Breaking Hearts [Smoky Mountain Motorcycles 2] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Breaking Hearts [Smoky Mountain Motorcycles 2] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 5

by Grae McTavish

  She slid her arms around his neck and threaded her fingers through the silky hair at the nape of his neck. With a sigh of pleasure, she let herself get lost in him. His tongue swept into her mouth, possessing, dancing with hers. Deep and hot, his teeth lightly nipped her bottom lip, and she whimpered at the slight sting. Only Bo knew how she loved that slight edge of pain. She’d never been brave enough to tell any of her other lovers. How was it possible that after all these years, he still knew her better than any man she’d had?

  He drew back, and it took her a moment to open her lust-dazed eyes. He smiled wolfishly. “Oh, baby, you’re going to have to wait a little bit longer, but don’t worry, I’ll take care of you tonight.” He gave her backside a firm squeeze.

  It was like a bucket of cold water, arrogant bastard! She let her feet fall to the floor. Stepping back, she drew her fist back and punched him square in the gut. A satisfied smile spread across her face as the wind left him in a powerful swish. “Asshole! You’ll take care of me? Well you can take care of you. Hope you’re handy because you’ll be taking care of yourself as far as I’m concerned. Time to call Rosie Palmer.” Spinning, she stomped from the room muttering under her breath. “Arrogant asshole!”

  Five minutes later she wanted to scream because despite it all, she was still throwing her clothes and essentials into her pink paisley suitcase. She opened the drawer containing her pajamas and caught sight of the sexy, red baby doll nightie she’d bought on a whim several months ago. She should bring her ratty old sweats. How dare he just assume she was going to sleep with him? Argh! She inwardly screamed because damn it. She was going to because she’d never been able to resist him. Hell, her panties were freaking soaked from just a kiss. Well okay, not just a kiss. With Bo it was never just a kiss. Sighing in defeat, she pulled the sexy nightie from the drawer and carefully folded it. Really, she needed to save up and buy some dignity, since she apparently didn’t have any of her own.

  When she came out of her bedroom several minutes later carrying her bag, he just raised a knowing eyebrow and chuckled. “Dickhead!” She grumbled under her breath, and his chuckle became a full blown laugh.

  “God, I love your fire! I’m going to enjoy taming it tonight.”

  She met him square in the eye and smiled wickedly. “We’ll see who tames who. I’m not the little girl you used to know.”

  He nodded, suddenly serious again. “No, and I’m not your sweet gentlemanly boyfriend anymore. No more hiding my freaky side, baby. Time to let my freak flag fly.”

  She shivered. Before they had only played at dominance and submission not truly touching on their true kinky desires, too embarrassed to admit their hidden needs. Tonight there would be no holding back. He wouldn’t allow it, but then neither would she.

  She was just digesting this when there was a solid knock at the door. Layla froze, but Bo must have known who it was because he simply called out, “Come.”

  The door opened, and Layla had to fight to keep her mouth from dropping open at the man standing there. He didn’t have Bo’s all-American, golden boy good looks, but rather the rough, dark, dangerous look of a predator. His keen eyes scanned the room, taking in the entire scene before landing on the pair of them. He nodded, and he and Bo stepped forward for the equivalent of a man-hug, a handshake accompanied by a slap on the shoulder.

  Bo turned to her. “Layla, this is Wes Stuart, aka Dr. Death. We’ve been friends since basic. He’s going to stay here tonight in case this prick decides to come back.”

  Wes’s smile was slightly sadistic. “I sincerely hope so. No one messes with a lady on my watch.”

  Layla shook her head. “No, I wouldn’t want anyone hurt on my account.” Dr. Death? Who had a nickname like that?

  “Don’t spoil Doc’s fun, baby. He hasn’t eviscerated anyone in at least six months. He’s going through withdrawals.”

  Layla shivered, because for all their joking manners, she got the distinct feeling that either man was completely capable of things she didn’t even want to contemplate.

