Daughter Of Ethos: Destination Home Book 2

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Daughter Of Ethos: Destination Home Book 2 Page 16

by L M Lacee

  Melody was doing exactly the same as Hawk surveying their surroundings, she could see no visible source of water and came to the conclusion the planet was just plain ugly, hot and dusty. The dust was black which had a blue sheen to it and seemed to want to get into everywhere. She rubbed some of it between her fingers only to find it was not sand or dust at all but very fine rock.

  Hawk knew Darby would find fault with the sand, or something, sooner or later, he could hear the females starting to squabble again in the background. So before they got to the point where he would have to intervene he let his senses range out around him and discovered not one living thing on the surface. However, underground was another matter, it was teeming with life.


  ‘It is not so bad for a planet, I am sure there are worse ones out there.’ Peyton remarked as she looked around in her tinted green sunglasses. ‘I mean there are no bugs, right Trina?’

  Trina squinted as she looked around too. ‘That is a fact and truth to be told some parts of Aussie were hotter than this and there was only one sun!’

  Darby snarled. ‘Listen, waiting for mate girl. I don’t care!’

  Trina laughed. ‘Oh, someone has a poker up her ar…’

  ‘Yes well! Let us move out from beneath the suns.’ Hawk said as he saw the look of thunder come over Darby’s face.

  Lukkas asked. ‘Lady Darby, would you like me to help you over the rocky ground?’

  Darby graced him with one of her rare smiles. ‘Thank you, Lukkas that would be very nice.’

  He put his arm out, and she placed her hand in the bend of his elbow. He then helped her traverse the uneven surface.

  ‘My goodness,’ she growled, ‘this sand is just plain annoying, who would live here, honestly?’

  Willian came up on the other side of her and earnestly answered her question. ‘Turqualls, Lady Darby. We did tell you.’

  Melody snickered at Darby’s look of consternation, knowing she could not now tell him it was a rhetorical question. She gave Melody a narrowed eye stare instead. Peyton grinned as the couple picked their way across the rocks.

  ‘Huh! Someone has been studying the old vids it seems!’

  Heather whispered. ‘They have been watching the musicals with the older ladies. In the one they watched before we left, a male escorted a female, exactly like that across a road, they are just so charming.’

  Melody and Trina sighed as Trina asked. ‘Why is she so dayam grouchy?’

  Peyton pointed at Heather. ‘It’s all Heather’s fault because she is leaving.’

  ‘You are leaving, how did I miss that?’ Trina asked Heather with a startled look. Peyton and Melody walked slowly behind Darby and the two Warriors to the overhang of rocks which seemed to shelter the cave openings. It seemed the tunnels that led to a cave system had been burrowed into the planet or so the information Darby had provided about the planet stated.

  Heather could not prevent the smile she seldom seemed without these days blossoming as she told Trina.

  ‘I found my mate, he is the brother to Enara and Enuru and truthfully I did not tell everyone. Because I thought that there may be people, not happy knowing I am going away for a while. By the time the mission returns home they will be used to Patty and Dinas being in charge.’ What she was not saying was that she worried she would never return, but it hung in the air like a hammer ready to fall. Trina felt the weight of the unspoken knowledge and smiled saying light-heartedly. ‘Oh, so that is what all the barbs at each other is about?’

  ‘Yes Darby is not happy with me leaving.’

  Trina grinned. ‘Too bad, love will find a way. I read that in a book.’

  Heather nodded as she said. ‘It really will.’ She pulled her sleeves back showing the markings that she shared with Harmara.

  Trina’s startled. ‘Wow, I am so happy for you, it is wonderful isn’t it, knowing someone wants us, and that we have what it takes to be part of a couple. I never believed it would happen for me.’ By this time they had joined the others, who stared at her as she said quietly. ‘Oh, sorry, maybe that is just me.’

  ‘Nah, Trina who is not Netta, it is not. We all think that.’ Peyton told her and at the same time reminded everyone that Trina was part of the group.

  Darby asked Heather. ‘Is that how you think?’

  With a blush staining her cheeks, Heather shrugged. ‘Maybe, I never thought about it like that.’

  ‘Sure you didn’t?’

