Daughter Of Ethos: Destination Home Book 2

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Daughter Of Ethos: Destination Home Book 2 Page 21

by L M Lacee

  ‘Hayda no! She is as happy as anything.’ Trina rushed to reassure them. ‘She likes you all, but she and a lot of females on Maikonia do not hunt. All the Warriors and a few females who are not Warriors do, but I am sad to say for ladies like Darby and Madam, it is not a way of life.’

  Fanharr seemed quite shocked as she asked. Then how do they provide for themselves?

  Hawk said. ‘I think that is a discussion to be held with Esther and the ladies and for another time. I am sure Lady Darby would agree with me.’

  Smothering her giggles, she agreed. ‘I do Commander, right now though we need to get off this rock. I think our Peyton is at the end of her rope.’

  She then hurriedly explained what she meant as the Turqualls looked at her with shock. ‘That is an expression, not to be taken literally.’

  She moved off with Trina toward Peyton who was waiting with Melody and Willian. They had just arrived back from settling the last Turqualls on to the shuttle and stopped when they saw the others all coming toward them. Melody asked. ‘How did it go?’

  ‘She kicked ass as usual.’ Darby replied. ‘Then scared the crap out of everyone. The Ruling Male killed a pride leader who was rude and aggressive. The ruling pair are Rage and Rave’s parents and their seconds are Fanharr’s parents.’ She then switched to English. ‘Also the Ruling Female is a cold bitch!’ She reverted back to Coalition and tried for nonchalance as she said. ‘All rather predictable.’ No one commented on the slight crack in her voice when she spoke of the death.

  Melody grinned as she rubbed a hand over Darby’s back in comfort. ‘Huh! Same old… Same old then?’

  ‘Yep.’ Peyton answered for her. ‘So how goes it here?’

  ‘We have shuttled all that were here. Kate and Heather are managing due mainly to Citri, she is wonderful apparently. We just sent the last shuttle off, and Nikolas has just landed to take us. Then we will be done.’

  ‘Okay, so we are going to call for any stragglers. Rage you first, people I advise you to cover your ears now.’ Putting an action to her words, she covered her ears and watched as the others hurriedly followed suit.

  Then a mighty roar sounded throughout the caves, they could feel it climb up their legs from the soles of their feet. The vibrations made their teeth rattle and their hearts race, instantly causing their fight-or-flight reaction to kick in. Each of them had to clamp down hard on the instinct to run in the face of that threat.

  Rage roared once more, softer it seemed this time. After several long minutes the sound faded away and then they could hear the solid thumps of running feet.

  Fifteen to twenty Turqualls rounded a bend and headed straight for them, they were all female and dusky pink. Rave said. I do not believe it. They are leaving?

  Peyton asked. ‘Who are they?’

  The chosen females, they are sequestered at the start of their breeding cycle until they are inseminated. It is an old traditional and barbaric practice. Fanharr said as she rushed to greet the females.

  Greetings… welcome, the shuttle awaits.

  Trina asked. ‘Why are they pink?’

  Fanharr replied as she finished greeting the last ones to arrive. It is the color this particular breed have, to signal when they are ready to go into their cycle, the breeding cycle is a tremendous burden for them. It is thought they are directly descended from the Tuarillians, and unfortunately, whether they wish to or not they are bred as soon as they are of age. The prides challenge for the rights of the females.

  Melody’s expression hardened. ‘Are you saying the females have no say in this, they are bred regardless of their feelings?’

  Yes Commander that is what I am saying. As I said barbaric.

  Melody’s voice was cold and her eyes challenged anyone to disagree with her as she told the Turquall staring at her. ‘Ladies this will no longer be a problem. You will only ever have a partner when and if you wish it. No one will insist you breed ever again, you have my word on this.’

  ‘And mine.’ Peyton told them.

  They all bowed to Melody then Peyton, together they all said. We thank you.

  ‘Is this going to cause problems?’ Peyton asked Fanharr as she squeezed Melody’s hand reassuringly. Slowly the dangerous expression left Melody’s face but her eyes remained hard. Fanharr shook her head as Rage answered. No, Fanharr will stall their cycle.

