College Omega's Secret Baby (MPreg College Book 1)

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College Omega's Secret Baby (MPreg College Book 1) Page 2

by Dex Bass

  “I just wondered how up-to-date the information in this class would be. Whether you’re aware of the latest developments in human reproduction.” Os folded his arms across his chest and allowed himself two more deep inhalations of Archer’s musk. Os’s erect cock pointed directly at Archer. Os could only hope that his tight-fit jeans would conceal his erection from Archer’s view. Or not.

  “And I’m being asked this by an undergraduate?” Archer chuckled and shook his head. Even his breath was full of alpha pheromones. “Was there some, um,” Archer snickered again, making sure to show the full extent of his condescension to Os, “was there some area of human reproduction research that you, as a freshman undergraduate, would like to inform me about?”

  Os wanted to blurt out everything: that he was an omega, that he wanted to make sure the class included male pregnancy, that he wanted to be represented in the curriculum, that the textbook didn’t make any mention of male pregnancy, that he didn’t want to be invisible. Instead, he choked up. “Well, Professor Archer—”

  Standing there in Archer’s office, Os was surrounded by books, articles, plaques, trophies, diplomas, commendations, awards. All the prizes had Archer’s name on them, not Os’s. Even some of the books had Archer’s name on them. And not even one diploma or plaque or book in that office had Os’s name. Os was just a weak prissy omega, and a freshman at that. He was in no place to make demands.

  Archer took his long legs down from the desk and rested them on the floor. He sat with his knees apart. Os wasn’t sure whether it was his imagination, but he definitely smelled alpha precum from Archer’s crotch, even through Archer’s pants and across the room. That only made Os choke up more.

  “Professor Archer, you’re right. I don’t have any more questions. Thanks.” Os turned a hundred eighty degrees and made one very forceful step out of Archer’s office, through the still-open door. On the dusty institutional linoleum floor just past Archer’s door, Os skated. He slid on one foot, then the other. His loafers were no match for the dusty, slippery linoleum, and he went careening into the staircase railing in front of Archer’s office. The railing hit him right in his delivery flap. Good thing he wasn’t pregnant, as much as he’d dreamed about it, and as much as he’d wanted Archer’s class to cover male pregnancy.

  Os turned back to Archer. Archer was still reclining in his chair, looking with a smirk at the post-careening Os.

  “Thank you, Professor Archer. Nice to meet you.” Os called out, trying to look and sound perfectly normal after having steadied himself on his feet.

  “Thanks for coming by my office,” Archer answered, with an even more obvious smirk.

  “You too!” Os answered, then scurried back down the stairs. That was a stupid thing to say. He held the railing on his way running down so that he wouldn’t go skating again. His face burned red with embarrassment at having humiliated himself in front of a professor.

  At least his dorm room was a single. Springville State put all unmated alpha and omega students in single rooms. That was another reason Os had chosen the school. He could retreat into his omegacave, as he called it — or “the land of Os,” as he started thinking of it after Archer’s dumb comment about The Wizard of Oz.

  Back in the land of Os, Os could lie in his bed and daydream his favorite daydream: fatherhood. Becoming an omega father. That was the whole reason he was taking Archer’s class: wanting to study omega fatherhood up close. Maybe Archer wouldn’t let him study that. Os had to content himself with lying back on his bed and watching YouTube videos about male pregnancies and deliveries. And with Archer, he’d live to fight another day — he could approach that topic another time. He had a whole quarter left in the class. Or a whole two decades left in his omega fertility.


  Oswald came back. He wanted more, maybe. The linoleum-skating freshman once again graced Alan’s office doorway. He stood there with a dumb grin on his face, only a week after having flustered himself to sprint out of that same office. Maybe this time Os would at least be more careful about how he ran away, or wear shoes with better traction.

  “Oswald. What can I do for you?” It was a neutral enough opening. Keeping office hours for undergraduates was an obligation of professorship. And Alan was sitting securely behind his desk, to hide the tenting that would inevitably happen in Alan’s professorial slacks after a few looks and smells of this gorgeous young omega.

