SPELLBOUND: An Anthology of Erotically Retold Fairy Tales

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SPELLBOUND: An Anthology of Erotically Retold Fairy Tales Page 9

by Spellbound- An Anthology of Erotically Retold Fairy Tales [Ravenous] (epub)

  “Here we go again,” Rapunzel muttered.

  The tension on her scalp ended abruptly.

  “Oomph! Shit.” A few seconds later, Frau Gothel yelled up to her. “Hey, Rapunzel. Make sure you comb out that rat’s nest. It’s a couple of feet short and I fell on my ass!”

  Rapunzel tittered under her breath.

  * * * *

  As promised, the prince returned the following night with news that the ladder was almost finished.

  “Oh, joy!” Rapunzel could smell freedom. Or is that me? she wondered. She had noticed an unusual odor ever since Wunderkind left that morning. Thank heavens the evil one hasn’t noticed. Rapunzel chalked the scent up to with all the sex.

  “I’ve been thinking about you all day, Prince Wunderkind.”

  “Oh, my darling, please call me by my given name. After all, you will soon be my wife.” Rapunzel sighed and gazed at the ceiling. “Princess Rapunzel. I like the sound of that.” She shook herself back to reality and asked, “Oh, yeah. So, what’s your name?”

  “Waldeburg, but you can call me Wally.”

  “Hm, Waldeburg Wunderkind. That’s a mouthful. Thank God you have a nickname. Now how about helping me out of this dress so we can fuck, Wally?”

  “My pleasure.” He unlaced Rapunzel’s many layers and helped her toss them aside, leaving her gloriously naked. The cool breeze teased her skin. Rapunzel’s nipples puckered.

  Wally disrobed quickly and commenced sucking and stroking every inch of her body in a worshipful way. Rapunzel was so turned on, her cunt practically dripped. “Prince—I mean, Wally, I’m burning up and can’t wait much longer. Can you please get to the fucking?”

  “Ah, my anxious little wench, I have something a little different to try with you.”

  “Different? Like what? We’ve done it kneeling, standing, lying down, side-by-side, and upside-down.”

  “Ah, but there’s another orifice I want to explore.” Wally wet his finger in her juices and circled her puckered anus.

  “There? Are you out of your ever-lovin’ mind?”

  “No, my sweet. I assure you, I’m quite sane. But it would drive me completely crazy in a good way if you would allow me to fuck your ass.”

  She sighed. “I guess by my own admission, I’ll try it at least once.”

  “Don’t worry, darling. I’ll help you find the pleasure in it also.”

  “Oh, well if there’s more pleasure involved, then sure. Why not?”

  The prince positioned himself behind her, then gently invaded her ass with his spike-hard cock and groaned.

  Rapunzel grimaced. “I’m not feeling the pleasure yet, prince.”

  “Hang on, you will.”

  Wally had just begun to plunder her when they heard an angry voice from the window ledge.

  “Rapunzel! What are you doing?” Frau Gothel yelled.

  Rapunzel glanced over her shoulder and froze in shock. “Um, nothin’.”

  “I may be slightly cross-eyed, but even I can see a guy with his dick up your ass.”

  “Hey!” Rapunzel exclaimed as she and the prince separated. “How did you get up here?”

  “I flew on my broom.”

  “You had the power to fly, but you hauled your fat ass up my hair every day? Why?”

  “Just for this very reason. I didn’t want you to know I could get up here and spy on you any time I liked.”

  “Mommy Dearest, you’re a witch!”

  The evil sorceress cackled. “And you’re a slut! An ungrateful little slut.”

  “I am not! The prince is going to marry me.”

  Frau Gothel rolled her eyes. “That’s what they all say. Why do you think I wanted to protect you? It was to keep you from being taken in by idiots like him.”

  Wally handed Rapunzel her clothes. “My dear, I am not like the other idiots. I meant what I said. I love you and I intend to marry you as soon as—”

  “Argh!” the witch cried as she charged the prince, throwing him naked, out the window. Rapunzel dashed to the ledge and peered down at the ground. Prince Wunderkind had landed in the brambles face down, but he was moaning. He’s alive!

  “Are you all right, my love?” she called.

