Bear's Match (Bear Heat Book 6)

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Bear's Match (Bear Heat Book 6) Page 1

by Natalie Kristen



  Natalie Kristen

  BEAR HEAT series

  Bear's Bride (Book 1)

  Bear's Kiss (Book 2)

  Bear's Claim (Book 3)

  Bear's Baby (Book 4)

  Bear's Heart (Book 5)

  Bear's Match (Book 6)

  Copyright © 2016 Natalie Kristen


  No part of this book may be used, reproduced or transmitted in any manner whatsoever without the author's written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are used fictitiously or are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual locales, events, establishments or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  About this Book

  Luke Keller survived a horrible, harrowing ordeal that changed his life forever. He used to be human, but now there is something dangerous and deadly lurking inside of him.

  Just when he thinks he has his beast under control, someone from his past crashes back into his life and sets his world ablaze.

  Nicole Forrest is determined, feisty and she has worked damn hard to get where she is. She has her life, her career, her future all mapped out but when she receives a call for help from one of her clients, everything goes to hell in a branded handbag.

  Thrust into a situation that is fast unraveling into something sinister and horrific, Luke and Nicole will have to overcome their fears and trust each other with their secrets and their hearts. Sometimes, keeping a promise can cost you your life. Will Luke and Nicole be strong enough to fight for what they believe in and for a future together?

  * * * * *


  Nicole pushed into the small bar at the end of the street and slid into her usual spot at the corner of the bar counter. “Hey, Ed. The usual please.” She put down her briefcase and nodded at the bartender.

  “Long day?” Ed drawled, sliding a gin and tonic in front of her as she checked her email on her phone.

  “Long enough. Thanks.” Nicole managed a smile and put down her phone firmly with a sigh. She wasn't going to reply to any more emails tonight. Clients expected her to be at their beck and call, and she usually made herself readily available and contactable but hey, she was their lawyer, not their slave. She would represent them, negotiate for them, protect their interests and fight for their rights. She would work late into the night and burn her weekends for them, but now she just wanted to drink in peace. It was nine o'clock on a Thursday night, for Chrissake. Waaay after office hours.

  Ed nodded and went back to serving the other customers. If a customer wanted to talk, Ed would listen. He could shoot the crap with the best of them, but he also knew when someone wanted to be left alone. Ed was the quintessential bartender—observant, friendly and efficient.

  Nicole sipped her drink and glanced around the bar. The Sandpit was a tiny, cozy bar at the corner of the street where she worked. It was her old boss who had brought her to The Sandpit on her first day at Morgann Hill, one of the largest law firms in the city. She remembered her first day as a young, bright-eyed legal associate. Mr Robert Watkins was one of the senior partners in the firm and she had been so nervous on her first day. Mr Watkins had appeared austere and imposing during the interview but he turned out to be a patient, grandfatherly gentleman. He was a good boss and a wonderful mentor, and the firm threw a big party for him when he retired last year.

  Nicole smiled wistfully as she thought of her old boss. Robert had just sent her a photo last week through her phone. He and his wife were in their bathing suits with their arms around their grinning grandchildren. “With the grandkids at Splash Waterpark” was the caption.

  Her phone vibrated on the counter. Nicole saw that it was yet another email from the same impatient client. She picked her phone up but instead of opening the email, she dumped her phone into her handbag and zipped up her bag with a flourish.

  There. Now she could drink in peace.

  She was a good lawyer. She was fast, hardworking, efficient, and she gave her clients the best legal service their money could buy. Yes, they were paying her big bucks, but they were only paying her for her legal services and expertise. They didn't own her life. Not that she had much of a social life. She worked long hours and sometimes over the weekends as well. She thought about the men she'd dated and sucked in a breath. They were all lawyers as well. She had met them through work, at a conference, a seminar and an inter-firm party. She had dated a fellow lawyer in Morgann Hill a few months back, but he'd left for greener pastures.

  Nicole took a big gulp of her gin and tonic and winced. She really had no life. It was just all work and no play for her. Not that she was complaining. She had now a junior partner in the firm. She had been promoted on her birthday. What a birthday present, eh? She had spent her thirty-first birthday working till midnight. With the promotion came a bigger workload, and she was determined to hit the ground running as a junior partner.

  Catching her reflection in the mirror behind the bar, she studied herself critically. Her brown hair was pulled back in a low, sleek ponytail and her cream-colored jacket still looked smart, spotless and sharp after a long day. At a glance, she looked professional and...pretty, she supposed. But on closer inspection, she could see those pesky dark circles and eye bags that she tried to cover up with thick concealer.

  Nicole blew out a breath. Boy, she really needed to catch up on her beauty sleep. There was only so much that makeup could do. She should head on home, ignore her laptop and phone and just crawl into bed. That sounded like a plan.

  Finishing the rest of her drink in one gulp, she put the dollar bills on the bar counter. Ed wasn't behind the counter. He'd probably gone to the back of the bar to grab some supplies.

  Nicole was about to pick up her briefcase when a tall, burly man slid into the stool beside her. She half turned to him and saw that he was smiling at her.

