The Tom Swift Megapack

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The Tom Swift Megapack Page 174

by Victor Appleton

  “What are you going to do?” cried Ned, as he pulled over the lever that set the gas generating machine in operation.

  “I’m going up as high as I can go!” cried Tom. “If we can’t go down we must go up. I’ll get above the hurricane instead of below it. Give me all the gas you can, Ned!”

  The vapor hissed as it rushed into the big bag overhead. Tom carried aboard his craft the chemicals needed to generate the powerful lifting gas, of which he alone had the secret. It was more powerful than hydrogen, and simple to make. The balloon of the Flyer was now being distended.

  Meanwhile Tom, with Koku, Mr. Damon and Mr. Nestor to help him, worked over the deflecting rudder, and also on the equilibrium mechanism. But they could not get either to operate.

  Ned stood by the gas machine, and worked it to the limit. But even with all that energy, so powerful was the wind, that the Flyer rose slowly, the gale actually holding her down as a water-logged craft is held below the waves. Ordinarily, with the gas machine set at its limit the craft would have shot up rapidly.

  At times the airship would skim along on the level, and again it would be pitched and tossed about, until it was all the occupants could do to keep their feet. Mr. Damon was continually blessing everything he could remember.

  “Now she’s going!” suddenly cried Ned, as he looked at the dials registering the pressure of the gas, and showing the height of the airship above the earth.

  “Going how?” gasped Tom, as he looked over from where he was working at the equilibrium apparatus. “Going down?”

  “Going up!” shouted Ned. “I guess we’ll be all right soon!”

  It was true. Now that the bag was filled with the powerful lifting gas, under pressure, the Flyer was beginning to get out of the dangerous predicament into which the gale had blown her, Up and up she went, and every foot she climbed the power of the wind became less.

  “Maybe it all happened for the best,” said Tom, as he noted the height gage. “If we had gone down, the wind might have been worse nearer the earth.”

  Later they learned that this was so. The most destructive wind storm ever known swept across the southern part of Europe, over which they were flying that night, and, had the airship gone down, she would probably have been destroyed. But, going up, she got above the wind-strata. Up and up she climbed, until, when three miles above the earth, she was in a calm zone. It was rather hard to breathe at this height, and Tom set the oxygen apparatus at work.

  This created in the interior of the craft an atmosphere almost like that on the earth, and the travelers were made more at their ease. Getting out of the terrible wind pressure made it possible to work the deflecting rudder, though Tom had no idea of going down, as long as the blow lasted.

  “We’ll just sail along at this height until morning,” he said, “and by then the gale may be over, or we may be beyond the zone of it. Start the propellers, Ned. I think I can manage to repair the equilibrium rudder now.”

  The propellers, which gave the forward motion to the airship, had been stopped when it was found that the wind was carrying her along, but they were now put in motion again, sending the Flyer forward. In a short time Tom had the equilibrium machine in order, and matters were now normal again.

  “But that was a strenuous time while it lasted,” remarked the young inventor, as he sat down.

  “It sure was,” agreed Ned.

  “Bless my pen wiper!” cried Mr. Damon. “That was one of the few times when I wish I’d never come with you, Tom Swift,” and everyone laughed at that.

  The Flyer was now out of danger, going along high in the air through the night, while the gale raged below her. At Tom’s suggestion, Koku got a lunch ready, for they were all tired with their labors, and somewhat nervous from the danger and excitement.

  “And now for sleep!” exclaimed Tom, as he pushed back his plate. “Ned, set the automatic steering gear, and we’ll see where we bring up by morning.”

  An examination, through a powerful telescope in the bright light of morning, showed the travelers that they were over the outskirts of a large city, which, later, they learned was Rome, Italy.

  “We’ve made a good trip,” said Tom. “The gale had us worried, but it sent us along at a lively clip. Now for Switzerland, and the avalanches!”

  They made a landing at a village just outside the “Holy City,” as Rome is often called, and renewed their supply of gasolene. Naturally they attracted a crowd of curious persons, many of whom had never seen an airship before. Certainly few of them had ever seen one like Tom Swift’s.

