Omega Remembered M/M Shifter MPREG Romance (Northern Lodge Pack Book 2)

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Omega Remembered M/M Shifter MPREG Romance (Northern Lodge Pack Book 2) Page 4

by Susi Hawke

  Kai slipped down in his chair with a hand over his eyes saying: “Fenris protect us, I'm too young to hear about these kind of things.”

  “Nonsense, Kai. You're mated and a father, you need to be sensible about subjects like sex. It's a perfectly natural fact of life. Besides, this one isn't for you. This is meant for unmated omegas.” Aunt Cat said this in a matter-of-fact tone as she fiddled with her phone.

  “Basically, it's a fantastic new vibrating dildo with a self-knotting apparatus, for when your heat strikes! If I purchased one or two, would one of you be willing to test it for me when your heat comes? It would be perfect to have someone use in a book, I think.”

  I looked over at Sy when I heard his sharp intake of breath, biting my lip to avoid giggling, as I saw him slip his hands over Brianne's tiny ears to protect her from hearing any more of this conversation.

  “Anyway, fellows,” Aunt Cat was saying, “I would so love to know if it really works, before I actually use it in a book! We could even make a blog post on my author site if you really like it enough. It would be a kindness for you to share the information with other single omegas, don't you think?”

  Sy's chair scraped loudly across the floor, as he scrambled to get up and flee the room. I grinned at his pale face and shaking hands as he cuddled Brianne close, and mumbled something about needing to change the baby.

  “So, Kai,” I said with a smirk. “What do you think? Should I be a guinea pig for Aunt Cat and give her little toy knot thingie a try?” I busted out laughing when Kai jumped up and fled the room in Sy's wake.

  Shrugging, Aunt Cat said: “I don't know why those boys are so uptight, it's not like they've never been knotted. They've had pups, right? Besides, this is just a toy. I thought it was a neat idea, and it even comes in a variety of sizes.”

  I laughed harder at that, and reached over and patted her hand while I made a mental note to ask my friends the next time they got on my nerves if she'd ever found the link for that dildo toy with the vibrating knot.

  Chapter 5


  It was a long three and half days later, when we finally made the turn off to the lodge. Traveling with three little ones is not something I would wish on my worst enemy, not matter how adorable the pups are. If Zane hadn't been there, I would've been completely screwed.

  I realized this by the end of day one, after a day of Sara kicking the back of my seat, Dylan getting carsick three times, and baby Erin screaming bloody murder because, well, because sometimes babies just need to scream?

  Angie was the wisest woman on the planet I decided, for knowing in advance that I would need help, and then arranging for Zane to be there. I know the guy needed a new pack too, but right now I figured I owed him a bigger fucking debt of gratitude than I could ever hope to pay.

  We had to stop every couple of hours it seemed. We had to stop and change diapers, clean puke, and then feed them so that they could puke and soil more diapers. It was a never ending cycle.

  Sara was the easiest, probably because she was the oldest and was a little more able to understand what was happening. But since she didn't wear diapers anymore, we had to include stops to take her potty. And then give her drinks that made her have to pee again. Another never ending cycle.

  The part that surprised the hell out of me though, was that I didn't mind it. It was stressful, no lie, but it was manageable with two of us there. And even though they were a lot of fucking work, the little shits were so damned adorable that I found myself enjoying it. Well, maybe except for the screaming and all of the puke. Those parts I could definitely live without.

  We were about five miles from the lodge, when I heard a loud thumping noise and the car began to list to one side. I shook my head silently, and pulled over to the safety of the shoulder.

  I was just pulling out my phone to call Daniel, when a huge ass bear came loping out of the treeline. My jaw dropped as I watch it shift into a large, hairy, blonde man about my age and really fucking huge as hell.

  He waved over at our car, and started walking over to greet us. Stark ass naked, but then, that's kind of a thing with us shifters. Nudity isn't anything we really notice. Since we're all naked when we shift, it really can't be helped.

  “Um, Micah? Is that a bear shifter?”

  “Yeah, Zane. Pretty sure that's why we just saw the man shift from a bear form. Don't you think so? I mean, maybe it's just me, but yeah. Pretty sure.”

