The Wolves Catch Their Attorney [Shape-Shifter Clinic 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The Wolves Catch Their Attorney [Shape-Shifter Clinic 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Cara Adams

  His hair was very soft, his neck strong and muscular. She enjoyed the contrasts of him. She supposed it was the wolf in him, but he looked too well built to be a nurse, an indoor worker. Actually Fergus was just as muscular, and a fraction taller as well, but with him, it was always the red hair people noticed first, then the very blue eyes. But thinking about Cam’s muscles as she stroked a fingertip across his biceps, she had to assume it was from running as a wolf.

  Cam was painting wet lines on her belly now with his tongue. She copied the patterns he was making with her finger on his shoulder. For a few minutes they played a little game, drawing shapes for each other, then mimicking the other person’s design, but his hands were so close to her cunt and she really needed him to touch her there.

  “Lower down,” she whispered.

  “Here?” he teased, tickling her foot.

  “Halfway in between.”

  Now he petted the insides of her thigh, gradually coming closer and closer to where she wanted him, until she was ready to scream from sexual tension.

  Finally he used both hands on her pussy to hold her labia apart and began to kiss, lick, and suck her where she wanted him. Now she took both hands off the straps and grabbed his hair, massaging his scalp, and playing with his ears, running her fingers though his hair again and again as he bit along the edges of her inner lips, flicked his tongue over her clit, or swiped long licks the length of her slit.

  Cam used both hands to lift her ass higher in the air, and Sierra understood that Fergus was helping hold the swing in place as Cam fucked her cunt with his tongue and pressed his nose hard into her clit.

  “Oh yes,” she whispered as the climax which had been building in her so slowly suddenly burst around her. Tenderly she held his head, noticing once again how soft his hair was as she petted his neck and shoulders.

  Finally he looked up and grinned at her.

  “Good work,” she said.

  “I thought so, too.”

  She looked down his body and saw how huge his cock was. “Do you need some help with that?”

  Cam looked at Fergus and Sierra remembered the other man who was about to fuck her. And he was the Dom. He was the one who’d planned this scene. Maybe she shouldn’t have said anything to Cam.

  “Come on her breasts. She seemed to like you drawing on her skin,” suggested Fergus.

  Sierra watched as Cam tugged on his cock. He seemed to be pulling on it very roughly, yet she’d always thought a person needed to be gentle with such a sensitive organ and one with so many nerve endings. Well she’d ask him about that at a more appropriate time, not now.

  When he leaned over her again she grabbed his head and pulled his mouth down to hers and kissed him. She put all her passion and hopes into the kiss. The two men had been very considerate of her and she liked them both very much. They were good people, people she hoped to get to know even better in the future.

  Cam groaned, stepped back, and his cock exploded cum on her chest. She watched his face as he came. It was screwed up, but with happiness, and then he looked at her and she saw his care and consideration of her in his eyes and she nodded. Oh yes, she really did appreciate him, both of them.

  Cam disappeared into the bathroom and came back with a hot, wet washcloth and a towel to clean her up. She was sorry to have his seed wiped off her so fast, but she supposed Fergus would hardly want her to be a sticky mess when he began fucking her, and that was next on the program.

  But before that happened both men wanted to play with the sex swing—love swing.

  “Hold on tightly,” ordered Fergus as he pushed her up in the air. Then Cam climbed on it, too, and they lay side by side as it swung back and forth. Next it was Fergus’s turn to have a play.

  She watched the two men from the safety of the ground, and liked the way they interacted with each other. Each was considerate of the other’s needs, each had a fair turn at doing things and suggesting what happened next, but underlying the fun was the tension that this was Fergus’s scene and he was in overall charge. As well as that, for Sierra, was the knowledge of the second orgasm she’d been promised.

  Finally Fergus said, “It’s time.”

