One Rule

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One Rule Page 15

by Ava Moreau

  Soon enough it was morning, and they shared Jack’s small shower, although it was really small, so they ended up pressed against one another, which made it impossible to just shower, and pretty much required another round of fucking, their soap-slick bodies pressed against one another, Jack lifting her up onto his cock and bringing her halfway to orgasm, before Trent took over and pressed her against the tiles, taking her from behind to finish her off, then her sinking to the floor to suck both of them off, their seed washing off her face and tits, down into the drain.

  Then Trent had to go home for a little while, to make his big call.

  “Why don’t you do it here?” she asked. “So we can listen in?”

  But he shook his head, as he rubbed himself dry with the towel. “I need to do it at my own place. With my resume close to hand.”

  She understood. Some things, you needed to be on your own for.

  That left Jack and her alone, and they quickly found themselves back on the bed, languidly touching one another. After all the fucking of last night and this morning, though, there was no urgency to their touches, no insistence that they move on to fucking.

  Besides…it would feel a little strange, fucking Jack while Trent wasn’t here. Not cheating, exactly…but she’d gotten so used to all three of them being together for it, it would feel different.

  Still, she felt no compunction in lazily stroking Jack’s half-hard cock while he softly cupped her pussy in his hand. They were still wet from the shower, letting themselves air dry on the bed.

  “So that was pretty crazy last night,” she said.

  “That was…something else,” Jack agreed, and she could feel his cock throb a little at the memory.

  “Did you ever think you’d find yourself fucking another guy?”

  “Hell, I didn’t think I’d end up fucking Trent even with all three of us together. I mean, I’d thought about it? You know, you sort of imagine all the different things that might happen. But that was fucking amazing. And who knew, all these years that I called Trent a tight-ass, that it was literally true?”

  She laughed and kissed him. “God, I love you guys. I’m so lucky to have found you.”

  But his face clouded over again, the same way it had yesterday when they’d been talking.

  She squeezed his cock. “Okay, talk.”


  “You’ve clearly got something on your mind. I thought I could fuck you out of it yesterday, but here we are, and you’re still thinking about it. So spill it.”

  He shook his head. “It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

  She ran her thumb over his cock-slit, making him shiver. “Don’t tell me it’s nothing. I can see it clearly on your face. Something’s bothering you.”

  He stared at her for a long moment, then finally nodded. “Okay. Yeah. You…you know I can’t go with you to Corinth, right?”

  Her grip on his cock tightened. “I don’t know any such thing.”

  “Hear me out.”

  “No, I won’t fucking hear you out, Jack. You’re coming with me. I love you. I need you up there with me. Besides, we already have a plan, and you know how I am about sticking to plans. Trent’s accepting the job as we speak. Once that’s all settled, you can come join me…although damn, I’m probably going to have to rent a better place.”

  “You’re as bad as Trent,” he said. His finger slipped into her pussy. “Won’t you just listen? There’s nothing for me up there.”

  “There’s us.”

  “I know that. Believe me, I understand that.” His finger slid deeper inside her, as the heel of his hand rubbed against her clit. She eased down, still stroking his cock. Maybe she’d end up fucking him alone after all, if it would make him lose this ridiculous idea of staying in town. Trent would understand. Hell, maybe Trent needed to get back here and fuck Jack the way Jack had fucked him. Maybe that’s what Jack needed.

  “What I’m saying is, you both belong up there,” Jack continued. “You’ve got big dreams, big jobs, goals and motivations and all that stuff. I don’t. I’ve never sat around dreaming about leaving Myers Lake. I like it here. I like how slow everything moves. It makes sense to me.”

  “You’re scared,” said Becca.

  “I’m not scared.”