  The skin around Heather’s eyes tightened as she went to say something, thought better of it and remained silent. Her lips became a straight line instead. She followed after Hawk who led the way under the overhang where they could remove their glasses. As their eyes adjusted to the gloom, they could make out tunnels leading down into the inky blackness. Fresh air with the sweet scent of what seemed like lavender graced their noses.

  ‘That is amazing.’ Melody said in between sniffs. ‘The scent is gorgeous, almost like lavender but a little different. I wonder if it is a plant and if they would give me any to take home?’

  Trina sniffed as well. ‘It smells like honeysuckle.’

  Heather smiled and said. ‘Wisteria.’

  Darby’s face softened as the scent hit her. ‘Like roses.’

  Hawk looked around at the females who all had calm smiling expressions. ‘I assume this scent is something that brings nice thoughts?’

  Melody murmured. ‘Something like that.’

  The cave walls were made from some kind of shiny rock so black it was blue, and very smooth almost like a machine had been used, and extremely hot to the touch.

  ‘We could ask if they are willing to give us some plants.’ Peyton suggested to Melody as she touched the rock and drew her hand back fast. ‘Hot... hot... hot to touch.’ She shook her fingers, then sucked on them as she danced in place. They all looked at her as she asked around her fingers. ‘What… did you know?’

  ‘Pretty obvious hon, it is hot out here.’ Heather answered as she pulled out her pocket med scanner and tugged Peyton’s blistered fingers from her mouth.

  Darby snarled. ‘Five freaking suns, should have been your first clue Star Girl. Rocks like powder your second clue.’ She moaned in despair. ‘I will be getting it out of my hair for wekens, if I ever do.’

  ‘Do not growl at her.’ Heather said softly and Darby eyes narrowed at her admonishment. Then her head snapped to Trina when she heard her say, in all seriousness as she looked around, missing the look of sheer horror from Darby.

  ‘It’s the cracks the sand will get into, when it is this fine, that what will piss you off in the end.’

  Lukkas softly called from his position a little deeper into the tunnel. ‘We have Turqualls coming this way.’

  They all squinted into the gloom of the tunnel but could see nothing. Trina asked. ‘How do you know, I cannot see anything?’

  Hawk told her softly. ‘We are built for it.’

  Peyton asked eagerly. ‘Built, as in put together like cyborgs?’

  ‘No, nothing like cyborgs.’ He replied, keeping the humor from his tone.

  ‘Yes!’ She fist-pumped. ‘You just admitted there are cyborgs!’

  Hawk looked at Peyton and then raised an eyebrow, totally ignoring her words. ‘Now Ladies, before they arrive, remember we are here as a courtesy. The Ruling Pair have allowed us to remove the lesser…’

  Peyton growled, and when they looked at her she looked around. ‘Huh! Still hot!’

  Melody told her. ‘Really Star Girl, keep it together.’

  ‘I will if they do?’

  Hawk shook his head and demanded of them. ‘No… no, what did I say before we left the ship?’

  Peyton nodded a twinkle in her eyes. ‘Umm! I think it was to keep your hands in at all times.’

  Trina said. ‘Put your trays up and remain seated!’

  Melody grinned. ‘Yep, and to not touch anything that does not belong to you.’

  ‘Ah-ah!’ He growled. ‘I do not und
erstand what you are saying, and you know I said you all have to behave, we are here in a difficult position. The Ruling Pair has given us limited permission to be on their world. If we are not careful, that could change at any moment. We need to tread carefully.’

  Darby moaned. ‘I am behaving, it is hot and sticky and sandy. This sucks!’

  ‘Seriously, can you be any bitchier?’ Heather demanded fed up with the normally reticent Darby’s display of childishness, it was getting on her nerves.

  ‘Bet she can.’ Peyton mumbled to Melody who gave her a quick grin.

  Darby growled. ‘You think this has anything to do with you?’

  Heather affected a motherly tone to her voice, which just seemed to be the last straw for Darby.

  ‘Yes, I do, because you are mad at me and because I am leaving. You are being a snot-nosed brat.’

  ‘Oh, that will do it.’ Melody told Peyton who nodded her agreement.