  The two men helped her back into the swing, and this time it was Cam who held it while Fergus rolled on a condom and stood tight against her body. He stared into her eyes as he plunged into her cunt. He drove straight in with no preamble and no warning, and the sharp, sudden possession was amazingly arousing after the slow and teasing foreplay from Cam. This was the exact opposite, but in its way it was just as fulfilling and completing. Now he was deep inside her, stretching her around his wide cock, and she waited to see what he’d do next.

  Fergus set an equally demanding pace, gripping her hips and pounding in and out of her, but he gave some hand signals to Cam, so Sierra kept a tight hold of the swing, knowing that Fergus was letting it rock deliberately, and the movement definitely enhanced the sex. It was highly erotic to have the in-and-out thrust of Fergus’s cock contrapuntally to the backward and forward movement of the swing.

  Sierra found her libido going from zero to one hundred in a nanosecond. Very soon she let go of the swing straps and held Fergus, digging her fingernails into his hips, trying to force him to pump harder, to thrust deeper, to bring her to release. She couldn’t ever remember being so aroused so fast, but she was certain it was as much Fergus as the swing doing it to her.

  And then it happened. Her climax exploded out of her body, her cunt gripped Fergus tightly, and Cam held the swing still as both of them shook with their releases.

  This time it was Fergus who came back with the wet washcloth to cleanse her, then the three of them dropped down onto the bed to cuddle. She liked that. She really enjoyed that both men wanted to hold her afterward. Soon she’d need to take a shower and catch a taxi home, but for right now she loved being held.

  “Our next date will be in the dungeon,” said Fergus authoritatively.

  “I have to be able to stand in court the next day and appear as if nothing happened the night before,” countered Sierra.

  “Seeing you managed to do that with an infected rope burn I don’t believe that will be much of a hindrance to Fergus’s plans,” said Cam.

  “We can start moderately and see how we go,” said Fergus.

  “Talking about going, I have to be in the barrister’s rooms at seven tomorrow morning. I need to have a shower right now.” Sierra wiggled out of bed and hurried into the bathroom. While the water was warming she riffled around in her purse and found some elastic bands to tie up her hair. She didn’t have time to wash it now and she wanted to use her own shampoo and conditioner anyway. The last thing she needed was limp, greasy hair in court tomorrow.

  Fergus and Cam leaned in the doorway as she washed.

  “Why so early?” asked Cam.

  “The barrister has to be briefed in time to learn the significant points of the case. He has to know enough to speak fluently and that takes at least an hour. During court I can give him notes of points he may like to add to his speech or refute and so on, but he’s the one who’ll be talking tomorrow.”

  “How often do you go to court?” asked Fergus.

  “Couple of times a week, depending on the cases. Some cases might take a whole week in court. Others are over in an hour.”

  “Like the one with Oscar’s cousin, George.” Cam laughed.

  Fuck! I never checked back about that letter from George’s attorney. I hope there’s not something buried in my in-tray about that. I must look tomorrow after court. I don’t trust that man at all.

  * * * *

  Cam and Fergus were really busy at the moment. Dr. Oscar Thorne had opened several new patient beds at the clinic. Oscar, Danny Davies, the carpenter, and Ambrielle Watson, the office administrator, had fallen in love and moved into an apartment together on the top floor. The two rooms Danny and Oscar had used on the lower floor had been renovated, and painted, and were now patient rooms, and several shape-shifters
had decided to come to the clinic and live-in while undergoing rehabilitation programs after accidents.

  Cam shook his head and smiled. What was it about shape-shifters that they refused to follow their therapists’ instructions? So many of them thought if walking ten times up and down the hallway was good, walking twenty times would be twice as good. Not so. Twenty times put too much stress on their newly healed injuries and they became less well, not better.

  Harry Harrison, a private detective and a bear shape-shifter, was here to see Oscar about something or other. He was in his security uniform, which was even better.

  “Harry?” Cam waved at the big man, who towered over him and most other people.


  “I’ve got a patient who needs bed rest for two more days and isn’t listening to me. Can you do your stern bear act for me please?”

