A Love to Remember

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A Love to Remember Page 16

by Angela Weaver

  No man should be that smooth and sexy.

  Although Sasha had eaten a mere hour before, she was ravenous with another kind of hunger. She dragged her eyes away and stared blindly at the board until her senses returned and when they did, she frowned. Something was odd.

  Trey cleared his throat and grinned at the top of Sasha’s head. He dangled her pawn in front of her eyes. “Missing something?”

  “You took off your shirt on purpose,” she said.

  It took a lot of effort, but he managed to keep from laughing at the look of betrayal on Sasha’s face. “Off.”

  She stood, unzipped her slacks, slid them off, then stepped out. The rush of cold air combined with the heat of Trey’s stare sent tingles all over her body. She sat down and they resumed the game with an even greater intensity. It took only a few more moves before he took her knight, and then she took his bishop.

  A few minutes later, Trey growled, “Check.”

  Sasha sat clothed solely in the underwear she hadn’t wanted Trey to see as he sat back naked but for boxer shorts. His eyes deliberately moved from her face to her breasts.

  “Stand up and take it off,” he said, his voice husky and deep.

  God, she needed air. Sasha had never been so hot in her life. It had been a long time since she’d undressed in front of a man. An eternity since her blood thrummed with desire. She knew that she should stay seated and try to figure out how to give up without losing, but she was enjoying this way too much.

  She stood facing Trey but with her face turned away. Her fingers trembled so much it took her three tries to undue the clasp. But she couldn’t bring herself to remove the sheer fabric.

  Trey stood and walked around to the back of her chair. “Relax, Sasha,” he purred in her ear. “I’m only going to do what you want me to do.”

  Sasha swallowed as she felt his hard body pressed against her backside. There was something wonderfully erotic about his embrace. She stared straight ahead into the darkened window and she could see the silhouette of their reflection. He ran his fingers through her hair a moment before his mouth suckled on the curve of her neck. Sasha trembled as the unexpected pleasure rushed through her. Trey intensified his assault, dragging his teeth over her skin, gently nipping her skin. Her eyes fluttered closed and she moaned.

  His mouth moved to her ear and he traced the outline with his tongue before asking in a husky voice, “Liked that, didn’t you?”

  Sasha couldn’t have answered to save her life.

  He hooked his thumbs under her bra and slid it off until Sasha raised her hands to capture it. He began to tease her ear with his tongue. Sasha dropped her arms and arched back against him, automatically responding to his touch as chills swept over her skin. His lips caressed her neck as he moved his upward to cup her breasts while he slowly pressed himself against her.

  Sasha groaned in pleasure as his hands toyed with her body. His left hand massaged her left nipple while he slid the other down her body. His fingertips trailed over her skin and paused at the band of her panties.

  “Do you want me to touch you here?” he asked. He slowly slid his hand underneath her satin panties and dipped two of his fingers against her soft, wet heat.

  Her arms clung to his shoulders, almost whimpering with need. “Please.”

  Almost to his breaking point, Trey turned Sasha around. Immediately his mouth captured hers, sucking her tongue into his mouth, possessing it at the same time his hands caressed her arch of her spine. Dangerously close to losing his self-control and taking her on the sofa, Trey pulled back and trailed kisses down her neck before saying in a husky voice, “We can sit down and continue our game or we can go upstairs. I need you to tell me what you want.” He breathed into her ear.

  Sasha licked her lips and struggled to breathe as Trey continued to tease her mercilessly. Her fingers locked on to his hips and she rubbed herself against him as his hand swept downward to run against her inner thigh. Her body would willingly give him anything he wanted just to soothe the aching between the apex of her thighs. She moaned, unable to tell him anything but the truth. “I want you.”

  Releasing a ragged breath of relief, Trey pressed his erection against her buttocks. During the entire chess match, he’d pictured Sasha writhing underneath him in his bed. With every move he’d made on the chess board, he’d suckled her breasts, caressed her flesh or kissed her lips. Now, he would repeat everything but this time for real. Gently, he took Sasha’s hand and led her upstairs to his bedroom.

