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Royal Charles: Charles II and the Restoration

Page 70

by Antonia Fraser

13 Burnet, I, p. 470 et seq.

  14 Haley, Shaftesbury, p. 346; Cunningham, II, p. 73.

  15 Jones, First Whigs, p. 216.

  16 Letters, p. 55; Hartmann, King My Brother, p. 134; Letters, p. 231.

  17 Josten, Ashmole, I, p. 189; IV, pp. 1347–8.

  18 Josten, Ashmole, I, p. 234 and note 4; IV, pp. 1350–1 and note 1, 1362.

  19 Letters, p. 275; Motteville, II, p. 80.

  20 Letters, p. 276.

  21 C. S. P. Venetian 1673–5, p. 233.

  22 Browning, Danby, I, p. 129 et seq.; Browning, Parties and Party Organization.

  23 Chandaman, p. 235 et seq.

  24 Chandaman, p. 271.

  25 Bryant, Charles II, p. 192; See Shaw, Treasury Books, Introduction, for the view that the King was kept intolerably short by Parliament; recently upset by Chandaman.

  26 Williamson, Investigation, pp. 182–4.

  27 Millar, Queen’s Pictures, p. 69.

  28 Evelyn, II, pp. 53–5; King’s Works, p. 28.

  29 Millar, Queen’s Pictures, p. 81.

  30 Girouard, p. 130.

  31 King’s Works (Windsor Castle), pp. 313–41, passim.

  32 North, p. 132.

  33 Bryant, Charles II, p. 196 note.

  34 Hamilton, William’s Mary, p. 24; Strickland, V, p. 623.

  35 R. A. Wardrobe 85774.

  36 R. A. Wardrobe 85774.

  37 Parry, p. 203 et seq.

  38 Latham, Pepys, VIII, p. 73 and note 3.

  39 Browning, Danby, I, pp. 147, 168.

  40 Letters, p. 280.

  41 Letters, pp. 281–2.

  42 Letters, p. 282.

  43 Browning, Danby, I, pp. 190–91.

  Chapter 21: Peace For His Own Time

  1 Reresby, p. 40; Halifax, p. 54.

  2 Jones, Green Ribbon Club; Haley, Shaftesbury, p. 530.

  3 Dalrymple, II, p. 117.

  4 Chandaman, p. 35.

  5 Dasent, p. 249.

  6 Girouard, p. 130; Ailesbury, I, p. 95.

  7 Halifax, p. 251.

  8 Osborn Files, 50.17.

  9 Letters, p. 221.

  10 Hartmann, Duchess, p. 149 et seq.

  11 Mazarine’s Memoires.

  12 C. A. 120, folio 227.

  13 C. A. 123c, fol. 109 (Courtin).

  14 Renier, p. 61.

  15 Chapman, p. 240.

  16 Browning, Danby, I, p. 214.

  17 Burnet, II, p. 118.

  18 North, p. 153; Havighurst, Pt 2, pp. 230–31.

  19 Browning, Danby, I, p. 226; II, pp. 66–9.

  20 Margoliouth, II, p. 355.

  21 Robb, I, p. 88.

  22 Lake, I, p. 9.

  23 Robb, I, p. 98; Letters, p. 290.

  24 Pepys, 1 May 1662; Hatton Correspondence, I, p. 151.

  25 Oldmixon, p. 605; Robb, I, p. 101; Burnet, II, p. 132.

  26 Letters, pp. 288–90.

  27 Sitwell, p. 19.

  28 Browning, Danby, I, p. 268; Haley, Shaftesbury, p. 415.

  29 Clarke, James II, I, p. 259.

  30 Clark, Later Stuarts, p. 90.

  31 Browning, Danby, I, p. 282.

  32 Letters, p. 295; Childs, p. 219.

  33 R. A. Wardrobe 79612 verso.

  Chapter 22: Against Exclusion

  1 Kenyon, Plot, p. 51; for the course of these events see Kenyon, Plot, passim.

  2 But see Kenyon, Plot, p. 53, for view that Charles believed there was some substance in the plot.

  3 Kenyon, Plot, pp. 46–7 (F. J. Warner, History of the English Catholics).

  4 Kenyon, Plot, pp. 34–7.

  5 Evelyn, II, p. 131.

  6 Kenyon, Plot, p. 114; Letters, p. 304.

  7 Blencowe, I, p. 86.

  8 Halifax, p. 203; Kenyon, Plot, p. 77.

  9 Letters, pp. 329–30.

  10 Jones, First Whigs, p. 23.

