Universal Mass

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Universal Mass Page 6

by Coleinger, Ronnie

  After they had shut the barn doors and stepped inside of the house for the night, Bonnie met them at the door. She helped hang up wet clothes and put their boots along the fireplace mantle where they would get enough heat to slowly dry. When they had all sat down to rest for a few minutes, Bonnie poured each of them some hot coffee. When Bonnie sat down on the fireplace mantle to talk to them, Kathy slid over beside her and discussed the evening meal. Bonnie said, “Britney and I have supper cooked. It is in the warmer and ready to eat whenever all of you are ready.”

  As everyone began walking towards the kitchen, Bonnie saw out of the corner of her eye that Randy had patted Jenna on the butt when she stood up. She did not comment on what she saw, but she intended to discuss it after they ate and cleaned up the kitchen. Bonnie had gotten the truth out of her daughter during the day. Britney was in tears by the time she finished telling her mother the true reason Jenna and her were fighting.

  During supper, they discussed the meat supply. Robert commented that there were fresh deer tracks along the trails where they cut wood today and they it would not be too difficult to harvest some venison if they were beginning to run low. Robert and Rodney agreed to take the four-wheeler down to Jenna’s farm in the morning just after daylight and see if they could harvest at least one deer.

  Jenna said, “I will begin sawing up the logs in the barn tomorrow. Randy said, “You should rest a little more now that y....” Bonnie looked up into Randy’s eyes and said, “You should go ahead and finish your comment. Some of us have already figured out your little secret.” Randy stared into Bonnie’s eyes and then looked at Britney. Britney looked down at her plate, and then looked back up into Jenna’s eyes. She said, “I explained to mother why I was angry with you, however, the things you and I have talked about are tales that are not mine to tell and I have remained silent.” Jenna smiled at Britney and said, “I thank you for your silence, but I think it is time I tell the tale, as you so eloquently put it. Jenna reached over and put her hand on Randy’s hand. She looked up and made eye contact with everyone at the table. Then she looked into Britney’s eyes and said, “Britney and I were fighting over Randy. The fight was not over the clothes she borrowed from me. It was not over her attitude towards life that differs from mine. The truth is that Britney discovered me in Randy’s bunk one night during the last winter storm. Britney was pissed over the discovery; she was possibly jealous. Whatever the reason, our anger towards each other escalated into me screaming at her over something as stupid as finding my socks lying on the bathroom floor. A simple question as to why they were there would have sufficed; Britney had every intention of picking them up and washing them before returning them. I now need to remove the burden of the secret I made Britney swear not to reveal.” Jenna took a deep breath and then said, “I had sex with Randy in his bed and I am now pregnant.” Jenna took another deep breath and let it out. Then she said, “I have no remorse over being with Randy or over the pregnancy. We are in love and the child is very welcome in my life right now. I am however, very sad that I bullied Britney until she had to stand her ground. I cried most of last night over hurting my friend. I realize that I cannot change the past. I can however, repeat my apology to her for forcing her to fight. I intend to do my best to not allow the hurt feelings to continue.”

  They all returned to their supper. The discussions returned to the work schedule for the rest of the week. When everyone had put down their forks and sat sipping coffee, Britney spoke to Jenna and said, “Will you help me with the dishes tonight. I think we need to try to work this out. I am no longer angry, but my feelings are very hurt. I think we need time to try to regain our friendship. We have a child on the way and we need to begin preparing.” Bonnie leaned over and kissed Britney on the cheek.” When she stood up, she put her hands on Britney’s shoulders and said, “Twenty three going on thirty. I think my child has grown this week. Friendships, relationships and jealousy are some of life’s realities. We all must face those emotions with great care.”

  After the clan finished cleaning the kitchen, they all sat down in the living area. As Robert and Bonnie sipped the hot coffee that Jenna had perked, Robert began talking about his home across the highway from Jenna’s farm. He looked around the room and then said, “We are considering returning to our own home and trying to get back to some form or normalcy. We own eighty acres behind our property and I have already cut and stacked a large supply of logs. Our land always drains well, even with the rapidly melting snow and I can easily skid logs out of the forest. I would need to take my tractor and trailer to my farm with me. That is where I see a problem developing. Without a tractor, the rest of you will struggle to haul wood from across the highway or from Jenna’s farm. That may become the determining factor that determines if Bonnie and I move.”

  As they all talked for a minute or two, Randy said, “Let’s think this through a little. First of all, I figure that we will run out of gasoline within another two weeks. We have enough wood to last us for a month or two, but after that, we will need to resupply. It will matter little if the tractor is at Robert’s farm or here if we have no fuel to run it.” Britney said, “I could take the four-wheeler into town with the trailer and fill the gas cans and bring them back.” Bonnie looked at her daughter and said, “I have no desire to find you along the highway after a band of thugs discovers you on the road and kills you.” Britney said, “The only answer is to acquire more fuel. If we could get to town, we might be able to figure out a solution. Maybe someone has rigged up a fuel truck and can deliver to the farmers as they did before this resizing.”