  “Uhm okay, well, then just make yourself at home. There’s leftover pot roast in the fridge, and peach cobbler.” Not sure what else to say, she went to the kitchen and filled a large plastic tub with Thunder’s dog food. That gave her pause. She turned to Bo, who was quietly whispering to his friend, “Hey, I’m not leaving my dog. You insist on me coming, then you have to put up with my dog too.”

  Both men turned to stare at her for a second before bursting out laughing.

  “Bo, I think you’ve finally met your match. She’s perfect for you.” Wes smiled and it changed his entire face. Layla got the impression that neither man smiled very much. A knot formed in her chest. Bo used to always smile. What had he been through that had stolen his smile?

  * * * *

  Bo sighed with relief as he watched Layla’s Jeep pull up in front of his log cabin. He was inexplicably nervous about taking her to his home. He’d spent the first six months he’d been home building it. It had been great mental therapy, creating the sanctuary nestled in the mountains. He wasn’t sure why it mattered to him that she like it, but it did. He hit the remote on his keys and the garage door smoothly slid open. He motioned her in, following her on his motorcycle.

  He shut the door behind them with a sigh of relief. She was safe. Climbing from his bike, he walked over to the keypad on the wall and disarmed the alarm on his security system. Layla looked a bit shell-shocked as she climbed out of her Jeep. Thunder jumped out after her, sticking close to her side, as if sensing her unease.

  “This is your house? Holy cow, this place is huge! You said a little cabin in the woods?”

  He shrugged and fought the urge to blush. He hadn’t blushed in years, and he knew he shouldn’t care about impressing her.

  “Come on, let’s get you settled in. I need to check in with Wes. He’s going over your place making a list of what we need to get your security system ordered.”

  “Uhm yeah, about that, can we do a payment plan or something? I mean, business is doing great and all, but those things are kind of expensive aren’t they?”

  He rolled his eyes. Did she actually think she was paying for it? He’d meant when he’d said he was going to take care of her. Hell, if he thought she’d go for it, he’d move her and her ridiculously big dog in with him, but he knew he had to ease into it with her. He couldn’t take too long though. He felt as if he’d been sleeping for so long and had finally woken up. Maybe they both needed to go through everything they had to get to this point.

  Instead of answering her, he hefted Thunder’s tub of dog food onto his shoulder and led them into the house. Maybe he could move her in here piece by piece and she wouldn’t notice. Yeah right, and maybe she wouldn’t notice the sky was blue.

  Chapter Seven

  Layla explored Bo’s cabin while he conferred with his friend Wes. The main floor of the cabin gave new meaning to wide open. The entire back wall was glass, looking out over a small stream. A massive stone fireplace dominated one wall while a rustic kitchen covered the other. Rummaging through the cabinets, she found a couple bowls and set out food and water for Thunder, before she dug into the small pantry to try and figure out something for her and Bo to have for supper.

  She wasn’t really hungry, but needed something to occupy her time. His cupboards were nearly bare, and she almost expected to find cobwebs or tumbleweeds. Behind several cans of soup and chili, she found a jar of spaghetti sauce and a pack of noodles. Setting them on the counter, she opened the freezer door, not surprised to find stacks of frozen meals. No ground beef, but a giant economy-size box of hamburger patties caught her eye. Smiling, she pulled that out. She could work with that. She’d worked with less. On the counter next to the stove was a spice rack still in the box. Looking closely at the tag, she smiled. A housewarming present from Willa and Jake, no doubt Willa’s idea, bless her.

  Thirty minutes later, Bo came into the kitchen, his nose twitching. “Something smells divine! How
in the world did you do that? I didn’t think my kitchen was capable of those kinds of smells! Does the oven even work?”

  Layla felt a warm flush at his genuine compliment. It was a simple meal, yet he seemed truly pleased. Instead of answering, she just shrugged. “It should be ready in a few minutes. I have garlic bread in the oven, and then it’s ready.”

  “I had garlic bread?”

  Laughing, she shook her head. “No you had frozen hamburger buns. I’m creative.”

  “Well, whatever, if it all tastes half as good as it smells, it will be wonderful.”

  He helped her set the table in companionable silence before they settled down to eat. It was such a quaint domestic scene, she could almost believe she was dreaming.

