Best Friends Forever

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Best Friends Forever Page 6

by Dawn Pendleton

  “Hazel? Can I have your solutions, please?” Professor James inquires when I’m the last student remaining.

  “I – I’m sorry, I didn’t finish them,” I stutter.

  “Well. Just bring me whatever you have. I’ll only grade what you’ve done.”

  I gather up my stuff, shoving my book and notebook into my bag. I bring the single piece of paper to the front of the class. “I didn’t finish any of them.”

  “I see. And why not?”

  “I’m having some personal issues,” I admit.

  “I don’t allow girls to use their menstrual cycles as excuses for not completing their work,” he begins.

  “No! I’m not on my period, sheesh. I think my boyfriend is getting back together with his ex,” I explain, embarrassed.

  “Well, the first week of class is a learning experience, so I’ll let you take the equations home and work on them over the weekend. But on Monday, I expect them to be complete.”

  “Thanks,” I force out, though I don’t even care about Calculus anymore. All academics have suddenly taken a backseat to getting Roman back. I won’t lose him to Cheyanne. I won’t.

  I take off for my dorm, pulling my phone out and seeing a missed call from Roman. When I listen to the voicemail, my blood boils.

  “Hey, baby, it’s Roman. Sorry about this morning. I woke up late and by the time I got to the café at nine, you were gone. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. Later.”

  He really had the audacity to lie to my voicemail? Ugh. I stuff my phone into my pocket and make a beeline for the dorms. I slam the door once I go through it, shocking my roommate. Seeing her just angers me further.

  “Are you really trying to steal Roman back? Wasn’t it you who told me what a player he was?" I all but screech.

  “What are you talking about? Roman and I met this morning to talk about custody of our son. Surely that’s more important than your stupid little coffee date? And I stand by my words – you should stay far away from him. Do you really want to date someone who has a kid?” She stands up to me, something I wasn’t expecting.

  I take a deep breath and back up. “Whatever.”

  I drop my bag and tuck my credit card and ID into my pocket. I slam the door behind me and pull out my phone, ready to do some retail therapy with Des.

  Twenty minutes later, we’re almost to the outlet mall, a place I can’t wait to drop some serious cash at.

  “I don’t really have much to spend,” Des says, looking ashamed.

  “Today is my treat, Des. Get whatever you want,” I tell her in the parking lot.

  “I couldn’t.”

  “You can. And you will.” I pull her into the first store of the mall and demand she buy something cute to wear tonight on her group date. A date that I am still going on, I’ll just be the hottest looking girl going. As well as single. I want Roman to realize what he’s missing with me.

  After two hours of shopping, Des and I are back at the dorms. I ask her to come with me to my room so I don’t kill Cheyanne. But Cheyanne is nowhere to be found. Thankfully, I start unloading all my purchases, and Destiny’s too. We have an hour until the game starts, and Nolan is meeting us at my room to escort us there.

  Just as we finish getting ready, there’s a knock at my door. I make Destiny answer, certain she’ll stun Nolan when he sees her. I spent a lot of time doing her makeup and she looks amazing, especially when she gets out of those boot-cut jeans and into a pair of skinny jeans that show off her body. I put her in a pair of my favorite black heels, which make her ass look incredible. As a top, she picked out a thin, pink T-shirt that hugs her waist. She looks great.

  She freezes at the door and I hear a low whistle. “Oh, hey…guys…” I pick up on her distress and walk over.

  Nolan and Roman are standing there, waiting for us.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be at the game already?” I snip.

  “Yeah, I had to come see you, though. Can we talk?” Roman looks at Nolan, who pulls Des out of my room and they leave us alone.

  “What do you want? I already know you lied to my voicemail this morning about sleeping in. So no bullshit.”

  “You’re right, I did lie. I saw Cheyanne. I know I shouldn’t have lied, but I was scared, Hazel. I mean, you and me, we’re good together, and I didn’t want my kid to come between us.” He looks heartbroken, and I weaken.

  “I get it. But don’t lie to me anymore, okay?” I can’t believe I just said that. Why am I not screaming at him for lying?

