Tempted by Two Angels [Notorious Nephilim 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Tempted by Two Angels [Notorious Nephilim 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2

by Carolyn Rosewood

  “All right then,” said Leo. “Let’s telephone her and offer her the job.”

  Chapter Two

  Caleigh usually preferred to rehearse with only a pianist before running through sets with the entire band, but these men were tireless, driven. On her second day at the resort, the day she met the entire band, they informed her that they rehearsed six days a week, even though the nightclub was only open three nights a week. She’d be alternating sets with Zachary, whom they all called Zach, and one other male singer, but she would be performing all three nights.

  Reeve explained that they used to be open six nights a week, but had to cut back during the war. When Caleigh asked what she should do the other four nights a week, Reeve had given her a sly smile and told her she was free to enjoy the amenities of the resort. Reeve and Niko had also insisted she call the owners by their first names.

  “Too confusing since we share surnames,” said Reeve.

  “We’re fairly informal here,” said Niko.

  That had been an understatement. When she first arrived, Sterling and Leo and shown her around, and Caleigh had been awestruck by how large the place was and all they had to offer their guests. There were two pools—one indoors and one outdoors—three lakes, tennis courts, horseback riding trails, and volleyball courts. She was told in the winter they offered midnight sleigh rides and ice-skating. They were in the middle of renovating the area near the pool into spa facilities and had plans to expand outdoor activities on the shores of at least one of the lakes.

  Caleigh felt like a pampered guest by the end of the tour rather than part of the staff. Her meals were free, she had a private room in a wing reserved for staff, and she was free to roam the resort and take advantage of all they had to offer. When she’d found out what they intended to pay her, she began to wonder what the catch was.

  Reeve had previously asked Caleigh for a list of songs she’d sung professionally, and she’d handed him the ten typewritten pages that she’d brought along. He picked up the list now and scanned the titles.

  “Impressive. You’ve sung a lot of different styles. Our guests seem to enjoy anything that isn’t more than twenty years old, so we stick to songs from the mid-twenties on. With your voice, I think we can incorporate songs we haven’t done in a while. That’ll be a nice change.”

  “How do you keep up with new styles way up here?” she asked.

  “We listen to the radio shows, and Niko and I travel to Chicago once a month and visit the various clubs. I’m told television will soon be available in this area. Clubs will actually be able to film their performers, and people can watch the show in their own homes.”

  “It sounds like science fiction, doesn’t it?”

  Reeve smiled. “Yes, it does.” He turned toward the band. “Let’s run through a few of these with Caleigh. Shall we start with ‘Stormy Weather’? You okay with a key of G major?”

  Caleigh nodded then took a sip of water from a tall glass into which she’d placed several lime slices before she stood in front of the microphone. She’d been sipping water with limes for years and would swear to anyone that it helped give her voice its characteristic smoky sound. As she launched into the song, she caught movement at the back of the room and watched Hugh swagger up the main aisle.

  He stopped about halfway, crossed his arms, and regarded her with a look that was pure lust. Caleigh began to gently sway her hips to the music. Her dress felt too tight across the nipples, and a delicious tingling sensation had started in her pussy. What was it about this man that made her want to throw caution to the wind? And what perfect timing that he’d shown up during this song. He epitomized stormy weather with those gray eyes and dark hair.

  As she neared the end of the song, the scent of lavender drifted toward her, lazy and slow. Where was it coming from? Hugh’s hair stood on end, and his eyes began to glow and widen, until they were the only things Caleigh saw as she struggled to finish. Even the music from the band faded into the background.

  Erotic images played in her head, like wisps from a dream. Hugh, naked and muscled, stood over her. She could only see his cock by turning her head to the side. It pointed at her face, red and slick with pre-cum.

  By the time she had sung the last few notes, she was no longer sure where she was, or whether a band played behind her or not.

  “Caleigh? Which song would you like to run through next?” Niko’s voice held an edge she couldn’t interpret.