  Darby spluttered. ‘Sn… snot-nosed brat, how dare you!’

  ‘I dare alright brat… spoiled brat!’

  ‘Well, healer girl, let’s have at it.’ Darby shoved her tablet at Trina who grabbed it and watched as Darby pushed her sleeves up. Peyton and the others moved back as Hawk demanded of Willian. ‘What are they doing?’

  Willian looked them over, then asked Lukkas who had moved back to the group. ‘I have no idea, Lukkas?’

  ‘I would say they are getting ready to throw down, get it on, rumblee.’

  Heather growled at Darby. ‘Oh yeah, well let’s see what you have, short one?’ She then pushed her sleeves up, and suddenly they were both crouched down like they had been taught in training and began to circle each other.

  Peyton said. ‘Low blow, height issues.’ She looked at Trina with a smirk and asked. ‘Did you see what I did there?’

  ‘That was the best you could do?’

  Peyton chose to ignore her question, instead she said. ‘I have my credits on the short, feisty one, sorry Heather, no offense.’

  Trina quipped. ‘Nope, my credits are on the healer she has more reach.’

  ‘That is a good point, but the short one can duck and dive better.’

  Trina kept the laugh from her voice as she disagreed with Peyton. ‘I see what you are saying, but one slap from those big man hands of the healers and the small, feisty one is a goner.’

  ‘Stop this madness now!’ Demanded Hawk as he closed his eyes.

  Melody said to both females while she circled them. ‘Keep your elbows in… now hands up... good... good!’

  Hawk’s eyes snapped open and in a voice they had not heard from him before, Trina thought it may have reached the higher octave level for a male. ‘This is not a time for training lessons! What are you doing Commander, you are meant to be here for stability?’

  Melody stopped circling and snapped to attention as her eyes zeroed in on Hawk. ‘I am what now!’

  ‘Do not try to confuse me, Commander Melody.’

  ‘How am I doing that?’ She asked aggrieved he would think she was doing so. Plus stability like a weight, just rude!

  He growled as he stepped between the two circling females. ‘Enough! I am serious. I am ready to place you both over my knee and spank you.’

  Movement stopped, the air ceased to blow gently over the group, and then peals of laughter reverberated against the tunnel walls and ceilings, traveling down into the caves, lighting dark corners with the sound, as the five females laughed at Hawk’s statement.

  Heather and Darby clung to each other as tears ran down their faces. Melody and Trina bent over at the waist holding their stomachs as Peyton fought for breath, finally she brought herself under control and garbled out. ‘Spank! Oh, my goodness, just priceless! You are truly adorable.’

  Hawk turned toward her and snarled. ‘Adorable!’ Outraged he pointed to himself and asked. ‘Did you call me adorable?’

  ‘Well, not anymore,’ Peyton told him, ‘grouchy more like it.’

  Quickly, Melody said. ‘Ladies, Warriors, shall we?’

  They turned just as two Turqualls came from the darken tunnel. Heather looked at her hands, turning them this way and that to see them all over. Darby looked over at her and frowned, then asked out the side of her mouth. ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘You think I have large hands?’

  ‘Yes, now silence giant hand girl.’

  Heather smiled as she heard the tone that had been missing from Darby’s voice recently.

  ‘Greetings Turquall Yewta and Retder, we are pleased to make your acquaintance once again.’ Peyton said by way of greeting.

  Retder bowed her head as she greeted them. Greetings Star Daughter, Warriors, and Ladies we are fortunate to see you this day.

  Yewta her mate bowed his head saying. The Ruling Pair wish to send you their greetings Star Daughter and their desire to see you. They wish for you to please follow us. We are to escort you by the secondary route, which will bypass the main thoroughfare. Therefore, making it easier for us to go unseen to their chambers.

  By this time Heather, Darby and the others had all come to stand around Peyton. Heather said. ‘Sounds like they want to keep us hidden.’

  Melody asked. ‘Are they asking or telling us we are to creep in the back door?’

  Trina said. ‘Does it matter, either way it sounds quite impolite!’

  ‘Bad manners!’ Darby chipped in as Heather asked Hawk, ‘Is this normal?’