  Randy looked at Britney and said, “I will go with you. If we take the rifles, we should be able to defend ourselves.” Britney stared into Randy’s eyes and said, “No thanks, I might come back pregnant.” Rodney stood up and said, “I have heard enough from you Britney. Just sit there and keep your mouth shut. I don’t want to hear another word from you tonight.” Britney looked down at her hands on the table and remained quiet. Her father seldom yelled at her and she knew by the tone of his voice that she would pay a heavy price if she said anymore. Robert took a deep breath and said, “I guess Britney is correct about going to town to work up some way to get fuel for the tractor. Maybe Randy and Robert should join me and we will make the trip to town. If we take the four-wheeler and the trailer, we can make the trip in two or three hours. We could be back before dark. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and warmer; I suggest that we make the trip first thing in the morning.”

  Chapter 9 – Hope for Humanity

  When Randy drove the four-wheeler to the edge of the city limits, he pulled the vehicle to the shoulder and looked around. Hillsburg was busy and there were people everywhere. There were hundreds of modified four-wheel vehicles, bicycles with small wheels, small frame motorcycles and homemade go-carts with baskets on the back to carry groceries and supplies. As they sat and looked around, a police officer rode up beside them on his bike. He sat and talked to Randy for moment, asking about the trailer and gas cans. Randy explained where they lived and that they needed to fill their gas cans to run their tractor and generator. The officer explained that a curfew was in place and would begin at sunset, but he would give them a pass to stay later if they needed more time in the city. Randy explained that they would fill the gas cans and the gas tank of the four-wheeler and be on their way home. The officer did not even bother to ask if Randy had a driver’s license.

  When they got to the gas station, they realized that the price of gas was very low. Someone had written the price of the gas on a chalkboard in front of the entrance door. A sign on the pumps said to pay in advance. Robert went inside and talked to the owner. There was a limit on the gasoline, but the owner did not adhere to the limit after Robert explained where they lived. Once the men had filled the gas cans and the tank on the vehicle, Randy walked inside of the store and purchased seven bars of chocolate. He also purchased some batteries for the small radio he kept under his bunk. He planned to use t
he radio as a peace offering for Britney. It might not help but he figured she would be in a better mood if she could hear what the rest of the world was doing and thinking after the resizing.

  They decided to make a tour of the main street to see if most of the businesses were open or only the necessary ones. As they drove, they soon realized that most of the city had managed to survive in a world created much too large for those humans who now lived on the planet. When they passed a building with a Gun Smith sign hanging over the door, they stopped to see if they could purchase ammunition. When they stepped inside, the owner met them at the counter. As they talked for a few minutes, the men purchased ammunition for the guns they owned.

  When they returned to the four-wheeler, they decided they should begin the trip back to the Mountain House. They did not want to spend any money that was not necessary and Randy had already purchased batteries that were a luxury, not a necessity. As they began the trip back up the main highway towards their house, they found that they had to run the four-wheeler in third gear. The gas cans and trailer were almost too much for the vehicle to pull up the mountain. When they got to one extremely steep section, Robert and Rodney jumped off the trailer and walked up the hill to where Randy waited. After that one steep section, the going was easier.

  When they drove the four-wheeler and trailer into the barn, they unloaded the gas cans and checked the oil in the vehicle. When they walked into the front door of the Mountain House, the girls were all waiting for them. Jenna was the first to speak. She said, “Please don’t keep us in suspense. We are dying to find out if you got gasoline and how the people of the city are surviving after the resizing.” Randy stepped up to Jenna and kissed her hard on the lips. She stepped back from him with a shocked look on her face. Randy laughed and said, “I am allowed to get you pregnant, but not allowed to kiss you in front of our friends?” Jenna quickly stepped up to him and planted a kiss on his lips. They heard Britney say, “Ew. You two need to have your hormones adjusted.”

  As they explained that they had filled the gas cans and that they had purchased more ammunition, it seemed everyone talked and asked questions at once. As they talked, Britney stepped up to Randy and looked him in the eyes. Then she said, “I will not kiss you like Jenna did, but I will tell you that I am sorry for the words I said to you earlier. I was very jealous over you shagging Jenna, but I now realize that Jenna has been your friend and neighbor for many years. You two will be great parents.” Randy reached into his pocket inside of his coat and pulled out a Hershey’s candy bar. He handed it to Britney and watched a smile appear on her face. Then he said, “The candy is a peace offering. I am sorry that my actions caused you such anger and made you cry. I would never make you cry intentionally. You are like my little sister.” Britney stepped up and put her head on Randy’s shoulder. She did cry and Randy rubbed her back for a moment until she calmed her emotions. When she stepped back, he said, “I have one more present for you. I have a small transistor radio under my bunk. It is on the right hand side behind my socks. I purchased some batteries for it.” When Randy handed her the package of batteries, she wiped her tears and said, “I thank you for the batteries and the candy bar. I will get the radio right now.”