  To say his voice was filled with disapproval would have been an understatement as Fanharr touch noses or rub against each female and within seconds they returned to the normal tan color once she had touched them they ran from the cave. Impressed Trina said. ‘Wow, she is amazing!’

  Fanharr told them as she came over to where they stood. I can only halt the cycle for twenty-one days, hopefully they will have found their mates or we will have to separate them again.

  Darby said as she tapped on her tablet. ‘Do not worry, I have contacted Kate.’ At their bemused looks, she said. ‘The Artar, she said a serum can be made to halt the cycle until you wish it to resume.’

  There was a relieved sigh from Fanharr who admitted. I cannot wait to meet this Artar, she sounds most wonderful.

  Peyton affirmed. ‘She is very wonderful and loves her vocation very much.’

  Rage could no longer halt the words from escaping as he accused Fanharr. You planned for them to come.

  Fanharr stamped her foot. Yes! Why would I leave them, why would we?

  Before he could answer, two more Turquall raced around the bend and came to a stop. Fanharr smiled as she greeted them. Retder, Yewta, I worried we did not see you in the chamber.

  Yewta told her as he rubbed against her. We waited with the sequestered for the signal. I am sorry to have worried you sister.

  It is of no matter, now you are here and safe. Retder are you well? Fanharr asked as they rubbed against each other in welcome.

  Fanharr, I was worried for a little while. I am very happy to see you. Thankfully all went as planned. They are all here and we will join you, if we may?

  Of course you can, you are family after all. What of your parents?

  Yewta sighed as he told her. We can no longer remain under these conditions. We have spoken to both our parents; they accept our decision and in truth we are very seldom here, anyway.

  I do not know what to say; I am sad but happy you are coming.

  Do not worry sister, they knew I would never let you go without us.

  Oh Yewta thank you.

  Peyton grinned. ‘Fanharr you devious female, you set this up?’

  Fanharr ducked her head. We had to make it look like we were at odds, so they would be ordered to go out and find you when we heard you had arrived in our universe. Of course getting caught by those terrible people was not in the plan. But thankfully you rescued them, and it was the perfect opportunity for Yewta and Retder to find out what kind of Star Daughter you were. Retder told us how kind you and your people were. Yewta was impressed with the honor of your Warriors. So we knew we could trust you.

  Trina said. ‘Well that makes sense. No one wants to jump from the fire into the frying pan, now do they?’ As no one had the faintest idea what she just said, Peyton nodded and said wisely. ‘Uhuh!’

  Other than giving her a suspicious look Darby said nothing. Rage ignoring the Terrans chastised Fanharr. Fanharr… I am at a loss as to know what to say.

  Hawk slapped him on the shoulder and advised. ‘Say nothing my friend, your mate is a devious and amazing female and she makes a great mate for you and pride leader for the pride of Maikonia. Do you not agree with me, Madam?’

  ‘I do Commander Hawk I do, and if anyone knows about being sneaky, it is Commander Hawk.’

  ‘I am not sure if that is a compliment?’

  Melody laughed. ‘Just take it as one. It is wiser.’

  Trina asked Yewta and Retder. ‘So you are not olesho’s then?’

  They stared at her for a full minute before Retder laughed. No, we are not, and I will take your words as a compliment. We obviously were very g
ood at our disguise.

  ‘Well it fooled us!’ Confirmed Darby.

  The mates laughed together like kits as they jauntily raced to the shuttle. ‘Hard to believe the uptight Retder is just like us.’ Trina observed which had everyone smiling.

  Peyton moved apart and raised her hands and sent out three pulses of power. Soft silver waves of light glided through the walls of the caverns and dusted the air, slipping slowly through the tunnels and into the caves, all the while a song hummed from the rocks. Turquall everywhere stopped what they were doing and listened to the haunting beauty of the lullaby.

  Tears entered Melody’s eyes as the song touched her needar and hurt her heart, as if she was in a trance, she started to move toward a tunnel. Rage blocked her way, as Hawk took her in his arms she begged him.

