Daughter Of Ethos: Destination Home Book 2

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Daughter Of Ethos: Destination Home Book 2 Page 13

by L M Lacee

  ‘Thanks Heather, I should tell you… so you maybe can tell Penny.’


  Patty explained what Dinas had said once they all got pass the horrific images that came to mind. They struggled not to laugh, as they drew straws to see who was to tell Penny.

  Netta lost!


  Dinas arrived not long after everyone had just settled into Peyton’s lounge, she gave him the once over, checking to see if he was well and walking alright. Then asked him. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘Madam, I need to report to you and explain what I saw.’

  ‘Oh, okay, is Patty alright with that?’

  ‘She is a very understanding female.’

  ‘She is a delight, and I respect her very much. You will care for her tender heart, I am sure.’

  Dinas did not for one min miss the warning in her words, he bowed his head as he assured her. ‘I will with all that I am.’

  ‘Please give her my thanks. So Commander Dinas what did you see and feel?’

  ‘I saw Captain Netta breathe Rie. I also felt the Rie in the power of her kick. I have never heard of anyone other than an Elite having it, have you brother?’

  Hawk shook his head. ‘Never, it seems improbable!’

  Dinas stated. ‘I know what I saw and felt!’

  Peyton said. ‘No one doubts you Commander Dinas, if anyone was to feel or experience it. That would be you. This is what some Elites are capable of is that not so?’

  ‘Yes, some of us can recognize the Rie in others Madam.’

  Melody asked for herself and the others. ‘What is this Ree?’

  ‘Not Ree.’ Hawk told her, then held his hands out as he asked. ‘I am pronouncing it correctly!’

  Peyton nodded. ‘You are, you just need the Terran spin on it.’

  He looked nonplussed at Dinas who shrugged, he did not know what Peyton meant either. She went on to explain to Melody. ‘It is pronounced Rye.’

  ‘Which is what I said.’ Hawk quietly said to Dinas, who nodded in agreement. Then in a louder voice he tried to clarify. ‘It is needar fire, only Elites have it or some form of it.’

  ‘But that does not tell me what it is?’ Melody stated, Peyton pouted her lips as she thought then stated. ‘It is complicated.’

  ‘Needar as you know is what we the Terrans know as the soul or the inner spirit. The Elites have a slightly different needar than regular Warriors, theirs is special because it generates a well of power that makes them Elites and can give them special abilities. It allows them to shape and use it to enhance physical and mental strength and of course some can use it as a weapon.’ Darby qualified for everyone there.

  Hawk and Dinas looked at each other with resignation, not at all surprised she knew what Rie was and could explain it clearly.

  ‘Oh okay then.’ Melody said as she looked at the two Elites. ‘Why didn’t you just say that?’

  They ignored her question. ‘Again!’ Hawk said. ‘I say I have never heard of anyone other than Elite’s having Rie!’

  Darby said. ‘Well Rie was not something created by the scientists, it is what makes you are an Elite. So it could be possible that you are not the only Elites in the universes.’

  ‘Another one of those similarities we are seeing more often.’ Was Esther’s comment.

  Melody asked thoughtfully. ‘What if the person had a traumatic incident in their past? Could that have made the Rie attach to them or something?’

  Dinas rubbed his face as he answered. ‘For that to have happened the person would already have to be endowed with Rie and then the incident may cause it to manifest itself, I suppose, although I have never heard of it happening like that. Have you Hawk?’

  Hawk wearily replied. ‘No, never. Madam, we cannot train her, neither Dinas nor I are equipped to do so.’

  ‘So what do you suggest then Commander?’

  ‘Stasis! Until my brothers are found. Reeve or Kardan can train her, until then she is a danger to herself and everyone else.’

  Melody said and the horror of what he was purposing was in her voice. ‘You are saying she has had this Rie all her life, either she was born with it or it was brought on due to something in her past. And now you want to put her in a tube until we find your brothers, even if that takes yentas?’

