."

  "Good." She rubbed her arm and glanced at the covered window. "It's already daylight."

  No fucking way. He whistled as he exhaled, surprised he'd slept six hours without waking up. The last time he remembered a dreamless sleep was before he'd lost Sarah and began another stint in prison.

  "You might as well get dressed. We're meeting everyone out at Cam's house early today."


  He walked over to the bed and reached under his pillow for his pistol. Disgusted with himself for forgetting. She'd got him worked up, and if she hadn't stopped him from leaving, he would've walked outside without his weapon.

  "Because I need to be with the club and you need to be seen with me around Federal." He slipped the gun into the inner pocket of his vest and kept his back to her. "Christina, Cam's woman, will feed you a real breakfast when we get there. Make sure you eat."

  The sound of a zipper filled the air between them. "I thought you wanted me to stay hidden."

  "Change of plans." He glanced over his shoulder, eyed her chest under her nightgown, and looked away again. "The only way for me to stop Los Li from wanting you to join their little bandwagon of women is to draw them to me. Their members stay in California and Arizona. Since I'm one of the few who can step over the state line, I'd be going alone and facing a firing squad. Los Li would shoot me before I even made it to California."

  "If they're..." Her muffled words mixed with the ruffling of material. "You can turn around now."

  He looked at her. She stood with a lavender shirt on with her jeans.

  "If this Los Li gang isn't in Idaho, then who is after me?"


  She huffed. "Why aren't you worried about them?"

  "Moroad has power over Reds."

  "But the club doesn't have any over Los Li?"

  His mouth tightened. "Only on those who live in the states. We have no control over those south of the border, and they're the ones who want you. They have Reds doing their dirty work, but hopefully my threat to their leader will end their relationship with Los Li."

  "I don't get any of this. What made them come after Sarah in the first place?"

  He snatched up his keys. "Me."

  "Then what is the reason they're after me?" She pursed her lips. "It can't be because of you. I haven't seen you in five years. Our lives don't even meet in the middle. I lived in Montana, and you were in prison most of the time, right?"

  He nodded.

  "Do they really think I'll take my sister's place in their sick business?"

  His heart raced, squeezing the air out of his lungs. Los Li would never get their hands on Amy. They'd never strip her life away the way they had with Sarah.

  "I don't know what their plan is with you. I can only assume what they want going by the note they left you. I need them here in Federal to put a stop to any threats against you. Until then, you stick beside me, and we'll both have the club's protection."

  "How will you stop them?"

  "God damn." He bent over grabbing his head. "There are things you don't need to know."


  He pulled at his hair and hummed. The pressure inside his head threatened to split his forehead wide open. "No more questions."

  "Okay. Okay. I'll drop the subject for now." She put her hand on his arm and rubbed up and d
own, soothing him. "Stand up and look at me."

  He sputtered out his breath, counting the number of spurts until his lungs depleted of oxygen. Then he straightened, grinned, and gave her what everyone else received from him. He gave her the most fucked-up, insulted response to a serious situation.

  She frowned. "Are you okay to ride your motorcycle?"

  "Of course." He rolled his eyes, laughed on a snort, and opened the door. "After you, Miss O'Harris."

  She squeezed out the door, careful not to touch any part of his body. "You need to knock off the crazy behavior."

  "Everyone else is crazy." He walked beside her, searching the area. "I'm about as sane as you can get."

  "Right," she muttered, glancing at him.

  He winked. "Admit it. You kind of like a little crazy."

  She stopped and stared. He laughed, grabbed her wrist, and led her to the back of the motel. "Come on, Momma. Let's see if you can straddle my Harley."

  He handed her his helmet. While she busied herself fastening the strap through the D-ring, he watched her breasts strain against her shirt. Her nipples, hard and visible through the material, almost had him swallowing his tongue.

  She stilled. "You're doing it again."

  He jerked his gaze off the front of her shirt and sat on the motorcycle. "Get behind me and hold on. At least that way you can't blame me for looking."