  He waved. “Nothing twenty years of physical therapy won’t fix.” He struggled to his feet. Blood poured from his eyes. “Uh-oh. I may have spoken too soon. It seems I can no longer see.”

  “Oh no!” Rapunzel cried. She turned on Frau Gothel. “Fix him,” she demanded.

  “Oh, I’ll fix him all right,” she said, and cackled.

  When Rapunzel looked down again, her naked prince was gone. She gasped. “Where is he? What have you done with him?”

  “Well, now I’m not quite sure where I banished him to. I guess you’ll have to look for him in every corner of the world if you want him to support the little bastards you’re carrying.”

  “Little bas—” Rapunzel stumbled backward. “You mean I’m—”

  “Yup. Good luck to all of you. Because of your condition, I won’t throw you out the tower window. But as soon as I fly you down, you’d better hit the ground running. I’m thoroughly pissed.”

  * * * *

  Wouldn’t that make for a terrible ending to a fairy tale! We all know the principles must live happily ever after, right? Rapunzel and her prince should be no exception. Let’s give them a better fate.

  * * * *

  After wandering blind and naked through the wilderness for a year, the prince nearly lost his mind—and not just because survival is a bitch. Wally missed his ladylove, Rapunzel.

  Rapunzel gave birth to twin girls, and her life sucked too. Single parenting is never a picnic. But Rapunzel persisted, and kept singing her bawdy songs. They kept her spirits up and lulled the babies to sleep.

  One day, the prince heard the voice he longed for. He pinched himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming: After all, he couldn’t tell if it was night or day. He was indeed awake. Wally ran toward Rapunzel’s beautiful voice, which sang a disgusting song about a sailor fornicating with a mermaid.

  “At last! My darling, I found you!”

  “Wally!” She put down her daughters and ran to meet him. They embraced, kissed and cried. When Rapunzel’s tears touched the prince’s eye, his sight returned.

  “I can see! Dear Lord, it’s a miracle!”

  The prince found his castle after all, and marry Rapunzel. The happy family lived happily ever after.

  Schumacher and the Elf

  By Chase Jeffreys

  Royce Schumacher looked at the nearly empty store, drawing an instant comparison between it and his empty life. After 32 years, he had no wife, no kids, and a job he hated.

  Every morning, Royce found it harder and harder to get out of bed and face another day at the brokerage firm. The fact he’d earned a small fortune since getting his MBA was of little consolation. He hated facing his over-decorated apartment each night, and social obligations with women who were only interested in his assets. Royce could see no way out of his routine.

  A phone call he would have preferred not to receive came two weeks ago. Royce decided to use the opportunity to summon change.

  The Schumacher & Son sign above the store looked more faded than it had five years ago when Royce last saw it. His family’s business had been around for five generations, getting passed on from father to son even before coming to America from Germany. There was a long line of cobblers who had established the family name. Family legend had it the Schumachers were the cobblers from the Grimm brothers’ “The Shoemaker and the Elves.”

  By the time Royce was a teenager he didn’t believe in magic or the shoemaking business, but he humored his father when he told the tale. Thinking of his father brought a fresh wave of sadness to Royce. He stood in front of the store, remembering.

  * * * *

  “Royce? Can you hear me?”

  The familiar voice sounded distant, like it came through a fog. Royce blinked hard. He couldn’t believe what he had just he
ard. He didn’t want to believe what the family attorney said.

  Dead? Papa’s dead? How? When? Why? The questions raced through his mind.

  “Would you repeat that, Mr. Maxwell,” Royce managed.

  The man on the other end of the line cleared his throat. Royce heard pain and grief when he spoke, “I’m sorry, Royce. Your father was found dead of a heart attack this morning.”

  Royce maintained his composure despite the anger and disbelief warring within him. It would not do to have the other cubicle rats around him sense there was anything wrong. If they did, they’d be like predators smelling blood in the water. Being a broker, you were either a shark or chum.

  “Thank you for letting me know,” he responded, his voice controlled. “What do you need from me?”

  * * * *

  Standing there now, looking at the first Schumacher shoe store in the United States, Royce breathed in deeply and could almost smell leather in the air. The memory of his first cobbling session was filled with the warm, soft and sensuous feel of the leather between his fingers. Royce realized at the age of 10 that he found the look and texture of high-quality hides arousing, before he knew what the feeling really was. He stood no chance against a woman wearing well-made leather, particularly boots. They turned him on faster than any lace or satin confection could.