  The next day found them hovering over the Alps, where Tom hoped to be able to get the pictures of snow slides. They went down to earth at a town near one of the big mountain ranges, and there made inquiries as to where would be the best location to look for big avalanches. If they went but a few miles to the north, they were told, they would be in the desired region, and they departed for that vicinity.

  “And now we’ve just got to take our time, and wait for an avalanche to happen,” remarked Tom, as they were flying along over the mountain ranges. “As Mr. Damon said, these things aren’t made to order. They just happen.”

  For three days they sailed in and out over the great snow-covered peaks of the Alps. They did not go high up, for they wanted to be near earth when an avalanche would occur, so that near-view pictures could be secured. Occasionally they saw parties of mountain climbers ascending some celebrated peak, and for want of something better to photograph, Tom “snapped” the tourists.

  “Well, I guess they’re all out of avalanches this season,” remarked Ned one afternoon, when they had circled back and forth over a mountain where, so it was said, the big snow slides were frequent.

  “It does seem so,” agreed Tom. “Still, we’re in no hurry. It is easier to be up here, than it is walking around in a jungle, not knowing what minute a tiger may jump out at you.”

  “Bless my rubbers, yes!” agreed Mr. Damon.

  The sky was covered with lowering clouds, and there were occasionally flurries of snow. Tom’s airship was well above the snow line on the mountains. The young inventor and Ned sat in the pilot house, taking observations through a spyglass of the mountain chain below them.

  Suddenly Ned, who had the glass focused on a mighty peak, cried out:

  “There she is, Tom!”


  “The avalanche! The snow is beginning to slide down the mountain! Say, it’s going to be a big one, too. Got your camera ready?”

  “Sure! I’ve had it ready for the last three days. Put me over there, Ned. You look after the airship, and I’ll take the pictures!”

  Tom sprang to get his apparatus, while his chum hurried to the levers, wheels and handles that controlled the Flyer. As they approached the avalanche they could see the great mass of ice, snow, big stones, and earth sliding down the mountain side, carrying tall trees with it.

  “This is just what I wanted!” cried Tom, as he set his camera working. “Put me closer, Ned.”

  Ned obeyed, and the airship was now hovering directly over the avalanche, and right in its path. The big landslide, as it would have been called in this country, met no village in its path, fortunately, or it would have wiped it out completely. It was in a wild and desolate region that it occurred.

  “I want to get a real close view!” cried Tom, as he got some pictures showing a whole grove of giant trees uprooted and carried off. “Get closer Ned, and—”

  Tom was interrupted by a cry of alarm from his chum.

  “We’re falling!” yelled Ned. “Something has gone wrong. We’re going down into the avalanche!”.



  There was confusion aboard the airship. Tom, hearing Ned’s cry, left his camera, to rush to the engine room, but not before he had set the picture apparatus to working automatically. Mr. Damon, Mr. Nestor and Koku, alarmed by Ned’s cries, ran back from the forward part of the craft, where they had been watching
the mighty mass of ice and earth as it rushed down the side of the mountain.

  “What’s wrong, Ned?” cried Tom excitedly.

  “I don’t know! The propellers have stopped! We were running as an aeroplane you know. Now we’re going down!”

  “Bless my suspenders!” shouted Mr. Damon. “If we land in the midst of that conglomeration of ice it will be the end of us.”

  “But we’re not going to land there!” cried Tom.

  “How are you going to stop it?” demanded Mr. Nestor.

  “By the gas machine!” answered Tom. “That will stop us from falling. Start it up, Ned!”

  “That’s right! I always forget about that! I’ll have it going in a second!”

  “Less than a second,” called Tom, as he saw how near to the mighty, rushing avalanche they were coming.

  Ned worked rapidly, and in a very short time the downward course of the airship was checked. It floated easily above the rushing flood of ice and earth, and Tom, seeing that his craft, and those on it, were safe, hurried back to his camera. Meanwhile the machine had automatically been taking pictures, but now with the young inventor to manage it, better results would be obtained.