  “You got it, babe. Let’s get to the game before I kicked off the team,” he laughs, taking my hand.

  We walk outside and Nolan and Des are waiting for us. The four of us walk to the football field and before Rome takes off to do his thing, he kisses me, a kiss full of promise and regret, one I know neither of us will forget anytime soon.


  The game passes quickly, much quicker than I remember football games passing last year. Of course, last year when I went to high school games, I wasn’t dating the star quarterback of the team, either.

  Before I know it, I’m in the backseat of Roman’s car and we’re all headed to Steak & Shake, the best little burger place in town. I absolutely love their burgers. And the fact that they’re open twenty-fours a day? Even better. The hostess puts us in an extra-large round booth in the back, predicting that we’ll be a noisy bunch. We don’t disappoint.

  I’m sitting between Roman and Destiny, the perfect place for me, as far as I’m concerned. On Roman’s other side is Andre, who I don’t know all that well. He seems nice, though, and Roman likes him, so I can’t complain. Nolan is next to Des and the two are cuddly and cute. Roman and I hardly touch during the meal, and I notice he seems off.

  When we leave, he whispers something to Nolan, who pulls Des away from me and talks to her. Roman takes my arm and leads me to his car, alone. Thinking we’re going to be doing private things, I get in his car with a smile.

  Before he can speak, I kiss him. He pulls away a little. “Let’s go someplace private,” he suggests.

  I agree wholeheartedly. He puts the car in Drive and takes me back to the beach. It’s the same beach where we had our first kiss, and I can’t believe it’s only been a couple of days since I met him. It feels like forever.

  Once he puts the car in Park, I’m all over him. I swing my leg up and over his, climbing on top of him in his seat. I kiss him passionately, letting him know with my kisses exactly what he means to me. My hands are under his shirt, touching each of his abs tenderly, in awe.

  “I love you,” I whisper aloud, not meaning to. Maybe he won’t notice.

  “What did you just say?” He pushes me away from him, his eyes fierce.

  “It just slipped out,” I laugh, trying to be coy.

  “Fuck, Hazel, shit like that doesn’t just slip out.” He pushes me again when I try to kiss him, but this time, I land in my own seat. Hard.


  “I’m sorry, Hazel, but this just isn’t going to work. I’ve got too much on my plate right now to be a boyfriend,” he says, but I don’t understand.

  “You’re already my boyfriend,” I reply.

  “No, I’m just some guy you slept with too soon. I know it probably makes me an ass, but I can’t be with you.”

  I lean back against the door of the car, stunned. I can’t even speak as his words set in. I look down at my hands in my lap, more ashamed of myself than I’ve been in years. I put myself out on the line for him, and now he’s just throwing me away, just like all the other guys in my life.

  “Asshole!” I manage to yell at him, but I can’t say anymore. I thrust open my door and get out, anxious to be as far away from him as I possibly can. I hear him calling to me, but I ignore him, running out to the beach and continuing on. I turn around to see if he’s following me, and he’s not, thankfully.

  I pull out my phone and text Des as the tears start to roll down my cheeks. She calls me immediately.


  “Oh my God! What happened? We’re already back at the dorms, and Nolan is doing another room check tonight, so he sent Andre to pick you up. Nolan will cover for you for tonight’s room check, too,” she adds, talking faster than I can think at the moment.

  “Thanks. Tell Andre I’ll be on the beach, near where the bonfire was that first night. I don’t really want to talk about it, Des, so we’ll catch up tomorrow, okay?” I hang up without waiting for her reply.

  I sit on the beach, near the water’s edge. Where did I go wrong? Roman seemed like such a good guy, too. Maybe I should have listened to Cheyanne…

  After several minutes of sitting in silence, Andre approaches.

  “Hazel, you okay?”

  “Ugh, I just want this night to disappear,” I reply, burying my head in my hands.

  Andre sits next to me. “It’s okay. It gets better.”

  “When? When does it get better?” I mutter. “I’m sorry… I’m just so confused. I really thought Roman liked me.”