  “Yes, you are. I can see it in your face. You’re worried that we’re going to get up there and you’ll have to be supported. Isn’t that part of it? You’re so used to being the big man, so used to taking care of everyone else, that you can’t bear the thought of anyone else taking care of you. I saw it last night as you were fucking Trent. Trust me, I was watching you really closely, the look on your face. You were excited, yes. You loved it. But you also understood it, because you were taking care of your friend’s need, the same as you were taking care of my need to have two cocks in me at once.”

  “It’s really hard to have a serious conversation about this stuff when you’re just getting me hard again,” he laughed.

  She squeezed his thick shaft. “Get used to it, because I’m not letting go until I talk some sense into you.”

  “It’s not fair for me to go up there with you, with no prospects. I don’t have some big degree, I don’t have experience working for big companies like they have up there,” he said. “It’s not fair for me to expect you two to take on more than your share of everything, just because all I qualify for is fry cook or something.”

  She shook her head. “That’s fucking ridiculous. It’s not fair to us, that we should voluntarily help you out so that we can enjoy having you there? That’s such a man thing to say.”

  “Well, I am a man.”

  She sighed. He had a point. Part of what had attracted her so hard to him, was that sense that he could protect her from anything. But that went hand-in-hand with him needing to be self-sufficient, being a provider, being the one who only gave, and never took.

  “But I’m sure you’ll find something quickly,” she said. “And three can live more cheaply than two, and—”

  But he shook his head with a finality that broke her heart. “I’m trying to be noble about this,” he said, “and trying not to tell you how much it hurts me to say it. I love you. Both of you. I never thought in a million years I would find what I’ve found with you. But I refuse to be a burden on you. I refuse to let that happen. I’m not saying I’ve got to take care of you. I’m not expecting to chain you to the stove or something while I make all the money. This is the twenty-first century, after all. But I’ll be damned if I’ll be dead-weight in the relationship. But that’s exactly what I’ll be, if you take me out of my element.”

  That couldn’t possibly be his final answer. But she couldn’t figure out what it would take to make him see the light. She was, deep down, someone who believed you could argue someone into seeing things your way…but Jack would not be argued with. His stupid sexy nobility, his foolish gorgeous manliness! Why was it the very things that attracted her to him, were the things that would keep him from joining her forever?

  Tears came to her eyes, and he tried to brush them away. “Hey now,” he said. “Come on. It’s not so bad.”

  She reached for the clothes on the floor. She wanted to get dressed. Better yet, to really bundle up. Coats and scarves and blankets, anything to keep some distance from the world touching her. Jack sighed, and pulled on his clothes too, but then collapsed back onto the bed. He wouldn’t look at her, now that he had delivered his bad news.

  Trent would have to talk to him. Maybe he could get through Jack’s thick skull.

  Something had to work. Because she couldn’t draw things out forever. He had his pride, but she had hers too, and if he really, honestly refused to come with her, she wasn’t going to stay around town and beg him. If he put his foot down…then she had no choice but to let him have his decision, no matter how much it hurt.

  She slid back onto the bed, and drew his arm around her. Another tear ran down her cheek. “Will you just hold me for a little while?” she said. �
�Before everything has to end?”


  Mr. Thomas, this is a surprise!” said the voice on the other end of the line. Mr. Phipps, the nice man from HR. The man who was going to give Trent a job, who was going to open up a future for him.

  Trent smiled and tried to relax. He settled onto his futon, his resume next to him. “I wanted to call you back as soon as I could,” he said. “My answer is a definite yes. I’ll take the job. I assume I need to come up there to finalize things.”

  “But Mr. Thomas…Trent…did you get my message?”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Oh dear. I left you a message on Friday.”

  Trent glanced down at his phone. There was no voicemail icon. “I must not have gotten it?”

  The way Mr. Phipps sighed was troubling. Trent had managed to go from excited to worried in about thirty seconds.

  Did Mr. Phipps dial the wrong number? Did I just miss the call with everything that has been going on?

  His mind flashed back to this morning with Becca and Jack. He wouldn’t admit this to anyone, but he was still a little sore this morning from the treatment Jack had given him last night.

