Ramona Scarlett’s Giant TOO TABOO Mega Bundle (Twenty Story Step Taboo Household Erotica Box Set)

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Ramona Scarlett’s Giant TOO TABOO Mega Bundle (Twenty Story Step Taboo Household Erotica Box Set) Page 10

by Ramona Scarlett

  "Chastity," Aaron said, his eyes lighting up as he saw me. "Hey."

  "Hey," I said shyly. "Come on in."

  I took him by the hand and led him into our living room. I hesitated for a moment and then turned around and stood on my tip-toes to kiss him. I felt him smile into the kiss and he reached a hand around my waist and let it slide down to my butt. I was wearing my skimpiest thong that night, so when he squeezed my ass, he got a nice, fistful of my firm cheeks.

  "You kids have a good time at dinner," my dad said, coming into the living room. Aaron all but pushed me away and I stumbled back, hurriedly adjusting my dress.

  "Yes, sir. We will, sir," Aaron mumbled, a look of pure panic on his face. If my dad saw what we were doing, he didn't give any indication.

  "And I'll see you two at the dance," he said. My heart dropped into my stomach and I wanted to start crying then and there.

  "At... the dance?" Aaron almost whispered.

  "That's right. I'll be chaperoning the dance. Aaron, buddy, I hope you'll let me have just one song to dance with my daughter? You can have her the rest of the night, of course." He paired that with a wink.

  "Oh, um, of course..."

  The rest of the night? So maybe this wouldn't turn out so bad... Daddy seemed to know what was up.

  "Let's see, the dance ends at 11:30... So make sure you get her home by midnight? Or, you know what, it might even be easier if I take Chastity home in my car after the dance. How does that sound?"

  "Daddy!" I screeched. Aaron was pale. He's a big boy but my father is bigger and what's more, he exudes confidence and power with everything he does. It was clear that he wasn't asking Aaron's permission to take me home after the dance. He was just stating what would happen and he was vaguely curious as to Aaron's opinion. But only vaguely.

  "Um, sure. That, uh, works."

  "Fantastic! I know girls take forever to get ready to go anywhere, so I don't want Chastity to take up your whole night."

  "Uh... Thanks?" Aaron said, fully terrified of my father. Maybe it was the picture of my dad in his Marine Corps uniform sitting on the mantle, or his officer's sword hanging by the bookshelf? Or maybe it was the smooth, confident way my daddy took a seat after the matter had been settled and poured himself a glass of scotch, neat, and downed it like most men would down a glass of cold ice water.

  "Now, you two have fun! Drive safe!"

  My face was burning and I hurried out the door, into the night, so Aaron wouldn't see the tears starting to tumble out of my eyes.


  We drove in silence to the restaurant where we were meeting the rest of our group before the dance. At stop lights, I tried hiking up my dress a little bit, looking over at Aaron expectantly. If we weren't going to get any time to ourselves after the dance, I figured, we had better make the most of the time we had before the dance. But he was sufficiently terrified and put off that he totally ignored my smooth, tanned thighs and my plump, moist lips, slightly parted, as if making way for his tongue... Or something else.

  "Your dad is... Impressive," he said, finally.

  "Impressively annoying," I muttered, my voice low and strained. We pulled into the parking lot of the family Italian restaurant our friends had picked for the evening. He parked and after he got out of his side of the car, he came around to open my door. Very polite. As I got out, I pushed him up against the side of the car and wrapped one of my legs around his waist, pressing my scantily clad crotch up against his, wrapped as it was in his suit pants.

  "We might not have another chance at this," I whispered frantically, leaning up to kiss him. "We can do it quick. It's fine if we're fifteen minutes late to dinner."

  To be honest, I didn't want my first time to be a fifteen minute romp in the parking lot of Maggiano's, but desperate times call for desperate measures, as they say. Aaron just shook his head.

  "Chastity, honestly... I sort of feel like your dad is here. Watching us."

