One Rule

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One Rule Page 18

by Ava Moreau

  She reached out and took his hand. “I know. It sounds like we live in the fucking 1950s. I get that. But I’m not asking you to actually make the business decisions. I’m still the boss. I just need you to say what I tell you to say, and look big and gruff and menacing about it. That’s the only language these guys listen to.”

  “Hm,” said Jack. “So you’d be the boss.”

  “In the boardroom, at least,” she said. “In the bedroom…”

  Jack laughed. “Let’s face it, you want to be the boss there, too.”

  “Yeah, but at least there I’ll let you fight me for it,” she said with a wink.

  “This is incredible,” said Trent. “But—”

  Jack punched him in the shoulder. “I swear to god, if you raise one more objection…”

  “Dude, ow! No, I was gonna say, why are we talking about this in the fucking airport? We should celebrate!”

  Becca glanced around. “I mean, this is Myers Lake, where are we going to celebrate, Snuffy’s Bar?”


  Early evening, and the sun was hanging over the western edge of the lake, turning the trees golden. The air was full of music, as birds sang out their calls. Becca let the guys handle laying out the blanket and opening the wine. She nudged off her shoes, and walked to the edge of the water, letting it lap at her toes.

  It was beautiful here. Truly beautiful, in a way she had never let herself see before. Maybe she’d been afraid to enjoy it in the past, fearful that admitting how much she loved parts of her hometown, would mean she would be trapped here forever, as though by some witch’s spell. But no. She was free now, and so she could enjoy the beauty on its own terms, the flock of birds bursting in silhouette from a far-off tree, the coolness of the water, the scent of jasmine carried on the air.

  Jack came up and slid one arm around her, handing her a glass of wine.

  “Look at it,” she said. “Aren’t you going to miss this? What about you, Trent?”

  Trent joined them, and he and Jack both looked off into the distance. They were silent for a moment, and wondered if they were feeling shy after all the big emotions of the past few days. But eventually Jack spoke.

  “You know, when you left, I felt like a piece of me had been torn away. Sometimes people are your home, instead of a place. And I guess I’d started thinking of you as home.”

  Trent nodded. “That’s how I feel. Yeah, I’ll miss Myers Lake. But the idea of the three of us not being together hurts too badly to bear. I never want to go through that again.”

  “Besides,” said Jack, “it’s not like we can never come back…right?”

  She laughed at the undertone of worry in his words. “Come back all the time if you want to. I’m not going to stop you. I don’t think I ever realized, until right this moment, that it’s okay to come back. That I’m not going to get trapped here. That I’m free to come and go as I please.”

  “See, that’s the spirit,” said Trent.

  “You ought to keep your parents’ house,” said Jack. “It could be our corporate retreat.”

  Becca laughed…but it wasn’t a bad idea. Second base of operations, for when she had to get out of the city? The tax write-offs might--

  But she needed to not think about work right now, or all the drama of coming home, or anything but her two guys, and how good it felt to have them right next to her once again. She put her arms around their necks and pulled them close, kissing first Jack’s cheek and then Trent’s. “I love you two,” she said.

  That did it. They couldn’t hold back any longer. Jack picked her up, his hands under her ass, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms around his shoulders, and kissed him deeply. His hands had slipped up under her skirt, and she felt his fingers kneading her ass-cheeks. For all that the moment could have been sweetly romantic and innocent, she couldn’t deny that just having the boys nearby had gotten her wet again, and gotten her thinking how badly she needed them, and when she felt Jack’s hands on her, felt his strength, a shudder of pleasure went through her at the thought they might take her again, right here where it all started.

  They brought her to the blanket laid out on the shore, and set her down gently. As Jack pushed up her skirt, Trent was undoing the buttons of her shirt, opening it up to expose her full, luscious tits in their black bra.

  She realized that the hunger in their eyes made her feel more beautiful, more desired, than she had ever felt in her life. She could look down at herself and see her body through their eyes, the sensual curves, the delicate features. But she wasn’t going to be able to think for long, because as soon as her skirt and panties were out of the way, Jack sunk down between her legs, and she felt his warm breath on her pussy.

  Sighing with delight, she stroked the back of his head. His tongue flicked over her folds, and he murmured happily.

  Trent had freed her breasts, and her nipples began to harden in the open air, but they could not cool down for long, because now he was gently sucking on them, first one, then the other, his tongue rolling their hardness, the lightest squeeze that made her shiver, even as Jack probed her more deeply with his tongue.

  I can’t believe my luck, she thought, as another ripple of pleasure went through her. Some girls only find one guy in their lives, and I’ve got two. Two gorgeous protectors, two eager lovers, two incredible friends.

  She put her head back and looked up at the darkening sky, carried away on the waves of desire their lips and tongues were causing. She’d been so scared she had lost them, and now she was never going to give them up, never going to let them out of her sight, ever again.

  Her first climax—and she sensed there would be many, many more coming tonight—surprised her in its speed, and she pressed her thighs against Jack, holding him in place, as her hips began to buck against him. “Oh,” was all she could say, softly moaning in the evening air as she shivered and the fire of her orgasm passed through her. Then she lay back, still, blinking.