  But it wasn't a nice smile. It was smarmy, sleazy and predatory.

  Nicole knew what he was going to say and she cringed.

  “What's a nice girl like you doing...”

  “Leaving,” she said promptly, not waiting for him to finish his cheesy and predictable pickup line. “Excuse me.”

  “No.” The word came out in a growl. The man angled his broad body to block her. “You're not excused. And—you are not leaving.”


  Luke Keller strode into the bar with a pizza box tucked under his arm. It had been a long day and he was planning to relax in front of the TV with a pizza tonight. On a whim, he decided to just check out the small bar that he'd passed many times but never really noticed. The shops and eateries along the street had loud, flashing signboards to announce their presence and latest promotions but The Sandpit only had a rusty sign above its dark-tinted door. It seemed that its intention was to stay hidden in plain sight.

  “A secret waiting to be discovered,” Luke murmured, charmed and delighted as he entered the cozy little bar. He had discovered a new favorite watering hole. He would bring the guys here tomorrow night. Those Black Bears would love this place.

  Luke pulled out his phone to call Dylan. Dylan Hart was his brother-in-law, his boss and his best friend. It was Dylan who had guided Luke through his Change and helped him find his footing, his confidence, his sense of self. And the best thing was that Dylan was now mated to Luke's big sister, Jade. If only they would hurry up and produce some adorable nieces and nephews for him to play with.

  Luke was just about to stab at his phone when he heard raised voices fr
om the corner of the bar.

  A petite brunette was toe to toe with a big, snarling shifter. Luke scented the man's animal straight away. And he could see the faint stripes appearing on the man's neck as he prowled towards the woman. But the woman wasn't intimidated. She stood her ground and stared up at him with a calm but determined expression. Her jaw was set and her lips were slightly parted to bare her teeth. Her pert nose wrinkled and her large, intelligent eyes sparked with controlled anger.

  Luke recognized that expression instantly. He had seen this look on his childhood friend when she was gearing up for a fight. Luke jerked at the sudden memory and gave himself a quick shake. God, he hadn't seen Nicole Forrest since...forever. The last time he saw her, they were both eight years old.

  Luke thought that the gutsy, hot-headed woman who was fearlessly preparing to take on a burly, angry shifter looked a lot like his childhood friend. She had the same bright, brown eyes and chestnut hair, and the obstinate set of her jaw just looked so familiar.

  Luke's eyes widened when he saw the woman's hand reach out and inch towards the frothing mug of beer on the counter.

  She was going to make the guy wear his own drink.

  Luke swore under his breath. He knew that if the woman threw the beer in the man's face, she might get out of the bar in one piece tonight but she would probably be found in pieces the following night.

  The rumor that these feline shifters had nine lives and they remembered every grudge and slight all through their nine lives was half true. They might not have nine lives, but from Luke's experience, the rest of the rumor was totally true.

  Luke hurried forward and called out, “Hi honey! Sorry I'm late!” He went to put his arm around the woman's shoulder and smoothly eased her hand away from the seething mug of beer. To make the act more convincing, he gave her a quick kiss on her head. “I miss my little wife. I had a long day at the office today,” he improvised quickly.

  The woman glared at him and blinked. “Hmph,” was all she said. It was convincing enough. She did look like a miffed spouse who wasn't placated with an apology and a kiss.

  Luke turned and gave the tiger shifter a cursory, quizzical glance. Luke was a few inches taller than the man. He wasn't as muscular as the thuggish tiger but he was broad and lean. “Hi, are you a friend of my wife?” Luke asked. Luke smiled easily at the man, but he let his beast ripple just below the surface of his skin.

  The tiger shifter growled as he scented Luke's beast. Cursing and snarling, he snatched up his beer and stalked to the other end of the bar.

  Slipping his arm around the woman's waist, he steered her towards the door and said cheerfully as he held up his pizza box, “Let's get home, honey. I got us a pizza for supper!”

  The woman glared at him and muttered, “Okay mister. But you're still sleeping on the couch tonight.”


  Nicole gripped the handle of her briefcase and walked stiffly to the door with the handsome stranger. With his arm around her waist, he tucked her securely to his side and pressed his lips to her temple.

  “Smile,” he whispered. “And breathe.”

  She did. Breathe, not smile.

  This guy was smooth, suave and confident, and he was definitely quick-thinking and humorous. And...there was something oddly familiar about him.

  It almost felt as though this towering, blond hunk, who looked like a movie star with his rugged good looks and winsome smile, old friend.

  Nicole gave her head a subtle shake.

  She was getting carried away. This handsome young man was just a kind stranger who had very skilfully and tactfully extricated her from the clutches of a sleazebag. Well, she would have extricated herself, but with considerably less tact and more mess.

  “Um, thank you,” she croaked.

  He smiled down at her.

  That smile.

  The way his eyes crinkled.

  And that cute dimple on his left cheek.

  Nicole stared into his bright blue eyes and gasped.

  “You...are you…?” she began. “It can't be...”