  Tom aimed it here and there, at the most spectacular parts of the avalanche. The others gathered around him, after Ned had made an inspection, and found that a broken electrical wire had caused the propellers to stop. This was soon repaired and then, as they were hanging in the air like a balloon, Tom took picture after picture of the wonderful sight below them. Forest after forest was demolished.

  “This will be a great film!” Tom shouted to Ned, as the latter informed him that the machinery was all right again. “Send me up a little. I want to get a view from the top, looking down.”

  His chum made the necessary adjustments to the mechanism and then, there being nothing more to slide down the mountainside the avalanche was ended. But what a mass of wreck and ruin there was! It was as if a mighty earthquake had torn the mountain asunder.

  “It’s a good thing it wasn’t on a side of the mountain where people lived,” commented Ned, as the airship rose high toward the clouds. “If it had been, there’d be nothing left of ’em. What hair-raising stunt are you going to try next, Tom?”

  “I don’t know. I expect to hear from Mr. Period soon.

  “Hear from Mr. Period?” exclaimed Mr. Nestor. “How are you going to do that, Tom?”

  “He said he would telegraph me at Berne, Switzerland, at a certain date, as he knew I was coming to the Alps to try for some avalanche pictures. It’s two or three days yet, before I can expect the telegram, which of course will have to come part way by cable. In the meanwhile, I think we’ll take a little rest, and a vacation. I want to give the airship an overhauling, and look to my camera. There’s no telling what Mr. Period may want next.”

  “Then he didn’t make out your programme completely before you started?” asked Mr. Nestor.

  “No, he said he’d communicate with me from time to time. He is in touch with what is going on in the world, you know, and if he hears of anything exciting at any place, I’m to go there at once. You see he wants the most sensational films he can get.”

  “Yes, our company is out to give the best pictures we can secure,” spoke Mary’s father, “and I think we are lucky to have Tom Swift working for us. We already have films that no other concern can get. And we need them.”

  “I wonder what became of those men who started to make so much trouble for you, Tom?” asked Mr. Damon.

  “Well, they seem to have disappeared,” replied our hero. “Of course they may be after me any day now, but for the time being, I’ve thrown them off my track.”

  “So then you don’t know where you’re going next?” asked Ned.

  “No, it may be to Japan, or to the North Pole. Well, I’m ready for anything. We’ve got plenty of gasolene, and the Flyer can certainly go,” said Tom.

  They went down to earth in a quiet spot, just outside of a little village, and there they remained three days, to the no small wonder of the inhabitants. Tom wanted to see if his camera was working properly. So he developed some of the avalanche pictures, and found them excellent. The rest of the time was spent in making some needed repairs to the airship, while the young inventor overhauled his Wizard machine, that he found needed a few adjustments.

  Their arrival in Berne created quite a sensation, but they were used to that. Tom anchored his airship just outside the city, and, accompanied by Ned, made his way to the telegraph office. Some of the officials there could speak English, though not very well.

  “I am expecting a message,” said Tom.

  “Yes? Who for?” asked the clerk.

  “Tom Swift. It will be from America.”

  As Tom said this he observed a man sitting in the corner of the office get up hurriedly and go out. All at once his suspicions were aroused. He thought of the attempts that had been made to get his Wizard Camera away from him.

  “Who was that man?” he quickly asked the agent.

  “Him? Oh, he, too, is expecting a message from America. He has been here some time.”

  “Why did he go out so quickly?” Ned wanted to know.

  “Why, I can not tell. He is an Englishman. They do strange things.”

  “My telegram? Is it here?” asked Tom impatiently. He wanted to get whatever word there was from Mr. Period, and be on his way to whatever destination the picture man might select. Perhaps, after all, his suspicions, against the man who had so suddenly left, were unfounded.

  “Yes, there is a cablegram here for you, Monsieur Swift,” said the man, who was French. “There are charges on it, however.”

