After Hours: Black Lace Classics

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After Hours: Black Lace Classics Page 13

by Valentino, Crystalle

  He slumped back with a sigh of release, freeing his cock which now lolled thickly against his come-smeared belly. ‘God, Venny,’ he murmured, picking up the photo and holding it up in front of him. ‘That was so good.’

  Camden lock market was full to bursting with people. The beautiful hot weather had brought everyone out in droves to finger the fresh produce, haggle over skirts and shrugs and frilly little cardies, hunt hopefully and usually in vain for Faberge or Meissen among the dross on the second-hand stalls. Dani and Venny strolled at a leisurely pace, fingering and haggling with the best of them.

  ‘I’m telling you,’ Dani purred, looking more than ever like a contented little cat as she diverted to a clothes stall and smoothed a hand over a silky fabric, ‘Flora is just divine.’

  ‘Caspar’s the possessive type, though,’ said Venny, although the heat was making her lazy and she was just making conversation; she wasn’t seriously worried that Caspar might do anything drastic about Dani and Flora’s relationship, if you could call it that. Jamie, now. Jamie was a whole different species. Now there was a possessive man. Something in the Scots blood, maybe; all that marauding and pillaging over the border with your face painted blue, it must upset the hormones or something.

  Venny yawned. God, she felt tired. Shagged out, if the truth were told. Micky was a very, very hot lover. And a great chef too. She couldn’t believe how well he’d done, turning the business around in the short time he’d been working for her. Bookings were well up, and she was starting to dare to hope that the Blue Ribbon award might be within her grasp after all.

  A secret smile curved her mouth upwards as she thought of him; and then as suddenly she frowned and thought that he had actually been a bit stand-offish with her since that episode with Neil. Maybe her willingness to participate in the threesome had shocked him? But he had instigated it, after all. Men were, however, strange moody creatures, and although he seemed just a trifle cool, he still made love to her, still lunched with her in the park, still seduced her body and her palate and her mind. So maybe she was just imagining it.

  ‘What d’you think of this?’ She was running a hand over a slim little sheath of a dress with an embroidered hem; it was red, and cut rather lower than she would normally have considered appropriate.

  ‘Not your usual sort of thing, is it?’ said Dani in some surprise. She knew very well that Venny’s preference was for suits, whatever the time of year; beautifully cut, but stiff and formal and a bit, let’s be honest, forbidding. A bit ‘hands off’, really. Now here she was, looking at a dress that said, in no uncertain terms, come and fuck me. And she had bought a pair of red skyscraper-heeled mules yesterday when they’d been trawling Oxford Street. She’d even started wearing perfume, which she had never bothered with before. Dani looked at her friend and thought, ah-ha. Good old Micky Quinn. And she thought that maybe she could take advantage of all Venny’s new-found bounty, too.

  ‘Listen, buy it. It’s absolutely you,’ she assured her.

  While Venny had the dress bagged and paid for it, Dani said: ‘You know, I’ve been thinking.’

  ‘Steady,’ said Venny with a grin. It was a devil-may-care, un-Venny-like grin.

  ‘Flora’s coming over to our place tomorrow night,’ said Dani cautiously.

  Venny took her purchase and they strolled on together. ‘So that’s still going on, then?’ she asked.

  ‘Of course,’ said Dani smugly. ‘That girl is so great. Listen, Venny.’ She hesitated, and then pressed on. ‘Why don’t you join us?’

  Venny stopped dead. She turned and stared at Dani, who had the grace to look ever so slightly awkward. ‘Do you mean—?’

  ‘Why not?’ asked Dani defensively. ‘You liked it when I was helping you get ready for Flora’s party, didn’t you?’

  ‘Well, yes.’

  ‘And what’s the alternative? Some boring restaurateurs’ thrash where you’re surrounded by strangers who’ll get drunk and try to grope you? Come on, Venny.’ Dani winked at her encouragingly. ‘Come and have some fun with us. You can show Flora your new dress, and wear those new shoes.’

  Until you take them off me, thought Venny, feeling quite flushed and excited by the very idea. ‘OK,’ she said. ‘Why not?’

