Dark Experiments

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Dark Experiments Page 38

by Lana Campbell

  “Ooh. Playing dirty already because you knew I never ever there.” She took a sip of wine. “Never have I ever been skinny dipping.”

  “You’re just trying to get me drunk because you have to know that at some point in my long life, I would have had to try it just for the hell of it. I can tell you for a fact we will be doing that one of these fine summer nights soon. But fairs fair.” He drank. “Just to let you know we’re having chocolate berries and truffles for dessert. Want to take this game to the living room where I had them placed?”

  “Yes. I love chocolate covered strawberries. Let’s go.” She grabbed her wine glass and the bottle then followed him to the couch facing a stone fireplace.”

  Christian placed his wine glass on the coffee table, removed the dome from the plate of goodies then sat. Tiffany followed suit, but snagged a berry and took a bite.

  “Yum. These are pure heaven. I’m going to give you a freebie on this next round because red wine goes so perfectly with chocolate. So never have I ever eaten any sort of food off of someone else’s body before.”

  Christian had just taken a bite off of a berry himself and nearly choked.

  Tiffany let loose a wicked little chuckle. “I said it was a freebie, Christian. You can drink if you want or not. No questions asked. I know you’re not a virgin. And I know you well enough to know you’re probably very creative in the bedroom because your kisses are the most creative I’ve ever experienced.”

  “I believe in playing a game fair and square. I can’t drink. But you’re right I’m no virgin.”

  Her brows raised and Tiffany, appearing a very pleased looser, drank. “Well, how about we remedy our collective never ever. What do you say?” She waved a strawberry in front of him. “I think we’re going to need more because there are too many places on your body I want to eat from.”

  “Hell, yeah. I like this game.” Christian placed his half-eaten berry on her bare thigh, bent down and sucked it into his mouth, then lapped the melted part off her leg.

  She sucked in a deep breath and said, “I like this game a lot too. There’s only one problem.”

  “What’s that.”

  “It’s my turn and I need some bare skin to work with.”

  Oh this was getting fun. Christian shucked his coat and t shirt. “Can you work with this?”

  Tiffany’s tongue darted out and licked her upper lip. Christian couldn’t wait for it to lick some very heated parts of his body.

  “Lay back,” she commanded.

  He obliged and a sex kitten smile tipped her lips. She ran a palm across his chest stopping just short of his belt buckle, then she placed her berry right in the center of his belly button. She sucked it into her mouth and Christian watched as she swirled it around then delicately reached two fingers between her lips and extracted the green stem and leaves. He’d been so eager he’d eaten his whole, but her way was far sexier.

  “How was that?”

  “Excellent. But I think we need to take the game up a notch. Wherever the person decides to put the chocolate treat, on the next round it has to be the same place or lower.”

  To his shocked delight, she stood, grabbed the bottom edge of her dress, pulled it over her head and threw it on the floor.

  Christian gasped. The only thing she had on beneath her dress was a pair of panties. Her breasts were gorgeous, small, taunt and golden bronze like the rest of her body. She was so pretty, goddess beautiful.

  So caught up in just viewing her, he almost forgot it was his turn. “Lay down,” he said as he stood to make room on the couch.

  She did so, raising her arms over her head, one leg bent on the couch, the other on the floor. Damn, but there was nothing sexier than a naked woman in high heels, Christian thought, knowing exactly where his next berry would be placed. This game was awesome.

  He balanced the berry on her lace-covered mound and gobbled it up, anxious for later when he would taste it for real. It was her turn and he couldn’t wait to see where she had in mind on his body for this next round.

  She didn’t disappoint.

  “Alright my turn,” she said sitting up. “Take off your boots and pants.

  He didn’t have to be asked twice. Now they were both naked save underwear. “Time for a rule change, I think. We have to guess where the other person wants the treat put. If we guess wrong we have to chase it with wine.”

  She giggled. “I like that idea. But you’re gonna loose this round, because that gleam in your eyes is so obvious.”