  “Royce? Is that you?”

  Surprised at hearing his name, Royce shifted his gaze from the worn sign to the store’s open door where the soft, melodious voice originated. Standing there was a slight woman who appeared to be barely 20. As with all women, her legs were the first thing he noticed—and her incredible boots. Royce’s cobbler’s eye instantly knew they were of exceptional craftsmanship. Black with red embroidered details, he had never seen their like anywhere. The way they made her legs look caused the subtle bulge in Royce’s pants to grow more pronounced.

  Forcing himself to tear his gaze away from the calf-high footwear, he took in the rest of her: Slender and petite, she was fairy-like in build. Her golden hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and her almond-shaped eyes were pale violet. He had only seen eyes that color on one other person, Elfriede. He had not seen her since he went off to college.

  “Royce?” she asked again. Her eyes widened in recognition. Excitement filled her voice as she threw herself into his arms, hugged him hard and squealed, “It’s you! After all these years!”


  * * * *

  Elfriede Diefee had waited two weeks to see Royce. Seven years and two weeks, she corrected herself, if I’m being honest. He had come back for a short visit after getting his MBA; those 10 days gave her enough inspiration to fuel years’ worth of sexual fantasies and dreams.

  Hopping from foot to foot, Elfriede stayed in the store while Royce confronted some inner demons outside. It took every ounce of will power for her to fight the urge to burst through the front door and wrap her arms around him. Elfriede tried to ignore a burning desire to feel Royce’s body against hers. Though years had passed, she recognized him instantly. Elfriede’s body instinctively reacted to his handsome looks, as it had when she last saw him.

  The passing of time had been good to him. Elfriede’s heart beat faster. She stopped herself from fidgeting and adjusting her underwear: Thoughts of Royce always made her damp. Finally she decided she had waited long enough, and rushed out of the store, all decorum forgotten.

  * * * *

  “Elf?” Royce whispered in her ear, his arms enfolding her. The warmth of his breath against her cheek was wonderful. Feelings Elfriede tried to bury bubbled to the surface. It felt right to be in his arms.

  His bright blue eyes stared at her. Elfriede’s body grew warmer. She saw his gaze linger on her legs. His eyes moved slowly upward, finally meeting hers. She smiled

  Nobody had called her Elf since Royce left for college. Hearing him use the old nickname sent shivers of excitement through Elfriede’s body. In a moment of boldness, she pressed her lips against his Royce’s mouth.

  His body tensed against her. A wave of doubt surged. Was this the right thing to do? she wondered.

  Royce’s arms tightened around her waist, pulling Elfriede closer to his body. He returned the kiss, his passion growing to match hers. He opened his mouth and slipped his tongue out to meet her lips. Elfriede gave him access. She savored the feel of his tongue against hers.

  Elfriede’s body pressed harder against his. Royce’s heart beat against her chest. Her hands moved up to his head and she ran her fingers through his soft hair, marveling at how her fantasies paled in comparison to the reality.

  * * * *

  The feeling of Elf’s soft lips against his own lingered long after the kiss. Royce followed her into the store, dazed. He’d never been kissed like that before. Only in his dreams had Royce ever reacted so heatedly to her before. His mind was awhirl with emotions. Feelings of loss blended with the lust Elf’s boots and kiss rekindled in him. And there was something else: a tingling Royce didn’t recognize. He pushed it out of his mind.

  “I’m so sorry about your father.” Elfriede took Royce’s hand and squeezed it. The heat of her skin against his increased his heartbeat.

  “Thank you. How did you hear about it?”

  A look of sadness passed over her face. “I was the one who found him. In the back.” She nodded to a door.

  The door Elf indicated led to the workroom. He had spent many hours there learning the art of cobbling. His eyes watered unexpectedly. “Would you tell me about it?”

  “Are you sure?” He nodded. “As I was opening the store for business, I noticed light shining from underneath the door.” Elf’s voice quivered. “When I went to shut it off, I found him lying over his workbench.” A tear rolled down her cheek.