  11 Jones, Green Ribbon Club; Evelyn, II, p. 152.

  12 Reresby, p. 29; Elmes, p. 287.

  13 Letters, p. 301.

  14 Childs, p. 228.

  15 Hatton Correspondence, I, p. 157; Miller, Popery, pp. 159, 184.

  16 Kenyon, Plot, p. 93.

  17 Haley, Shaftesbury, pp. 483–5.

  18 Burnet, II, p. 180; Falkus, p. 101.

  19 Grammont, p. 121.

  20 Hatton Correspondence, I, p. 168; Harris, II, App., p. 393.

  21 Browning, Danby, I, 309 and note 1.

  22 Hatton Correspondence, I, p. 175; Summers, Restoration Theatre, p. 80.

  23 Wilson, Nell Gwynn, p. 179 et seq.

  24 Wilson, Court Wits, p. 119 et seq. (Rochester, The Royal Angler; Buckingham, The Cabin Boy).

  25 Blencowe, I, p. 2.

  26 Letters, p. 304.

  27 Lords’ Journals, p. 348 (31 Car. II, 1679).

  28 Oldmixon, p. 578; Wheatley, I, p. 451.

  29 Renier, p. 85.

  30 Ogg, II, p. 585.

  31 Clarke, James II, I, p. 555; Browning, Danby, I, p. 319.

  32 Kenyon, Sunderland, p. 25.

  33 Sitwell, p. 60.

  34 Sitwell, p. 66.

  35 Brett, p. 55.

  36 Chapman, Villiers, p. 229 (Buckingham’s Commonplace Book); Ailesbury, I, pp. 75–7.

  37 Burnet, II, p. 353; Kenyon, Plot, p. 90.

  38 Robb, I, p. 141.

  39 Evelyn, II, p. 228.

  40 Burnet, II, p. 216.

  41 Mackenzie, Lauderdale, pp. 459–60.

  42 Burghclere, Ormonde, II, p. 260.

  43 Essex Papers, 28 March 1674 (Essex to Harbord).

  44 Pierpont Morgan, R. of E. box IX, pt 3, fol. 96.

  45 Appeal from the Country to the City, 1679.

  46 Reresby, p. 66.

  Chapter 23: A King at Chess

  1 Jones, First Whigs, p. 63 et seq.

  2 Burnet, II, p. 251, note 1.

  3 Burnet, II, p. 213.

  4 See Nutting, The Most Wholesome Law.

  5 Haley, Shaftesbury, p. 536; Kenyon, Sunderland, p. 27; Blencowe, I, p. 36.

  6 Hatton Correspondence, I, p. 196.

  7 See Kenyon, Acquittal of Wakeman; but see Havighurst, pt 2, p. 234, for view that collusion possible.

  8 Kenyon, Acquittal of Wakeman.

  9 Mason, Account of the death.

  10 Haley, Shaftesbury, p. 466; Western, Monarchy and Revolution, p. 35; Clarke, James II, II, p. 5; but see Turner, James II, p. 102, note 2, for Mary of Modena’s contrary view.

  11 See Siegel and Poynter, Talbor and Cinchona.

  12 Kenyon, Sunderland, p. 30; Blencowe, I, pp. 99, 147; R. A. Wardrobe 79693.

  13 Hatton Correspondence, I, p. 206.

  14 Lauderdale Papers, III, p. 211–12; Halifax, p. 61.

  15 Jones, Green Ribbon Club; Chapman, Villiers, pp. 257–9; Domestick Intelligence, 18 November 1679.

  16 Kenyon, Plot, pp. 189–90.

  17 Letters to a Person of Honour concerning the King’s disavowing Monmouth’s mother.

  18 Letter to a Person of Honour concerning the Black Box.

  19 Pierpont Morgan, R. of G. box VIII, pt 2, fols 52, 53.

  20 Halifax, p. 319.

  21 Kenyon, Sunderland, pp. 41–2.

  22 See Sacret, Municipal Corporations.

  23 North, p. 121; Furley, Whig Exclusionists, passim.

  24 Miller, James II, p. 109; James II’s Memoirs, 1821, p. 283, note.

  25 Dalrymple, II, p. 282.

  26 Halifax, p. 325.

  27 Clark, Later Stuarts, p. 102.

  28 Letters, p. 313.

  29 Letters, p. 314.

  30 Grey, Debates of the House of Commons, VIII, p. 11.

  31 Kenyon, Sunderland, pp. 51, 66.

  32 Burnett, I, p. 493.

  33 de Beer, House of Lords in 1680.