  Without turning on the light, he led her over to the side of the bed, and made short work of removing the final barriers between them. The second her panties hit the floor, she pushed the duvet covers back and prepared to get into bed.

  Trey grabbed Sasha from behind and the sensation of skin-to-skin contact was so exquisite, it wrung a groan from his lips. “Not yet.” He wanted her ready. Hell, he wanted her more than ready. It might give him a heart attack but Trey was determined to give Sasha more pleasure than she could stand.

  She turned around in Trey’s arms and stepped closer to his body. “You aren’t changing your mind are you, Doctor?”

  “Not possible.”

  “Then take me to bed,” she growled impatiently before crawling into his bed on her hands and knees. Even in the dim glow from the city lights, he could see the heated look in Sasha’s eyes. Trey’s entire body went still and it wasn’t until after releasing a ragged breath that his brain kicked back in. Quickly opening the night-stand drawer, he pulled out a condom and sheathed himself.

  Trey joined her on the bed, positioned himself behind her, and slid one hand from the back of her neck down her spine, across her bare behind and between her thighs. Sasha arched her back and moaned. He pulled his fingers back, positioned his throbbing shaft and moved into her.

  Sasha cried out and Trey froze when he heard her cry of pain. He began to pull out, but she tightened her legs together. He leaned forward, his body covering hers, wrapped his right arm around her waist and supported himself on his left elbow and forearm. “I don’t want to hurt you, Sasha,” he breathed heavily into her ear.

  She shook her head from side to side. “Make love to me, Trey,” she moaned, losing herself to the sensation of him thick inside her. “You won’t hurt me.”

  He started slowly, moving his hips in a smooth rhythm and gradually began to increase the pace, giving her more, touching just the right spot deep inside her. Each stroke brought her closer to orgasm. Pleasure of an intensity that she’d never experienced before started deep inside and cascaded outward with each stroke. And, when she felt his mouth on her shoulder and the hard edges of his teeth on her skin, it rippled over her skin, and flooded every sense from head to toe. When completion came, Sasha’s entire body convulsed, and she fell forward onto the bed.

  Trey growled deep in this throat as he exploded inside her. He wanted to stay just where he was and savor every moment. Their bodies still joined together, he leaned to the side and used his left arm to pull the covers over them both. A few heartbeats later, Trey smiled at Sasha’s soft little snore. Trey hugged her to him and held, simply enjoying the sensation of stroking her bare stomach.

  Minutes passed and all he did was lie there behind her and just watched her. Fierce protectiveness flooded him as some new part wanted to brand her as his own. Closing his eyes, he buried his face in her hair, inhaled the sweet fragrance and slept.

  An hour later, Trey opened his eyes to see Sasha smiling at him. “Have a nice nap?” He grinned.

  “Best sleep I’ve had in months.”

  “Good, now how about I run out to the video store and we spend the day naked in bed watching old movies?”

  “So you’re just going to play hooky at the clinic?”

  “That’s what I have partners and assistants for. They can pick up the slack for a day or two.”

  “I’m tempted, but…”

  He reached over and playfully nipped her shoulder. “But what? You don’t have to p
unch the clock—you’re rich.”

  Sasha winced as though he’d said some dirty word. “I’m not rich. My pets are,” she argued.

  Trey laughed. A sound that came from his soul. Everything about her fascinated him. This was over the top after spending half his life being chased by women who viewed his money and connections as a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow; he’d met that one girl he’d didn’t think existed. Sasha actually had a major hang-up about having money.

  This is the one, a voice seemed to whisper at the back of his mind but he shut it out and concentrated on the swell of her breast peeking out over the top of the duvet.

  “Why are you thinking about tomorrow when tonight hasn’t ended? It’s an hour until midnight. And there’s a lot that can happen in an hour,” Sasha murmured, tickling his skin.

  “So what happens at midnight, sweetness? Do you turn into a werewolf?” he asked, nuzzling the curve of her neck. Trey inhaled deeply, loving her scent, loving every second they spent together. Reaching over he wrapped his arm around her stomach and pulled her tight against him.

