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Chronosphere Page 11

by Adam Witcher

  “The men of House Dracos have strong stomachs,” he replied. “Unlike this one, I will be fine.”

  Despite this, Matthias looked unwell. Now that his intoxicated state had passed, he swayed about as if nauseous.

  “Excuse me,” he said. “I need to urinate.”

  Matthias strode off into the woods and stood behind a tree. He vomited audibly.

  I guess your stomach isn’t that strong.

  The ride back was silent and unpleasant. Anton rode in back, with only Hectus behind him. He had a lot on his mind, but at the forefront was a memory of something Sabina had said when they’d met. The crops weren’t growing well, and the Kingdom of Jagari was in dire financial turmoil. Now even the wildlife was tainted?

  Despite these implications, what disturbed him the most was the frenzy of bloodlust that had driven the Draconians to intoxication. In his modern present, he rarely saw unmitigated violence from the Draconians. They controlled in much more subtle ways. But these two were more primitive than the ones that ran modern Jagari. More reckless, more outward in their ruthlessness. When they’d taunted Hectus, when they’d stuck the dying pigs, they seemed to pull something visceral from their victims’ fear.

  “You there. Anton, is it?”

  He was surprised to hear a word from the humiliated Hectus, but the man seemed to have regained some of his dignity.

  “It is.”

  “What did you kill that boar with? The second one?”

  “If I wouldn’t tell the king,” Anton said, “I certainly won’t tell you. As I said, a magician never reveals his secrets.”

  It certainly wasn’t the same weapon I used to break through your gate and front door last night.

  “Magician,” the man scoffed. “Perhaps I’ll have to see you perform sometime.”

  With that, Hectus kicked his horse and galloped toward the front. He struck up a conversation with the king, gesturing back once or twice toward Anton.

  Oh Hectus, what am I going to do with you?

  Chapter Eleven

  Venting to Ana helped, but Anton still struggled to make sense of the botched hunt. Anton reclined on the bed while Ana sat upright in the room’s chair.

  “I thought I understood these things better, Ana,” Anton said. “I always thought the blood drinking was a rumor. That either the Draconians made it up for fear’s sake, or people made it up to scare each other. But I watched Matthias do it! He couldn’t control himself. He did it right in front of four humans, including the king. You should have seen what it did to them, Ana. It was like they were high on it.”

  “Are you sure it was the blood that did that?”

  “I mean,” Anton shifted to his side to look at her. “What else would it have been?”

  “You said that Matthias drank the blood,” she said. “Did Matteo?”

  Anton paused for a moment.

  “Oh my God, no he didn’t.”

  “Then it must have been something else. Did they behave strangely during any other part of the hunt?”

  “Early on, they were taunting Hectus. They nearly giggled when they talked to him. They had these big, secretive grins. It looked genuine too. I’ve seen fake smiles from the bastards back in the future, but they seemed genuinely pleased.”

  Ana didn’t reply.

  “Hectus was terrified,” Anton finally said. “Scared shitless of them because of what we did last night. Then later, we were all terrified by the boar attack. Then when he drank the blood…”

  “Are you suggesting that the Draconians were gaining some kind of intoxication from fear?”

  The question sounded silly. High on fear. But somehow, he felt it to be true. Suddenly, a thought dawned on him.

  “Ana,” he said slowly. “Do you suppose that’s why they keep humans around?”

  “Please elaborate.”

  “I mean, think about it.” He sat up and faced her. “Even in the future, the Draconians are miles ahead of us, technologically speaking. Yet they kept me and all those other humans working for them. In a robotics lab. I always had this narcissistic attitude about it, like I had something special that they needed.”

  “You did build a time machine, Anton,” Ana replied. “As far as we know, the Draconians do not have that technology.”

  “True, but what about the others? Nearly every industry in the future has humans in an integral role. We’re never in charge, but why bother having us there at all? Why don’t they just kill us and take our planet? They must be getting something out of us, right?”