  I groaned and pushed off him, stomping my way into the restaurant. He followed behind pathetically, scratching his head. I wanted a man who would stand up to my daddy, even when he was being a dick. I wanted a man who wasn't afraid to take on anyone, who would ruthlessly destroy anyone who stood in between him and me, who wasn't afraid of anyone, no matter what the situation. I realized I wanted a man who was powerful, not only physically but who exuded confidence in any situation. Aaron, for all his gorgeous, sexy quarterback looks, just wasn't that guy.

  Oh god, I realized. My own daddy is the man I want.


  Dinner was strained at best. I barely talked to Aaron, even though we were sitting next to each other. He made a half-hearted attempt to put his hand on my thigh and slide it up, up, up under my dress. I definitely would have welcomed that advance in the car. I would have leaned back and spread my legs for him, let him play with me and explore my body but now, his touch reviled me. It felt effeminate, like a girl's or maybe a little kid's. I let him touch me for a few minutes before pushing his hand away. He gave me a pained look and I smiled sweetly back. Sweetly, but fakely.

  After dinner, we all stood around in the parking lot, laughing and talking about the lame music they would play at the dance. A few of the couples retreated to far ends of the parking lot to make out and as I talked to my friends Sarah and Chelsea, Aaron sidled up beside me. I felt his hand slide over my ass and grab hold of my firm cheeks. Chelsea and Sarah didn't seem to notice but I let out a tiny gasp at his firm fingers. This was more like it. I leaned into Aaron, inhaling his scent. If he kept this up, maybe he'd redeem himself.

  Finally, we all started to leave for the dance. One by one, cars trickled out of the parking lot and in a glittering caravan, we raced down the highway to our high school, lighting up the late summer night with a stream of SUVs and station wagons.

  At the school, our cars fit themselves into the packed parking lot. Aaron led me through the crowds of freshmen, the boys scrawny and pre-pubescent, the girls taller than their boys and anxious to look older, made up like little sluts with low-cut dresses that showed off the tits they didn't have. Earlier, I would have enjoyed the envious looks that the freshmen girls gave me and the lustful ones I got from the boys but now, all I could think about was who would be waiting for me inside.

  At the door to the gymnasium, my AP US History teacher, Mrs. Whitefield, stood guard, checking student IDs and tearing tickets.

  "Chastity and Aaron! Don't you two just make an adorable couple! And what a dapper suit!" Mrs. Whitefield, an aging hippie, said. Her lanky grey hair swirled around her head as she tore our tickets and gestured into the gymnasium.

  "Chastity, honey, I know your father is in there. You should say hello to him--I already warned him not to follow you too closely tonight."

  Aaron turned a sickly shade of green. I tried to manage a pleasant giggle.

  "Thanks, Mrs. Whitefield. I appreciate it. Daddy is very... protective, sometimes."

  "I would be too, if my daughter were hanging out with this stud," Mrs. Whitefield exclaimed. She punched Aaron's arm gently.

  "Ha. Haha," he offered. Unconvincingly.

  Inside the darkened gym, the usual cascade of remixed top-40 songs greeted us. I looked around and amidst the tumbling displays of girls in colorful, short dressed and boys in poorly considered suits, all gyrating to the dying hits of a dying summer, I couldn't pick out my father.

  "The coast is clear," I told Aaron. I took him by the hand and led him to the dance floor. He was stiff but relaxed, finally, amid the anonymity of the other hot young teenage bodies surrounding us. We began to dance and he held me close by the hips. I pressed myself to his strong body, feeling the angles of his muscled physique through his suit. Yes, this is what I wanted, I told myself. I wanted the looks the other girls would give me as they saw me dancing with Aaron. I wanted Aaron to glory in the envious stares that his friends and the underclassmen shot his way as he wrapped me around him, as they saw his hands explore my body and take delight in my sup
ple, strong thighs, my tight butt, my perky, tanned tits. I wanted him to kiss my neck and leave hickeys all over it that I would have to hide under a scarf on Monday. I wanted other girls to see how we danced and to get so turned on, they grabbed their dates by the crotch, desperate for the very same satisfaction I was receiving.