  ‘Hawk, I have to go. Release me, someone needs my help, they are alone… so alone!’

  Fanharr said softly. She should not understand this, it is a song for the Turquall only. Who is she?

  Darby and Trina said nothing they too were as confused by Melody’s behavior as Fanharr was.

  Hawk placed his mouth close to Melody’s ear and softly called to her. ‘Melody, my friend listen to my voice, hear only my voice. This song is not for you, listen to me, here only me. This song is not for you.’

  Melody jerked in his arms and then heaved a deep sigh as though she was releasing something from deep within her, she looked into Hawk’s eyes and asked.

  ‘Hawk what happened?’

  He let her go and smiled. ‘Nothing, you were confused for a min that is all. It is probably the heat. I am thinking you have not had enough to drink.’

  ‘Oh!’ Melody shivered and shook her head, she knew it was more than that, something had called to her, but she smiled and said. ‘Okay, yeah sorry, you are probably right, thanks.’

  Hawk smiled and shrugged. ‘It was nothing.’

  Peyton witnessed the exchange but could not break her concentration, she placed the concern for Melody away to puzzle over later, for now she had Turqualls to call. The lullaby was a memory gifted from the Tuarillians, every Turquall recognized the song which was embedded into their DNA, a song that called the chosen home. The Ruling four held a tight grip on the prides as the wave of light and song passed through tunnels and caverns calling to the Castque. Sadness and despair rode the parents hard as the time for their young to leave drew near.

  After the last echoes of the song died away, Peyton lowered her arms and with a sad smile to the Turquall surrounding her, she started to walk toward the shuttle. Just as they made the opening she had made, four Turquall hurried into the cavern carrying two baskets of plants between them. They dropped one basket at Peyton’s feet and the other in front of the three Turquall.

  A female stepped forward and spoke to Rage, Rave and Fanharr, passing on a message from their parents in a voice filled with sorrow she said.

  Your parents wish you to have these trees as a token of their love. They hope when they take root on your new world, you will remember them fondly and regardless of what has come to pass. Their hearts will remain heavy at your leaving. They wish you a long and healthy life.

  Fanharr sobbed in a breath as Rage and Rave bracketed her with their bodies. The female’s voice was filled with despair as she continued. We also wish you well my friends and hope to meet you in the future.

  All four Turquall bowed as Rage replied. Please tell our parents we will tend the memories well and will never forget who we came from. We also hope we will meet again one day.

  Fanharr pleaded. Tell them we receive them with love and gratitude.

  Rave said to the four Turquall. Do not take too long to decide to join us. You heard what our Star Daughter foretold. Time is passing. You, our friends will always have a home with us.

  Thank you Rave. The female stepped back, and a male came forward and addressed Peyton.

  The Ruling female has placed several of the Ludenera plants in with other species of flowers. They are the scented ones you asked for.

  Peyton smiled with pleasure. ‘Thank them for me.’

  He stepped back, and they all bowed their heads in a reverent display of respect, then turned and ran from the cavern. Peyton looked at Darby and said in English.

  ‘What you perceive as cold and heartless is in actuality anguish so poignant it has broken their parent’s hearts. I believe they will never forgive those that have made this happen and will never recover from this.’

  Darby frowned trying to understand. ‘Do you mean they will not forgive each other?’

  ‘No, the prides.’

  ‘Then why do it, family is important, we all know that?’

  ‘You are right but they are fighting yentas of duty that dictate their decisions. The whole is far more important than the few. Even if that few are their own young.’

  ‘What would you do?’

  ‘I could ask you the same thing.’ She replied and moved to where Lukkas waited, while Melody and Trina picked up the basket and Willian with Kent scooped the other basket from the floor. Melody’s wide smile told everyone how pleased she was Peyton had asked for the plants, she sighed happily as the scent wafted across her nose.

  Peyton swayed a little and Melody nodded to Lukkas and told Peyton. ‘We will wait in the shuttle, it is too hot in here.’