  “Shit. I can’t help myself.”

  “Neither can I. Fuck this silly game. Just ravage me already.”

  “Oh hell, yeah.” Christian swept her up into his arms and hurried to the bedroom. He placed her on top his black satin comforter then with gentle precision, extracted her sexy, lacy red panties. He left the shoes though. The thought of having sex with her in those four-inch blue high heels was a turn on of magnanimous proportions.

  He lifted one of her legs and started with some slow gentle kisses from ankle to knee. Their gazes locked. He could tell by her heavy lids and ragged, little breathes his touch had a sizzling effect on her. He loved it.

  He continued the kisses up her inner thigh, gaining soft, sexy little moans. When he reached the glistening black curls of her womanhood, he couldn't stop himself from tasting her. She gasped when his mouth touched her and her hips came off the bed when he flicked his tongue over and over across her swollen clit. She came so fast and furious with a serious of pants ending on a long, ragged moan. The quickness shocked him and the obvious fact of how ready she was for him and this night.

  He cupped her mound, sinking a finger into her wet heat.

  “God,” she cried out. “This is too much, Christian. I need you inside of me now.”

  He couldn’t have agreed more.

  Christian shucked his under ware, then covered her body with his. He started the love making with leisurely wet kisses that she returned with a fervor. He knew so much about Tiffany, except what she liked in bed. Deciding to take her at her word, he positioned himself and slowly entered her, inch by delicious inch. God, she was tight, but being inside her was pure ecstasy.

  She must have thought so too because she began rocking her pelvis up and down, making him withdraw and push, driving him to the point he could barely contain his release. Over and over he repeated the action faster and faster until she exploded into a violent climax. The moment she peaked he bit into her shoulder, releasing his venom then sucked on the wound he’d made. The taste of her sweet blood sent him over the edge. Seconds later he found his own pleasure and filled her with his seed.

  Their combined feelings and emotions exploded in his mind and body at the cusp of climax. The lightening hot physical element heightened the experience to such an insane level both blacked out for a spell. When Christian came to, they were laying on their backs side by side breathing hard like they’d just ran a two-minute mile.

  Christian propped his head on his hand and looked over her. She was beautiful, wanton, her cheeks aglow with the aftereffects of their sublime, erotic exertions. He wanted to see her this way every night, every morning and when opportunity allowed lots of afternoons.

  “Shoo. Sex takes it out of a person,” she muttered, then struggled onto her side to face him.

  She wore a big grin and nothing else besides those sexy blue heels. Christian was enchanted.

  “It does and especially the first time for our kind because we not only made love, we created an everlasting bond when I bit you. You understand why right?”

  She nodded. “Mom had to explain the marking thing to me. Talk about embarrassing.”

  He chuckled. “Well hopefully the experience itself wasn’t.”

  “Of course not. It was wonderful.”

  “But I sensed no pain. Right? My bite, our lovemaking did it…did any of it hurt you?”

  “No. No way. It was awesome.”

  Christian breathed a sigh of relief because he’d bitten h
er fairly hard. His control had been toast in the storm of that violent orgasm.

  “So, what’s next?” She grinned big.

  So, did he because he loved her eagerness. “Whatever you want. More chocolate and wine, me. Or all of the above.”

  “Choices. I like that. I think I’ll choose you. Lay back.”

  He obeyed, anxious to see what she had in mind. She straddled his waist and licked her lips, her gaze honed on his neck, her irises dilated nearly black with blood lust. Her tongue swept her lower lip again and he knew she wanted to taste him, yet there was hesitancy in her expression. He understood. What she needed was guidance.

  “It’s okay. I want you to taste me. Trust me when I tell you it’s one of the most erotic things you’ll ever experience in your life.”

  “But I don’t know what I’m doing here, Christian.”

  “That’s okay. Let me walk you through it. First release your fangs.”