  Sore…yet eager to do it again. But maybe not today.

  Even so, just thinking about the two of them made his cock begin to twitch again, even though he was on the phone with the man who held his future in his hands…a man who was worrying him right now.

  “Well, that makes this very difficult,” said Mr. Phipps. “Because I explained things very thoroughly on the voicemail.”

  “I’d appreciate it if you’d just tell me.”

  “I’m afraid we’ve already filled the position you applied for.”

  The world wheeled out from under Trent, leaving him floating in empty space. His stomach and heart seemed to drop. In a voice that sounded far away, he said, “I’m sorry…you gave someone else my job?”

  “Please understand, Trent, I told you during your interview we had several very bright young people all vying for the slot. And yes, you were our first choice…but then, you didn’t get back to us, did you?”

  “I said I needed to take a few days to think about it,” he said in a dull, leaden voice. Because at the time I was scared of uprooting myself from my hometown…and my best friend. Because this was all before Becca came into our lives and changed everything.

  “I understand. But with this many qualified candidates, many of whom continued to call us every day to ask for any updates…well, the company had to move quickly to fill the role.”

  He stared at the phone like it was a foreign object in his hand. “That’s…that’s it, then?”

  “We’ll keep your resume on file, of course, for any applicable future openings. But yes. For now, the spot is taken.”

  This sense of disaster felt like it might crush him. He might have said goodbye to Mr. Phipps—might even have said it politely—but he wasn’t sure. All he was sure of was that things had changed dramatically for him, in just a moment’s time.

  “How could I have been so stupid?” he asked the empty room. “Fuck! I should have taken the job the second they offered it. Shit…how could they have hired someone else? They liked me.” He was pacing now, and kicked the edge of the futon.

  “Goddamn it. If I hadn’t waited to break the news to Jack, if I hadn’t tried to spare his damn feelings…if I’d just said, fuck you, man, you’re coming with me whether you like it or not…”

  If, if, if.

  Fuck. Now he was going to have to tell Jack and Becca the bad news. There was no way he could afford to move up there now. What was he supposed to do, live off Becca?

  There was nothing to do but tell them. He started to dial Jack’s number.

  No. This is one of those things that’s better said in person.

  If for no other reason than he felt crushed by it…and really needed the support of his friends. And really needed someone to tell him what to do, what came next.

  Jack never bothered locking his door, so Trent let himself in. He was a little surprised not to see the two of them out and about. Had they left the apartment already? Maybe they were out getting breakfast? But then he heard a soft moan coming from the bedroom.

  Even in his current state of worry over not getting the job, there was still room for a sense of jealousy when he heard that. I’m over here having my life ruined, and they’re in there boning? His blood began to boil. He rushed to Jack’s bedroom…but was confronted by a confusing sight.

  They were both full clothed, hands in sight. Jack had his arm around Becca’s shoulders, but she didn’t seem happy about it. If anything, her red-rimmed eyes looked like she had been crying. And honestly, Jack didn’t look too happy either.

  It seemed to fit perfectly into the welter of conflicting emotions he had going on right now, his disappointment, his worry, now his jealousy and confusion and sympathy.

  He sat on the edge of the bed, and Becca looked at him. “Babe, you’ve got to help me talk to Jack…wait. Wait. What’s wrong?”

  “Dude,” said Jack, “are you okay?”

  Trent shook his head, but found he couldn’t speak. They didn’t lose a minute, but pulled him over to them, pulled him into an embrace, something warm and sympathetic and sad.

  “I didn’t get the fucking job,” he said, his voice bitter.

  “Do what?” said Jack. “They offered you the damn thing!”

  “They said I didn’t call them quickly enough. But they never gave me a time limit! I mean, I wasn’t going to wait weeks to get back to them, but it doesn’t even matter, they hired someone else, and now…” He cast an anguished look over at Becca. “Now I can’t go to the city with you two.”