  She stepped on the foot peg, slid in behind him, and pressed against him. He expelled his breath in short bursts and counted down until he had no oxygen left. Then he inhaled deeply, started the engine, and rode away from the motel.

  Nothing helped his condition.

  Jiggling his leg failed.

  Humming failed.

  Hell, even riding with one hand and thumping the gas tank with his thumb failed.

  Nothing could get his mind off the soft warmth snuggled against his back or the memory of her nipple in his mouth.

  Chapter Eight

  The bright red house hugged by a pristine white deck sat against the foothills of the Bitterroot Mountains. The meticulously well-kept lawn welcomed Amy to the president of Moroad Motorcycle Club's house.

  She absolutely loved the fixed up old farm house.

  If someone asked her what her dream house looked like, it would be exactly like Cam's house. Free of neighbors, but close enough to town she could walk the whole way without getting winded.

  Jacko led her up to the porch. Amy slowed her steps at the sight of a group of women gathered near a picnic table.

  "Jacko, wait. I don't belong here," Amy whispered.

  Jacko reached for her hand and squeezed. "You do now."

  She had no time to think over his reply when a beautiful woman with wavy brown hair stepped away from the group and smiled at her.

  "Hi Amy. I'm Christina...Cam belongs to me." Christina's soft voice put Amy at ease.

  Amy reached out and shook the other woman's hand. "It's nice to meet you. I'm sorry for showing up and—"

  Christina waved in front of her. "It's no problem. Cam told everyone you belonged to Jacko. Come on over and sit with us. I'll introduce you to the other women, and you can get something to eat."

  She looked up at Jacko and he wiggled his brows, dancing his way off the porch. He left her alone. Disappointment filled her and a wave of shyness crept in. These women knew Jacko better than her. At least the person he was now. His whole changed personality perplexed her or maybe she hated to adapt to changes in her life. Whatever the reason, she missed the strong, serious man he replaced behind a façade of insanity.

  "Desiree, can you get Amy a plate?" Christina pointed to a tall, curvy woman by the table. "She belongs to Merk and owns the Rail Point Bar in town. Lucky for all of us, she also picked up breakfast for everyone on her way here this morning."

  Amy smiled, not knowing what to say. There were five other women staring at her.

  "Going from left to right, that's Katie with the short brown hair, Jessie with the band Tee on, Tiff is the one with blonde hair, Tina's the one waving, and at the end is Lola. They're all Moroad women who dance at Silver Girls in town. Well, except for Tiff. She cleans the Sterling Building and has opened her own business to clean commercial buildings," Christina said.

  She had no idea the women from Silver Girls belonged to Moroad MC. Before she had to move to Montana, she remembered another motorcycle club coming in and taking over the only adult entertainment business in town.

  Amy gave a small wave. "It's nice to meet you all."

  "Are you from around here?" Lola studied her. "You look familiar."

  She nodded. "I grew up about eight miles outside of town, but I moved to Montana about five years ago."

  Lola's eyes widened and she whispered, "Sarah?"

  Her vision blurred, unused to acknowledging her sister to others. "She was my sister."

  Lola closed her eyes an extra beat. "You look like her."

  "Who's Sarah?" Tiff flipped her hair in front of her and fiddled with the end of the strands as she looked at the others. "Do I know her?"

  "She belonged to Jacko before you were out of Junior High." Lola gave a short shake of her head, stopping any questions. "She died."

  "Oh." Tiff sagged on the bench. "I'm sorry."

  Desiree approached Amy and handed her a paper plate loaded with scrambled eggs, a buttered muffin, and two pieces of sausage. Amy's stomach growled, and warmth flooded her cheeks.

  "That looks and smells wonderful," she said.

  "Sit down here at the table. It'll be easier to eat." Desiree stepped back, making room.

  "Thanks." Amy wasn't going to argue. She was starving.

  Conversation flowed around her while she concentrated on her breakfast. She kept her attention on her plate and the men in the yard surrounding another fire pit. Even with the temperatures in the high sixties this morning, the Moroad members gathered around the fire. Whether at Cam's house or the motel, someone always flicked a lighter and got the wood burning.