  “What?” She whirled around to face the men, blinking a few times to clear her thoughts. What the hell had just happened? Where had those images come from?

  “Let’s do ‘I’ll Be Seeing You,’” she said, only because it was the one song she could sing right now and not have to concentrate on.

  As she began to sing, she dared to scan the room for Hugh’s presence again. He’d taken a seat in the second row and leaned forward so his arms rested on the back of the chair in front of him. A wicked grin played over his full lips, inviting her to stare at them and imagine them kissing every inch of her body.

  His hair was perfectly in place. Where the hell had that weird hallucination come from? His eyes, although intense, didn’t glow and weren’t abnormally large. The scent of lavender still hung in the air, and Caleigh became aware of other scents as well. The smell of oregano and lilacs drifted from behind her.

  Every time she cut her gaze away from Hugh, his very presence seemed to draw it back. Lust rolled off the man in waves. He had an air of confident sexuality about him that transcended his good looks and penetrating gaze. Caleigh was no stranger to good-looking men, but Hugh was different. His entire being called to her, like a siren song. She had to look at him, study him, and sing only to him.

  The erotic images grew bolder, more daring. This time she saw herself facedown on a bed, arms and legs bound with rope, while Hugh stood over her with something wooden in his hand that looked suspiciously like a paddle.

  Caleigh nearly stumbled over the words, something she had never done before. Her palms grew damp, and she gripped the microphone stand harder, searching for something solid to cling to. Beads of sweat collected along her hairline. A tingling sensation tortured her nipples, and her clit began to throb.

  By the time she finally finished the song, her legs were weak and she was light-headed. The room had grown uncomfortably hot. She gulped her entire glass of water then excused herself backstage to look for more. As if through a fog, she heard Reeve ask if she was all right, but Caleigh couldn’t answer him.

  She closed the door of the tiny dressing room they’d given her and sat on the stool, wiping her brow. What the hell was going on here? Was she ill? She hadn’t eaten anything unusual the night before or this morning. The food here was delicious, and she’d eaten her fill, but not to the point of being a glutton. Caleigh poured more water into her glass and stared at it, wondering if perhaps it came from the surrounding lakes, and she simply wasn’t used to it yet?

  But even as those thoughts took shape, she knew the way she felt had nothing to do with food or water. It was because of Hugh. A soft knock on the door made her jump. Before she could rise or tell the person to come in, the door opened and there Hugh stood in all his seductive glory.

  “I came to see if you were okay. You looked a bit shaken up on stage.”

  “Just tired.” Liar.

  “Did you not sleep well?”

  “It’s quiet here. I’m not used to it.” That was the truth, at least.

  “I imagine after living in big cities like New York and Philly this place seems remote and backwoods.”

  Caleigh nodded. Her mouth had gone bone dry again and she struggled to form a coherent thought. The air in the small room felt oppressive and stuffy. She had to get out of here, but she couldn’t seem to look away from his eyes. The smell of lavender was overpowering. There was no point in pretending it wasn’t coming from him.

  “Perhaps later we could spend some time getting better acquainted,” he said. His voice was low, raspy,
and so sexy that Caleigh’s pussy contracted at the sound of it. She had to bite back a moan. Caleigh was no stranger to sex, and good sex at that, but if this man could make her nearly have an orgasm with his voice, what the hell would happen if his cock were stuffed into her?

  “Sure,” she whispered. “Okay.” She sounded like a blundering idiot.

  Hugh started to walk toward her slowly. Caleigh sat still, waiting. His eyes regarded her with unadorned lust. Her gaze drifted lower, over a jacket and shirt that couldn’t disguise the muscles in his arms and chest, to the impressive bulge in his trousers. Caleigh swallowed hard.

  Just before he reached her, the smell of oregano assaulted her senses. Reeve towered in the doorway, his face filled with anger. “Hugh, is she all right?”

  The spell was broken. Caleigh stood and pushed past Hugh, resisting the urge to touch him. “I’m fine, Reeve. Just getting more water.”