  Royce squeezed her hand. “You still work here?” He paused. “Sorry, that was a stupid question. Obviously you still work here. You came out of the store to greet me.”

  He looked at her under the bright store lights. With the shock of her kiss wearing off, Royce could see Elf more clearly. She hadn’t changed at all in the 15 years he knew her, and still seemed to be in her 20s instead of her 30s. Royce blushed, thinking of how she starred in all his most vivid erotic dreams after his last visit.

  Elf was five and a half feet tall to his six feet. Her curvy and willowy frame reminding him of a sexy Tinkerbelle. No wonder his nickname for her always seemed right. Looking into her violet eyes caused Royce to forget why he was at the store. There was fierce emotion in her gaze.

  He vividly remembered working the counter, cashing out old lady Schwartz, when Elf glided into the store. She had smiled sweetly at him as she moved about the aisles inspecting shoes. Something in that look, and her appearance, triggered puberty. Royce couldn’t take his eyes off her, and had to ring up the customer’s purchases three times because he couldn’t pay attention to what he was doing.

  “What are you smiling at, Royce?”

  “Huh?” He flushed with embarrassment at being caught daydreaming. “Oh, nothing. I was thinking about the first time I met you and how stunning you looked.”

  “Am I still stunning?” Coyness filled her voice as she batted her eyes.

  Royce’s face grew warm. “Yes.”

  It was Elfriede’s turn to blush. “Why thank you, Royce. I didn’t think you noticed.”

  “How could I not, especially with those boots you’re wearing? You’ve got the most amazing pair of legs I’ve ever seen, Elf, and those boots really show them off. Where did you get them, anyway? I’ve never seen another pair like them.”

  “And you won’t.” Royce heard unmistakable pride in her voice. “I made them myself.”



  “May I take a closer look?”

  Face beaming, Elf lithely jumped up and sat on the counter. Extending her leg, she placed the sole of her foot against Royce’s chest. Her spiked heel pressed on his heart.

  Royce felt electricity begin where the boot made
contact with him. The pinpoint of pressure from the heel alone made him momentarily forget what he was doing. He cupped the offered leg just behind the calf, his fingers touching the nude nylon stocking and the boot’s soft leather upper. The combination of the two sensations further excited him.

  Royce bent his head to examine Elf’s boot more closely. “Very nice work, Elf. The embroidering is exquisite.” He ran his fingers over the bright red thread, creating a mystical serpentine design. He was surprised by his boldness.

  Royce felt Elf’s calf tighten as he caressed the design. He heard her sharp intake of breath, and noticed her body shift on the counter. Glancing up without lifting his head, he watched Elf’s tongue slide over her lips. The sight sent a surge of blood to his crotch, causing Royce’s cock to throb. He slid his hand slowly up Elf’s calf, cupping her behind her knee. She moaned.

  “Yes,” Elf whispered. “Yes, Royce.”

  He inched his hand further up to her inner thigh. The erotic texture of the stocking disappeared as his fingertips discovered bare flesh: thigh-high stockings. Royce’s heart felt like a sledgehammer being driven against his chest. Straightening up, he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. Elf threw her arms around him, returning the kiss.

  * * * *

  Oh yes, Elfriede thought with joy at the pressure of Royce’s lips on hers. Her skin grew warmer as blood flowed faster. Where his hand was, flesh tingled. She could feel the warmth of him. It spread into her and straight to her pussy. Elfriede had longed to feel his hands all over her. She licked her lips and closed her eyes. Shifting her hips, she spread her legs a little bit, hoping he would notice the crotchless panties she wore.

  Juices seeped out from between her thighs as Elfriede arched her back. The simple touch of Royce’s hand on her thigh drove her nearly to the brink of an orgasm. Now that he had finally stepped forward and kissed her, she wasn’t about to let him go.

  Her legs wrapped around him and pulled him closer until there was no space at all between them. Elfriede’s feet locked together, preventing any chance of Royce’s escape. Her mouth opened. Royce responded to her clear invitation. Their tongues danced as his hand moved under her skirt, to her panties. As his fingers caressed the fabric, her dampness increased. She ground her mouth against Royce’s and sighed. The sound became a moan of pleasure as his finger found the slit in her lingerie. Elfriede broke the kiss and arched her back.


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