  “Are you suggesting that they exert control over the populace as a means of harvesting their fear?”

  “I’m telling you, Ana, it’s like a drug for them. That could be the reason.”

  “This is a compelling concept, but I believe you are excluding other possibilities. Many civilizations throughout history, even before the Draconians came to this planet, have kept slaves for menial tasks. It is also possible that they keep humans simply because slaves are useful.”

  Anton stroked his beard. He had to admit, she could be right. Maybe Matthias and Matteo just got their kicks from bullying weak people and drinking blood.

  “I need some time to think,” he said. “If the blood-drinking thing is true, I wonder what other rumors could be…”

  “What other rumors are you thinking of?”

  “I’ve heard about allegiance rituals,” he said. “Mind control type stuff. Some kind of process that gains the loyalty of humans. I don’t know the details. I’ve always dismissed that kind of thing.”

  “And now you are worried that they will attempt this ritual on the royal family.”

  He nodded. “Not a lot I can do about that right now, though.” He felt his stomach growl. “I’m going to grab some dinner, I’ll be back before long.”

  Anton half-heartedly gazed at the hallway decor as he walked toward the dining hall, hoping that he wouldn’t find any familiar faces. He didn’t need any more reminders of the morning’s disturbing events, nor did he feel like facing Petra after last night.

  The royal family was absent. He guessed they either preferred to dine alone or were hosting a private dinner with the other royals, as the Draconians were absent, too. He was relieved to see the faces of maids and servants taking their dinner break. Also present, however, was a familiar face that was more than welcome.

  This time, Sabina recognized him immediately. She smiled as he sat across from her.

  “Anton, what a surprise,” she said. “I wondered when our paths might cross again. Pleasure to see you.”

  She wore a dark green dress, her red curls were immaculately pinned back, and her face was accentuated by tasteful makeup. It hardly seemed like casual dinner wear. He grinned slyly when he realized she’d been hoping for and expecting him. Butterflies flitted in his stomach. It seemed that he might have found the perfect distraction.

  “The pleasure is mine,” he said, meaning it. “You weren’t waiting up for me, were you?”

  He nodded to her empty plate.

  “Well,” she replied, blushing. “You did eat earlier the other night.”

  A servant placed his meal in front of him - steak, potatoes, and grilled vegetables. He ate quickly. Though he’d been hungry before, dinner now felt like a task to complete. They chatted as he ate, conversations that served better as flirtation than an exchange of information. Once he was finished, he pushed his plate away.

  “You know,” he said, “I’ve heard that the castle has a lovely garden. Perhaps you could show it to me.”

  “I’d love to.”

  They both stood from the table, Anton gesturing for her to lead the way. Once in the corridor, they walked side by side, Anton scarcely listening as Sabina explained the history behind a few hanging portraits. She directed him through a maze of hallways to an area Anton hadn’t seen before. Mostly deserted, the hallway led to a wide stone archway that held stained glass doors. They opened onto the lamplit gardens.

  Anton was stunned by
its beauty. The future had nothing like this. Paths lined with oil lamps illuminated colorful flowers in the twilight. Stalks of alien-looking green plants reached upward like human hands. The area the gardens occupied was as large as the castle itself. They strolled aimlessly, admiring the plants. Sabina grinned, enjoying his delight.

  They followed a path along the edge of the gardens, and the entire city of Jagari fell into view. Faint sounds of shops and stalls echoed up from the streets below, smoke billowing up and distorting the night sky. Perhaps most amazingly, they were alone in the garden.

  “If I’d known about this place,” he said, peering out over the town, “I think I’d come here every night.”

  “I usually do,” she said. “I’ve been living in the castle for a year now, and this is the only place that can match the peace of the farm.”

  “Do your sons live there alone?”

  She nodded.

  “The king and queen offered them a place to stay in the castle, but they’d hate it here. Those two are outdoorsmen. Besides, somebody has to run the farm. I try to go visit them as often as I can. Sometimes the castle gets hectic and stressful. The farm is a safe haven for me.”

