The Queen's Curse

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The Queen's Curse Page 2

by Hellenthal, Natasja

  She swallowed hard and searched her mind for familiar sights. Where was the large Hall where she received her medal? She could see the hall ending in a corridor opposite her, which surely led to other rooms. The castle was truly huge; and now she knew why people could get lost in here. This hall in itself was already so grand!

  She had to find the queen quickly and Tirsa didn’t think she would be on the ground floor at this time of day. The kitchen would be here somewhere and the dining room with maids perhaps walking around preparing breakfast. She did hear a few muffled sounds coming from the far end of the corridor.

  Artride would most likely be in her bedroom in one of the towers, her bathroom or dining chamber; perhaps in her library or … in the dungeons watching the prisoners suffering. Queen Artride would love that according to the popular rumours she had heard about her. It was she who decided the fate of the condemned; it was a well known fact that she always had the last word in convictions.

  Tirsa realized she had no idea where she could be, because she didn’t know her habits at all, except from the bizarre stories she had heard. The companies were not really expected to know what the queen’s habits were; only what she demanded and how her kingdom was supposed to be organized and ruled.

  I bet she is in her personal quarters; wherever they may be. Tirsa glimpsed the winding staircase and in a few seconds she was ascending it.

  If I meet anyone; I’ll just say I have an audience. They should not suspect anything.

  She tried to tread a little slower and behave naturally to avoid suspicion.

  She came across the first floor and noticed many closed golden doors. A little voice inside told her: “Not here.” So she went on to the next floor, and continued upwards until she was at the highest floor where the Towers had to be; everyone knew Royalty had their own guarded bedrooms. She peeked cautiously around and suddenly glanced into the grey, cold eyes of a mean looking old man.

  Her heart leapt into her mouth and her breathing stalled; but then she realised how stupid she was to mistake a painted face for a real one. And a frightful face it was. She felt shivers running down her spine.

  Adrenaline was rushing through her body; all the while she was deciding which direction she had to go, left or right. The walls curved in both directions so she couldn’t see what was round either corner. She noticed a few more doors. She decided to see where the left side would take her and tiptoed across the floor keeping close to the walls. The corridors were all dimly lit with torches here and there.

  She almost saw the guard too late. Quickly she hid herself, pressing her body tightly to the wall. Instinctively she reached for her sword and stiffened to find it gone.

  ‘Blast, forgot!’ she cursed softly, but then remembered she couldn’t use it anyway without seriously getting in trouble. She didn’t want to harm her colleagues – as ignorant as they were.

  However, she didn’t have a plan; other than lying about having an appointment. She had no proof, so would they believe her?

  They simply have to. She decided to go and face the guard.

  Vehemently she walked over to the man, who straightened himself when he noticed her.

  When she was only a few footsteps away, she recognized the guard. Quickly she searched her memory. It was Barkor; a former soldier from the company she started her career in. Tirsa remembered he had been wounded and had lost an eye in the same campaign that she distinguished herself in. As a soldier he was worthless; but as a guard, she guessed, he was good enough. He still looked big and strong.

  She sighed relieved and relaxed. This could work in her favour.

  He also calmed down visibly when he glanced at her, his mouth gaping open and the one eye staring wide and unbelieving at her.

  ‘Tirsa? Is that you?’ he sounded more than overwhelmed. She noticed a black eye rag in front of his missing left eye.

  ‘Why, Barkor!’

  ‘Come here, little one!’ he laughed while he embraced her in a rough but friendly way.

  ‘You have come to pay me a visit?’

  ‘Er, not really, I had forgotten you worked here.’

  ‘That’s okay,’ his full lips formed a broad smile. ‘I’ve heard you’ve been pretty busy.’ He held her so he could look her in the eyes; she thought she saw a wave of pity combined with honest affection in his one dark eye.

  ‘Tirsa Lathabris, it’s been ages!’

