Drew: Book One of the Perfectly Independent Series

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Drew: Book One of the Perfectly Independent Series Page 2

by Amanda Shelley

  “Ohmigod, no,” he quickly replies. He suddenly looks apologetic, which catches me off guard. “This has nothing to do with being seen with you. It’s just… me…”

  “Oh, so the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ speech.” I shake my head in disgust. I thought we’d gotten along fine for our lab, but this takes the cake. “Wow. That’s rich.” I pack up my things. I’m not putting up with his crap. I have better things to do this afternoon.

  I stand to leave, but he captures my wrist as I do. There’s a spark of electricity pulsing between us, holding me in place.

  “Abby, let me explain,” he pleads. His blue eyes pierce through me as if he’s searching for the words, as I remain frozen in place.

  “Go for it, Blue Eyes,” I say without any thought.

  “It’s Drew.” His lashes lower as he looks somewhat humble—sort of. The jury’s still out until I hear what he has to say. I shake my head at his statement, wondering what the hell he’s talking about.

  “My name. It’s Drew. There’s no problem being seen with you. Before you jumped to conclusions, I’m trying to explain how public places tend to get hectic. You’ve only seen a glimpse of what it’s like.” He looks around the room as if that’s an explanation. “I think it would be best to meet somewhere out of the public eye, for your sake… So we won’t have as many distractions.”

  “Oh.” What can I say to that?

  “Come to my place. We can avoid groupies,” he suggests with a shrug.

  “You want me… to come to your place?” I stare at him, surprised. Then another thought hits me. “You have… groupies?”

  Drew looks as if he’s unsure of himself. As I look into his eyes, trying to read his expression, I suddenly realize how tall he is. My neck hurts to look up at him. How tall is he? I’m five-eight, and I’m a dwarf to him in comparison.

  He shakes his head, breaking my internal inquiry about the giant before me. “Christ, this is more difficult than it has to be.” He looks around before whispering, “I promise nothing will happen to you at my house. I’m on a tight schedule with practice, and I don’t have time to traipse all over campus trying to find a private place to work.”

  “Well, this is unexpected,” I mumble. A thousand questions come to mind, but not knowing where to start, I just stare.

  He takes my silence as needing further explanation. He spends the next few minutes quickly explaining how his popularity has risen since their championship game last season. He tells me it’s hard for him to blend in as a typical guy on campus. I have no doubts of that because come on… look at him. He may be arrogant as hell, but he’s ultimately a beautiful giant. Though I’d never admit that part to him aloud.

  Drew’s voice is low and deep when I finally concede to his request. “You mentioned having to work tonight. What about tomorrow night? We need to get the first assignment done before I leave Friday morning with the team. It’s due on Monday, and I won’t be back until Sunday afternoon.”

  Shit! Of course, he chooses tomorrow night. It’s my only night off this week, and I already have plans. Though… my plans won’t happen until later. Maybe I can squeeze in a study session to finish this assignment. Knowing it’s our only option, I sigh in defeat. “Okay. Tomorrow will work. Can we make it early because I have plans later?”

  Drew’s blue eyes widen for a fraction of a second, but it’s quickly replaced with relief. “Sure. Give me your phone number, and I’ll text my address. Practice ends at six, would seven work for you?”

  I’ll have to figure out dinner on my own. Not sure my friends will understand, but they’ll get over it—hopefully. We weren’t planning to leave until eight, so it should be fine. I nod in agreement and give him my number. Within seconds, a notification arrives on my phone. Knowing it’s likely him, I keep it in my pocket.

  “Thanks.” Drew sighs with relief as he gathers his things. “I gotta get to practice. But I’ll see you then.”

  I let out a heavy sigh, knowing my friends might kill me for changing our dinner plans. “Sounds good. I’ll have to leave as soon as we finish. My friends will be expecting me.”

  “Hey, Abby?” Drew asks hesitantly. “Would you mind keeping my number between us? I’d rather not share it with everyone.”