  ‘Yes exactly. Something here has triggered the Rie to manifest.’ Hawk qualified with a certain amount of distaste for what he was saying coloring his words. He did not want to lose Netta, she was fast becoming a good friend and the novelty of that was still so new, to contemplate losing her, was something he did not relish.

  Melody nodded and said more to herself than to the room. ‘So either way, since we have come here, she has come more into her Elite-ness and she is a danger to us all?’ She looked at Peyton. ‘I will take her to a moon, we can live there until the brothers are found. I will not allow her to be boxed up. It will break her and me. Don’t do this please Peyton, she is family, we don’t throw family away.’

  Peyton shook her head and admonished. ‘Ahh! Sister of mine, you know me better than that.’

  Melody collapsed back in her chair relieved. She did know better, but fear ate at her still. Peyton grinned at Esther. ‘Now Esther, what should we do?’

  Esther sipped her tea then returned her smile. ‘I always knew you girls were special.’

  ‘I thank you, so what are we going to do, they say they cannot train her?’

  Esther nodded. ‘So we will wait for one who can.’

  Hawk sighed, did they not understand, this was not a game. There was no place or moon for Netta to go to that she would not be able to escape from. Once the Rie took over, Melody would not be able to control her. As much as it pained him, she had to be placed in stasis for her safety and all of theirs. ‘Esther, my friend, she will kill people while we wait for my brothers.’

  Esther stated firmly. ‘She will not kill anyone, and we will definitely not place her in stasis. I for one could not bear not having our sweet Netta around. So Peyton will bind this thing she has.’

  ‘What are you talking about?’ Darby asked, not wanting to sound rude, but she stared at the older female with confusion as Peyton winked at Esther.

  Esther told them. ‘Long ago on Earth witches bound their powers or the powers of their young, so they could live a normal life and not be persecuted.’

  Dinas asked fascinated. ‘A witch is what or who?’

  ‘Someone who is very gifted, similar to you and Commander Hawk.’ Esther told him gently. ‘On Earth that used to be a very bad thing and people were killed for having gifts.’

  ‘That seems barbaric!’ Dinas said outraged on behalf of the ones who were gifted. Peyton explained to the two Elites. ‘Well, we were at that time, cruel, barbaric and uneducated, even now Earth is not as enlightened as the Universe we are in.’

  Melody’s mouth was hanging open, as Darby said. ‘That is all myth though, isn’t it?’

  ‘How do you know this?’ Melody finally managed to ask.

  Esther shrugged and told both Melody and Darby. ‘I just know and no young lady it is not just a myth, it has been happening for centuries.’

  As Darby went to ask more, she said in a voice that brooked no more questions. ‘Let us just leave it at that. It is part of Earth’s history that makes no difference to us here and to what is happening to Netta at this time. Peyton will do the binding, and our Netta will be as safe as she can make her.’

  ‘Do you think she can?’ Darby asked skeptically as she looked at the smiling face of her sister.

  Esther laughed. ‘Oh yes, if it is to keep one of you safe, she will do so. Will you not Peyton?’

  ‘I will, with Netta’s permission.’

  ‘What if she says no?’ Hawk asked her, not really sure what it was she was to do but apparently the ladies all thought it would work.

  Peyton asked him. ‘You think she will not agree?’

  ‘I do not know, she may not and then what will y
ou do?’

  ‘I will ask again.’

  ‘And if she still does not?’

  Annoyed Peyton demanded. ‘Commander Hawk, what do you want me to say, that I will force a binding on her or force her into stasis?’

  ‘No Madam, I want to know how I protect my Warriors.’

  ‘Is Netta, not yours as well?’

  They squared off against each other as he growled. ‘Netta is my friend which is a truly wonderful concept for me and I will not squander her. I fear for her if left untrained. We have no idea what form the Rie will take, what it will gift her with. What would you have me say now, Madam?’

  ‘The truth Commander!’

  Hawk took his courage in his hands and told her bluntly with anger threading through his tones. ‘The truth is she can kill… she will kill, she will suffer for that. We all will, I would spare her this if I could!’