  34 Foxcroft, Halifax, pp. 246–7, 252–5.

  35 Tate, Poems by several hands, p. 93.

  Chapter 24: Bolder and Older

  1 Reresby, pp. 110, 103.

  2 Ashley, Charles II, p. 275, 342, note 22.

3 Welwood, p. 138.

  4 Haley, Shaftesbury, p. 584.

  5 Letters, p. 316.

  6 Kenyon, Plot, p. 203.

  7 Stafford’s Brief and Impartial Account.

  8 Ailesbury, I, p. 95.

  9 Nicoll, I, p. 434.

  10 Haley, Shaftesbury, p. 621; Pollock, Plot, pp. 390–91.

  11 C. S. P. Domestic 1680–81, p. 178.

  12 Summers, Playhouse, p. 129.

  13 Childs, p. 229.

  14 Dryden, VII, p. 5–7; Tate, Poems by Several Hands, p. 127.

  15 Letters, p. 317, wrongly dated 20 March; H. M. C. Ormonde, V, p. 619.

  16 Ailesbury, I, p. 57; Turberville, Pt I.

  17 Debates in the House of Commons, 21 March 1680.

  18 Letters, p. 319.

  19 Ailesbury, I, p. 58.

  20 Bryant, Pepys, II, p. 351, note.

  21 Chandaman, p. 135; Ashley, Charles II, p. 278.

  22 Letters, pp. 319–22.

  23 Ogg, II, p. 620, note 1; Blencowe, I, p. 212.

  24 Howell, State Trials, VIII, p. 246.

  25 Howell, State Trials, VIII, pp. 591, 595, 602.

  26 Hatton Correspondence, II, p. 10.

  27 Kenyon, Sunderland, p. 66.

  28 Haley, Shaftesbury, p. 667.

  29 Airy, Charles II, p. 261.

  30 Burnet, II, p. 176, note 3.

  31 Foxcroft, Burnet, p. 136; Ailesbury, I, p. 86; Reresby, p. 133.

  32 R. A. Wardrobe 86382; Pierpont Morgan, R. of E. box IX, Pt 2.

  33 Sergeant, p. 209.

  34 See Dillon, Some familiar Letters, passim.

  35 Evelyn, II, p. 195; Hatton Correspondence, I, p. 96; Letters, p. 327; Dasent, p. 70; Dillon, Some familiar Letters, p. 188; Evelyn, II, p. 199.