  She chuckled softly and then swiftly inhaled as his fingers moved south. “Wrong fairy tale. This heroine disappears at midnight.”

  Trey lowered his head and used his tongue to make slow circles over her nipples. “How about you stay for breakfast?”

  “I have a meeting with the new foundation president in the morning.”

  His hand moved between her thighs and his finger slid into her. “I’ll make sure you get home early.”

  Their gazes locked, and Trey knew then that he would never get enough of seeing her heavily lidded gaze, hearing her small moans or feeling the way her body reacted to his touch.

  Sasha’s tongue darted out and he barely resisted the urge to kiss her. “I’m going to sleep in my own bed tonight, Trey,” she stated.

  His eyes narrowed at the challenge in her tone and he moved his fingers in and out, carefully teasing her sensitive nub, making her squeal with pleasure.

  “We’ll see,” he said aloud before his mouth swept down on hers, cutting off her response. Trey had every intention of keeping Sasha with him all day and all night.

  Chapter 15

  It was Saturday evening and instead of enjoying her weekend either at home with Jackson and the pets or spending time with Trey, Sasha was yet again participating in a social function. Lord, she hated being in large gatherings and especially loathed being in front of cameras. Flashbulbs blinded her as the president of the Atlanta zoo took his seat. Sasha rubbed her eyes to clear the blue shadow left by looking into the flashing lights. She half wished she’d never taken on the project, but the fact that the project would help bring the tamarin population back from the edge of extinction was her only consolation.

  She stood with Kenneth on one side and a group of keepers, staff veterinarians and biologists on the other. She had dressed in a dark green evening dress because she’d wanted to blend into the tropical forest theme. Nevertheless, the majority of the event goers wearing black had negated her efforts. She stood out from the rest of the crowd.

  The cameras flashed to life as the zoo’s publicist, Amy Reed, switched on the microphones, pointed to the first reporter, and the questions began. Sasha scanned the room until her eyes fell on Trey. He was dressed impeccably in a single-breasted suit, striped shirt and tie. When Trey caught her glance, his mouth eased into a slow smile, and just that look sent a flash of heat throughout her body.

  The responsive smile that had readily sprung to her lips fell and her eyes narrowed on the woman close to his side: Arabella Mays. Kenneth had assured her that his current girlfriend was well aware that he and Sasha were just friends, but she didn’t believe it. There hadn’t been a week yet that Arabella hadn’t stopped by the exhibit to chat with Sasha and ask intrusive personal questions.

  She’d never thought of herself as a jealous woman. But the moment Trey turned his head to speak to Arabella, Sasha wanted to leap off the stage and pull every strand of hair out of the other woman’s head.

  “Chin up,” Kenneth whispered after tapping her shoulder. “It’s almost over.”

  Sasha turned her head to look at him and did her level best not to glare. The last month and a half couldn’t have been more perfect. There had been mornings when she’d woken in her bed or in Trey’s and pinched herself. With Trey’s help she’d hired the appropriate people to run her godfather’s foundation. She’d come to love working at the zoo. Yet, the open gala celebration served as a reminder that her assignment was ending and she would have to re-examine her plans. “If I’d known that I’d have to sit up here, I wouldn’t have come.”

  “That’s exactly why I didn’t tell you,” he replied, a twinkle in his dark eyes.

  Sasha gritted her teeth and crossed her legs. “I’m leaving right after this.”

  “Not possible.” Kenneth shook his head. “You’re scheduled for a few team pictures. Not to mention there’s going to be music and I’ve got a reservation on your dance card, Sasha Clayton.”

  He leaned closer to her and under the cover of the table, placed his hand on her thigh and squeezed. Sasha retaliated by moving her heel into his foot.

  He jerked his hand away. “Ouch, what did you do that for?”

  “For putting me in the middle of your relationship problems with Arabella,” she hissed and stepped on his foot again. “That was for hinting to Trey that you wanted to resume our past relationship.”