  “I’m sorry for bothering you again, Professor Archer.” The kid seemed to shrink down when one-on-one in the office, nothing like his imperturbable vibe in the classroom. “Am I, am I bothering you, Professor?”

  Maybe Os was intimidated by good looks, academic publications, a fit body more befitting a twentysomething athlete than a fortyish professor — among other excellent traits of Alan’s. Or maybe Os just hadn’t had enough alpha attention to give him a cocky attitude.

  The kid was gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous, and his omega smell was clear as day. Alan had fallen clear out of his chair that first time Os came to see him. That strong-willed little freshman’s pheromones combined with his looks were that strong. There had to be a lean and muscular body under those hoodies, even if Os wasn’t one to show it off. Os was mousy but masculine, demure but assertive, the kind of omega that Alan would always dream of.

  “Nope. You’re not bothering me at all. When I’m in this office, I’m basically your bitch.” Alan shot Os a knowing grin when he said it, even if Alan himself had no idea exactly what he was trying to imply. He shocked himself by calling himself anybody’s bitch. Much less a freshman’s bitch. But there it was.

  “I just wanted to follow up,” the kid said. He seemed still furtive and almost ashamed. At least he wasn’t as flat-out terrified as he’d been the previous time he’d visited Alan’s office.

  “Sit. Make yourself comfortable.” Alan didn’t know why he said that. He normally didn’t tell his students to make themselves comfortable in his office. But with Os, his mind was somewhere else. Os stepped toward the soft chair in front of the desk, then put his hand to his crotch and adjusted something before sitting down. There must have been a monster omega cock in there. “You’re certainly well-end— well aware that you’re the biggest— I mean best. The best student in the class. I’m happy about that.”

  “Thanks, Professor Archer.” Os’s smile was innocent but knowing. At nineteen years old he was certainly a master of the arts of seduction. Or maybe it was all just Alan’s alpha instincts taking over. “Professor Archer, I just wanted to bring up a concern about the class.”

  “Sure.” Alan rolled his chair over to the computer and randomly clicked the mouse and tapped on the keyboard. That way he wouldn’t seem totally preoccupied with Os in his office. It would be just another professor-student meeting, and Professor Alan Archer would be tending to his very important professor-business while this freshman peon would be rattling on to him. Or that at least was how Alan wanted to make it seem. “So what’s your concern about the class?” Alan absentmindedly tapped the O key as he looked at Oswald.

  “I just noticed our textbook doesn’t mention male pregnancy.” The way Oswald said those last two words, slowly and deliberately, it sounded like he wanted to be mounted, fucked, and impregnated right then and there. Or maybe that was just how his pheromones told it to Alan’s nose.

  “Oh yeah, textbooks aren’t perfect.” Alan wanted to seem offhand about it. The truth was that Alan preferred not to discuss male pregnancy in his classroom because the subject was a little too personal to him. He might lose his cool if he was forced to stand up in front of a room of horny college omegas and talk about alpha-omega man-lust.

  He knew he was an alpha. He badly wanted to make an omega pregnant, but he’d never found an omega who could keep up with him intellectually, not only sexually. And teaching about alpha-omega relationships in the classroom would just dredge up all those unfulfilled desires of Alan’s. Better to just teach old-fashioned male-female pregnancy and then let the students fi
nd the rest on their own if they needed to. At least until he finally got tenure. If and when the university finally gave him tenure — somewhat controversial for an unmated alpha — he could do whatever the hell he wanted. Until then, he had to tread lightly on the topic of alpha-omega relationships.

  “It’s a pretty big thing to leave out, don’t you think?” As Os said the words pretty big thing, Alan stared into Os’s crotch. There was a definite cylindrical outline there. It was like a miniature baseball bat in there. Omegas weren’t supposed to have big dicks, but there was definitely something big inside Os’s jeans.

  “Yeah. If you want, you can research male pregnancy on your own.” Alan shrugged. From all the staring he was doing at Os, Alan’s own dick was almost ready to break through his slacks. Good thing the desk was hiding it. He could smell his own precum. Os could probably smell it too.