  ‘So how’s life in Tarac for you?’ she asked quickly, and released herself from his too lengthy and tight embrace.

  He looked shyly away scratching his head and messing up his neatly combed thick brown hair, answering in a stuttering voice, ‘Ah, the food is great and the luxury and all. I even get to see the queen sometimes.’ His hand reached for his heart and he sighed. ‘She is truly astonishing and she always nods at me kindly. But … well, the work is a bit boring.’ And he added ruefully, shaking his head. ‘Not like the old days. Not by far …’

  She patted him on the back and smiled at him warmly. ‘But less dangerous, I reckon and that is for the better.’

  ‘Yeah, you’re right.’ He shivered when he thought about the worst part – the killing fields during war although somehow it made him feel more alive; to be close to death always did. He added proudly: ‘Hey, I even have quite some responsibility here. I am after all protecting the most important woman of the country. What more can a man in Ceartas want?’ He spread his arms and she saw he had gained some weight.

  ‘And a good job you do too.’

  ‘I should say so! Not a single person ever passed me without a fight! And I tell you, not even you would succeed, Tirsa!’ and he pointed a finger at her with an amused eye.

  She laughed somewhat nervously, and swallowed away her rising tension. ‘But well, luckily for me I don’t have to, for I have an audience with Her Majesty.’

  His face showed interest. ‘Ah, of course you do. With the queen herself?’ She nodded.

  ‘I can see and heard you are a commander now; well you really deserve it too. I bet you have something really important to discuss with her.’

  ‘Yes, it is pretty serious actually.’ And her face became grim. He knew she wouldn’t tell him. He always had to drag things out of her in the old days and he guessed that hadn’t changed; perhaps it even had become worse. The fact was she had changed for the better; but Barkor didn’t know that. After she had left that first company to join and upgrade to her second, things had changed, but now it was gone again; the way a rainbow would come and suddenly dissolve into thin air. Barkor only knew the stories that spread among the soldiers; and was too embarrassed to ask her for the details now.

  From underneath his leather overcoat he pulled out a small black book and began to leaf through it. His one eye shot from one side to another while he searched for her name on the thin pages with his thick fingers. Tirsa felt her heart in her throat pounding; this could be tricky.

  ‘What time did you say, Tirsa?’

  ‘An hour after sunrise.’

  He still kept his eye on the book, distressed because he couldn’t find it.

  ‘She does have an appointment with a Commander Distoas from the Second Company, a little later, but –’

  ‘I am replacing him’, she interrupted Barkor quickly with a high pitched voice.

  ‘He’s got a nasty fever and this matter is very urgent and somebody had to go.’ Now he did look at her with his big watery eye. ‘In that case … I’ve heard that the Second Company had a hard time with opponents at the border with Zoria, didn’t they?’

  Fortunately she knew enough about that to answer the question. ‘Yes, five deaths on our side and about fifteen wounded.’ She sighed. ‘King Zoltas’ army doesn’t want to hear about peace. At that time I was in Razoras with my company, so we were too late for back-up, just like most companies were. The second one isn’t the best of them, like in our days. Now we have to try to work on that and we also have to talk about negotiations between Zoria and Ceartas again. I trust that Queen
Artride will talk with Zoltas soon.’

  ‘I hope so. I don’t think Zoltas is the problem. At least his country has better honest laws, but he might want to expand his territory or perhaps some trouble between the two armies occurred? I have heard the lot of them are troublemakers. There should be some treaty, before it goes any further than this.’

  Tirsa nodded. She hated the partial lie and hoped he wouldn’t be in any trouble afterwards.

  ‘Well, if it’s about justice, you know what to do.’ Barkor complimented her and patted her on the shoulders. ‘You were always the best when it came to that. That’s why I don’t have to wish you luck, because I know you can work things out with her; witty and clever as you are.’ He added whispering, ‘They say she isn’t too bad when it comes to peace treaties.’

  Tirsa smiled. ‘Thank you, Barkor.’ And she meant it more than he could possible know.

