Beyond the Masks

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Beyond the Masks Page 26

by Nicky F. Grant


  “Doll…” Shane heard David as the side lamp clicked on. She squinted as the harsh light met her burning eyes. She rolled away. The bed shifted as his hand cupped her shoulder. “Honey?”

  “Mmm,” she managed. Was it all a bad dream?

  “I made you some tea.”

  “I’m good.” She pulled the comforter over her face, not wanting to face the day let alone the rest of the year.


  She blinked as he moved the blanket away, too weak to stop him. His handsome face was full of sorrow and pity. Not a dream. The video had gone viral, hitting all the major news outlets and social media sites in the world.

  Her life was over, her career gone, everything she’d worked for taken by a man who blurred reality and fantasy. Was anything Gavin said sincere? She shifted to sit. The hot cup warmed her palms. At least she could still feel something.

  “Is Jacob still here?”

  “Yes.” Falling onto his back, he put his arm behind his head and crossed his ankles. “He’s bound and determined, that man. He’ll make it right.”

  She set the cup on the nightstand and held her head in her hands. The dull headache refused to leave.

  What the hell happened? A fog flooded her mind. She removed the comforter and made her way to the adjoining bathroom, trying to come to grips with her unraveling life.

  She winced at her gray reflection. Yanking her hair up with a hair tie, she splashed water on her face as David appeared in the doorframe.

  “How bad is it?” She patted her face with a towel. The tears started again when his mouth tightened. “So my life is over,” she said matter-of-fact.

  She returned to her living grave, face-planting into the pillows. Her chest tightened as the magnitude of the scandal sank in. She’d spent a lifetime becoming a successful and respected businesswoman. Now she might be viewed as a slut by all her associates. He rubbed her back, silently giving support. She wiped her nose on the sheet.

  “What do we know?”

  “That’s what we’re trying to figure out. Jacob’s been relentless, trying to find out how this got out and how to stop it. He hasn’t slept all night, calling in all kinds of favors.” She cringed at his name. “What’s up with you two? I’ve never seen you unleash like that before.”

  “He and Gavin paired up to take Icarus Descending from Omega.”

  “They what?”

  “Jacob paid Gavin off so he would bow out. What is it with him?” Hot tears welled again.

  “I’m gonna fucking kill him.” David started to spring out of bed, but Shane snagged the sleeve of his magenta sweater.

  “No don’t. Let him do…whatever he is doing.”

  “But Shane. What the fuck?” The mattress bowed when he settled back down.

  “I don’t know. Strangely enough, it’s the least of my worries.” Humiliation washed over her. “Did Jacob see the video?”

  He nodded. “Not sure how much of it, but he did. He wants to kill Gavin. He better watch his back.”

  Jacob’s protectiveness didn’t surprise her, but the humiliation ran deep. No lover should ever see someone with another person, especially the way she’d been with Gavin.

  “He knows it was him. Jacob found out at the club.”

  “Yeah, I figured as much when I told him and he didn’t seem taken aback by it.” He rolled to his side. “Fucking coward. Of course, Gavin would be protected in all of this with his mask still on in the video. Why would he do this?”

  “My job,” she said confidently. Anger swept through her like a wildfire. All the things she tried to deny before were now coming to the surface. She should’ve listened to her gut. She buried her face in her pillow. “Fucking asshole! He took it all!” She screamed until her throat burned.

  “Shhh, doll. Let it out.”

  “A lie may take care of the present, but it has no future.”

  Jacob stared aimlessly at the blue and white paper he had collected from the fortune cookie when he and Shane had dinner. He should have taken it as a sign to be honest before asking her to consider a second chance. Hell, he should have never agreed to the fucking Icarus deal in the first place. He tossed it aside and rubbed his tired eyes.

  A light rap on the door caused him to stand. “Come in.”

  David entered with a fresh cup of coffee. “Thought you could use some fuel.”