  For those in the audience Kenneth’s facial expression hadn’t changed during the exchange. Sasha, on the other hand, knew better. She could see the ticking in his cheek.

  “Trey told you?”

  Sasha’s eyes narrowed. “He didn’t have to. You haven’t changed all that much. You’ve never liked to share anything or anyone.”

  “Well he obviously didn’t get the hint. Now that you’ve broken my foot, can we call it even?”

  She gave him an incredulous look and then sighed deeply. “Not until I get out of here.”

  “Ms. Clayton, a question?”

  Sasha blinked as someone shoved the microphone into her hand. Her throat went dry as she looked up and found herself the focus of the audience’s attention. “Yes?”

  “Is it true that the exhibit will be named in honor of your late godfather, Camden Ridgestone?”

  She swallowed hard, hating the reporter for publicly announcing her relationship to Uncle Camden. “I was unaware of that proposal.”

  “Now that the exhibit is complete, will you remain at the zoo?”

  “I started the project on a volunteer basis. Now that the tamarins are comfortably resettled into their new home, my job is done and I will leave them in the care of Zoo Atlanta’s well-qualified staff.”

  Sasha passed the microphone back to the publicist and sat back with a sigh of relief.

  As the question session ended, the zoo’s president took his place at the podium. “The new primate exhibit will feature Golden Tamarin lions in a setting as close to their natural habitat as possible. Thanks to our patrons and generous corporate and private donations, we’ve been able to ship in native Brazilian vegetation and trees. This will not only enrich the visiting community, but also allow for increased possibility of reintroduction of the monkeys to the wild.”

  Sasha tensed as the president turned his attention to their group. “I’d also like for you to join me in an extra heartfelt thank you on the behalf of the Atlanta Zoo board to the team that made all this possible.”

  The president paused as the audience began to applaud. “I don’t often go back on my word, but my conscience won’t let me leave this podium without expressing my gratitude to a departed friend and zoo advocate, Camden Ridgestone. In his life, he gave of his time and his money. With his passing, he established a five-million-dollar trust fund for our exhibit. Moreover, he’s left his legacy in Sasha’s capable hands.”

  Sasha froze as dozens of flashbulbs momentarily blinded her.

  “Smile,” Kenneth

  She did her best as her vision started to return. The zoo’s president returned his attention to the audience and picked up a champagne flute from the podium. “Raise your glasses. We’re excited and proud to open this gala on behalf of the new Ridgestone Primate exhibit.”

  All it took was the free-flowing alcohol to turn the formal gala into a dance party. An hour after the opening ceremony, Sasha picked up her purse from the back of her chair and started for the nearest exit. She’d spent the past half hour fielding personal questions from the press. As she took a few steps a hand wrapped around her waist.

  “Kenneth, I’m not dancing with you,” she said.

  “That’s good to hear, sweetness.”

  The sound of Trey’s voice so close to her ear made her shiver. Dozens of emotions skittered through her mind. Relief. Uncertainty. Irritation. “Trey.”

  “Good job up there,” he said.

  She blinked twice and then breathed deeply. A few heartbeats before, her nerves had been on the tips of her fingernails. Now, the simple touch of his hand on her arm, the rich tenor of his voice and the warmth of his regard washed all nervousness away. “Thank you.”

  “Going somewhere?” He took a step closer and Sasha studied him. Heavens, he looked good enough to eat.

  She toyed with her purse. “Anywhere away from all these people.”

  “Not yet,” Trey said. “I think that I’ve earned at least one celebratory dance.”

  Before Sasha could voice the protest he saw in her eyes, he took her hand and moved onto the dance floor. Only after he wrapped his arms around her hips and settled her snug against his body did he relax. Even with Arabella’s annoying chatter and Kenneth’s deliberate baiting, Trey couldn’t have kept his eyes off Sasha even if he’d wanted to. Even now, his gaze lingered on the curve of her neck. He itched to kiss her. Even as the tempo of the music increased, he kept a slow rocking motion. He grew hard as her thighs brushed against him.

  “I’ll make it worth your while if you hum that tune to me tonight.”


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