  Everyone held their breaths, Hawk had never been angered before or at least not in front of them, in all the time they had been together, he had never shown this side of himself. To voice his anger toward Peyton seemed to be a step in their relationship, he had not realized he had taken. Dinas felt his Rie come to the surface at the powerful emotions in the room. He knew most of them were from his brother but kept his eyes on Peyton as he waited like Hawk for the repercussions to his display of anger.

  Softly she said. ‘I know that Hawk, all of us here do. This is why we all respect and trust you.’

  There was no anger, nothing to say he had stepped out of line, in fact Hawk thought if he had to describe the expression on her face, she looked pleased. Then before he could demand the reason for her words, he heard Netta’s voice telling him. ‘You cannot Hawk!’

  She slipped into the room and before he knew what she was doing, she hugged him. ‘Thank you for thinking of me and I am sorry you are worried.’

  He hugged her in return his eyes held the fear and worry he felt for her. ‘Netta… sweet Netta. I would not willing let you endanger yourself.’

  ‘I am a danger, out of control. I hurt four Warriors, five if you count Dinas and I felt nothing for it.’ She turned from him and hugged Dinas quickly. ‘I am sorry for putting you in that position and thank you for stopping me.’

  Dinas hugged her back as he said. ‘Extraordinary, I thought you would be angry with me?’

  ‘Dinas never! You saved me hurting anyone else and myself.’

  ‘You were not in your right mind.’ He excused her.

  She smiled at his defense of herself and told him. ‘I know but it frightened me, so if there is a way to stop this or at least control it, I will do it. I would hate to be responsible for what may happen.’

  Melody said quietly. ‘They are proposing placing you in stasis Netta.’

  Her eyes turned bleak as she nodded. ‘I see.’

  She looked at Hawk then Peyton. ‘I will go into stasis if you say so. Even though it frightens me, because I am not sure I will come out the other side rational, but in saying that. I understand the fear you have, I am scared of me, of what I could do. I hate that about myself.’

  Peyton grinned. ‘Netta, I am pleased you are up and about, you scared me, please don’t do it again, I find it intolerable.’

  Without thought Netta snarked back. ‘So sorry I upset you, me bad!’

  ‘Yeah… yeah, so let’s do this. Are the others outside?’

  Netta nodded. ‘Yes.’

  ‘Okay, so I will bind your Rie for as long as it takes us to find someone to train you. Once bound you will be handed over to Commander Hawk for discipline.’

  Melody sucked in a breath, Peyton said as she looked at her. ‘She took on four Warriors and a Commander, she was derelict in her duty. Melody you know this. She and the four Warriors will be disciplined. Trina and Janet will receive compensation from them and come on the mission with us if they want. Commander Hawk, can you see to that?’

  ‘I can Madam.’ Turning to Netta he said. ‘Your punishment is you will be stood down from this mission, also I will require you to hold classes in the use of knives. Captain Netta, I need you to teach those skills of yours to our Warriors!’

  ‘As you wish Commander, and I apologize for stepping out of the chain of command.’

  Hawk nodded. ‘Good, I will see to the other Warriors. Madam until tomorrow morn.’

  ‘Wait please Commander Hawk.’

  Hawk stood by the door and inwardly sighed he shared a look with Dinas then said. ‘Madam, this is really a military disciplinary action?’

  ‘I realize, but I would like to know what discipline the other Warriors under your command will receive.’

  Hawk turned around fully and stared at her then asked. ‘Do you not trust me to be fair?’

  Peyton drew herself up to her full height, and she started to glow a little as she demanded. ‘Did I say as much Commander? I am your Commander-in-Chief and this is my planet. My solar system is it not, or did I wake up in a different dimension this morn?’

  No one moved when Peyton’s eyes went black and filled with flames as they were now, they knew they were now in the presence of the Star Daughter. Hawk said stiffly. ‘Star Daughter, I stand corrected.’

  Peyton’s eyes never left his as she said. ‘I would like you Commander Dinas to train Captain Netta as much as you can please.’