  “How old are they?”

  “Twelve and fourteen,” she said. “They act much older, though. I wish they could have stayed kids longer, but you have to grow up quickly when your father passes away.”

  Anton looked at her, ready to provide comfort, but she seemed at peace. She grabbed his hand, then led him further into the garden. He got the impression that she wasn’t interested in talking about her dead husband.

  “Twelve and fourteen,” he repeated. “You must have started young.”

  “I was still a teenager when I had them,” she said, then smiled slyly. “This isn’t some clever ploy to ask me my age is it?”

  “I can’t say your age would make much of a difference,” Anton replied. “A beautiful woman is a beautiful woman, no matter how long she’s been that way.”

  She blushed and looked away.

  “Enough about me,” she said. “You’re the mysterious one. Tell me about what brought you here, where you come from.”

  Inwardly, Anton sighed. He’d already lied to a good woman about himself and had little desire to do so again. But of course, he couldn’t tell her the truth. Did it matter if he lied, if it was for the greater good? It might not feel good, but if it made her happy, perhaps that was enough.

  “I lived in a little town called Sedgewick,” he said, “Probably a week’s ride from here. It’s one of those places where people grow old and die without ever leaving. I built houses there for a while.”

  Sabina nodded, glancing hungrily at his muscles. Without meaning to, he’d supported his own story.

  “Anyway, I always felt I was capable of more. Had a penchant for performing magic. Then I met Ana, and we decided to become a traveling act. Been going from town to town for a while, but I like it here. I think we might stay.”

  “Ana,” she said, letting go of his hand. “I almost forgot about her. She hasn’t been with you at meals. She really wouldn’t be bothered that you’re here right now?”

  Anton laughed.

  “She and I have an… unconventional relationship,” he said. “No, she wouldn’t be bothered. In fact, I think she might be fascinated.”

  “Good,” Sabina said.

  She moved in and kissed him. Anton met it enthusiastically and pulled her closer. An electric energy passed through them, and Anton felt himself stirring in his pants. It had been a while since he’d been with a woman. Casual sex wasn’t all that rare looking the way he did, but women of the dystopian future always seemed interested in a temporary escape from reality, nothing more. He had filled that need in building the chronosphere.

  Sabina was different. This wasn’t a kiss of desperation, but one of desire. Her world wasn't wrecked by the Draconians yet, and he would see to it that they never did. But for now…

  She put a hand on his chest, and her kisses evolved from sensual to hungry. Her tongue slipped into his mouth. His hands squeezed her thick, round ass. She stuck a thigh out and massaged his erection through his pants.

  “How about we retire to my quarters?” she said, her voice breathy. “I’d love for you to show me some of that magic of yours.”

  “Lead the way.”

  Anton watched her ass shift hypnotically in her dress as she led him out of the garden. The hallways were deserted, and it didn’t take long to reach her room. She nearly pushed him inside.

  Briefly, he glanced around the room. It looked much like his, spartan in decor, but comfortably fitted with a bed, chair, and desk. A massive stack of papers sat on the desk.

  Her arms wrapped around him and she nuzzled his back. After a moment, her hands wandered downward until they found his hardness. He moaned lightly at her touch, and she moaned back as she felt the girth in her hand.

  Sabina approached the bed and loosened the laces of her bodice. The weight of the heavy skirt pulled the whole dress down around her ankles. Beneath it, she wore a thin linen shift. Her curves looked even more enticing without obstruction. She was thicker than other women he’d been with, but her shape was a voluptuous hourglass. Her perky breasts nearly burst from through the flimsy fabric, hard nipples visible beneath. When she turned around and smoothed out the bed, she bent over and gave him a perfect view of her backside. Even from several feet away, he could see that she was already wet.