  They did watch a video together the following night, Dani and Flora and Venny, although it could not really be classified as ‘girly’. It was in fact a film that Venny thought Micky would love – Tampopo, an erotic Japanese masterpiece full of fucking and food. They drank white wine as they watched the lovers’ antics on the screen, but although their attention seemed fixed to the steamy blending of eating and sucking and acres of naked skin on film, each was very aware of the other two. Their thighs touched, and their bare arms too, for it was a hot night in more ways than one and they were wearing thin clothes, clothes just made for seduction.

  Venny was, as Dani had requested, wearing her new low-cut red dress and skyscraper-heeled mules. Dani was in her short ice-blue wrap, and Venny guessed that she was probably naked beneath it. Flora wore a brief lime-green chiffon top with a bra beneath it, which Venny thought rather hungrily was a pity, and tight black leather trousers that exuded a rich animal scent.

  When the film was over and Dani switched off the television, Venny knew that the real fun would begin. She already felt quite hot and ready after watching all that action on screen; and she knew, from the squirming and fidgeting during the unravelling of the ravishingly erotic plot of the film, that both Dani and Flora were ready too.

  ‘That was great,’ said Dani, stretching lazily. She straightened and leaned forwards, placing her empty glass on the coffee table and taking up three matches that were lying in a bowl there. Venny had noticed them earlier, but hadn’t thought to wonder what they might be doing there; she was relaxed and felt that she just wanted to let the evening unravel as it would.

  ‘Now we’re going to strip, one at a time, down to the skin,’ said Dani excitedly, bunching the matches into her fist. ‘And we’ll draw lots to see who goes first.’

  Flora’s almond-shaped, dark-grey eyes grew wide and she sat forwards, putting her glass down, eager to proceed. Venny put her own glass down. Her heart was thumping a little because she had never done this before: not with women, and certainly not with two women. Flora took the first match, then Dani drew hers, and lastly Venny took one.

  They compared matches.

  Venny’s was shortest.

  ‘Come on then, Venny,’ said Dani purringly, lying back on the couch so that she had the best possible view. ‘Strip,’ she said, licking her lips in anticipation.

  ‘What if I don’t agree to play?’ teased Venny, already enjoying herself. ‘What if I don’t want to?’

  ‘Oh, you want to,’ said Flora, answering for Dani in the cut-glass accent that they shared. ‘You were as excited during that film as Dani and I were. You were nearly burning a hole in the couch, admit it.’

  ‘Well, maybe,’ admitted Venny. It was certainly hot tonight, as hot and humid as it had been for every night over the last two weeks, and it would feel good to be naked. Her new underwear chafed her slightly, and yes, she would love to shuck it off, and enjoy the novel experience of two women ogling her while she did so.

  ‘And if you don’t strip, we’ll do it for you,’ threatened Dani, her dark eyes gleaming with awakening lust.

  ‘OK, OK. I’m doing it.’ Feigning pique because it was all part of the game, Venny pouted as she stood up and let her hair down. It lay about her shoulder in a wild blonde tangle as she shook it out with a wild movement of her head.

  ‘Maybe we should have music for this,’ commented Dani, watching avidly.

  ‘Ravel’s Bolero,’ suggested Flora, flicking back her fiery red hair and tucking her long legs underneath her, her catlike grey eyes gleaming with interest as she looked up at Venny.

  ‘Barry White,’ considered Dani.

  ‘I’m not stripping to music,’ objected Venny, fiddling with the zipper of her tight-fitting dr
ess. ‘What do you two think I am, a lap dancer?’

  ‘Now there’s a thought,’ Dani said.

  ‘No music,’ insisted Venny, and gathered her courage and pushed the red dress down. The spaghetti straps of the thin dress slipped down her arms as she pushed it down over her hips and let it fall to the floor. She stepped out of it, hooking it onto the toe of one of her high-heeled mules and kicking it casually aside.

  ‘Oh, wow,’ breathed Dani, clutching at Flora’s arm in her excitement, while Flora simply goggled with amazement.

  Expecting action tonight, Venny had come prepared. She wore two things she would never, pre-Micky, have considered as an option. She wore a low-cut black PVC bra which clung like a tight sheath to the full globes of her breasts; it was underwired and cunningly designed to push her tits up and out to their fullest extent. Also, it had holes cut out of the PVC where her hard and excitingly naked nipples jutted louchely out. To add to the show, she wore matching PVC briefs with the crotch cut away so that her toffee-coloured pubic curls were clearly visible to the watching audience.