  As Bo put the first forkful in his mouth, a low, deep groan slid from him. “Oh my God! How is it possible that it tastes better than it smelled?”

  Layla gave him a dubious look. She wasn’t a great cook. She would never be in Willa’s league, but then there was a reason why Willa ran a successful bed-and-breakfast. Still, she could whip up spaghetti with the best of them and was inexplicably pleased at his compliment. “Been a while since you’ve had a decent meal?”

  He shook his head. “I think it’s just that you know how I like it.” The smile he gave her would have melted an iceberg. “Where did you find onions? I’m pretty sure there weren’t any in the fridge.”

  “The spice rack Willa gave you had dehydrated onions. I steamed them to rehydrate them, then browned the beef with them. It really gets the flavor into the meat. I remembered how you used to love how my mom did it that way.”

  “How are your mom and the new hubby?”

  “She’s great. I’m so happy for her. She really got a crap deal when my dad left. My stepdad, Ralf, is a great guy. He spoils her, which is what she deserves.” She frowned. “I really don’t want her to know about any of this. You know how she is. She’d be on the next flight back from Miami.”

  “Don’t worry. I understand. We’ll take care of it. I talked to Jake earlier. He’s going to call some of his old buddies from the DEA and see if they have heard any rumblings about any religious fanatics in the area. Usually guys like this build a reputation.” She knew Jake still had a lot of contacts in law enforcement from his many years as a DEA agent. It was the first hopeful sign she’d had in a while.

  She was taking a bite of the makeshift garlic bread when her cell phone chirped in her pocket. Since it was her business line as well, she answered it automatically. She was actually fairly surprised she got a signal as far as they were in the boonies.

  “May I help you?”

  “You can help yourself, Jezebel. I’ve warned you over and over. How can you not listen?” said the voice on the other end. It was low and raspy, as if he was speaking through something to disguise it.

  A cold chill ran up her spine. “W–who is this?” She hated the fear that crept into her voice.

  “Man was tasked with the care and training of all creatures, including women. You have left me no choice. Your immortal soul is in danger and your foulness contaminates all those around you.”

  Layla’s mouth worked, but only a squeak came out.

  Across the table from her, Bo went perfectly still, his eyes narrowing, as if going on high alert. He reached his hand out. “Give me the phone.”

  She shook her head even as she allowed him to pry the device from her shaking fingers.

  “Who the hell is this?” he barked into the phone.

  “Be warned, he who lays down with the devil’s concubine is doomed to burn in the fires of hell,” the voice replied in a sanctimonious sneer. “Do not be fooled by her pretty face. She is as foul as the whores of Babylon.”

  Bo came to his feet, and his hand automatically went to his side. Layla shivered, realizing he was looking for a gun out of habit. He grimaced in frustration when his hand came up empty. “Listen you freak, you come anywhere near Layla, and I’ll show you who’s going to get burned. You may not know who I am, but I promise I can make it so even your mama can’t identify the remains.” He growled into the phone, and Layla had a sneaking suspicion that he wasn’t making an idle threat.

  “I see she has corrupted you as well. Pity, but that has been man’s way since Adam fell prey to Eve’s wicked ways. I shall have to deal with you as well.” The line went dead, and Bo drew his arm back. Layla figured her phone was about to fly, but at the last minute he caught himself and forced a deep breath from himself. Carefully setting the phone down, he pulled his own phone from his pocket, hitting the redial button.

  “Doc, it’s me again. Get ahold of Ghost. I need a trace to a call that just came into Layla’s phone.” He paused, listening, then nodded. “Thanks man.” He hit the end button and sat back down.

  Layla stared at him in shock as he resumed eating, as if the last five minutes had never happened. Her appetite was gone, so she spent several silent minutes pushing the food around her plate. Fishing for something to distract herself, she searched for something to talk about. “Okay, so you have friends named Doc and Ghost. What do they call you?”

  Bo froze and she saw him actually grimace. Hmmm…very interesting. “It doesn’t matter. You can just keep calling me Bo like you always have.”

  “Ah, come on. You know I’ll just ask one of your friends next time we see them,” she promised with a knowing smile.