  Becca lay back on the bed. “Oh fuck. This fucking day, I swear. Neither of you are going?”

  “What?” said Trent, looking over at his friend. He could see it in Jack’s face. “Dude. You didn’t give her the speech about your stupid pride.”

  “It’s not stupid,” said Jack. “I don’t belong up there, and you know it.”

  “Fuck!” said Trent. “If you don’t go and I don’t go…then what the hell are we supposed to do?”

  “Simple,” said Becca quietly. “You both get over your fucking selves and go.”

  Trent shook his head. “It was one thing when I thought I had a job waiting for me up there. When I thought I could help out Jack until he got on his feet. But—”

  Becca groaned. “But, you’re just as prideful as Jack, and you won’t be supported by a girl. Just come out and say it. I didn’t realize until this moment that I’d fallen in love with a couple of Neanderthals.”

  “There’ll be other jobs,” Jack told Trent. “You can just keep applying until something else opens up.”

  “That one took months to show up,” said Trent. “Who knows when I’ll find something I’m qualified for?”

  He felt like his heart was breaking. He felt like he’d failed them both.

  They both looked over at Becca, who blanched. “Don’t look at me,” she said.

  “I know,” said Trent. “You don’t want to come down to Myers Lake to live with us. I wish you did, though.”

  Jack nodded. “You could both move in here.”

  Becca got off the bed. “Guys, I know you mean well, and I know you love me, but you know I will never, ever move back here, right? I’ve spent my whole life trying to get out of here, and I’m not staying. But aside from all that, how do you think this would work if I stayed here? You think Myers Lake is ready for the fabulous sight of Becca and Boyfriends strolling downtown? My sister would have a fucking stroke if she found out!”

  “But you only need to be in Corinth to see clients, right?” asked Trent. “You could work down here and save a lot of money, so when you started landing contracts, it’d be a lot easier to—”

  “We’re not talking about this,” she said. “I’m not moving back here. I couldn’t work here. Kaylee would kill me. As it is, she’s already left me three text messages beg
ging me to get back to town so we can get back to work on the next presentation. She’s furious with me for taking this much time off…and honestly, I can’t say I blame her.”

  Jack began to look offended. “Sorry if we’re not as important as work.”

  “Oh, do not give me self-pity. You know how important you are to me! I’m trying to drag your asses with me to Corinth! But I abandoned my business partner in the middle of a big crisis, and even though it was for good reasons…guys, I need to get back to my real life. Myers Lake isn’t my real life, Corinth is. Meetings and plans and presentations. That’s what I do. It’s who I am. I just…” And here, her voice choked in a sob. “I just thought I could bring you with me.”

  “I don’t understand what’s happening,” said Trent. “Are we…are we breaking up?”

  “I don’t know,” she said.

  Jack reached out and pulled both of them close. He kissed Becca on the forehead, then did the same to Trent. “I don’t want to lose you two,” he whispered.

  “I don’t either,” she said, “but I don’t know what to do. Maybe this was foolish on my part. I mean, I never expected to find a boyfriend like this, let alone two. Maybe I was aiming too high, trying to have it all, a career, love, the best sex I’d ever had in my life. Maybe that’s too much for one person to ask for.”

  “It really felt like life was starting for me,” said Trent softly. He lay his head against Jack’s broad chest, and stared into Becca’s big eyes. “New relationship, new career. Hell, I even discovered something new about myself with this big lug here, something I never in my life would’ve guessed.”

  She blinked back tears, and pulled away from their embrace. “Well. Okay. I don’t want to draw this out any longer than we have to. Final decision: Are you coming with me, right this second, or not?”

  Jack and Trent looked at each other, then at her. “We can’t,” said Trent.

  Now she wouldn’t look at them. “Then it’s decided. I love you, but this hurts so bad, I’ve got to get out of here.”


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