  ‘I would say it is less confrontational for the Ruling Pair. I did say we were here under difficult circumstances.’

  Peyton bent down until she was almost face to face with the male named Yewta and told him in no uncertain terms. ‘We do not sneak anywhere, we are not thsieons in the night. The Ruling Pair, by way of the Star Child asked us to come here. I and my people are not a dirty secret. That is their issue, not ours. Now take us by the standard route to the Ruling Pair or we will find our own way.’

  Star Daughter you could not. The tunnels are designed to prevent exactly that.

  She looked him in the eyes and stated. ‘Yewta, I do understand, but think about who built these tunnels, then think about who I am. So we will be guided to the chamber via the normal public route or I will demolish the tunnels and caves until I find the path to them myself. I suggest you go and ask the Ruling Pair which option they wish for.’ Then she made the ground roll beneath their feet causing everyone, the Turqualls included, to stumble a little. ‘Believe me, when I say I am quite willing to do either option.’

  He bowed his head, and she was positive she heard him laugh. I will go, please wait here for a little longer Star Daughter.

  ‘We will wait for now. Maybe while we wait Retder could tell us about Turqualls, as you know we do not have much information on Turqualls and if we are to make a home for some, it would behoove us to learn all we can about your species.’

  I am sure she would like that. I will do as you request Star Daughter.

  ‘I thank you Yewta.’ With a long look at his mate, he whipped around and ran back into the tunnel.

  ‘Behoove!’ Melody snickered to Heather, who grinned as Trina asked the remaining Turquall. ‘How can he see where he is going or do you have a sonar?’

  Retder answered. We do not, we are a higher sentient race as opposed to your species and have extra senses and abilities. Some of these manifest in hearing, smell, sight, the list goes on.

  ‘Did I just get slammed?’ Trina asked Melody, who nodded her eyes amused. ‘You so did!’

  Peyton looked over her shoulder and crossed her eyes at them as she said. ‘I am sure the list is extensive.’

  She could see Darby’s shoulders hunch at the superior tone the female Turquall was using and touched her hand giving her a reassuring smile to let her know she too heard it and knew how she felt. Trina handed her back her tablet and Darby’s shoulders lowered but her fingers started to fly across the face of the tablet, a sure sign she was irritated.

  Heather, Melody and Trina blanked their face
s, a trick they had all found useful on occasion as the Warriors faced outwards annoyance in every line of their bodies. The female Turquall sniffed dramatically.

  Peyton kept the amusement and exasperation from her voice as she asked. ‘So if I could prevail on you to give us an idea of the Turquall?’

  Of course Star Daughter, Turqualls consist of male and female, respectively. The male is the largest of the pair, generally he will weigh at maturity between nine hundred and one thousand pounds. Of course there are always exceptions to the rule as in our Ruling male. The male Turquall normally will be long of body, anywhere from twelve foot to fourteen foot in length, their tail is another matter. Most tails are anywhere from three to four feet in length. All Turqualls are very proud of their tail; it is a sign of our virility.

  The females, as I have said, can be smaller, but even in this, there are exceptions. Females such as I will weigh again at maturity between seven hundred to nine hundred pounds. Our bodies can be eight to twelve feet long and our tails will be between two and three feet in length. All Turqualls are the standard tan color or a slight, and I mean a slight variation of that coloring will be tolerated. We have heard our eye color, referred to as violet. Some may have a lighter or slightly darker shade of this color. Definitely never lavender or blue. We have two sizes, regular as you see I am now and protection or defensive.

  Suddenly she grew to at least double her size, causing them all to take steps away from her as they watched her get bigger. ‘Amazing!’ Trina breathed out in wonder.

  Retder acknowledged her words with a slight nod of her head then said. When we morph, we increase height and weight. Our fur will flatten against our bodies and sleek out and harden. This way we protect our organs and cover our bodies in armor. As with our bodies our teeth will grow as will our claws, we call this our combat mode. She resumed her normal size, which was the size of a fully grown Bengal tiger and stated. We are able to mind- speak from birth, distance comes with age. Our kits are born defenseless their eyes and ears are closed until they are several days old, at this time the parents are very protective and will defend the kits aggressively.


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