  “Yeah. Whatevs, dude. I meant, I didn't know there really were bears! I've heard of them, but I've never seen another shifter besides us wolves. That's insane! Are you seeing how big he is?”

  “Shh. Don't freak out the kids. But, yeah, he's pretty dang big.”

  “Mistuh Nutter Daddy?”

  “Yes, Sara?” I had given up on trying to convince the girl to call me Micah. Apparently this nutter daddy shit was gonna be a thing. I could already hear Daniel now. Fucker would laugh his ass off, I knew that already.

  “Dat man don got no cwoves on.”

  “I know, angel. He's a shifter, like we are. When he shifted back to his human form, he didn't have clothes there. Remember, how you needed me to give you clothes again after we shifted yesterday at the rest area and played in our wolf forms?”

  “Otay. I member dat. Him need a nutter daddy too, huh?”

  I grinned at her in the rear view mirror, “Exactly, right, angel girl. He needs someone to give him some clothes.”

  The dude was walking up, and I scented only friendly motives, so I told Zane and the kids to sit tight while I got out to greet him. I held my hand out, as he walked up and grasped it firmly. I was pleasantly surprised, since I'd honestly expected him to crush my hand, with those huge ass mitts of his.

  “Hello, there. I am Karl. I have been watching for the wolf named Micah. That is you, yes?”

  He spoke so properly, with a hint of an accent. I was intrigued, Daniel had mentioned that the pack had made friends with the local bear den, and that they had scouts patrolling our woods to help protect us, since our pack was so small. Especially since our pack had so many unclaimed omegas. I just hadn't really expected to encounter one of them, at least, not so soon.

  “Yeah, man. I'm Micah. I'm traveling with my buddy, Zane, and three young pups. We were almost to the lodge, right? I think we have a flat though.”

  Karl grunted and walked around to the passenger side. “Yes. There is indeed a flattened tire on this side, Micah. Do you need assistance changing it? It would be my pleasure.”

  I didn't see any reason to waste time posturing like an idiot alpha and turn down an offer of help, especially when I was fried from driving.

  “You know what, man? That would be awesome,” I said. “Let me just pop the trunk so we can get to the spare and shit.”

  He nodded, and just walked around to the back of the car, waiting there expectantly while I reached in through my open window and pressed the trunk release switch.

  By the time I walked back to the trunk, he'd already gotten it open and was carefully setting our suitcases and belongings down on the gravel beside the car. I went to help, but he waved me back.

  “No, Micah. Let me assist you. You rest, maybe see if the wee ones need anything. I was told that you have been on a long trip, to bring these young wolves home to the pack?”

  I stood back and rolled my head around on my shoulders from side to side, releasing the kinks. “Yeah, man. It's been a long drive, lemme tell ya.”

  “And you are the only driver, yes?”

  “Yeah, I'm driving with an omega and the pups. Zane doesn't drive, so it's just been me. That's fine though, you know that we alphas have to be in charge anyway, am I right? I don't know if I could ride this far with an omega driving, to be honest. Even if that does sound shitty of me to say.”

  Karl lifted a heavy brow sardonically, as he lifted the tire out the trunk and leaned it against the side of the car before reaching back in for the tools.

  “Ah, yes. I had forgotten you wo
lves' archaic distinctions between genders and classifications.”

  I was pretty sure that I should be pissed at that statement, but wasn't entirely sure what the put-down actually was, given how politely he spoke.

  “Oh, you mean that we think that alphas are better? No, it's not like that. I mean, maybe with some wolves? For me, I just think that we each have our places in the pack, you know? Like, omegas like to tend to the house and pups, while we alphas need to protect them, and do the harder stuff.”

  “I believe that is what I said, is it not?”

  Scratching my head, I asked: “Are things different for bears?”

  “Every species is different, I suppose. But, yes, we bears know better than to think that the omega or female bears are in any way subservient to an alpha, or less able than one of us to handle mundane tasks such as driving a car. In my den, our mechanic is a female omega. Several of our hunters and patrol men are omegas.”