  ‘Kay.’ She mumbled as Lukkas lifted her into his arms growling softly, something he never would have thought to do luneras ago. ‘You do too much Madam?’

  Sighing Peyton leaned her head against his wide chest. ‘I know, but we must make sure they all come. I will not be able to come back here for many luneras, if at all. I have explained to the Ruling Pair that they must in future send the new ones to the moon we are going too. Which thankfully is not far from here, and we will pick them up from there. They tell me there are other planets with prides of Castque on them. They will spread the word but it will be slow and not all will receive it quickly, so we will have to keep doing sweeps for them.’

  Lukkas carried her to the waiting shuttle but turned when he heard scampering feet running behind them. Four young kits all different colors ran and jumped into the shuttle, just making the floor with their two front feet. Fanharr and Rave grabbed two by the scruff of their necks and hauled them inside as Darby and Willian pulled the other two in. Fanharr took them to the back of the shuttle with Trina who went to help her secure them.

  Lukkas placed Peyton and Melody buckled her in. Tiredly she sipped the tube of water Darby handed her and said to Melody. ‘Have Nikolas wait fifteen mins then leave, just in case.’

  ‘We will do that?’ Melody assured her as Darby wiggled in next to Peyton, yawning she leaned her head on her shoulder and whispered. ‘Darby I would have found a way, I did… we did!’

  Before Darby could respond, Peyton let the darkness that had been hovering around the edges of her consciousness envelope her. Several older Turquall arrived mins after Peyton passed out. Then ten minutes later two kits about the size of house cats were lifted in by Willian.

  Fanharr secured them with the others at the back of the shuttle as she told Trina. Their parents passed back to the stars only two luneras ago. We are not sure what happened or why they decided to leave their prides, if they came from any. All we know is they sent the kits to where we could collect them, it was very sad.

  Trina quietly asked. ‘The kits have not said what happened?’

  No sadly they have not. In fact they very seldom talk. We hope the Artar will be able to help them. I thought they were already on board.

  Rage told her. Rave and I will go and search the nesting caves there may be more young kits hiding in fear.

  Hawk asked him. ‘Is it possible some are being secreted away?’

  Rage answered soberly. The Ruling Pair searched. None can hide from their call. The Star Daughter called also and none can remain hidden from her song. Unfortunately kits can become confused, so we will search.

  ‘We will wait for you.’ Hawk assure
d him.

  The brothers raced from the shuttle and were back after twenty minutes shaking their heads. Rage answered Fanharr’s worried expression. We found none!

  Hawk took Rage’s assurances for a guarantee but still had Nikolas wait another ten minutes after their return. When the time was up and no more Turquall arrived. Nikolas finally lifted them off the planet of Porquiel, watched had they known it by one lonely young juvenile, whose heart resolved to find his brothers when the opportunity arose, regardless of his mother’s displeasure.

  From another part of the world, four parents also watched the shuttle, knowing they would never see any of their young again and hoping they had made the best of a dreadful situation. They wept silent tears and hoped that not only their young but all who went with the Star Daughter lived long lives, filled with happiness and love but most of all with freedom.


  Two days later, the Warship arrived in orbit around a small yellow moon, within an hour, a small settlement made from expandable shelters was erected. The Warriors explained that the shelters were a staple of any well-maintained shuttle in case of emergencies, and Warriors always carried a one man shelter in their packs, when on hostile planets. They protected against the heat, rain and wind.

  Warriors took turns hunting for the Turquall who could not hunt for themselves and the ladies who were very happy with the meat, securing it away in the ships stasis rooms or storage coolers with the help of the Warriors for distribution at home. A particular fruit found its way onto the ship, it was a multi-colored smooth skinned berry around the size of a plum that grew on trees that resembled oak trees only short and they were hung with bunches of berries, similar to grapes. The berries made an amazing tasting spread that was very similar to honey. The Warriors fell in love with the taste and just about every tree was stripped and a comm` home to Nina for advice on acquiring the plants took place after Brenda had asked if it would be possible to transplant them.


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