  She clamped a hand over her mouth and mumbled, “They’re released already and my upper jaw is throbbing. I really do want you that way. I just can’t believe I do. It feels, I don’t know—weird.” She crawled off of him, slipped her shoes off and threw them on the floor. Then she drew her legs up against her chest, arms wrapped around her knees.

  They were fully connected now heart and soul and he felt her embarrassment entwined with these new desires which seemed to her so very unnatural. Christian sat up and drew her into his arms. “There is nothing strange about desiring to taste the life force of your mate. It’s a driving need that never goes away when you’ve claimed a life mate.”

  “I get that, and it doesn’t seem weird or gross when you do it to me, but as much as you’re right about it being a driving need, it’s unexplored territory and I don’t want to hurt you, Christian.”

  He chuckled. “You won’t. You can’t. It’s not within you to hurt me. But I understand your fears. Here. Let me show you how it’s done.” He took her arm and turned it exposing her wrist, then started sucking on the spot where her pulse throbbed. Gently, he licked, sucked, then scraped his fangs against her velvety soft skin, repeated the actions until her breathing had hiked and her need for him to taste her reached peak. Very gently he pierced her skin with his fangs, then begin to suckle her sweet essence. She moaned her approval and Christian got lost in the moment, in the desire that drove him to show her just how wildly sensual the act could be.

  Christian could feel her getting as swept away as he. He stopped for a second and pulled her across his lap, then lifted her by the hips and positioned her wet womanhood on the tip of his engorged cock. Slowly he lowered her onto himself until he was buried to the hilt. She gasped and stared into his eyes with both surprise and delight.

  “Now, your turn,” he told her, then used his fangs to pierce the skin covering his own pulse point. He began to bleed; a trickle ran down his wrist halfway to his elbow. From there he no longer had to guide her. She made a growling noise deep in her throat, grabbed his arm, lapped up the trail of blood then began sucking directly from the small wound he’d made.

  This was a virginal experience for him too. Never had a woman consumed his life force and it was singularly the most erotic experience of his life. With his free hand, he grasped her right butt cheek and lifted her slightly. She got the message instantly and began to ride him while still nursing his wrist. Like a greedy little cat, she growled and drank, while she rode him fast and furious with wild abandon. Desire began to build in him like a perfect storm over which he had no control. He was about to peak and he could feel her own release seconds away because their individual pleasures became one and swept through him like a tidal wave, cresting higher and more powerful each time she lifted her body and slammed her feminine sheath on his engorged cock. An instant later they peaked together and cried out their pleasure. The experience truly was like a raging force of nature, sweeping them both away to a pure place of supernatural ecstasy, too much for any mortal body to bear, even a vampire. They both collapsed on their sides.

  When Christian regained lucid thinking, he realized that once again they had both passed out from the intensity of what had just happened. And no wonder. Sex was one of life’s most intense and wonderful experiences but when effects were multiplied times two it took the participants to a place out of the realm of reality. Simply put, life mate sex was mind blowing.

  He turned on his side to face her. She laid on her back, arms over her head, breathing just as hard as he. “Are you okay, Darlin’?”

  She grunted then batted her eyes a couple times. “I think I may have died there for a few seconds. I could have sworn I heard angels singing.”

  He chuckled. “That was probably just the neighbors turning up their stereo systems or TV’s. I warned you that the first time I made you mine, it wouldn’t be a good idea for people to be around for miles.”

  “Ha! I remember. You promised to make me scream and you didn’t welsh. Damn. I can’t move, Christian. You really are a pro at this.”

  “I don’t know about that, but I think with a little more practice we’ll both be solidly proficient in making the other pass out. And maybe we’ll both hear angels singing too.”

  She yawned. “Or gasping from shock.”

  He laughed.

  Being completely one with her, he felt her exhaustion. But it was a good exhaustion, which he now reveled in too. He gave her a mental push of peace and scooted across the bed bringing her flush against him until their bodies were chest to chest, thigh to thigh. His male part began to grow again and press against her belly. He meshed his mouth to hers. This time there was no hurry. The kisses were slow, lazy and soft. His fingers explored her body, curious and gentle. He delved into her soul with his mind and knew her shivers were a result of the pure luxury of touch and her love for him.