  She sat on the edge of the bed and beckoned him over with her finger. Once close, she kissed him again, breaking only to pull off his vest and tunic. Her fingers ran over the muscles on his chest, then ventured back down to his rock-hard cock. She pulled his pants down and it sprung free. Her eyes went wide at the sight of it. Gently, she reached out and touched it, then looked up into his eyes. Without breaking eye contact, she leaned forward and took him in her mouth.

  The sensation was heavenly, soft and delicate yet perfectly stimulating. Her plump lips moistened him as she bobbed up and down, her red curls bouncing with each motion. Anton closed his eyes for a moment and let the sensations wash over him as he ran his fingers through her hair.

  When he couldn’t take it anymore, he pulled her to her feet, freeing her full breasts and ass from their linen sheath. She laid back on the bed, and he climbed over her.

  “Please,” she whispered. “I want you inside me.”

  He didn’t argue. His cock still dripping with her saliva, he slid himself deep into her moistened sex. For a few minutes, he went slowly, letting the sensation of their warm skin pressing together enhance the experience into a full-body affair. Soon, he couldn’t help himself. He went faster and faster until their lovemaking became an animalistic fucking, both of them letting out involuntary cries of pleasure.

  By the time he was dripping with sweat, she, with a force he didn’t expect, flipped him over and began to ride him. He watched her breasts heave up and down as she gyrated herself to an orgasm. It didn’t take long. She let out a climactic cry, and he saw her fluids drip down his shaft.

  When she was done, she moved aside and let him take control again. He took her by the hips and entered her from behind. With each thrust, her soft ass cheeks pressed into his thighs. He pushed harder and harder the closer he got until finally, he pulled himself out and finished, letting his cum drip down her ass and onto the bed. They both collapsed, panting.

  “God,” she said, giggling. “I needed that.”

  “I’ve wanted that since I first saw you come out of that farmhouse,” Anton said.

  “I've wanted it since then, too,” she said, laughing. “I felt a little conflicted, seeing as how you were a dirty, beat up beggar. But those muscles…”

  They both laughed, then relaxed in the bed, enjoying one another’s presence.


  After half an hour or so of pillow talk, Anton once again noticed the stack of pages on the desk. He asked her about them.

  “Those? Oh, that’s boring stuff.
Court work from the last couple of days.”

  “I thought they didn’t want you recording anything since the Dracon- since House Dracos arrived.”

  “That was just the initial meeting,” she said. “I’ve been back at work since then. Strange people, they are. I was right to be a little wary of them. But I think they’re harmless.”

  Anton didn’t respond. If there was one word to describe the Draconians, harmless wasn’t it.

  “Do you mind if I take a look?” he asked. “I’ve always been curious about the stuff court scribes record.”

  “Sure, why not,” she said, yawning. “You wore me out, I’m going to get some shut eye. Feel free to join me when you bore yourself to sleep.”

  Anton slipped from the bed and sat at the desk. He thumbed through the parchment. Most of them really weren’t of interest. Details of the royal families day to day tasks, their cordial correspondences with important people. Even most of the stuff detailing the relations with the Draconians was uneventful. This didn’t surprise him too much. The Draconians seemed too clever to let anything important slip to a court scribe. He was about to give up when he found something interesting.

  2 Mendelos

  ...King Matthias makes mention of his personal guard housed in the barracks beyond the castle. King Gareth asks if there is anything he can do to make the men more comfortable. Matthias declines, claiming that if anyone needs anything, they may return to the Dracos outpost in half a day’s ride…

  A Draconian outpost? Anton’s blood turned to ice. Were there more of these things already on the planet? How many? Were they infiltrating other kingdoms simultaneously? His thoughts raced. Even if he could find a way to defeat the Draconians here, he suspected that his job might not be over.

  “Sabina,” he called out gently. “You awake?”

  “Hmmm?” she mumbled.

  “This document mentions a Dracos outpost,” he said. “Do you know anything about it?”

  “Outpost?” she muttered dreamily. “I don’t know. It’s common to build one between two merging kingdoms. Keeps them in communication and whatnot.”


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