  His smile broadened.

  They had crossed the road and were standing in front of a darkened shop window. Nicole blinked and turned her head slightly. She caught sight of a teddy bear sitting on a shelf in the store.

  “Boo,” she said softly.

  The man drew in a sharp breath and stared at her.

  “You had a teddy bear named Boo,” she said slowly, looking up at him.

  His handsome face split in a grin. It was the same boyish, impish grin.

  “No. It is you! It is you, isn't it? Luke Keller!”

  “Nicole Forrest. It's nice to see you too,” he deadpanned.

  She put her palms flat on his chest and shoved him but it was like pushing against a wall. “Luke! God, how long has it been? I can't believe it really is you! How are you? Gosh, look at you!” You've become such a hunk!

  “Yep.” Luke chuckled. “I thought I recognized you. I recognized that look on your face back there.”

  “What look?”

  “The take-no-prisoners look.”

  She laughed and shoved him again. It was just an excuse to put her hands on him. She liked the feel of her palms on his solid, broad chest.

  “How have you been, Luke?” She grinned and looked him up and down. “Wow! You have grown, my friend, like really grown. You're so...tall now.” And so handsome and sexy, so much so that I can't seem to keep my hands off you.

  Nicole curled her fingers to stop herself from trailing them down his hard biceps. Instead, she gave him a quick punch on the arm.

  “You've grown up, Nicole Forrest. You're no longer that gangly, scrappy tomboy, but you're still a spitfire.” He grinned back and his blue eyes moved from her face to her body.

  He swallowed and when he snapped his gaze back up to her face, there was a spark of wild, scorching desire and hunger in his eyes.

  Nicole gasped and felt the heat spreading through her body. To hide her blush, she spread her arms wide and said, “Oh, come here, you.”

  She grabbed him in a big bear hug and felt the delicious hardness of his body against hers. He returned her hug and wrapped his arms tightly around her. Nicole inhaled his scent, and closed her eyes at the masculine scent and feel of him. Gosh, Luke Keller was no longer a shy scrawny boy. Of course, the last time she saw him, he was only eight years old. Now, he was a man, a very hot, handsome man.

  She drew back and took a good look at him. They were the same age so he was thirty-one now, but his eyes seemed older. Something told her that Luke had gone through an experience that had a profound impact on his life. She sensed a different Luke, a darker and more dangerous Luke. But she might be wrong. After all, they had parted when they were kids. They had both grown up and forged their own paths. Of course they would have changed along the way.

  “Nicole Forrest.” Luke said sternly, holding her shoulders. “Just where have you been all this time?”

  “Right here, waiting for you.”

  Luke's eyes rounded. “You mean you've been in the city all this time?”

  “Yeah. I'm with Morgann Hill. I'm now a junior partner,” she informed him.

  He grinned happily as she knew he would. He was genuinely happy for her. “That big law firm? Wow, Nicole! You're a hotshot lawyer now.”

  “What about you? You've always wanted to be a cop...”

  “I was.” His voice tightened a little. “I was a cop.”

  She raised her brows and gestured for him to go on.

  There was a slight hesitation before he answered, “Now—I'm with the Black Bears Group.”


  Luke watched Nicole chew her lip. She always did that when she was thinking. Some habits never change. It was a warm, comforting thought. He had changed too much. The change was extreme and irrevocable. He was still himself, but there was something else inside him now. Something deadly,
predatory and non-human.

  “The Black Bears Group. You're in the security business now, eh?” Nicole said lightly. “I've heard good things about the Black Bears Group. The company is owned by the Black Bears clan of bear shifters but I hear they hire not just bear shifters, but other paranormals and some humans too.”

  Luke nodded. “Yeah. I work with witches, vampires, all kinds of shifters, but the majority of my colleagues are bear shifters.”

  Nicole was peering at him with narrowed eyes. He was wholly human when she knew him. If she knew what he was now, would it frighten her, shock her, repulse her?

  He waited but she decided not to ask the question which was obviously on the tip of her tongue. Maybe she felt the question was too rude and intrusive. After all, they had only just met again.

  They hadn't seen each other in over twenty years. They were just like strangers, but not.

  Luke could still feel the friendship and affection between them. They were best friends as kids, but now, there was something more. Something stronger and more powerful, more intense.

  Nicole was his best friend since he was a tot. Her family had moved next door to his and they had grown up together. But when she was eight years old, her parents divorced and she moved with her mom to another state. She wrote once or twice, but then her mom moved again and they lost touch.

  Before he could reach out to touch her, Nicole tucked her arm easily into his and strolled down the street with him.

  “How are your parents?” she said cheerfully. “And your sister. I remember Jade used to babysit us and she would take us out for ice-cream and treats.”

  “My parents passed away a few years back.”

  “Oh, I'm so sorry...”

  Luke shook his head. “Mom fought the brave fight, but in the end, the cancer won. Dad had a heart attack barely a month later. I think Jade and I kind of knew that Dad wouldn't last long without Mom. They loved each other very dearly.”


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