  “No.” Os said it emphatically, with voice slightly raised. This omega couldn’t be pushed around. Alan was taken aback. “No. I’m not going to settle for that. I’m here for college. And I’m in your class to learn about human reproduction.” Os was breathing quickly, and his face was flushed. He was gesturing with his hands. “Professor Archer, you’re supposed to teach human reproduction, not tell your students to go learn it by themselves. If I wanted to learn things by myself, I wouldn’t be here at college.”

  Yet again the kid made a perfect argument. And yet again, the kid humiliated Alan, this time in Alan’s own office, rather than in his classroom. This Os kid was no submissive bimbo omega. As far as Alan officially knew, this kid wasn’t even an omega — he’d never mentioned it to Alan directly, but of course Alan could smell him from across the classroom, and knew their obvious sexual attraction.

  “Is male pregnancy an interest of yours?” Alan leaned back and folded his arms across his chest. “Do you — do you want to — are you —”

  “I’m an omega, Professor Archer.” Os had definitely built up more confidence. He was speaking emphatically, as if giving orders to Alan. “Which you already knew, of course. But yes, I’m an omega. I want to have a baby. And I want to learn about omega reproduction. Not just about male-female reproduction. Especially here in Springville.”

  “Oh, looks like you’re another Doctor Albright, huh?” Alan laughed slightly. Doctor Albright was a pioneer in male pregnancy knowledge. Unlike this freshman kid.

  “Even Doctor Albright had to start somewhere, didn’t he?” Os raised his eyebrows. They were trimmed, close-cropped, perfectly shaped, like caret marks above his deep gray eyes. “He also had to learn about human reproduction. Somehow.” The edges of Os’s mouth barely, just barely cracked into a smile. It was the kind of smile that they could both pretend didn’t exist. But it was definitely there.

  “So your interest is — you want to be pregnant yourself?” Alan asked.

  “Your class should teach it, but it doesn’t. We omegas have a biological drive to become pregnant.” Os shook his head and ever-so-slightly rolled his eyes. His cheeky insouciance was sexy. All of him was sexy. Especially when he was talking back to his alpha professor. “And I’m an omega. So, as an esteemed professor, you should know that yes, I not only want to become pregnant, but need to become pregnant.”

  “Being a father is something you want pretty badly, isn’t it?” Alan gulped, then wiped sweat off his forehead as he spoke. Oswald’s pheromone smell was like an invisible cloud in the office, a cloud that Alan was drowning in. He was at peak arousal, and this was a student in front of him.

  “It’s my biological imperative. It’s more than a want. It’s more than a need. It’s a must.” Os looked dead serious, and demanding. It was like he was asking to be pregnant.

  “You know, Os, I normally don’t talk about personal matters to my students, but I thought you might be interested to know—”

  “That you’re a strong, fertile, unmated alpha full of sperm, ready to make me pregnant?” Os did his cheeky, half-innocent grin when he said it. Alan gasped. He might have almost fainted from Os’s directness.

  “I — yes — if you —” Alan was still dumbfounded.

  “Maybe you’re not used to an omega being so assertive? I’m not the pipsqueak submissive omega you might see on TV or in the movies. Not that kind of omega.” Os shook his head emphatically. His face was gorgeous from every angle.

  “I’m an alpha. Yeah, I’m an alpha. And I’ve ever seen — I mean not anybody — I’ve never seen any kind of omega, any kind of student omega especially, who could stand up to me.”

  “I knew you were an alpha right when I saw you the first day of class. That’s why I was surprised your class wasn’t teaching male pregnancy. That’s also why I wanted to come to your office.” Os smiled, showing his twin rows of perfect white teeth. “I can’t help but be drawn to you. I know, it’s probably me and every other omega on campus, but I have to say I’m drawn to you.”

  “Maybe it’s just pheromones.” Alan liked to feign modesty. Of course he knew every omega on campus was drawn to him. So were the gay beta men. So were the hetero women. Even other alphas wanted to fuck him.

  “I don’t think it’s just pheromones. But you already know that.” Os smiled and nodded. “False modesty, right? But you already know how accomplished you are, how confident you are, how handsome you are. The pheromone and precum smell don’t hurt either.” Os clicked his tongue. He was the perfect cheeky, mischievous omega.