  “There go my plans for writing it on the bathroom stall,” I mumble sarcastically. Drew just stares. His dark eyebrows pinched. Apparently, my humor’s lost on him. I quickly put him at ease. “Just kidding,” I assure him, and his perfect lips quirk into a smile. With that, he leaves our table, leaving me to stare after him.

  When I get to my apartment after work that evening, I throw my backpack onto the couch and plop down beside it. My roommate Chloe looks up from the kitchen table where she’s studying and asks, “That bad?”

  “Yes,” I say in a groan. “I have the worst lab partner this term.”

  “Tell me more,” she prompts. Chloe’s a psychology major and has been one of my best friends since summer camp in seventh grade. She likes to use what she’s learning in class on me, so I stick my tongue out at her to let her know I can see she’s up to her usual antics. She bursts out with laughter. Great. Just what I need. “Seriously, Abs, tell me what’s going on. There must be more to this than a crappy lab partner. This is so unlike you.”

  “Uggh,” I groan in frustration. It would’ve been so simple if only he’d chosen a different seat.

  When I don’t say anything, Chloe merely lifts a perfectly sculpted eyebrow and waits.

  “Well…” I start, not knowing where to begin. Taking a deep breath, I let it all out, knowing I might as well start from the beginning. “It all started on the first day of class. This guy…” I say with disdain, causing Chloe to smirk, but I ignore her. “Plopped down next to me and didn’t say anything but ‘hey.’ Then as if he’s Mr. Popularity himself, he has a constant string of people stopping by to talk about his latest game. It was soooo frustrating. They wouldn’t go away. As soon as one person left, it was like it signaled another to drop by. Just when I think it couldn’t get any worse, the professor walks in and makes an announcement that was like a bomb detonating. The person next to us has just become a permanent partner for the term, unless we want a ten percent reduction in grade… You know I can’t have that. I need straight As or med school’s no longer an option.” I inhale sharply and take a breath. But I can’t help but cringe when I think of what I must tell her next.

  “But that’s not even the worst part. We must finish up a project before Friday, and the only night the almighty Drew is available, is tomorrow night. Can you believe that?”

  “Um…” Chloe puts her index finger on her chin and pretends to think something over. “What part of this is supposed to be bad enough to put you into such a pissy mood?”

  My eyes nearly pop out of my head as it snaps in her direction. “That’s how you’re going to handle clients one day?” I ask in disbelief. Chloe’s known for her zero BS policy, but this is a bit over the top, even for her.

  “You’re going to miss me next year, and you know it. It’s all your fault, you’re a Brainiac and will graduate earlier than the rest of us.”

  Yeah, I came into CRU with enough credits to graduate a year early, but she’s known that since—forever—so I simply roll my eyes and wait for a real response.

  “Well, since you know me too well, you’ll never be my client, but… I think there’s more than what you’ve just told me at play here. What’s really going on?” Her brown eyes widen as she waits expectantly.

  I shake my head and stare at my feet, now propped up on the coffee table. “I… Uh… have to cancel our dinner plans tomorrow night. I must study with him, at seven. It shouldn’t take long to finish our project, but I won’t be able to meet you until afterward.”

  “Girl, you’re not bailing on us tomorrow night.” Chloe steps up from the table, and her oversized scoop-neck top slips off one shoulder. She comes to stand in front of me at the couch as she eyes me suspiciously. “We all coordinated
our schedules to celebrate you. This is a once in a lifetime thing. You can’t ditch us. Syd will be pissed.”

  I shake my head, knowing she’s right but trying to make her see she’s not hearing me correctly. “I’ll be there. There’s no doubt about that. I’ll just have to meet you after dinner. That’s all. I looked over the assignment, and it really shouldn’t take Drew and me too long to complete.”

  As if she doesn’t believe me, Chloe cocks her head to the side and eyes me suspiciously. “Are you sure you’re not trying to ditch us? I know you didn’t want to go out. But this is a big deal. You have to go with us.”

  Internally I groan, though I keep that thought to myself. “Chloe, I won’t miss this. I promise.”