  ‘You like?’ she asked the two women, turning slightly so they could admire the thong effect at the back. Her buttocks were naked, split only by the black line of the briefs to conceal the puckered little bud of her anus and her already dampening sex. Earlier in the evening, she had thought to anoint her lightly tanned skin with a glitter-filled moisturiser, so that now the taut curves of her arse gleamed enticingly in the subdued lighting of the room as she turned and displayed her wares for them.

  ‘Turn back to the front,’ ordered Dani, pushing her clenched hands between her thighs to try and subdue her own rising passion.

  Venny obeyed, enjoying their attention more than she had ever suspected she would. Would she have even considered being a party to this very enjoyable little game of Dani’s, if Micky hadn’t come into her life? She didn’t think so. She didn’t think she would have had the sexual confidence to do so.

  ‘Now take the bra off,’ said Flora.

  ‘Oh, no,’ objected Venny teasingly. ‘Not until Dani takes off her robe.’

  ‘No problem,’ said Dani, and she pulled the tie free at the waist of the ice-blue silk robe. She knelt up on the sofa and shrugged the thing off in an instant, and remained kneeling there so that both Venny and Flora could look her over. Again, Venny was filled with admiration for Dani’s cherry-nippled and pert little breasts, her petite and neatly curving body, the thickness and lush darkness of her pubic hair. Flora too was clearly enraptured, reaching out a hand to caress a taut little nipple which flaunted a gold ring. Dani swayed into Flora’s touch as the redhead’s hand drifted from Dani’s breast, down over her waist, over her gold-ringed navel, down over the slope of her belly and into the thicket of her pubes.

  ‘Mm, that’s good,’ murmured Dani, parting her legs for Flora.

  ‘Hey, don’t get too distracted,’ Venny reminded the pair of them. Now it was Flora’s turn to obey the rules, to draw back with regret the hand she had so eagerly reached out to Dani. ‘The deal was we all stripped naked, one at a time. So come on, Flora. Give.’

  ‘Ah, but you’re not naked, are you?’ said Flora, running a catlike gaze down over Venny’s curves. ‘And until you are, why should I keep my end of the deal?’

  Venny had to admit that Flora had a point. Reaching behind her, she unhitched the straps of the PVC bra, then slipped her hands down and leaned forwards. The straps slipped down and over her arms until she freed them, one at a time, always keeping one arm over the heavy fall of her breasts. Finally she tossed the PVC bra aside and let them look.

  The edges of the nipple-holes had chafed her teats a little, reddening them most attractively; and the way she was bending towards them, swinging her breasts just lightly, teasingly, made the two watching women think how nice it would be, how utterly wonderful, to just step behind Venny and push that obtrusive thong aside, lick a finger or two and just slip them into her.

  ‘Come on, Venny, get ’em off,’ encouraged Dani, her dark-red nipples standing out like crazy with the extent of her arousal.

  Venny complied quite happily, pushing the black PVC briefs down her legs and stepping out of them. She still wore the high-heeled mules, and they seemed to emphasise her total nudity to the two watching women.

  Naked now, Venny went over to the couch and stood beside the equally naked Dani, who reached up and slipped a rather more than friendly arm around her flatmate’s waist. The arm dropped a little, and Dani was fondling Venny’s buttocks, fondling the hot peachlike curves of them before dropping down to ticklingly negotiate her bumslit.

  ‘Not yet,’ said Venny firmly, stepping slightly away despite the fact that she was enjoying Dani’s touch enormously. ‘First Flora’s got to get naked.’

  ‘Come on, we’ll help her,’ suggested Dani with a rakish grin. She leaned forwards on the couch while Venny bent over the red-haired woman; between them they shucked off the lime-green chiffon blouse Flora wore, and it was Venny who sat on the arm of the couch and unclipped Flora’s white lacy bra; her very heavy breasts spilled out from the confines of the garment in fleshy ripples, and each of the watching women gasped in admiration at such beauty.

  ‘Flora has a party trick too, don’t you, Flora?’ said Dani excitedly. ‘Show Venny, go on.’