  She pulled back and blinked at him. Tears glistened in her eyes. “I love you, Christian, more than I ever imagined possible to love another person. I wished I’d realized sooner that I’ve been in love with you most of my adult life. I was too chicken to admit it even to myself.”

  He took his thumb and brushed a tear off her cheek. “Truth be told I guess I was chicken too. I’ve wanted to explore the attraction I’ve had for you all these years a million times, but I never thought you’d return my feelings.”

  She huffed. “Really? That’s a shocker because I always started drooling when you walked into a room.”

  He chuckled. “Well, you hid it well, Darlin. None of that matters now. We have each other today, tomorrow and forever.” He leaned forward and kissed her, then proceeded to show her just how much he adored her in that moment and long into the night.


  “You’re an absolute vision, T.J.,” her mother said. A dreamy, wistful smile engulfed her mother’s features and both her sisters’ faces as well.

  Dannie added, “That gown is an absolute work of perfection for your figure. Your hair, make-up—everything turned out perfectly.”

  “Christian will be in awe,” Chelsie said, grinning.

  “Well considering what this thing cost, everybody better be in awe.” Tiffany looked at herself again in the full-length mirror. She did look downright stunning.

  The three were gathered in her mom’s Georgia mansion bedroom where she’d been getting ready for her and Christian’s traditional wedding day. The gown was worth what her mom and Nathan had spent. A lot is what they’d spent. An obscene amount of money had been forked out for the dress and every detail that had gone into this wedding.

  “This is really happening.” She did a half turn in order to catch a side view of the dress and train. Within a very short time she and Christian would be legally hitched and Tiffany couldn’t recall a happier time in her entire life.

  There’d only been two things she’d truly wanted for this day. An outdoor wedding and the location. The decision to have it at night was for the sake of all the vampires. She couldn’t walk down the aisle with sunglasses propped on her face. She�
�d wanted the location to be here in Georgia where she and Christian had spent so many holidays together. It was the family home and the home where they’d fallen in love.

  “I think we covered everything,” her mother said, reaching up to graze the pearl necklace she’d allowed her to borrow for the occasion.

  “They’re beautiful.” They had been her great grandmother’s along with a matching pair of drop pearl earrings.

  “We have the old, the new and the borrowed covered. But the blue. What did we do about the blue?” her mom asked them collectively.

  “I’m wearing it, remember? That slutty corset thing me and Dannie bought at Victoria’s Secret.”

  “Well, soon it will be secret no more,” Chelsie said with a wink.

  She laughed, her mom and sisters too.

  Her mother and sisters had helped her every step of the way for her walk down the aisle. Dannie had given her a manicure and pedicure. Both sisters had worked miracles on her skin, hair and make-up. Dannie seriously could have been a hairdresser and make-up artist. Tiffany had always considered herself fair-looking, but what Dannie had rendered today would have put Hollywood’s best hair and make-up artists to shame. Really, despite all the fuss, she was excited. She couldn’t wait for Christian to see her.

  Her mom tugged at the edges of the off-shoulder sleeves on her wedding gown. “That looks just about right.” Next, she reached up and adjusted the diamond-studded tiara.

  Julia the party planning partner in her mom’s catering business had designed every detail of the event from start to finish. Her mom would have rocked it out with the food, like she always did for family gatherings and fancy affairs. Tiffany hadn’t yet seen their final masterpiece in the back yard beyond the antebellum mansion, but she knew what the two had created would be spectacular.

  There was a knock on the door.

  “I’ll get it,” Chelsie said.

  Her heart did a little stutter when the door opened and she saw her dad standing there. For several long moment, he stared at her with a look that was a mixture of sorrow, pride and a misty sort of happiness.


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