  As she bit into her muffin, Jacko walked outside of the circle and lay on the ground. She chewed while studying how the other's reacted to him leaving the meeting. Besides a couple glances, no one asked him what he was doing. There were a couple vacant lawn chairs and upturned logs spread around the perimeter of the men's circle. He could've sat anywhere. Instead, he chose to lie on the ground and stare into the sky.

  "I have another bag of clothes for you." Katie interrupted her thoughts. "After Jacko called, I went through the rest of my closet. There's some sweaters and even a coat in there. You're probably freezing in the evenings. I swear, the guys don't feel the drop in temperature and only put on their sleeves when it's absolutely necessary and there's snow in the air."

  Amy swallowed and wiped her mouth with the paper napkin she'd clutched in her hand. "Thank you for the clothes. Jacko told me you were the one who brought the bag over. I'm sure I can make do with the ones you gave me. You've been very generous and you don't even know me. I truly appreciate you helping me."

  Katie grinned, a dimple showing on her cheek before she shrugged. "Half the stuff I own no longer fits me, so I don't need them."

  "Are you sure?" Amy looked down at the lavender shirt. If Katie wore it once, she'd be surprised. The newness wasn't lost on her.

  "Yeah, I don't need them." Katie laughed softly. "No matter how hard I try to cut down on the amount of food I eat or how many hours I dance, I'll never fit into that size again."

  If someone asked Amy if she'd ever be too skinny, she would've laughed in their face too. While she still saw the healthy looking woman she once was in the mirror, the sharp edges of her hips and the ribs showing with every breath told her differently. Not all of her weight loss came from the last two weeks of starving herself. She'd lost weight after Sarah died and failed to bounce back to her normal weight.

  "If I keep eating the way I am right now; I won't fit in the clothes either." She returned Katie's grin, feeling good to talk with someone.

  A whoop sou
nded in the yard. Amy turned and caught Jacko crawling across the yard toward the woods. The food she'd consumed settled like a hard rock in her stomach, and she waited for someone to point out his odd behavior.

  Jacko stopped his crawl and laid down flat on his stomach in the grass. She glanced over at the other women. A few of them smiled in Jacko's direction and went back to talking as if nothing abnormal was going on in the yard.

  A savage war cry jolted her.

  Jacko lunged to his feet and dove into the brush. She set her plate beside her.

  Christina jumped up from her seat beside her and hurried out into the yard. Amy snapped her gaze back to Jacko who stood holding a prairie dog by the back of the neck up in the air.

  Cam walked across the yard, removing his pistol from the back of his jeans. She scooted to the edge of the bench, shaking her head, the words to stop what was happening right in front of her clogged her throat.

  "Cam, put the gun away." Christina walked right in front of her biker and pointed Jacko to the back yard. "Take it out of the yard. I don't want it coming back into the grass and digging holes."

  Jacko jogged behind the house with the furry creature held an arm-length away from his body. Amy sat in a stupor. These people were crazy and Jacko led all of them into thinking he was normal.

  "Anyone want to take a bet Jacko ends up with the huckleberry pie Christina made this morning?" Katie asked.

  The women laughed and shook their head. Amy stood on shaky legs and dumped her plate in the garbage can. The incident with the prairie dog broke up the meeting and the men spread out.

  Jacko returned to the front yard, grabbed Christina's hand, and bowed at her feet. Christina laughed and pulled Jacko off the ground.

  Christina stepped over to Cam and put her arm around his waist. "We'll be over to the motel later today with the truck. I've gathered more supplies to make Amy and you more comfortable."

  Jacko glanced at Amy, catching her eavesdropping. "Sounds good."

  "Do you want more men at the motel?" Cam asked.

  Jacko shook his head. "Nah, Johnson and Bear is enough. I've got it covered."

  The others looked at Amy. She walked over and joined them. Coming to Cam's house only caused more questions she had no answers for.


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