  “And you’re the first omega, and the first student, who stood up to me, could keep pace with me. I’m drawn to you too. Badly. Even though you’re a student. And you’re only what — nineteen?”

  “Nineteen. And a virgin.” Os smiled. Of course that last bit of information wasn’t necessary. But Os obviously reveled in it.

  “But you’re sure you want to be pregnant?” Alan shook his head slightly. Young omegas always wanted to be pregnant, sometimes way too young.

  “Maybe I can make a clearer decision on that matter after I see your alpha dick, Professor Archer?”

  Alan’s jaw dropped in shock. Maybe he’d misheard. “After you see how my brain ticks, did you say?”

  “No. After I see your alpha dick.” Os smiled. “The alpha dick that more than half the campus dreams about.”

  “I — I don’t know if it would be appropriate.” That was the understatement of the century. Of course it would be extremely inappropriate. Alan knew it full well. And he still wanted it.

  “You don’t know that it would be inappropriate? Were you sleeping in your faculty ethics seminar?” Os grinned and demonstratively licked his lips.

  “No. I mean yes.” Alan had never been tongue-tied like this. Not even with other professors. Not even when he did research work with Adam Albright. But now, with this puny little omega freshman, Alan was overwhelmed.

  “Stand up,” Os said impatiently. Alan followed instructions. He stood up, then walked a few steps to where Os was sitting. Why did he walk over to him like that? He didn’t know himself. It was like magnetic attraction drawing him to Os. That and Os was assertive enough, cheeky enough, bitchy enough, incisive enough, that Alan couldn’t say no to him.

  “I’m not sure what’s—” Alan’s wasn’t sure of anything. In the thirty minutes since Os had come into his office, in the three weeks since Os had first come into his classroom, Alan’s world had gone topsy-turvy.

  “Drop those pants and let me see.” Os said it just as confidently as he’d said everything else to Alan. There was no way for Alan to think his request was anything but routine, or anything but mandatory.

  Alan unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants. This was really happening. And his career would be over if anybody found out.

  Os was staring into Alan’s crotch, eyes fixated on the seam of his boxers. Os’s hands moved up toward Alan’s crotch. They were shaking. Os gripped the waistband of Alan’s boxers and pulled down. Alan’s dick was already hard, but the sight of Os’s hands approaching Alan’s crotch, then the feeling of Os gliding the waistba
nd slowly over Alan’s cockshaft — it made the dick get that much harder, so hard it felt as if it would almost explode.

  The dick was out. Alan was standing in his faculty office. With his hard dick out. With his nineteen-year-old student. With the door unlocked. Alan rushed to the door to lock it. He was waddling in his lowered pants as fast as he could. He turned the lock, pushed in the second lock, then waddled back to stand in front of Os again. Why did he do that? Why couldn’t he just run the hell out of that room, claim a student tried to seduce him, save his academic career?

  “Professor Archer, in your professional opinion—” Os furtively palmed the underside of Alan’s dick and held it up in his hand. “In your professional opinion, do you think that this penis is capable of producing pregnancy in a fertile omega male?”

  Alan was sweating and hyperventilating too hard to even think of an answer. He wanted Os like he’d never wanted anyone before. But in his office, with his dick out, with a student ordering him around, it was surreal.

  “Um. In my professional opinion. As your professor. Yes, a healthy alpha male’s penis can definitely produce pregnancy in a fertile omega male.” Alan at least felt a little bit more normal, talking in a professorial tone, answering questions about human reproduction. That was comforting. He tried hard not to think of his dick being out of his pants and its erect dickhead bobbing in front of his student’s mouth.

  “But what’s required? Do you remember from our first class session what is required to produce a pregnancy, Professor Archer?” This little bitch was so cheeky. Alan wanted him so badly.

  “Male orgasm.” Alan said it almost without moving his mouth. He looked out the window at sunset on campus, students and professors speed-walking to their classes, to their study meetings, to their extracurriculars — nobody, ever, would have suspected that here was Professor Alan Archer, in his office, with his erect dick out. Discussing male orgasm.


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