  “If you do, Sydney will kick your ass.” Chloe tries to keep a serious face but completely fails, causing both of us to break into laughter.

  Sydney’s our other roommate. She’s been one of my closest friends since freshman year. She lived across the hall from us in the dorms. She’s taking tomorrow night off, which is rare for her. I know she needs the money. I also know they want to celebrate together. This only comes along once in a lifetime.

  “I know it’s important. I’ll be there,” I promise.



  Abby’s stubborn. But she’s also tenacious. She remembers facts and numbers like nobody I’ve ever met. It’s almost as if she has a photographic memory. I can only wish my mind worked as well as hers. For the most part, Abby sticks to business, and I get little in terms of reading her personality beyond having an amazing work ethic.

  As I contemplate our conversation in class, I can’t help but smile. It took me a while to explain that I play basketball, and since we won the championship game last season, my popularity’s skyrocketed. I can’t be a random guy on campus anymore. Her feisty attitude and unwillingness to take my shit is quite intriguing. I couldn’t help but laugh when she asked, “How do you expect to blend in as a giant?”

  I’ve been a starter here at Columbia River University since freshman year. I didn’t redshirt because I don’t intend to play in the NBA. I’m here to get my degree. However, the fame that comes with winning is a double-edged sword. It opens doors for me, but being unable to be a regular guy on campus is unnerving.

  I don’t usually date during the season to avoid distractions. The number of trolls who venture into the arena to simply chase jerseys is unbelievable. I distance myself from the social side of being a college athlete by keeping my head in the game and focusing on my studies. Besides, this keeps the girls away who aren’t interested in getting to know the real Drew Jacobs.

  When there’s a knock at my door, promptly at seven, I rush to greet Abby. I’m blown away by how different she looks. Standing before me is a beautiful girl with long, wavy, brown hair and brown eyes I can see. She’s wearing a fitted blue sweater that accentuates her curves and a faded pair of denim jeans that are worn in just the right places. The only resemblance to my nerdy lab partner is her Chuck Taylors.

  “Abby?” I state, but it comes out like a question. So much for not being a distraction. I’m so fucking screwed. Of course, my cock chooses this moment to spring to attention. I’ve never been more thankful for wearing jeans, as my basketball shorts leave little to the imagination.

  “Drew?” She stares for a moment. “Planning on letting me in?”

  “Um… sure.” I step aside as I swing the door open wide to let her pass. I point to the couch where I’ve set up my homework and gesture for her to take a seat. As she walks by, the scent of her coconut shampoo and something that’s entirely her has my senses on overload. Unfortunately, this also leaves me having to inconspicuously adjust myself before I make it to the couch beside her.

  She catches me staring and self-consciously pats down her hair as she asks, “What?”

  “It’s just… you look… nice tonight. Special occasion?”

  “Oh,” she groans, catching me off guard. “It’s my twenty-first birthday, and my friends insist on going out.” She rolls her eyes and shrugs as if it’s not a big deal. Interesting.

  “Why the hell did you agree to study on your birthday?” I ask in disbelief.

  She shrugs… again. “I take my classes seriously. Besides, you said this was the only time you’re available.”

  Holy shit. I’m an ass. I hadn’t given her a choice when I suggested the time, I threw one out there, and she agreed. I have to rectify this. I can’t force her to study tonight of all nights. We only get so many birthdays, and I’m not about to ruin one of hers.

  I may be hardcore when it comes to staying focused for school, but I’m not a complete monster. “Are you busy tomorrow night?”

  “I work in the early evening. Why?” she asks speculatively, apprehension clearly written across her features.

  Realizing she’ll be drinking later, another thought hits me, and I blurt out, “Have you eaten?” With as serious as she is, I’d almost bet my favorite pair of sneakers that she hasn’t had much experience with alcohol. She needs to eat a decent meal.

  “Not yet. I’m picking something up after we finish our assignment.” She sets her backpack down next to the coffee table and sits on the couch next to where I’ve laid out my things.

  “Don’t unpack,” I say as I pick up my notebooks and books. There’s no way I’m making her stick to our plans. I know firsthand just how short life can be.