  36 Withycombe, English Christian Names; Hoskins, II, p. 352.

  37 Dillon, Some familiar Letters, pp. 159–62.

  38 Evelyn, II, p. 199; H. M. C., 7th Rept, App., Pt 1, p. 373.

  39 Halifax, p. 252.

  Chapter 25: Another Way of Ruling

  1 Reresby, p. 175; Ailesbury, I, p. 21.

  2 Chandaman, p. 135.

  3 R. A. SP Add. 1/69.

  4 R. A. Wardrobe 79904 verso, 79781, 79785.

  5 C. S. P. Domestic October 1683–April 1684, p. 365.

  6 As did James himself; Clarke, James II, I, p. 746.

  7 Turner, James II, pp. 213–15.

  8 Dillon, Some familiar Letters, p. 160.

  9 Reresby, p. 177; Clarke, James II, I, p. 746.

  10 Western, Monarchy and Revolution, p. 10 et seq.

  11 Dillon, Some familiar Letters, p. 181.

  12 North, p. 251; Burnet, II, p. 180.

  13 Havighurst, Pt 2, p. 247.

  14 North, p. 141.

  15 Havighurst, Pt 2, p. 246.

  16 Reresby, p. 170.

  17 C. S. P. Domestic May 1684–February 1685, pp. 216, 94, 20, 85, 292, 151–6.

  18 Airy, Charles II, p. 266; C. S. P. Domestic May 1684–February 1685, p. vii et seq.

  19 Burnet, II, p. 384, note 1.

  20 C. S. P. Domestic May 1684–February 1685, p. 187.

  21 Jones, Green Ribbon Club.

  22 Haley, Shaftesbury, p. 707 et seq.; Wyndham, p. 105.

  23 D’Urfey, I, pp. 246–9.

  24 Burnet, II, p. 363.

  25 Airy, Essex, D. N. B., where it is called ‘flippant and cruel’ – but more probably sincere.

  26 Robb, I, p. 183.

  27 C. S. P. Domestic October 1683–April 1684, p. 35.

  28 C. S. P. Domestic October 1683–April 1684, p. 36; Kenyon, Sunderland, p. 95.

  29 Miller, James II, p. 116.

  30 Duffy, p. 216.

  31 Turner, James II, p. 229.

  32 C. S. P. Domestic May 1684–February 1685, p. 248; Burnet, II, p. 287.

  33 North, p. 233.

  34 Airy, Charles II, p. 385.

  35 Havighurst, Pt 2, p. 246; H. M. C., 15th Rept, App., VIII, p. 200.

  36 Ashley, Charles II, p. 289.

  37 King’s Works, p. 305.

  38 King’s Works, p. 308.

  39 Evelyn, II, p. 186.

  40 Plumptre, p. 158.

  41 Ailesbury, I, p. 87.

  42 Ascoli, pp. 40–75.

  43 de Beer, Charles II Fundator, p. 44.

  44 Foxcroft, Burnet, p. 75.

  Chapter 26: The Dregs of Life

  1 Chandaman, pp. 134–5.

  2 H. M. C., 14th Rept, App., Pt IX, p. 400.

  3 Havighurst, Pt 2, pp. 248–9 and note 16.

  4 Browning, Danby, I, p. 363.

  5 Ogg, II, p. 654; C. S. P. Domestic May 1684–February 1685, pp. 22–3, 39.

  6 C. S. P. Domestic May 1684–February 1685, p. 187.

  7 Clark, Later Stuarts, p. 110.

  8 C. S. P. Domestic May 1684–February 1685, p. 187.

  9 Kenyon, Sunderland, pp. 99–100.

  10 Bagwell, III, p. 146.

  11 Carte, Ormonde, II, App., p. 128.

  12 Kenyon, Sunderland, pp. 108–109.

  13 C. S. P. Domestic May 1684–February 1685, p. 168.

  14 Foxcroft, Halifax, I, pp. 420–33; Browning, Danby, I, pp. 362–3.

  15 H. M. C., 15th Rept, App., Pt VIII, I, p. 212.

  16 Oldmixon, p. 691; Foxcroft, Trimmer, p. 209.

  17 Burnet, II, p. 455.

  18 Ogg, II, p. 453, note 1; Crowne, Foreword to Sir Courtly Nice; Bryant, Charles II, p. 283; James II, 1821, p. 177.

  19 Tate, Poems, 1684, p. 69; Halifax, p. 98.

  20 Burnet, II, p. 466; for sources in general, see Crawfurd, Last Days, Intro. pp. 1–11, and Narrative; references not given in Crawfurd listed below.

  21 Evelyn, II, p. 210.

  22 Mason, Account of the death.

  23 Mason, Account of the death.

  24 Morris, Dryden, Hobbs, Tonson.

  25 Mason, Account of the death.

  26 Mason, Account of the death.

  27 Morris, Dryden, Hobbs, Tonson.

  28 Mason, Account of the death.

  29 Tate, Poems by Several Hands, p. 425; Mason, Account of the death.

  30 Mason, Account of the death.

  31 Welwood, p. 147.

  32 Fraser, Cromwell, p. 671.

  33 Muddiman, Death of Charles II.

  34 Evelyn, II, pp. 237–8; de Beer, Evelyn, IV, pp. 476–9; Copies of Two Papers, 1686; Burnet, II, pp. 472–3; Halifax, p. 250.