  “Thanks.” He took it and they sat, him at the helm and David on the couch against the wall.

  “So, how does it feel to betray the one you love? I thought you were different.”

  “I’m not,” he said. He buried his face in his hand, the chair creaking when he leaned back.

  “No, you’re not. But what are you going to do about it?”

  He sighed, setting the cup on the desk. “I don’t know. All I can do is help the current catastrophe. The video’s out there, and the media’s all over it. My IT guy at AMG has a team scouring the internet to rip it from any sites. I should’ve protected her. Now and back then. Things would be different now. She would have her reputation and her job.”

  “And you.”

  “If it hadn’t happened this way, I would’ve found a way to lose her anyway. God, how could I be so stupid?”

  “Stupidity has nothing to do with it. Ignorance might be a better word.”

  The glare over David’s glasses cut through him.

  “Yeah. And selfishness. The list goes on for miles. But I can’t sit here and roll in my self-pity. She needs help cleaning this up, or at least minimizing it.”

  “Will she lose her job?”

  He slouched back. “I know John Talbot, and he doesn’t take well to personal scandal in the workplace. He won’t let this action affect his reputation or the label’s, even though it wasn’t Shane’s fault.”

  “Could you talk to him?” David’s eyes glittered with hope.

  “I’m trying. Left several messages to reach him. I would bet until he goes through the entire investigation, he’s unsure what the board’s action will be.”

  “Investigation? She’s not a criminal!” David screeched.

  Jacob stood to pace the room. “I know, but this is how things are done. It’s business. Shane could…will lose everything she built.”

  “And Gavin? There’s no way to prove it was he in the video. He gets off scot-free? What the hell?”

  “As it stands, it’s his word against hers. If the decision was made today, yes, he would walk away unscathed. Probably be appointed as the interim CEO given his industry track record and involvement in the business.”

  “Jacob, please. She won’t be able to handle this. What can we do?”

  He sat next to David and placed a hand on his shoulder. “All we can do is be there for her. Help her through it.”

  “Shane said he did it to get her job.”

  “Seems about right.” He sat back, laying an arm across the seat back. Their time working together on the Icarus Descending deal floated through his mind. It all made sense why Gavin was so eager. “And he would do anything as a means to get it. Where is she?”

  He tilted his cup to finish the last drop of java. “She’s in the shower. Trying to scrub off the last twenty-four hours.” He stood to leave and faced Jacob. “I hate what you did to her, but I hate what Gavin did more.”

  “Yeah, but the lesser crime isn’t any more bearable for her.”

  “I know.” David pursed his lips. “Whatever you’re doing…keep doing it. She needs you even if she doesn’t think so.”

  “Thanks.” Jacob’s phone rang, and he glanced at the screen. His gut twisted. “I need to take this.”

  David nodded solemnly and shut the door behind him.


  “Mr. Andrews,” John Talbot said. “My assistant said you were anxious to get a hold of me.”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you for your call.”

  “Is this concerning the recent news about Shane Vaughn?” John was known for cutting to the ch

  “Yes.” Jacob plopped in the chair. “I’ll get to the point. Are you considering letting her go?”

  “Confidential information cannot be shared with our main competitor, Jacob.”

  “Indeed. But off the record, John, you and I have known each other for a long time. This conversation will remain between us.”

  “Why are you so interested in what happens other than finding an angle to play for AMG?”

  “Because…” His mind tugged apart. Admitting he was still in love with the Omega’s CEO would ruin his career and was bound to end Shane’s. “The recording showed her in a very private moment.”

  “It did. I don’t like personal scandal in the workplace. You know this. The last CEO was let go because of his sexual involvement with top musicians and employees. I won’t stand for it again.”

  “But the release of the video happened to Shane unknowingly. For all we know, it could have been used as revenge porn. What happened to showing support to an employee and top executive? You wouldn’t want to ruin Omega’s reputation of standing behind their employees and musicians by letting her go.”