  “Pay ’em, Ned, while I see what this is,” directed the young inventor, as he tore open the envelope.

  “Whew!” he whistled a moment later. “This is going some.”

  “Where to now?” asked Ned. “The North Pole?”

  “No, just the opposite. Mr. Period wants me to go to Africa—the Congo Free State. There’s an uprising among the natives there, and he wants some war pictures. Well, I guess I’ll have to go.”

  As Tom spoke he looked toward the door of the telegraph office, and he saw the man, who had so hurriedly gone out a few moments before, looking in at him.



  “Off to Africa; eh?” remarked Ned, as Tom put the envelope in his pocket. “That’s another long jump. But I guess the Flyer can do it.”

  “Yes, I think so. I say Ned, not so loud,” said Tom, who had hurried to the side of his chum, whispered the last words.

  “What’s up?” inquired Ned quickly. “Anything wrong?”

  “I don’t know. But I think we are being watched. Did you notice that fellow who was in here a minute ago, when I asked for a telegram?”

  “Yes, what about him?”

  “Well, he’s looking in the door now I think. Don’t turn round. Just look up into that mirror on the wall, and you can see his reflection.”

  “I understand,” whispered Ned, as he turned his gaze toward the mirror in question, a large one, with advertisements around the frame. “I see him,” he went on. “There’s some one with him.”

  “That’s what I thought,” replied Tom. “Take a good look. Whom do you think the other chap is?”

  Ned looked long and earnestly. By means of the mirror, he could see, perfectly plain, two men standing just outside the door of the telegraph office. The portal was only partly open. Ned drew an old letter from his pocket, and pretended to be showing it to Tom. But, all the while he was gazing earnestly at the two men. Suddenly one of them moved, giving Tom’s chum a better view of his face.

  “By Jove, Tom!” the lad exclaimed in a tense whisper. “If it isn’t that Eckert fellow I’m a cow.”

  “That’s what I thought,” spoke Tom coolly. “Not that you’re a cow, Ned, but I believe that this man is one of the moving picture partners, who are rivals of Mr. Period. I wasn’t quite sure myself after t
he first glance I had of him, so I wanted you to take a look. Do you know the other chap—the one who ran out when I asked for my telegram?”

  “No, I’ve never seen him before as far as I know.”

  “Same here. Come on.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Go back to the airship, and tell Mr. Nestor. As one of the directors in the concern I’m working for. I want his advice.”

  “Good idea,” replied Ned, and they turned to leave the office. The spying stranger, and William Eckert, were not in sight when the two lads came out.

  “They got away mighty quick,” remarked Tom, as he looked up and down the street.

  “Yes, they probably saw us turn to come out, and made a quick get-away. They might be in any one of these places along here,” for the street, on either side of the telegraph office, contained a number of hotels, with doors opening on the sidewalk.

  “They must be on your trail yet,” decided Mr. Nestor when Tom, reaching the anchored airship, told what had happened. “Well, my advice is to go to Africa as soon as we can. In that way we’ll leave them behind, and they won’t have any chance to get your camera.”

  “But what I can’t understand,” said Tom, “is how they knew I was coming here. It was just as if that one man had been waiting in the telegraph office for me to appear. I’m sorry, now, that I mentioned to Ned where we were ordered to. But I didn’t think.”

  “They probably knew, anyway,” was Mr. Nestor’s opinion. “I think this may explain it. The rival concern in New York has been keeping track of Mr. Period’s movements. Probably they have a paid spy who may be in his employ. They knew when he sent you a telegram, what it contained, and where it was directed to. Then, of course, they knew you would call here for it. What they did not know was when you would come, and so they had to wait. That one spy was on guard, and, as soon as you came, he went and summoned Eckert, who was waiting somewhere in the neighborhood.”

  “Bless my detective story!” cried Mr. Damon. “What a state of affairs! They ought to be arrested, Tom.”

  “It would be useless,” said Mr. Nestor. “They are probably far enough away by this time. Or else they have put others on Tom’s track.”


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