  "A little bit more room there," a familiar voice said out of nowhere. In terror, Aaron and I both turned to see my father standing over us, crowds of teenagers shying away from him. He stood there like Moses, having parted the Red Sea, and I almost burst into tears.

  He took Aaron by the shoulder and gently, though very firmly, moved him about a foot away from me. Then the took my hands and placed them on Aaron's shoulders. Aaron's hands, he removed from my ass and placed high up on my hips.

  "There we go. I think that's a bit better, don't you?"

  "Daddy!" I screamed, finally, the tears flowing. I pushed Aaron away and stormed past my father.

  "Chastity!" Aaron mumbled, very half-heartedly.

  "Chastity!" came my father's authoritative voice and for a second, I wanted to stop and run to it. I didn't. Instead, I picked my way through the crowds of freshman, ignoring the awkward, dateless boys who let their hands "accidentally" brush my ass as they walked by.

  "Excuse me, young man," I heard my father's voice call out. I allowed myself a tiny smile: my dad had noticed a tall, scrawny, thickly acne'd boy run his hand up my thigh as I pushed past him. Good, that would slow him down. I burst out of the gym, past a startled Mrs. Whitefield, and off into the darkened hallways of the school.


  As I stalked through the halls, tears streaming down my face and ruining my make up, I realized I hadn't planned this outburst very well. None of the classrooms were unlocked. The only bathrooms that were unlocked were by the gym, where the dance was. I needed somewhere to cry, to collect myself, and I definitely didn't want to do it in a bathroom surrounded by thirty giggling freshmen and sophomore girls, talking about who got where with whom.

  Finally, I found my way to my locker. I all but collapsed on the floor right there and put my head against my knees. Why couldn't my daddy just let me and Aaron have fun? Why did he have to ruin everything? Hadn't he been young once? I whimpered pathetically. There was no way I'd ever fix my make up at this point. If anyone walked by right now, they'd see me crying like a mess with my legs up--if you looked at the right angle, you could probably see my whole ass and my slit, covered only barely in a translucent black thong.

  There were two problems, as far as I could see it. First and foremost, I wanted my daddy to let me do whatever I wanted with Aaron and just butt out. No, actually, the foremost problem was... I didn't even really want Aaron anymore. He just didn't do it for me. I wanted someone who could stand up to anything, to anyone. I wanted someone who would tell my daddy off, who would keep me out till four in the morning and do whatever he wanted to me. And that's when I realized, really, that the only person who could do that was my very own daddy.

  "Well, there you are," said a strong, honey-sweet voice as if on cue. In the darkness, lit only by the pale red of an exit sign, was my father. He had loosened his tie and undone the top button of his shirt. My god, but he looked sexy.

  "Hi, daddy," I whispered.

  "Are you about ready to talk?"

  "I guess."

  "I'm... Sorry. I guess I'm just not ready to let my little girl go." He stood right in front of me, towering over me as I stayed on the floor, refusing to meet his eyes.

  "Daddy, I'm going to college next year. You have to let me go."

  "When I married your mom, I can't tell you how happy I was to have a little girl of my own. We've got your brothers and sisters but you, you'll always be my little girl. And nothing's ever going to change that. I guess I'm just sad that I won't have you around any more."

  I wanted to fly into his arms, to bury my face in his strong chest.

  "Then we'll have to make the most of the time we have left," I said softly.

  "That's right. And I guess, I just can't stand the thought of any dumb kid disrespecting you. But that's a decision you'll have to make for yourself."

  "You're right, daddy," I mumbled, finally looking up at him, meeting the love in his eyes. Without thinking about what I was doing, I climbed to my knees, kneeling before him. I wrapped my arms around his legs, hugging him like I had done when I was a little girl. He ran a hand through my hair.

  "You'll always be my little girl, though," he said. I reached up to his belt and began to undo it.

  "That's right, daddy. But now I can be more than your little girl."

  Without saying anything, he let me undo his belt and his pants.