  At some point she realized the boys were staring at her. “You really ought to take off those clothes,” she murmured dreamily. “I miss seeing all those big muscles.”

  For a moment, a brief moment, she envisaged them lying next to her, and just being here with them, just enjoying their warmth and closeness, holding them quietly.

  That idea pretty much vanished as soon as she saw their naked frames, and desire unexpectedly inflamed her once again. No, she didn’t want to simply lie around with them. She wanted them. Badly. Now.

  She rolled over onto her belly, and lifted her ass in the air. She wiggled it at Jack. “I think you know what to do,” she said, laughing.

  Meanwhile Trent was sitting right in front of her, cross-legged, clearly staring at the way her tits hung heavily, their hard nipples still pointy from where he had been licking them. His cock was rock-hard, and she wasted no time, grabbing it and drawing it between her lips.

  When Jack entered her pussy, she was filled by a sense of rightness. What was it about these guys, that just fucking them felt so fulfilling? Why did they make her feel so good?

  She would’ve laughed at her own question, but her mouth was full of Trent’s cock, and he was gasping, leaning back, letting her take more of it into her mouth, even as Jack was so slowly pushing every last inch of his own cock into her.

  There was so much more she wanted to do with them, and she wanted to do it all now, all the things, all at the same time! The idea that she’d get to see them together excited her too…watching Trent suck Jack, or Jack fuck Trent’s ass, sent her halfway to her second orgasm, just the thought itself. Soon they’d all be at home, and she could picture them walking naked through her apartment, their cocks swinging…maybe Jack would reach out and give Trent’s cock a little squeeze as he passed by, just to show him that he cared. Casual, no big deal, just the sort of thing that happened when guys had their cocks out.

  Between these thoughts and the amazing feeling of Jack sliding home inside her and the taste of Trent’s cock on h
er tongue, she felt that fire inside her build to an undeniable explosion, her whole body wracked with pleasure, whimpering and thrusting, urging Jack to go faster, harder, to plunge into her, and he understood, their bodies communicated faster than words. He held her hips as he plunged in, and when he suddenly gasped and she knew he was on the verge too, and when Trent so clearly couldn’t hold back any longer either, she let herself go, they all let themselves go, into a climax that was like a supernova inside her, all brilliant light and flame, their rhythm carrying her body to a level she had never felt before.

  She would never, ever let them go again.


  The offices of Harmon & Van were even more austere than Jordan & Huntley had been, and yet the atmosphere was more congenial. Kaylee and Becca flanked the screen at the front of the room, a chart of savings over the next five years projected onto the screen. At the table, old men stared intently, either at the screen or at the numbers on the papers in front of them, with occasional glances over to Jack and Trent for confirmation of what they were hearing. Jack would nod, then Trent would nod, both with knowing frowns on their faces. Then the old men would nod, and turn their attention back to the screen.

  “In conclusion,” Becca said, as the BK Consultants logo appeared on the screen, “we’re going to take ERDRA off your plate. You won’t have to worry about software vendors trying to sell you new timecard systems, you won’t have to field calls from the state. We’ll handle everything, with the systems you already have in place. You’ll be dealing with people instead of programs. That’s what makes BK different.”

  Old Mr. Van smiled from his seat at the head of the table. He turned to Jack and Trent. “Well, young men, I have to say, I like what I’ve seen today. Harmon & Van has always been about people, and I’d much rather do business with a couple of regular guys like yourselves, than some of these little mice that have come through here with their software packages and apps and…and what-all, I don’t even know.”

  “We’re just pleased to have this chance to show you what we can do,” said Trent.

  Mr. Van looked around at his board. “What do you say, boys? Do we need to keep these nice people on the hook waiting for an answer? I say let’s sign on today, and get all this timecard business off our minds.”

  Mr. Harmon nodded. “I’ll have the legal team draw up the papers today.”

  It was all Becca could do not to shout a victory whoop. She kept her cool, staying friendly and professional. They all thanked the board, gathered their things, and walked out to the elevators.

  “Holy shit,” she said. “Do you know how big this company is? Do you know how much money we’re going to make?”

  Kaylee laughed. “Yeah, and all it took was setting feminism back a hundred years. Did you see them salivating over Jack and Trent? Oh boys, you’re so smart,” she mimicked, “even though it’s only the girls doing the talking.”

  “Yeah, but we know who the brains of the outfit are,” said Jack. “I don’t know what half those charts meant.”

  Once they were on the elevator, Becca couldn’t help herself. She was so excited, she ended up kissing both Jack and Trent…maybe a little more passionately than was strictly polite, in front of Kaylee.

  “Well now,” Kaylee said, “maybe I’d better leave you alone for a while. Except it’s an elevator, so there’s nowhere for me to go. Should I just, like, turn my back while you three get busy?”

  That made Becca laugh. “There will be time for that later,” she said, loving the way it made Jack and Trent give her embarrassed but knowing smiles. “Right now, we need to celebrate. Guys, we are going to make so much money. And this is just the beginning. Harmon & Van have clients all over the state…and all of them need our services.”

  “We need lobster,” said Kaylee. “And champagne. Do you think we’ve got enough left on the company credit card for champagne?”