  “And they would just love telling you, the bastards,” he groused, rolling his eyes. “Fine. I’m PB.”

  “But what does PB stand for? I’m thinking it’s not Professionals Bull Riding or Pabst Blue Ribbon. That would be PBR.” Like she’d let it go at just initials.

  He harrumphed and mumbled his answer. “Pretty Boy.”

  Pretty Boy? Seriously? Bo was pretty in the way a poised tiger would be as it was getting ready to strike. Beautiful but lethal.

  * * * *

  Bo helped Layla load the dishwasher, a mix of emotions struggling for supremacy, but as she bent over to put the last dish away, lust pushed his way to the forefront. The adrenaline from the day was still pumping through his brain, and he struggled to keep himself under control. In his present frame of mind, it just wasn’t safe. Forcing his hands into the pockets of his worn jeans, he forced the beast back down.

  “Why don’t you go on up and relax in a bath. I’ll finish these up,” he suggested. He needed a minute to calm down. He was dangerously close to throwing her over the kitchen counter and burying himself balls deep in her hot little body.

  “I don’t mind helping.” Though the look on her face was suddenly wistful.

  “Go ahead. You’ve had a rough day! You deserve it.”

  “I…well…if you don’t mind.” She actually giggled. “I can’t remember the last time I just relaxed in a bubble bath. I do need to get up early. I have my first class at 7:00, so a relaxing bath before bed sounds great.”

  “Who plans a class at 7:00 a.m. on a Monday morning?”

  “The college, and yes, I know it’s a crazy time for a Zumba class, but that’s the time they wanted it. I needed the contract, so I didn’t argue.”

  “Well, it doesn’t matter. You’re not going anywhere near there,” he decreed in his most commanding voice. He was used to his orders being obeyed.

  “Please Bo, I know you’re trying to protect me, but like I said, this contract is too important. Besides, I can’t just stay holed up here forever. I’ll go nuts, and I have to think of my business.”

  “Well I have to think of you, and it’s not up for discussion. I’ll tie you to the bed if I have to.” He crossed his arms over his chest and gave her his firmest look. He’d used it to make more than one sea pup piss in his blue poopie-suit. Not his stubborn Layla though. If anything, it just made her dig her heels in even deeper.

  “Who the hell do you think you are to tell me what to do? Just because you and I used to bump uglies, doesn’t give you the right to order me around. I’m not one of your little sailors either. You can just g
o to hell!”

  “You have got to be the most infuriating, hardheaded woman I’ve ever had the misfortune of crossing paths with.” Couldn’t she see that he was just trying to protect her?

  “Well we can uncross really quick!” She spun on the spiked heels of her black boots and marched toward the door. It was a grand exit, he’d give it to her, but she was fooling herself if she thought he was actually going to let her walk out the door.

  “And where do you think you’re going?” he shouted after her. Apparently she’d forgotten she had a crazed stalker after her.

  “As far away from you as possible!”

  “You really think so, do you?” He didn’t even contemplate his actions, he just reacted. In less than a moment he was across the room. He slammed into her, trapping her between his body and the glass wall.

  “Let me go, Pretty Boy!” she shouted, her hands coming up automatically to push back from the wall, but that just pushed her into him. He groaned as the soft curve of her ass pressed into his dick. He’d been semierect from the moment they’d started arguing, but now he was rock hard.

  “I’ve got a pretty boy right here in my pants, baby.” He ground into her, letting her feel what she did to him.

  “Fuck you!” She reached back and grabbed a handful of his shaggy hair, giving it a vicious tug.

  He let out a roar and caught both her hands and pinned them over her head. “Oh, don’t worry. We’ll get to that. We need to get a few things straight first.” He leaned into her, catching her ear in his teeth in a sharp nip. “You forget how things work when we’re together.”

  “I’m not a kid anymore, Bo. You don’t get to tell me what to do.” Raising a foot, she stomped down with that spiked heel.

  “Ah, you little hellcat. I’m going to paddle your ass,” he vowed.

  “Don’t you dare!”

  “I can do whatever I damn well please. You like when I tell you what to do. Don’t think I don’t remember.”


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