  A chair creaked and silence fell on the line. “How do you know she wasn’t aware?” A small waiver of concern swaddled John’s words.

  “Because I know her. She would never let that happen…” He paused as his heart hammered against his ribs. The fortune stared at him from where he’d left it. Tell the truth. The truth would end it all even though his intentions were meant to help Shane’s career. “I love her, John. And we have…”

  “Been together? Fraternizing with the competition is grounds for removal, Mr. Andrews. Perhaps Icarus Descending wasn’t an accident.”

  Sweaty palms left a hand mark on the desktop as he stood to pace the room. “I understand what it looks like, sir. But Icarus wasn’t her doing. Trust me.”

  “You know more than you are sharing. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t have her ejected from my organization purely on the grounds she is sleeping with you.”

  A sickening thought flashed before him. It was the only way. He cleared his throat. “John, Shane is innocent. I’m the one involved in the Icarus Descending deal with another one of your employees.”


  “You’ll find out soon enough. This about Shane right now.”

  “This is about the integrity of my company,” he said harshly.

  “I agree, sir. But the important piece for survival is holding onto Shane. She has sacrificed her life for your business and will continue to if you stand behind her.”

  “Humor me, Mr. Andrews. Why? Because your attempt at saving her is making my decision pretty clear. This is a serious corruption of business.”

  Exhaustion ran rampant through Jacob’s body. His hand shook as he held the phone. “In exchange for keeping her, I will leave my position at AMG.” Sweat rolled down his back as he stared out into the city. As much it pained him to leave AMG, she deserved her job more.

  “You are the most successful CEO in the industry. Shane is close behind, yet could never overcome your chart-topping deals.”

  “She could have with the Icarus deal.” The assumed revenue numbers flashed in his head. Omega would have edged by, especially with landing Ryan Digmore as well. “Without me at AMG, Omega will take the top spot. With your talent pool, it will continue to grow. Unless you lose the best thing you have…Shane. You know this is a solid trade, John.”

  The silence was deafening. His legs weakened, and he leaned against the window.

  “Do you know how long I’ve been married to my wife, Jacob?”

  His brows twitched at the softening in John’s question. “Uh, no, sir.”

  “Forty-three years. Do you know how long I’ve been in this business?”

  “About the same?”

  “Longer. My entire life. My wife and I had our struggles, marrying young, creating a family, all while I climbed the ladder. There were some scary moments where I allowed my business life to overshadow my personal one. She always kept me in check.” He paused. “It wasn’t until I almost lost her that I woke up. You see, Jacob, dominating the industry was my first love. Being the best. My wife always took the back seat. It was almost too late before I realized my priorities were misaligned. You are ahead of your time.”

  He swallowed the lump in his throat. “Why are you telling me this?”

  “I’ve never witnessed sacrifice like this. Especially in this grueling industry. I can’t make any promises, but you’ve given me a lot to consider.”

  Unease mixed with relief fled his veins as he nearly crumbled to the floor. “Thank you, John.”

  “I’ll be in touch.”

  Jacob leaned his forehead on the cool window, tamping down the heat radiating from him. Maybe Shane had a chance. He breathed deep to stop the nausea. His decision to tell John of his involvement could end up earning Shane a spot on the unemployment line with him. He wiped the tears falling from his eyes. But it was worth it. She was worth it.

  Shane rolled over, curled up in her bed, the sheer curtains shading the darkness. What time was it? She’d received a phone call from John Talbot letting her know she was officially on leave from the company with instructions to report tomorrow for a discussion with the board. He called it a leave of absence, but firing her was inevitable.

  She gripped her pillow as tears flowed. How could she produce anymore? Sorrow pained her body as though someone had died. Wiping her nose on the fisted sheet, she shriveled from the shame she’d caused herself, her family, and her colleagues. Her career was dead, and putting back the pieces was not an option.