  “Drew? What’s going on?” She looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind. Hell, maybe I have. But I’m not a complete selfish asshat, and I won’t ruin her birthday.

  “Can we study tomorrow night?” I ask, giving her an option this time.

  “That shouldn’t be a problem. But what are you doing?” A perfectly arched eyebrow cocks over her beautiful golden-brown eyes. How had I not noticed them earlier? I draw in a deep breath and steady my thoughts.

  “I’m taking you to dinner. Since it’s your twenty-first birthday, there’s no way I’m forcing you to study, let alone go out without a proper meal.” Thinking about my twenty-one-run, I add, “You need food and lots of it.”

  “Why?” she almost stutters. “Why would you do this?”

  “Well…” Why am I doing this? “Birthdays are important. You’re only given so many, so you have to make them count.”



  I watch in disbelief as Drew gathers his things like his ass is on fire and takes them into what I assume is a bedroom. When he returns a few minutes later, he’s wearing a nice black sweater, dressier jeans, and dress shoes. Compared to the faded jeans and t-shirt he was wearing when I arrived, I can’t help but appreciate his effort. He grabs his wallet, keys from his kitchen counter, and stops to ask, “Are you ready?”

  “For what?”

  “I told you. We’re getting dinner.”

  Cocky much?

  Leaving no room for argument, he places a hand on the small of my back and leads me to his black SUV. He surprises me by opening my door and waiting for me to get in to buckle, before closing it. Maybe he can be a gentleman?

  To my surprise, the ride’s filled with comfortable conversation on the way to God only knows where. He’s yet to fill me in on our where we’re going, but fills the time by making small talk about life on campus. Even though we’ve never met apparently, we lived in the same dorm our freshman year. How could I not notice the likes of him?

  It’s not long until we arrive at the restaurant. That’s when I realize he’s taken me to a nice place. I mentally count my cash on hand, knowing I don’t have a lot to spare in my minuscule bank account. Working for the college as a library assistant, I only get paid twice a month, and payday’s still a week away.

  “Um, Drew? I’m not sure we should go here.” I try to think of a way to suggest a fast food restaurant I can afford.

  “Why not? It’s your birthday. You deserve a special treat.”

  “Yeah… but… um…” How the hell do I say this?

  “Relax, Abby, it’s m
y treat. It’s your special day.” Does he have special mind-reading abilities?

  “Are you sure?” I feel weird. It’s almost date-like. Not that I go on many of those.

  “Absolutely. Let’s go inside and celebrate.”

  He grabs my hand and walks me to the door. My body trembles with the warmth of his hand in mine. Shivers race up my spine, and butterflies flip in my belly. I’m not sure what to make of Drew. Where did the cocky, self-absorbed jock go?

  When we get inside, the hostess tells us she has a table available. We follow her in and are promptly seated at a cozy table in the back corner. It’s not easily seen from the rest of the restaurant, and I wonder if Drew had anything to do with the choice of seating.

  The hostess hands us our menus and asks if we’d like to have anything to drink while we decide. Drew orders a Coke, and I settle with water for now. My friends and I have plans later, and I don’t want to get ahead of myself. I’ve heard plenty of horror stories of twenty-one-runs, and I have no intentions of being a statistic. Hell, I wouldn’t even be going out if Chloe and Sydney didn’t threaten to drag me out, kicking and screaming. They’ve been planning this for months.

  When Drew immediately sets his menu down, I feel a bit self-conscious. Having never been here before, I’m unsure of what to order. Though he said he’s paying, I want to feel out what he orders, so I can get something similar in price. “Have you already decided?” I ask as I continue perusing the menu with what I hope is nonchalance.

  “Yeah, I’m getting the asparagus-stuffed chicken breast and a baked potato. Do you know what you’d like?”

  I peruse over the menu, and everything looks delicious. But the thought of asparagus has my mouth watering. Hmmm… another thing we have in common, how odd. I didn’t think there would be much after our encounters in class. “I think… I’ll go with that as well.”


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