  ‘Ehm, do I get to see you sometime, Tirsa, when you are free of course?’

  Her thoughts were occupied with meeting the queen, so a little absent-mindedly she responded, ‘Sure, we could have a drink together.’

  His face lit up. ‘Great, then we can share some memories for old time’s sake.’

  ‘I really have to go now,’ she said.

  ‘Yeah, you can’t keep the queen waiting. It’s the first door to your left. Just wait there. She is always on time and you still have some; or shall I tell her guard you are already here?’

  ‘No!’ she said a little too loudly and blushed when she saw the sudden distress on his face. ‘I mean … I’d rather wait. The last thing I want is to upset her by being too eager and early.’

  ‘Very thoughtful of you,’ he replied in a calm voice. ‘See you later then.’ and he took a step to the right, so she could pass him. She smiled at him and walked on towards her goal. She didn’t have to look back to know that Barkor was still watching her until she disappeared round the corner.

  So far so good. Quite handy to have friends in the castle. Now comes the hardest part; the personal guard shouldn’t be too far away from the queen.

  The walls were old and brown and normally Tirsa would have wondered what those walls might have seen throughout the centuries, if they had eyes, but not now, not today.

  She came to a door with letters written on it. It read; Personal Meeting Chamber. She looked back to see if Barkor was still watching her, but he was out of her view. Hastily she went on.

  There were no windows and the corridor was only poorly lit by torches placed on both walls. She noticed several other golden doors to her left and right, but ignored them.

  At the end of the hallway she noticed two men standing rigid before a steep staircase. The staircase towards the Tower of the Queen! she heard herself saying in her mind and hoped she was right. It had to be; why would they stand there otherwise? The Tower itself was forbidden to every knight and commander, for it held the queen’s bedroom and entry was only allowed when she asked for you.

  This wing contained the queen’s personal quarters. Behind the golden doors there was a music chamber, an arts chamber and even a library.

  She almost froze where she stood.

  Let’s hope they are just as easy to persuade as Barkor. And she said a silent prayer.

  Her eye caught a faded torch, which she quickly grabbed and hid behind her back. She stepped forward and the guard saw her looming figure coming. Immediately one of them shouted, ‘Halt, who is approaching?’

  ‘Commander Lathabris of the Seventh Company,’ she responded professionally in a secure steady voice. They stood their ground while one held a flaming torch near to her face. She noticed them nodding at one another when they saw her shoulder pads. ‘Commander … who let you in? You do not have an audience.’ These men also had an agenda in their head it seemed.

  ‘I have come to replace Commander Distoas of the Second Company. He was unable to come.’

  These two men were young and strongly built, and with clever faces, she noticed with dismay. One of them shook his head calmly with cold suspicious eyes. ‘That appointment is cancelled. Yesterday we received a message that King Zoltas himself will come to speak with the queen in private.’

  ‘Yes, and yesterday I personally told Commander Distoas his appointment was cancelled until further notice,’ the other guard added. ‘So, Commander, with all due respect, I don’t understand what you are doing here.’

  She felt herself turn crimson and tried to think quickly. ‘Simply because one of the commanders has to accompany the meeting in cases like these. So I’m replacing him.’

  His pale blue eyes got colder when he said, ‘Miss, believe me, I know all the rules there are to know around here and unless we’re told about this I have to deny you access.’

  She knew when she was beaten and she tightened her grip on the torch.

  They must have seen the panic in her eyes for one of them pointed to her arms, ‘Hang on, show me your hands!’ Just as he was about to grab her arm she thumped him hard in his face with her improvised weapon. He collapsed.

  The other one drew his sword and said firmly, ‘Drop that immediately and raise your arms above your head!’ But she was faster again; she thrust into his stomach with all her weight knocking the sword out of his hand with her torch. It was enough to make him fall back against the wall. He stumbled and she caught him in the groin with her knee and struck the back of his head with her torch.. He passed out.