  “Seriously? But, what if they get hurt? Omegas are fragile!”

  He paused in the middle of removing the old tire, and roared out a laugh. “I am sorry, Micah. It is just that the idea of an omega being fragile is laughable. Do you think that you could bear a child and give it birth? I know that is not a thing that I, myself, would want to do. Yet, omegas do it every day. No, they are the strong ones. It is us big alphas that beat our chests and roar, only to later find ourselves leaning upon their quiet strength.”

  “I dunno about all that, man. Although, I'll give you the childbirth thing. No way I'm ever doing that, thanks be to Fenris, but I promise that I wouldn't want to either!” I shuddered at the thought.

  Karl chuckled, as he tightened the lug-nuts on the new tire. “I take it that you are not yet mated, Micah. Do me a favor. When you find your mate, wait until six months after you've had the first child, then come find me. We will have this conversation again, and see if your ideas have not changed. I would wager you a lager that they will.”

  “Hah! I'll take that bet, Karl. Not that I expect to be mated anytime this decade, but sure. I doubt my views will change though. Hey, why don't you let me buy you a lager sometime anyway? I owe you one for helping me out.”

  “I will remind you of this when we return to this conversation, my friend. As for a drink? I would enjoy that, indeed I would. Ask Ollie, the doctor of your pack, for my number. We will arrange to meet after you have settled in.”

  “Sounds great,” I agreed, as I helped him load our luggage back into the trunk, after he put the flat tire in. “I'll try and catch up with you soon.”

  We shook hands, and Karl went back towards the woods, shifting easily back to his bear form and disappearing into the trees. I watched the gentle giant go, and then got back in the car with my make-shift little pack that were waiting.

  “He seemed nice,” Zane said with an amused look on his face.

  I instantly knew that he'd overheard our entire conversation, so I just gave a smirk and said: “Yeah, yeah. I bet you did, what with his liberal views on how tough you omegas are.”

  Chuckling, Zane replied: “I admit, it was a refreshing attitude, especially from a big bear. I would have expected the exact opposite, if I'm being honest. I guess we'll have a lot discover as we get to know our bear neighbors, right?”

  “Yeah, I guess we will,” I agreed, pulling back out onto the road and heading for the lodge. “I just hope that I don't meet any of their hunter omegas. Especially if they're anywhere as big as he was. That might be enough to scare me off omegas for life!”

  Chapter 5


  Kai shouted from his post by the front window, “Aries! Hurry up and get out here! The car just pulled up! They're finally here!”

  I came running in from the kitchen, only to find my entire pack gathered around, waiting to meet my pups with me. Not to mention, Jenny's baby girl was arriving too. I know that Aunt Cat, Kai and Jake were pretty excited to finally meet their missing family member. I knew for sure that Kai already counted her as part of his little brood of pups. As the father of twins, if he wanted another baby, he could definitely handle her.

  Kai wrapped his arm around my waist, and we walked out the open door behind Jake and Aunt Cat, who were already headed over to the car that had just parked. Daniel was right behind me, with the rest of the pack waiting quietly inside, so as not to freak out the new guys and little ones.

  My eyes were instantly drawn to the tasty view of the firm, round, muscular alpha butt that was bent into the car, but I looked away, ignoring it. I wasn't in the market for an alpha, I just wanted my babies!

  When the stranger stood up and stepped away from the car, my little Dylan was sitting on his hip, and Sara was holding his hand. An omega came around from the other side with a pretty little baby on his hip, but I only had eyes for my own pups right then. I bit down on my fist, watching them with hungry eyes as the strange alpha walked up our pack's Alpha, Jake.

  I wanted nothing more than to just rush over and jerk them out of his hands. I would hold them tightly to my chest, and never let them go again. But, that wasn't the best way to approach this, I knew. It would be better to meet them with no pressure, to let them adjust to me and to learn with time how very much I loved them.