  She turned to retrieve her glass from the dressing table, but Hugh had already picked it up. As he handed it to her, a smile played at the corners of his mouth. “Later, then,” he said softly. Caleigh wasn’t even sure he’d spoken it out loud.

  * * * *

  Caleigh ate dinner in the staff dining room. Some of the chambermaids gave her curious looks, but no one spoke to her. She didn’t care. She was lost in a sea of confused and arousing thoughts, and she couldn’t have held a meaningful conversation with any of them right now if she’d had to.

  After rehearsal, she’d returned to her room and taken out the three letters. Fresh guilt washed over her as she read the flowery expressions of love. She’d been leading these men on for years, and was no more ready to be a wife to one of them than she was ready for Lilith’s Playground.

  Something odd was going on here, but that thought didn’t frighten her. She wanted to know more. She wanted to immerse herself in it and experience things she’d never known before. It had been a strange set of coincidences that led to her being asked to audition. Caleigh couldn’t help believing she was supposed to be here, but she didn’t understand why.

  The whiff of honeysuckle snapped her out of her reverie. She looked up to see Sterling advancing toward her, a delighted smile on his handsome face. Heads turned to watch his progress. Most of the women stared at him with their mouths open. Daggers shot from their eyes as Sterling sauntered up to her table. Caleigh gave him her best smile.

  “May I join you?”

  “Of course.” She waited until he’d taken a seat before scanning the room quickly. The envy on their faces gave her a thrill. “I didn’t expect to see one of the owners in the staff dining room.”

  “I came looking for you. One of the front desk clerks told me she saw you heading in here earlier.”

  “Well, now that you’ve found me, what do you intend to do with me?” Caleigh nearly clamped a hand over her mouth as soon as she said the words. Where had that come from? She wasn’t known for being shy, but she couldn’t remember ever speaking to a man she’d known less than forty-eight hours in such a bold manner.

  Sterling laughed, and his green eyes danced with delight. Obviously he hadn’t minded her forwardness. “I was hoping I could persuade you to let me show you around the resort. The tour Leo and I gave you yesterday barely scratched the surface.”

  Hugh’s earlier invitation came back to her, along with the decadent pictures his presence had conjured up. Should she tell Sterling she’d promised Hugh her company? Then again, Hugh wasn’t here right now, Sterling was. He’d come looking for her. She let that thought roll around for a few seconds before responding. “I imagine not. This place is enormous.”

  Sterling leaned close, his eyes shining like emeralds. The scent of honeysuckle was strong this close. At her audition she’d found it odd that a man would smell like flowers, but now it didn’t seem unusual. Butterflies were drawn to the nectar, after all. That’s how Caleigh imagined herself as she inhaled the scent and looked into Sterling’s eyes—a butterfly, helpless to resist his pull. She had to move closer for a taste.

  “I’d like to show you some of the places our staff don’t usually visit,” he said softly.

  Caleigh pushed her plate away and took another sip of water before rising. The few diners left in the room had stopped talking and all eyes watched them. It wasn’t the same as being on stage. This was more like one of those dreams where you stood in front of the class naked. All Caleigh wanted to do was flee this room.

  Caleigh took his arm, and even the jolt that passed through her body at his touch couldn’t shake the feeling she was stepping off a high precipice into total darkness.

  Chapter Three

  Caleigh smiled at Sterling as he led her through the lobby. “I just realized I never asked you or Leo how old this resort is.”

  “We opened it in 1921.”

  “I was just a child then—five years old. Are you all related? I only ask because I notice the owners share the same two surnames.”

  “In a manner of speaking.” His tone indicated the subject wasn’t open for discussion. How odd.

  “Was building it a family project, then?”

  “Yes.” Sterling led her to a large wall covered with framed photographs and pointed toward the portrait of a woman with dark eyes, dressed in flapper garb. “This is our cousin, Lilith. The resort is named after her.”