  Her phone pinged, and she snaked an arm from the covers.

  AM: You crazy bitch. Call me! xx

  Anna Marie’s British accent played in her head as she read the words on the screen. Surely, she meant to send it to another Shane. She could never face her musicians again. Even the drama-filled crazy ones like Anna Marie.

  She threw on a robe and dragged the zombie-like version of herself to the kitchen. She flicked on the burner and set up some tea. Floral chamomile scents wafted to her nose as the bag settled into a cup.

  The quiet apartment helped her thoughts to wind down to a whisper. You can do this. Think of it as a new beginning. Her phone pinged in her robe.

  G: I’ll never be able to fix this. But know I am so sorry.

  Gavin. Even his attempt at an apology made her nerves jump. Why continue barraging her with texts and phone calls when he got what he wanted? A whistle startled her. The water was ready, and she poured it. She shuffled to the couch, covering her chilled body with a blanket. The opened curtains allowed her to drift into the pin dot taillights of the cabs below. She had become a part of the never sleeping city.

  She clicked her phone screen to brave the outside world. How bad was it? Knowing how large the scandal went would only help her prepare for tomorrow’s meeting. A few swipes and taps and Google presented her with the news.

  Who is the masked man?

  How could a successful woman allow abuse?

  Shane Vaughn, an example of what men in power will do to a woman.

  She’s a sham.

  Abuse? A sham? Nausea was her new friend as she emotionally cut through the opinions of others. But maybe they saw something she didn’t. Her entire life was driven by other people. Her success came only from the circumstances propelling her. Somewhere along the way, when she left Austin, Texas, she lost her purpose.

  Flicking through the other search pages a headline appeared:

  Jacob Andrews Silently Leaves AMG.

  “What?” Her body went ramrod straight, hot tea slipped down the sides of her cup. “Ow, shit!”

  While the rest of the music world has been wrapped up in the Omega Records scandal, a spokesperson from AMG recently confirmed Jacob Andrews’ departure from the world renowned rock label. There was no clarification behind the reason for the resignation other than it was ‘sudden and unexpected.’

The spokesperson said, “We value the work Jacob Andrews has put forth for AMG and are sad to learn of his departure.”

  She frantically scrolled through other articles, all reporting the same thing. A warmth spread in her heart followed by stabbing hurt from his betrayal. The phone slipped into her lap as she revisited the early morning world outside her windows. Making plans for her future came first for a change.

  Jacob glanced at his watch. The two o’clock hour was a standstill in time. His former employees at AMG insisted they would continue scouring the internet and remove any remaining links to Shane’s sex tape. There was nothing left to do. Shane would suffer the backlash at her upcoming meeting, and the only thing he could do was pray she would be okay. John had assured him he’d take appropriate action per Jacob’s confession. Jacob immediately resigned from his post and hoped it would be enough to save her.

  Rolling his shoulders, he rose from the desk. As he rounded the corner into the kitchen, sniffles and a deep breath startled him. Two more steps and he found Shane on the couch huddled in a blanket, overlooking the city.


  She jumped and wiped her nose on a tissue with one hand. A teacup was perched on her bent knees. “Shit, Jacob. I thought you were gone.”

  “I was just leaving. Sorry for scaring you. Are you—” Stopping his words, he stepped toward the door, an ache growing in his heart. He wanted to run to her.

  “Why did you quit your job?” He heard her before his hand touched the knob. He swallowed.

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “If it doesn’t matter, then tell me why.”

  He spun on his heel. Tired, swollen blue eyes pleaded. Even with her hair piled high in a messy bun, no make-up, and a reddened nose, she still stunned him.

  “It’s late and you need rest.”

  “Jacob.” She exhaled. “This is really hard because I hate you right now, but David’s gone home and…can you sit for a minute?” Shoving his hands in his pockets, Jacob shuffled over and sat. “Tell me why you left AMG.”

  “It was time.”


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