  “He’s an ass, obviously. You’re amazing.”

  I laugh. “You hardly know me. And you don’t have to be nice to me,” I say as I wipe away a tear from my cheek. When I look at him, though, Andre’s dark brown eyes are serious.

  “You are amazing. I mean, we haven’t really hung out all that much, but Rome’s an idiot. Giving up a girl like you? He must be out of his mind.”

  Even though I know he’s probably lying, his words make me feel better. I put my head down on his shoulder and his arm comes around to hug my waist. It would be so easy to get lost in this moment.

  And as I think it, I realize I want to. I want to get lost in this moment with Andre, to let him have me, right here on the beach to wipe away my memories of Roman.

  “Kiss me,” I demand, lifting my face up to his. “Help me forget him.”

  He resists, not wanting to take advantage, I can tell. I decide then to take the choice away from him. I scramble into his lap, covering his lips with my own as my hands cup his face. For once, I just want to do something completely reckless. What’s the harm?


  The brilliant sun is beating down on me when I wake. I’m covered in sand and memories of last night come flooding back. Not only did I lose Roman, I also slept with one of his friends. Such poor decisions…

  “You’re awake,” Andre says, his voice deep, seductive.

  “Yeah, barely.”

  He smiles at me and I can’t help but feel guilty. I hope he doesn’t think we’re going to be a thing. I just needed to forget Roman, not get tangled up in another too-fast relationship.

  “We should probably get back to the dorms,” he suggests as he stands, not mentioning the events of last night at all.

  I take the hand he extends to me and let him lift me up. We walk in silence back to his car and the ride to the dorms is quiet, with only the faded hum of music filling the air. After he parks in the lot, he turns to me and I want to let him down easy.

  He beats me to the punch. “I’m sure you’re trying to find some way to let me know what a mistake last night was, and blah, blah, blah. I just want you to know that it doesn’t need to go any further, okay? You were feeling down and needed to get the taste of Roman off your tongue.”

  I smile, feeling better already. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I haven’t been used like that in a while. It’s an ego-boost,” he confirms, leaning over to hug me. “Don’t feel awkward, either. We’re friends, and I hope that hasn’t changed.”

  I shake my head with a grin and then make the walk back to my dorm. I open the door feeling more at ease with myself than I have in a long time. That feeling fades as soon as I see my roommate.

  “Do you finally see what I’ve been saying?”

  “Huh?” I play dumb, wondering how she already knows about Roman and me.

  “Roman broke up with you last night, right?” She doesn’t wait for an answer. “I told you he would hurt you, Hazel. Maybe next time you’ll listen to what I have to say! He’s a player, through and through. Are you just going to stand there?” She looks pointedly from me to the open door.

  I close the door. “I don’t really want to talk about it.”

  “I don’t care. I told you to stay away from him. I told you how he was just using you. And he got what he wanted, right? He got you to sleep with him, didn’t he?”

  “Yes,” I mumble, not really wanting to answer, but knowing she won’t let it go. She needs to say her piece.

  “Exactly. Love’em and leave’em, isn’t that what I told you?” she goes on, telling me exactly how right she was and what a fool I am for letting him get to me.

  She doesn’t ask how I am, like a true friend would do. All she cares about is being right, and that just rubs me raw. The more she speaks, the more I want to make her feel the way I do: heartbroken. As she goes on and on about Roman and his playboy ways, an idea forms in my head. An idea that could take down Cheyanne and Roman at the same time. It won’t be easy, but I know I can pull it off. Ruining the two of them, and possibly getting them out of Coastal, is my idea of a good school year. Now I just have to work out the details. No one can know it’s me.

  Knocked Up



  The first week of college is always the best. As an RA, I pretty much get first pick of the freshmen crop. And man, they sure are something this year. At the bonfire party last week, I met four girls, all of whom I plan to get with this year.