  “Sure. Same as last time?”

  “That would be great.”

  Cam walked into the patient’s room, followed by Harry. “This is the patient, Mr. Harrison,” he said deferentially, ensuring no hint of a smile was in his voice.

  “Do you want to get better?” Harry spoke harshly to the patient.

  “Of course.” The patient’s gaze was on Harry and Cam could tell the man meant what he said.

  “Well do what Nurse Smith tells you to do. Do exactly what he says, no more and no less. We heal shape-shifters here all the time and know how much activity you should be attempting. Too much exercise is just as bad for your injuries as too little. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.” The patient was genuinely respectful.

  “Well, see you obey the nursing staff here, or I’ll handcuff you to the bed.”

  Harry nodded and stomped out of the room. Cam glanced at the patient who was lying back in his bed, looking rather shocked, and slipped out of the room behind Harry.

  “Thank you, Harry. I wish I had the aura of authority you’ve got.”

  “They know you care about them. Me, they’re not so sure about.”

  Cam laughed. “I appreciate it. I’m glad you came by here today.”

  Harry groaned. “I’m trying to get better security for the clinic. Too many external doors open from the same key card. We only need one person to lose their card or have their wallet stolen and we’re in trouble. Oscar’s agreed to have only two doors remain on the general card. There’ll be the front door, where someone will be on the reception desk to see who’s coming in, and the back one out by the staff parking lot. I’ll add a bit of extra security there, likely a number pad where people have to punch in a code. That way a stolen or lost card won’t provide access.”

  “Hey, that sounds good.”

  “Yeah, well, we don’t know how far Oscar’s cousin is prepared to go to take control of the clinic. If he starts trying to infiltrate us or something we could be in big trouble.”

  “Do you think that may happen? That George will try to burn the place down or something like that?” Cam had an uneasy feeling in his gut. With some of the patients not mobile, a fire would be a dreadful thing. It could be disastrous for those who couldn’t escape without help.

  “I haven’t tracked him back to any links with a crime syndicate or anything like that, but he doesn’t sound like an upright citizen to me. I mean, no one wants their tax reassessed, but most people know when they’re asked to hand in their financial papers they have to do it. And it was the court asking, not the IRS.”

  “That’s true.” Cam had heard all about the day in court. It was just another example of how clever Sierra was, of her ability to think outside the box to win her cases. But up until now he hadn’t truly understood that Oscar’s cousin George might actually be a threat to the clinic. It was just as well Harry was aware of such things.

  “Thanks, Harry. I’m glad you’re here to help us all.”

  “Not a problem, Cam. I’m happy to help out. I must get on and talk to Oscar now, though.”

  Cam watched Harry walk away. Sierra would deal with the legal side of their problems and Harry with the security issues. But what if Oscar couldn’t keep the clinic? What if everything they’d worked for and built up here was taken away from them all? Cam felt a moment of panic. He’d spent so much of his life getting to this situation where he was now, a nurse of shape-shifters, healing shape-shifters. This was what he’d studied for, spent years aiming for.

  If George took the clinic away from Oscar everything he’d achieved would be gone. Everything they’d all worked so hard to set up. Oscar would be devastated and homeless as well. All the staff would be out of work and they’d be back to the bad old days of shape-shifters attending human hospitals and not being treated correctly. That couldn’t happen. Surely one disgruntled man couldn’t turn back the clock against shape-shifters?

  Sierra was certain the wills were true and that the clinic and land belonged to Oscar. She was so very smart she had to be right. She just had to. The alternative was too dreadful to even think about.

  * * * *

  Fergus was fully occupied caring for his patients during his shift. He had no time to take a meal break, and was grateful for the clinic kitchen where he could make himself a sandwich to eat while he sat at the nursing staff computer typing up his patient notes.