  As Britney climbed up the stairs, everyone could hear her sniffling and trying to get her tears under control. While she was upstairs, Randy handed out the remaining candy bars. As they continued to discuss how people in the city were dealing with the resizing, they suddenly heard the sound of music, then Britney singing as she danced around the loft. Jenna giggled and said, “I think you just made Britney’s day a little brighter. You could not have found a better way to cheer her up. She has struggled with a broken heart the last few days. She fears being the only remaining female in this clan without a partner.” Jenna stepped up close to Randy and put her hand on his cheek. Then she said, “I realize that your male brain cannot wrap itself around that notion, but Britney considers it a real possibility. That is why she tried so hard to hook up with you. I think the next time we make a trip to the city Britney should go along. She needs to realize that the human race will continue to cope and exist. She will meet plenty of available men who would love and cherish her.”

  When they finished setting supper on the table, the discussion returned to the possibility of Robert and Kathy returning to their own farm to live. Robert said, “I will modify my small pickup truck so it is drivable and then the tractor and trailer will be available if you guys need to borrow it on occasion. We can take the pickup truck to get the gas cans filled during the summer and the four-wheeler during the winter.

  Randy tried to accept that Robert and Kathy were determined to return to their own home. When Randy tried to offer his help fixing up their house so they could reach the sinks and toilets, Robert refused the help. Robert did ask Randy and Rodney to help him modify the truck so he could drive it. Robert said his welder had a gasoline engine on it and it could do the welding, but he would have to get some gas from town first. Britney stepped up beside him and said, “When you go, can I go along?” Robert looked up at Britney and said, “I would like your company. We will need one more person along though, for security reasons. Three of us are much less likely to be mugged then just the two of us.” Britney giggled and said, “I am a pretty good fighter. I will protect you from the thugs.” Jenna just rolled her eyes over Britney’s comment.

  As the evening wore on, Rodney sat down beside of Britney and asked, “What would you think if your mother and I decided to move back into our farm house. Would you want to join us or would you not be comfortable there?” Britney looked into her father’s eyes and asked, “If we move, who will look after Jenna?” Rodney said, “Maybe Randy and Jenna can do just fine on their own, at least until it is time for the baby to be born.” Britney thought about having her own bedroom again. She finally said, “I would like to return home. However, it will take some work to cut enough wood to keep us warm and to cook our food. We should begin cutting wood right away while the ground remains covered with snow. Skidding out the logs will be much easier with the snow cover.”

  Chapter 10 – A Fresh Start

  Everyone except for Jenna had moved back to their own farms, hoping they could manage without the comforts of the Mountain House. They all realized that living separately would be more difficult, but it did allow them access to more garden and crop raising land. They also had adequate room to raise chickens, goats and rabbits, which would help provide for the upcoming winter. If each family worked hard during the summer months and stored away as much foodstuffs as possible, surviving the winter would be much easier, even if they did have to return to the Mountain House during the winter months. The bread from communal living was very welcome.

  The clan all met at the Mountain House for Easter Sunday dinner. They arrived around nine o’clock and brought what food and meat they could supply. The clan did not want Jenna to do all the work preparing the meal and then have to clean up the mess. As they all worked, Britney tuned her radio to a local broadcast that was discussing how other humans on the planet were dealing with the resizing. As they worked and listened, they realized that most everyone was surviving. The hardest hit by the resizing were the elderly and the very young. Many nursing mothers were not getting the proper nutrition and their babies suffered from malnutrition. The elderly were struggling with illness. Many of the common antibiotics were no longer in good supply or the doctors struggled adjusting the dosages to match the patient’s physical size. It seemed that the resized human bodies were quite delicate when it came to vaccines.

  When they placed the food on the table and sat down, Britney said a prayer for the people of the world. Her words touched her mother’s heartstrings. When Britney finished the prayer, Bonnie wiped her eyes. Britney hugged her and then passed her a roasted potato. Bonnie giggled and said, “You are in a very happy mood, Britney.” Britney said, “I talked to a guy that I went to school with and he is going to ride his bicycle up to the house and spen
d the day with me.” Bonnie giggled over her daughter meeting an old flame and inviting him to the house for the day. She finally said, “We could make pizza for lunch and turkey sandwiches and popcorn for supper.” Britney thought a moment and said, “We have two jars of blueberries left in the cellar. I could make a blueberry pie to go with the turkey sandwiches. We could save the popcorn for just us when we sit by the fireplace in the evenings.” Then Britney turned to her mother and asked, “I have never made a good pie crust, could you help me get it just perfect for James?” Bonnie laughed and said, “Yes, I will help you. We want everything to be just perfect for, James.” Britney blushed and looked down at her plate. Rodney saw her blush and said, “The barn needs a good cleaning first, but you and James could hang the badminton net and play in the barn; if you have any shuttlecocks left.” Bonnie elbowed her daughter and said, “You could play monopoly and stare into James dreamy eyes all afternoon.” Britney giggled and said, “Mother!” Then she looked into her mother’s eyes and asked, “Did you see those eyes. They really are dreamy.” Bonnie said, “I know, girl. I really do. I considered taking him to the barn and playing games with him myself.” Britney gasped over her mother’s words and then put her fingers over her mouth when she looked at her father. He was smiling over his girl’s discussion about James. Finally, Rodney said, “I guess I just didn’t see it. His eyes looked perfectly normal to me.”



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