  Hazel is a little goth for me, but she’s got a smokin’ body and a great rack, so I know I can’t write her off. With her long black hair and blunt, straight bangs, her brown eyes stand out, even underneath all that thick black eyeliner and mascara. She’s a hot one. My best friend Roman even dated her, if that’s even what anyone would call it. They lasted all of five days. He got what he wanted from her, though, so I’m proud of my boy. I plan to get a piece of that ass soon too.

  Cheyanne is Hazel’s roommate, and although she’s a fiery redhead, which is usually a turn-off for me, I figure I’ll still get in her pants, just because I can. With bright blue eyes and bangin’ curves, I bet she’ll be a wildcat in bed. There is the slight awkwardness that she and Roman used to be a thing, but that was back in high school and I know she’s done with him, even if he is still kind of hung up on her.

  Miranda is an enigma. She’s quiet and reserved and definitely has that girl next door thing going for her. She’s plainer and doesn’t dress provocatively or wear loads of makeup, but she’s still pretty, with brown eyes and light brown hair. She keeps to herself and doesn’t seem to have a lot of friends yet. I’m hoping to change that, though. She’s my first target of the three, as soon as I’m done with Des.

  Ah, Destiny. I’ve secretly nicknamed her my “ditzy blonde,” even though I couldn’t care less about her brains. She’s blonde and dresses like she wants to get laid, and that’s more than enough for me. We’ve been taking it slow, at her request, but I want nothing more than to add her to my Master List and then move on to Miranda.

  As RA of Hazel, Cheyanne, Roman, and Audric’s floor, I pretty much let the four of them do what they want, knowing they’ll feel obligated to do things for me later. There’s not much I enjoy more than using people to my advantage. Last year, I didn’t write a single paper, instead getting two girls to write them for me all semester. Promising freshmen girls sex works like a charm; I even got them drunk and had a three-way with them, which was hot.

  I might be a player, but my boy Roman is flying through women even faster than I am. He’s already done with Hazel and I imagine she’s pretty torn up about it. Now would be a great time to make a move on her, but I know that would only piss Roman off, so I’ll keep my distance. For now.

  This past weekend was drama filled, but I like it. Without the drama, college would be pretty boring, and I’m not keen on that. I want interesting, not boring. Now, it’s Monday and I have a class with Hazel. The plan is to fool her i
nto a false sense of security through friendship with me, while trying to gain her trust and eventually sleep with her.

  I walk into class late and she’s there, waiting for me in our spot near the center of the class. We both agree that a middle seat doesn’t look too eager or lazy. I slide into the desk next to hers and give her a wink.

  She’s wearing her signature dark makeup, but I notice it’s a little smudged. I feel bad for her, knowing what Roman’s done, but his actions have only solidified my plan to do the same. She has no idea what she’s in for.

  I pull out a notebook that has become our way of communication during class and ask if she’s okay. I slide it to her and she glances up at me with a sad smile. My heart jumps a little, and I know I won’t last long if she keeps this up. Hell, I’m ready to ditch Des to be with Hazel right now.

  What’s the matter with you? I ask myself. Not only am I acting like a smitten pup, I’m all but drooling over her. I need to take things one day at a time. And that means sleeping with Des first and then moving on to Hazel later in the year. I’ve got plenty of time.

  Hazel slides the notebook back at me.

  Things are okay. I know you and Roman are good friends, but I still want to be your friend. Especially since you’re dating Des. But overall, I’m good. I see what a douche Roman is now. And it helps to know that I’ve got a bunch of people like you and Des and Audric who care about me.

  I read the note twice before replying. Why does she mention Audric? Are they a thing?

  Yeah. Having a couple and a gay guy on your side is helpful, I would imagine.

  A gay guy?

  Audric. Didn’t you know? I barely get the notebook in front of her and she’s scribbling away in reply. When she finally pushes it in front of me, I can tell she’s angry. Her handwriting is barely more than chicken scratch and it’s tilted to the left.

  Audric isn’t gay. He’s not. I made out with him on my very first day and trust me, you can’t fake his reaction. Don’t go spreading rumors about him, Nolan. If I hear you saying that shit again, I’ll report you.


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