  All the patients’ meals were brought in fresh each day by a catering company that knew how to provide nutritionally correct meals for ill and recuperating shape-shifters, but the clinic kitchen was equipped with a supply of ingredients that the staff used to make patient snacks or their own midshift meals.

  What he wanted to think about, what was nagging away at the back of his mind, was the need for him to plan some time for Sierra, Cam, and himself to be together in a setting that would enable him to demonstrate to the other two that they had a true chance of an ongoing relationship. Oh, he hadn’t “fallen in love.” He wasn’t sixteen anymore. He was twice that, having recently turned thirty-two.

  But because he was mature was exactly the reason he could sense the beginnings of a bond between the three of them. Something that had the potential to be real and ongoing, even permanent perhaps. There was a true melding of minds. They laughed at similar things, sparked thoughts off each other’s conversation, were able to talk together for hours without growing bored or finding the conversation came to an uncomfortable place where no one could think of anything to say.

  He wasn’t yet ready to say it was romance. The hints were there in their friendly companionship and the great sex they’d shared, but it was too soon to tell if it was compatibility or possible romance. Therefore, his role as Dom was to plan a scene that would be quite different for the three of them. Something that would extend them all out of their comfort zones and make them relate to the challenge and to each other in new ways. And if he got it right, they would know where their relationship was going.

  His cock was standing up and pressing against his nursing uniform pants. It certainly knew where it wanted to go. But a real relationship was more than sex. Oh yes, there would be sex, and likely some bondage as well, but there had to be more than that. Looking at the plants and flowers at Daisy’s had been romantic. Playing in the love swing had been romantic. Now, what could he think of that was totally different, challenging, yet still romantic?

  When he got back to his apartment after his shift at the clinic Fergus stood under the shower until the water ran cold. His cock needed some attention, but it no longer felt right to jack himself off. If the ménage was to be successful, all three of them needed to be present whenever he came, and while he could happily stand there pulling on his dick and thinking of Sierra’s lush and toned body, he really didn’t want to think like that about Campbell. Cam was his friend, his colleague, his sub, end of story.

  Fergus moved to the kitchen area of his apartment, put a pot of water on to boil, and grabbed a bag of pasta. Then he took out his wok, tipped some hamburger beef into it, added some frozen chopped onion, and opened a can of chopped tomatoes, and a can of corn, and tip
ped them in to the meat mixture as well. He had to hunt around but eventually found a can of beans which he added to the wok, stirring everything. By then the water was boiling so he poured the pasta into it and stirred it, then stirred his meat mixture. A big jar of pasta sauce was the final ingredient, a few more stirs of both pots and his meal was ready.

  Fergus took out a large bowl and strained the pasta then dumped it into the bowl, pouring his cooked meat and vegetables on top. After thoroughly mixing it all together, he divided the meal in half, placing one section into a large tub for tomorrow’s supper and taking the other section to his favorite armchair to eat now.

  He ate slowly, savoring all the different flavors and reminding himself to buy a spicier sauce next time. This one was good, although spicier would be better. But what he was really thinking about was how to progress his ménage. What would be the magic link to tell him if it was going to work for longer than a few dates? What did he need to do, what games did they need to play, for him to know the truth? He owed it to both his subs to get this next scene absolutely perfect.

  It wasn’t until he’d washed his dishes and was sitting sipping coffee that the idea came to him. Hell yes! It would take some organizing—make that a hell of a lot of organizing—but oh yes, this was going to be absolutely perfect. It would bring their characters, their attitudes, right to the forefront of the relationship, with no chance of hiding behind everyday habits.

  Chapter Four

  Sierra was relieved not to have heard anything more back from George Thorne’s attorney. Likely George had pushed the man to find something to complain about. Then the attorney had been lazy and not searched hard enough, had seen the name Thorne House Clinic not registered, and had raced ahead without checking his facts.

  Well, she’d set him right fast enough. Now it remained to be seen whether he found himself something else to think about or came up with a new idea to harass Oscar with.


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