  It would take time for us to become a family, I knew that. Time that I was more than willing to spend. My pups were worth every moment it would take to earn their trust and win their love. But, I would not force it from it from them, as hard as it would be to restrain myself

  When I heard the voice of the strange alpha who was greeting our Alpha, I gasped in horror. No! It couldn't be! Fenris wouldn't be so cruel to me! But, as I slowly pulled my eyes from my pups, and finally looked at the gorgeous alpha that held them, I saw that it was true.

  The voice that I had recognized immediately, did indeed match the face. It was the same alpha that had caught me stealing five years earlier and turned me in. I would have known those emerald green eyes anywhere. Fuck. My. Life.

  Ignoring my churning gut, I focused on my pups instead. They were even more beautiful in person than they had been in their picture. Thanks be to Fenris, but I saw no sign of their sire in them.

  I heard Sy's voice come from over my shoulder. “Aries, my goodness. They look just like you! Look at your eyes and hair on them, they are the very picture of you! I guess that there's no doubt who's their daddy!”

  Kai turned and wrapped his other arm around me, as he hugged me close. “I'm so happy for you, Aries. I know that this is very hard for you, but just look at them and know that they're really here.”

  “Exactly,” agreed Sy, as he wrapped his arms around me from my other side. “This is just the first step, dude. The important thing to remember is that now you have the chance to take all the steps and finally make them yours, like you never could before, you know?”

  I nodded, too choked up to speak. Each of my omega friends held me tight, while I got myself together. With their heads resting on my shoulders, we stood there together, silently admiring my pups.

  Hearing Alpha say my name, I looked up at him, and accidentally made eye contact with the alpha from my youth. He looked at me with a narrowed gaze, as though trying to place me. I knew the moment it happened, and felt my cheeks flush with shame, as his knowing eyes remembered me all at once.

  Scenting the mixture of guilt, shame, anger, and remorse coming off me in waves, Kai jerked his head up and turned to look at the alpha, before looking back at me.

  “What's the problem, Aries? He's Daniel's cousin, he is vouched for. What's the problem?” Kai whispered softly against my ear.

  I turned and said back in as low of a tone as I could, hoping not to be overheard while in the vicinity of other shifters with our advanced hearing. “It's HIM. He's the alpha that caught me and turned me in when I was a kid.”

  Both of my friends gasped and tightened their hold me, anchoring me in place, while I fought to get control of my urge to shift and run off into the woods. I agreed with my wolf that thi
s was a good idea, but I couldn't leave my pups. Not right now, not ever again.

  “Stay here with Sy, I'm going to go meet Erin. Just observe and hang back. And, for the love of Fenris, don't speak to Micah.”

  “Who?” I asked quizzically.

  “Micah, that's his name. The alpha is named Micah,” he repeated patiently when he caught my blank stare. “Now, stay here until you have control.”

  Kai pulled away from me, and walked over to where Aunt Cat was cooing over baby Erin, right next to Alpha, Micah and my pups. I wondered who the omega was that was holding her, but brushed it off to focus on my own little guys. I would meet the new omega soon enough.”

  “Should we go closer, just enough to maybe try to let the pups learn your scent?” Sy asked me softly, ready to move at whatever pace I set.

  “I don't know what to do,” I replied. “It seems every option has it's own set of pitfalls. Not to mention, that now I have to deal with this Micah person again.”

  “I know, hon. It's not fair, that of all the freaking alphas on this planet, he had to be the one that's Daniel's cousin. But, you'll deal with it, right? I mean, it's what we omegas do, isn't it? Deal with the shitty stuff in life?”

  “You know that's right.” I sighed. “Okay, Sy, let's do this thing.” Reluctantly, I pulled out of my friend's hug, and reached for his hand. Grasping mine back tightly, he led me closer to where my pups were.

  Daniel walked up on my other side. Putting his hand up silently, he gently squeezed the back of my neck to calm my nerves. “You seem upset, Aries. I can feel your stress. Be calm, this will be fine. Trust me.”

  “Are you trying to work your alpha mojo on me, Daniel?”

  “Sure am, Aries. Is it working?”

  “Little bit. Much as I hate to admit it.”

  Grinning, he dropped his hand and escorted me over to where his cousin and our Alpha were still talking.


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