  She had to catch her breath for a moment – she felt out of shape – before recovering and running up the small stairs towards the Tower Room. When she finally reached the emerald door she had a vision of the face of her little brother. It was for his life she imperilled her career and her life. Justice will be done!

  Tirsa flung open the door, which surprisingly wasn’t locked, and again realized in that moment she was acting foolishly. What was she thinking, without so much as knocking? But there was no chance she could face to wait any longer, or for no answer.

  ‘Where are you?’ she almost yelled, looking around the bedroom with a bewildered gaze.

  The renowned Queen Artride was sitting directly opposite her, on a broad windowsill by a large opened oval window. She was a young woman, pale and veiled with long waving black hair like the night itself. She looked up from a letter she had been reading. There was no fright in her impressive midnight blue eyes; just calm curiosity when she saw the wild young knight with her green flashing eyes, like knives, staring defiantly directly into hers, holding her gaze steadily. No one normally dared. Tirsa froze on the spot and was struck instantly by the stunning beauty of the queen as they gazed at one another wordlessly. She felt the anger fade. Time itself seemed to have faded ... And then it continued; in a matter of seconds she saw a sudden change in the queen: fear, concern. She was stretching her hands out towards Tirsa as if to prevent something from happening behind …opening her mouth … It was too late for Tirsa to turn around and look behind her. Darkness closed over her mind like the dark manes of the queen.



  Death is not a punishment

  for wrongdoing and life

  not the reward for good.

  Tanith Lee

  Muted angry voices sounded in the distance in her throbbing ears. ‘…to hit her! She was about to tell me something urgent and if you had not hit her unconscious I would have known what it was by now!’

  ‘But Your Highness, she knocked down four guards to get here and –’

  ‘Proof enough then that it must be important, Jaromir!’

  Tirsa tried to listen to the two voices; one male and the other female, through her pounding headache, which wasn’t easy. It was as if the darkness pulled her back every time she tried. Somehow, she had to fight that, although it was tempting to just give in to it.

  ‘It might have been an attack on your life, Your Highness.’

  ‘One of my own commanders? My father – rest his soul – knighted everyone personally, are you saying you dou
bt his judgment?’

  She heard Jaromir holding his breath ruefully. ‘No, of course not, Your Highness.’

  A silence followed by footsteps coming her way. The woman’s voice sounded very close now. It was a pleasant vivid voice and warm despite her words. Tirsa wagered she was a good singer.

  ‘She does not have a sword on her and no other hidden weapons, I have checked that.’ She had?

  ‘I’ve heard she is very skilled in mortal combat,’ Jaromir started. ‘Obviously she must be mad for breaking into the castle like this; for surely she knows the consequences. Therefore caring little for her own life she must have come for yours. Clearly, she is an assassin. I advise you strongly to tie her up in case she wakes up.’ When she did not respond he continued, ‘My Lady, it is hard to trust anyone these days. Surely you must know that, even in our crime free country.’

  ‘I did not ask for your opinion, or your advice.’

  Tirsa liked the way she responded to that annoying man. She had a feeling that the woman was examining her somehow; she thought she even felt a warm hand on her forehead briefly. It felt soothing. It brought her a little closer to the light again. She tasted blood in her mouth.

  ‘We have to do something about those guards; better training, better protection and most definitely a much better lock on the castle door, Your Highness,’ he raged while Tirsa heard him pacing the room back and forth.

  ‘If I cannot trust my own army anymore …’ her voice sounded dubious and absent.

  ‘Times are changing. If your army is plotting against you, we will have to see to that. I start the investigation of course. We could arrange for spies and –’

  She sighed. ‘We will discuss that later. I will query this one first, but … I doubt she came to take my life.’ The anger she showed me when she came storming through that door I recognize all too well … She came to ask for help; she came to ask for freedom. How could she explain that to her guard? ‘You are dismissed.’


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