  Caleigh suppressed a shudder. She hadn’t lingered too long in front of this wall yesterday because of the very photograph he now indicated. There was something unsettling about Lilith’s expression. It was almost serpentine, as though any second now her face would morph into that of a snake. Instead of the short skirt and strappy pumps, skin with colorful diamond patterns would emerge. A forked tongue would replace her white teeth and blood-red lips.

  Caleigh let go of his arm and hugged her elbows as a blast of cold air washed over her.

  “The other photographs are guests at some of the parties we’ve had here,” said Sterling. If he’d noticed her reaction to Lilith’s portrait, he didn’t show it.

  Caleigh turned her focus to the other pictures, frowning at the twelve men dressed in clothing about fifteen years out of date, gathered in a semicircle near the front doors. Two men who looked strikingly like Sterling and Hugh were among the subjects. As she continued to study it, she realized she recognized Reeve and Niko in the photograph as well. But what really caught her eye was Leo. In the photograph he looked to be the same age as the others, but in person he appeared to be at least ten years older. The other men, however, looked the same as they did now.

  What the hell is going on here?

  Sterling guided her away from the wall of photographs, but not before a quick look of alarm passed over his face. It was gone so quickly Caleigh wondered if she’d imagined it. Had he noticed her studying the photograph? But surely he couldn’t have known what she’d been thinking, could he?

  “Where next?” she asked, to take the focus off the wall of portraits.

  “The rooftop.” He looked into her eyes with such intensity she felt dizzy. “It’s a beautiful night. Perfect for stargazing.”

  He led her to an elevator set apart from the others, and produced a key to open the gate. As it began to ascend he explained. “This leads to the owners’ suites.”

  A shiver of anticipation ran through Caleigh. “I thought you said we were going to the rooftop?”

  Sterling actually blushed. Or it could have been a trick of the dim light, but Caleigh didn’t think so. “Oh, we are. The only way to access the roof is from the owners’ wing.”

  “I see. I thought for a minute there you were about to invite me in to show me your etchings.”

  The elevator stopped, but Sterling didn’t open the gate. The look he gave her was filled with intense longing. His eyes blazed with light, the air became heavy, and Caleigh found it difficult to take a breath. She’d never been claustrophobic, but right now all she wanted was to get out of this elevator and quickly.

  “I don’t have etchings, but I do have a v
ery fine collection of sailing prints and antique items from old ships. If you ever want to see them, all you have to do is ask.”

  His intention was clear. He wasn’t even trying to mask it with clever or innocuous words. All she had to do was say “yes” and they’d be in his bed within five minutes. Caleigh knew it as certainly as she knew her own name. She couldn’t look away from his gaze, and all attempts to form a coherent thought were useless.

  Sterling broke the spell by opening the gate and ushering her into the hallway. A sense of loss washed over her as she stepped onto plush carpeting. Their footfalls were muffled, and she felt as though she should whisper if she spoke.

  He offered his arm again, and she took it, shivering at the electric jolt. The scent of honeysuckle was cloying up here, as though someone had doused the walls and carpeting with it. He led her to a door at the end of the hallway. When he opened it the fresh night air rushed down around them. Caleigh took several deep breaths, trying to clear out the honeysuckle and confusion.

  A steep set of metal stairs led to a concrete expanse, bordered on four sides with a chest-high metal railing. In each corner a domed spotlight lit the floor. Caleigh looked up and was treated to more stars than she’d ever seen. “Oh…it’s breathtaking.”

  “Yes, it is.” Sterling’s voice was quiet, almost reverent.

  Caleigh didn’t look at him. She didn’t want to. She knew what she’d see in his eyes if she did. Instead she walked toward the nearest railing and leaned against it for support. Six stories below, lights blinked in between the trees, close to the resort. As she scanned the forest that stretched out into the distance, it was pitch dark. Only the sound of the breeze stirring the trees gave an indication there was foliage out there. The sound of insects filled the air, and in the distance she heard an owl hoot.

  Sterling stood next to her. The heat coming off his body was intense. “Pine Lake is on the other side.” He pointed to their left. “You can smell the water from up here.”


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