  “I’ve got five bucks in my wallet,” offered Jack.

  When the elevator doors opened, Kaylee stepped out, and Becca said, “Give us just a minute, okay?”

  Kaylee nodded. “If this elevator’s rockin’, don’t come knockin’. But don’t make it plummet to the sub-basement or anything.”

  The doors slid shut, and they were alone.

  She pulled her boys close. “Things are really about to change for us. Do you understand that? Do you know how much money we’re about to pull in? And I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  Trent nuzzled her ear. “Without us? We’re just mannequins for those old guys to look at. You’re the genius here.”

  “I’m not just talking about that,” she said. “When we got turned down by the first company, I was at a loss. I had spent so much time on my damn five-year plan, and when it started to fail, I didn’t know what to do. Then Sarah was bugging me to come home, and… It just felt like the world was ending. Then I met you. I realized that all the plans in the world don’t matter one bit, if there’s no passion. I was being all head, no heart, like I could just logic my way through life.”

  “I could use a little logic in my life,” said Jack.

  “That’s what I mean,” she said. “We balance each other. I didn’t realize how much I needed that. I needed to have someone tell me it’s okay to feel, it’s okay to hurt, it’s okay to hope. I was scared of all that, before I met you. And I didn’t realize how much it was holding me back. So…this is my long, long way of saying thank you.”

  They looked at her so warmly. “I think we both feel the same way about you,” said Trent. “You opened up something inside us, something neither of us knew existed.”

  Jack shrugged. “I guess none of us were being honest with ourselves before. I was busy trying to convince myself I wanted to be a big fish in a small pond, Trent was trying to tell himself he had to choose between friendship and a career, and you were just trying to escape all the risks of life behind your five-year plan.”

  Trent and Becca both looked at Jack.

  “What?” Jack asked.

  “You are surprisingly insightful for such a big guy,” she said, swatting him on the chest.

  “So are we gonna do it in this elevator or not?” he asked her.

  “Yeaaaaah, no. I don’t think it’d do good things for our presentation, if the doors opened in the middle of us making out in here.”

  “Okay then, just one other thing.” Jack looked over at Trent, and Becca realized that something in the atmosphere had changed. Jack had gone from confident, to thoughtful, to…nervous?

  Trent nodded. “You want to do it here?”

  “Do what?” said Becca, a little worried now. What did they have in mind?

  Jack reached into his suit and pulled out a small box. “So. Becca, Trent and I have been talking about the future.”

  Trent went to go stand next to his friend. The looks of earnestness on their faces was almost too much to bear. What is in that box?

  “We know that since there are three of us, some parts of life are a little more complicated,” said Trent. “But we want you to know how much you mean to us…and how much we want that to last.”

  Jack nodded. As though on some hidden signal, both men went down on one knee, right here in the elevator. Becca’s hand flew to her mouth as she gasped in surprise.

  “Guys, Jack, Trent, I—”

  Trent shook his head. “Becca, we both love you, and we want to make it official.”

  Jack opened the box. Inside was a ring. It was simple, it was delicate…and beautiful. Two bands intertwined, as though to symbolize her two men, the way they had both entered her life.

  “Becca, would you marry the two of us?” said Jack.

  “I mean, the law—” she began.

  “Yeah, we know,” said Trent. “But we don’t care. What matters is the promise. What matters is that we want to be with you forever.”

  “Even if there’s no ceremony or preacher or bouquet,” said Jack. “The three of us together, for all time. That’s what this ring means.”<
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  She let them slip it on her finger, and then suddenly felt her strength give out. She was laughing and crying at the same time, and they stood, taking her in their arms, kissing her, holding her.

  “Oh my god,” she said. “This is more than I ever dreamed possible.”

  They could have stayed like this forever, in each other’s arms.

  “I guess we shouldn’t forget about Kaylee,” she said.

  “We were going to celebrate anyway,” said Trent. “Now we have even more reason to get that lobster and champagne.”

  “She’s going to be so jealous,” Becca said brightly.

  As the elevator doors slid open, she linked her arms with theirs, and they stepped out together.

  Feeling their strong arms, and seeing the proud looks on their faces, she had only one thought, a thought that filled her with absolute joy:

  I’m home.

  My Two CEOs: A Bonus MMF Story!

  The air was so still it was like the room was holding its breath. Elle looked around at her coworkers, all dressed in the white company polo, the khaki pants, and they looked as uncomfortable as she did. Polycotton, she thought, touching the short sleeve of her shirt. What a bad idea for a summer retreat. On the whiteboard in front of them, the word TEAMWORK was written vertically, neatly, ready for someone to tell them what the T stood for, then the E, then the A… But there was no one at the board. She could feel a drop of sweat make its way down into her bra, between her breasts.

  The trainer returned to the room shaking her head. “Guys, I’m so sorry, but the thermostat is out, so no A/C. We’ve called the lodge maintenance crew, but for now, I think we’d better vacate this room before we roast.”

  She was the first one outside, drinking in the warm, fresh summer air, the scent of pine trees, the sound of happy birds. It was just as hot outside, but out here the air was moving. It was all different.


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