  Flora cupped a hand under each of her magnificent breasts and lifted them as far as they would go, which was pretty high. She then bent her head and stuck out her tongue – and licked her own cinnamon-coloured nipples!

  ‘That’s really cool,’ said Venny, slipping her hands around from behind Flora so that she could cup those lovely tits of hers, could feel the hard puckering nipples still moist from Flora’s own mouth. Flora leaned back against the pillow of Venny’s naked breasts with a sigh of pleasure while Dani leaned over Flora like some dark female satyr and unzipped her black leather trousers.

  Eagerly Dani pulled the tight trousers down, baring Flora’s lushly curving belly and the brilliant red flame of her pubic hair. With another sigh, a sigh of surrender, Flora lifted her hips from the couch and kicked off her ponyskin mules so that Dani’s progress should not be impeded. Her almost luminously white skin glowed richly against her red hair, and her two acolytes looked upon her in wonderment. This, Venny thought, was how a woman should look. She was fairly confident of her own attractiveness, and she knew that Dani was confident to the bone about hers, but Flora was truly beautiful, and she could easily understand now why Dani was so enthusiastic about bedding her.

  And then they were all three naked and tangling together on the sofa in a bewildering but delicious tangle of arms and legs, breasts and thighs – and it was so different, Venny thought, so very different to making love with men; these two were the other part of her, they were soft, they were yielding, they were women.

  ‘Come on,’ said Dani, surfacing from Flora’s kiss to grab Venny’s hand. ‘Let’s make ourselves comfy in my bedroom.’

  They stood, touching, kissing, fondling in wonder and affection, and made their way to the door leading to Dani’s bedroom – Dani only pausing at a drawer near the television to snatch up a huge penis-style vibrator. Giggling excitedly, they linked arms and hugged each other. The bedroom door was opened, and they stood there, framed by the glow of a peachy-toned bedside light, three women, naked and entwined. And then the door from the hall burst open, and in tumbled Micky, Caspar and Jamie.

  Chapter Ten

  After the first mad flurry of alarm, Venny was able to see how funny the situation was, her and Flora and Dani standing there naked and wide-eyed with astonishment, the three men charging in unannounced. The scene it most closely resembled was Rubens’ Rape of the Sabine Women, and she found herself very tickled to realise this, for it was a favourite erotic daydream of hers: to be abducted, carried away, kidnapped by some strong, horny Roman god.

  She was pleased to note, amid the sudden confusion, that neither Dani nor Flora seemed particularly alarmed by this unexpected development
either. In fact, Dani seemed quite titillated by the way Jamie grabbed her and dragged her on into the bedroom, decisively closing the door behind them. While that was going on, Micky had grabbed the rubber penis off Dani and was propelling Venny towards the hall, and her own bedroom. Glancing back as he pulled her along by the wrist, she saw a very annoyed-looking Caspar haul the naked and lustfully quivering Flora into his arms in the instant before that door too was closed in her face.

  ‘Wait –’ she gasped at Micky, half-laughing, half-serious. Goodness, Micky looked quite annoyed too as he spun back towards her, his eyes raking over her naked body almost scathingly.

  ‘I expected Dani and Flora, but not you,’ he snapped. And where was that happy twinkle in the eye, that devilish, almost piratical glee now? He looked deadly serious.

  Venny shrugged. Her breasts bobbed alluringly as she did so, and Micky’s eyes dipped to them irresistibly. ‘Dani invited me to join in.’

  ‘And of course you did,’ said Micky scornfully.

  ‘Yes.’ She looked at him in bewilderment. ‘Why not? I was curious. I’ve never done it before with even one woman, much less two, and I wanted to know what it was like.’

  A glint of humour returned to Micky’s vivid blue eyes. He knew very well that he had started all this, set her on the road to sensuality; he had awakened her sexual curiosity, so it was churlish to be shocked, amazed – yes, even downright horrified – to find that she was not at her stuffy restaurateurs’ do but here, taking part in a threesome with two other women. She was right. Why shouldn’t she? It was up to him to enjoy her, and she certainly enjoyed him, but really, if she wanted to experiment, to broaden her horizons, who was he to tell her otherwise?


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