  He bowed his head in agreement and then she addressed Hawk again. ‘First Commander, maybe it would be a good idea if the squad were assigned to train Warriors who are slow at understanding the sword, that way they may learn respect and patience for all Warriors by teaching. Also I think they should be stood down from any missions until further notice, so they can learn all the qualities that seemed to have been left out of their training as cadets. Commander Melody can supervise as well as Commander Yend, when she is away. Along with teaching maybe they could serve in the Warriors common dining hall, under the supervision of the ladies club. I am sure Lady Esther will explain the reason why to those same ladies!’

  Esther bowed her head. ‘I will Star Daughter.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  Hawk bowed his head but did not answer. Peyton’s eyes returned to normal and her bearing relaxed as she stated. ‘You may be annoyed as much as you like with me Commander Hawk, but these Warriors are my people first and my Warriors second. If you feel I am overstepping my authority, then I am sorry. But what you are doing is wrong, you separate your Warriors.’

  ‘I do not! I have not?’ He refuted.

  ‘Yes, you do. You have male and female, none are the same. You treat the females like visitors, a friend, and you wonder why they do not follow your chain of command. It is because they do not know you will back them, as Commander Melody will.’

  ‘You are saying I have broken trust in my command with my Warriors?’

  ‘No, my friend.’ Esther said. ‘What Madam Peyton is saying, is that you are handicapping your Warriors by the attitude you are unknowingly showing them.’

  Hawk snapped back. ‘So you are saying I am not fit to lead female Warriors. I have failed our people?’

  Melody moved to join Dinas next to Hawk as Esther smiled. ‘See, even as angry as Melody is with you, she will stand at your side as will Dinas. They know you have not failed anyone, and will defend you to the death, but they both know you have been in error over this.’

  Confused, he rubbed the back of his neck and looked at both his Commanders finally asking his brother. ‘What have I been doing?’

  ‘The same as the ladies have said. It is not your fault, it is written into our DNA. We, who were raised and trained under Kardan cannot bear the thought of a female, any female being in danger. Especially one under our protection, it goes against everything we stand for. In fact we exist to ensure that no female we are responsible for is ever placed in danger. It will take time to adjust, to change our attitude but we must, so our Warriors will. Today was an example of what some poorly trained Warriors could think about females in our military, obviously they are wrong.’ He sighed
as he looked at his brother. ‘We have been wrong.’

  He let his gaze skim over each female there and spoke directly to Peyton. ‘Please realize Madam Peyton, that now as a mated male, it is my right, my need to protect my mate and young. I will take the life of any who touches or hurts her or them, this is nothing I am prepared to adjust. I am an Elite, and this is who I am! Our Warriors no matter what rank will have this imprinted on them as well, it may take time for it to make its way to the forefront of their minds, but it will as it must. This is what makes us Warriors.’

  The Star Daughter emerged once more as Dinas stated. ‘That Star Daughter, is not a programmed response, it is in our genes.’

  Peyton inclined her head. ‘I will not demand any male to be any other way, or to be less of who they are. I take note that we have been warned and will have a statement to that fact in the next Oracle and Commander as a female. I appreciate the sentiment as long as you all realize that it goes both ways. We females will protect you and as your Star Daughter, I will protect all my people. That is in my genes!’

  Dinas bowed his head. ‘So noted Star Daughter.’ They shared a smile as the intentness of the Star Daughter left Peyton again, and her eyes once more returned to normal as she asked. ‘Why do you look so puzzled Hawk?’

  ‘I do not understand, I am at a lost to know how and why this has occurred.’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘Because like the rest of us you are feeling your way in this new world and especially with having female Warriors. That for you, is testing your honor and what makes you Hawk. And because you are someone we all trust, when something like this happens, we are probably more shocked than we would be for anyone else. Which is why the Warriors, all the Warriors are confused. You cannot have one attitude for the males and one for the females. After Dinas’s explanation we understand better, but it must stop, you must find your balance.’

  ‘I did not realize I was unbalanced.’

  ‘Oh, we know.’ Esther told him with a smile. Hawk scowled at them all as he said stiffly. ‘Maybe it would be better for Melody to take over as First Commander, her style of command will not place our Warriors in jeopardy. She does not see a distinction between male or female. It seems I am a male that does.’


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