  "Chastity..." he whispered finally.

  "Daddy, you're the only one I want now," I said, firmly, my mouth all but watering.

  "Are you sure you want this, baby doll?"

  "Yes, daddy. I'm so sure."

  "You have no idea how I've fantasized about you..." he whispered as I unzipped his pants. I felt the huge piece of flesh throbbing inside his underwear. It twitched in my hand. God, but it was big. How could mom ever fit this inside of her? I had only ever had the handle of my hairbrush in my pussy--nothing like this monster!

  "Tell me, daddy," I replied as I slid down his boxers. His cock sprang to its full length, bopping me in the nose slightly. It radiated heat and I inhaled his scent, luxuriating in the fell of being so close to the man who had raised me.

  "I always think about you when I fuck your mom," he whispered. My gut tightened with excitement.


  "Mhm. You look like her, when she was younger. I bend her over and I pretend I'm ripping you apart from behind... Is this scaring you?"

  Maybe he saw the look on my face. I shook my head.

  "No, daddy. I'm just surprised..."

  Without saying anything else, he slid a hand behind my head and gently guided my mouth to his cock. I placed a hot kiss on the tip first and then slid open my lips. I had never done this before but somehow, someway, doing this for my daddy felt so right. I licked my way down his shaft, from the tip of his massive cockhead to the base of his hairy balls. I took one in my mouth, rolling the hot flesh around. I nipped gently at his sack, thinking all the while how my mother must have done this before me. Thinking all the while: how many times had my mom done this and my dad was imagining my sweet little mouth on his cock?

  I licked back up to the tip and without taking him into my mouth yet, I swirled my tongue around his cockhead. Yes, this is exactly what I wanted. This is what I imagined sucking Aaron off would be like, only better because my father exuded more power, most strength, more raw and unadulterated masculinity than Aaron ever could. My father was a rock; Aaron was just sand, ready to be washed away with the next tide.

  There was something sticky and salty dribbling out of my daddy's cock. I lapped at it, teasing the hole at the tip of his member, trying to work the very tip of my tongue inside. He gave an appreciative grunt and I decided to finally go for it: I spread my mouth as wide as I could and slowly impaled myself on his cock, letting it slide through my hot, wet mouth, pushing it in as deep as I could. I couldn't help but scrape my teeth against his hard, throbbing shaft and he grunted, tightening his grip on my hair. I knew he could just thrust into my mouth, take me like a piece of meat if he really wanted to, but he refrained, letting me figure what I was doing, play with his cock slowly, scrape my teeth along the twitching veins dotting his meat.

  Wetting my lips, I began to bob my head now, slowly at first but then faster and faster, each time letting him deeper and deeper into my throat. It was hard and it made me gag but god, how I wanted to make my daddy happy. He moaned appreciatively, and before long, he was whispering lewd things to me.

  "I wanted to make you do this on your eighteenth birthday," he whispered. "You wore that pretty pink little dress and your lips were all done up with lip gloss. You looked ready to suck a cock and I wanted to make sure it was mine."

p; I pulled off his twitching organ for just a second.

  "You should have, daddy. You should have grabbed me and made me suck your cock and then fucked me hard."

  "Did you want it?"

  "No, but I think I need it," I replied before setting back to the task before me. I sucked him long and deep and tears came to my eyes for the second time that night as I gagged on his thick meat. It stretched my jaws and tired them out but I kept working, all the while relishing the feeling of his hands in my hair, pulling, tugging, and stroking. I cupped his balls and played with them, tickling them and squeezing them ever so gently as I worked his cock with my hot little mouth.

  Suddenly, he gripped my hair hard. I squealed onto his dick and my sudden outburst allowed his dick to slide down my throat, all the way to the hilt. He thrust a few times into my throat and I was totally helpless, totally not in control as his cock began to spasm and spray its hot, sticky load down my throat. I whimpered and squealed as he came in my mouth, choking down his salty jizz and doing my best to keep up as it spilled into my mouth.


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