  35 Huddleston, Brief Account; Dalrymple, II, pp. 94–9 for Barrillon’s despatch.

  36 Ellis, 1st series, III, p. 333.

  37 Macaulay, History of England, 1866, I, p. 342.

  38 Mason, Account of the death; Evelyn, II, p. 206; Burnet, II, p. 461.

  Chapter 27: His Royal Ashes

  1 North, p. 253.

  2 Wilson, Nell Gwynn, p. 218; C. S. P. Domestic February–December 1685, p. 8.

  3 Stanley, pp. 499–500; details confirmed to author, 1978.

  4 Evelyn, II, pp. 210–211.

  5 Turner, James II, p. 244; Latham, Pepys, I, p. 249, note; C. S. P. Domestic February–December 1685, p. 8.

  6 Fraser, Cromwell, pp. 680–85.

  7 The Quaker’s Elegy; Arwaker, The Vision.

  8 Wilson, Nell Gwynn, p. 241; C. S. P. Domestic February–December 1685, p. 8.

  9 Heaton, Yachting, p. 50.

  10 Strickland, V, p. 682; Evelyn, II, p. 209.

  11 Burnet, II, p. 180.

  12 Plumb, Growth of Political Stability, p. 15.

  13 Buckingham, Short Character of Charles II, p. 8; Ailesbury, I, p. 95.

  14 Dryden, Preface to All For Love.

  15 Halifax, p. 55; Dryden Essays (Defence of the Epilogue).

  Reference Books

  This list is not a bibliography, impracticable for reasons of space. It is merely intended to give details of works cited in brief in the references. For a full bibliography of the period the reader is referred to Godfrey Davis (1st edition) and Mary Frear Keeler (2nd edition) Bibliography of British History, Stuart period 1
603–1714 (Oxford, 1970). As a supplement: J. P. Kenyon, Stuart England (1978) includes a critical bibliography, and J. R. Jones, Country and Court 1658–1714 (1978) appends a bibliographical essay, surveying recently published work on the period.

  Abbott, W. C., The Long Parliament of Charles II, English Historical Review, Vol. 21, 1906.

  Abbott, W. C., Writings and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell, 4 Vols, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1937–47.

  Aberdare, Lord, The Story of Tennis, 1959.

  An Abstract of Provisions made in the Office of the Great Wardrobe for the use and Service of His Majestie King Charles the Second as well against his Royal Proceeding through the City of London the 22nd April 1661. As also for his Royall Coronation the day following, Royal Archives.

  An Account of the Preservation of King Charles II, after the Battle of Worcester Drawn up by Himself to which are added His Letters to Several Persons, Glasgow, 1766.

  Memoirs of Thomas, Earl of Ailesbury written by himself, 2 Vols, Roxburghe Club, 1890.

  Airy, Osmund, Charles II, 1901.

  Alden, John, The Muses Mourn; A Checklist of Verse Occasioned by the Death of Charles II, Charlottesville, Virginia, 1958.

  Almack, Edward (ed.), The Cavalier Soldier’s Vade-Mecum, 1900.

  Correspondence of Sir Robert Kerr, 1st Earl of Ancram, and his son William, 3rd Earl of Lothian, Vols I and II, Edinburgh, 1871.

  Anderson, Henry, A Loyal Tear Dropt on the Vault of the High and Mighty Prince Charles II , Of Glorious and Happy Memory, 1685.

  Annals of Pittenweem, 1526–1793, ed. D. Cook, Anstruther, 1867.

  An Appeal from the Country to the City by Junius Brutus, 1679.

  The Armouries of the Tower of London, I, Ordnance, H. L. Blackmore, H.M.S.O., 1976.

  Arwaker, Edmund M. A., The Vision: A Pindarick Ode Occasion’d by the Death of Our Late Gracious Sovereign King Charles II, 1685.

  Ascoli, David, A Village in Chelsea: An informal account of the Royal Hospital, 1974.

  Ashley, Maurice, Charles II: Man and Statesman, 1971.

  Ashley, Maurice, General Monck, 1977.

  Bagwell, Richard, Ireland under the Stuarts, 3 Vols, 1908 (reprinted 1963).

  Baker, Sir Richard, A Chronicle of the Kings of England … with a continuation of the chronicle in this fourth edition to the coronation of his sacred majesty King Charles II, 1665.

  Balleine, G. R., All for the King: The Life Story of Sir George Carteret (1609–1680), Société Jersiaise, St Helier, 1976.

  Barbour, Violet, Henry Bennet, Earl of Arlington, 1914.

  Baschet, A., Transcripts of the despatches of French Ambassadors in London, Public Record Office.

  Beer, E. S. de, The Diary of John Evelyn, 6 Vols, Oxford, 1955.

  Beer, E. S. de, The House of Lords in the Parliament of 1680, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, Vol. XX, No. 59, November 1943.


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