Make Me, Sir (Doms of Decadence Book 5)

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Make Me, Sir (Doms of Decadence Book 5) Page 13

by Laylah Roberts

  “You guessed wrong.”

  “You’ll need to get back to your job, though,” Reagan said worriedly. “Now that the threat to me is over.”

  They hadn’t had that conversation about their future yet. He hadn’t wanted to have it last night while they were both tired and trying to process what had happened. There was a part of him that didn’t want to have it at all. Because he was scared. Because he was worried that once all this danger was over, she’d realize that she deserved better than him.

  “I’m coming, too,” Reagan said.


  She gave him a disgruntled look. “The threat is over. You’re no longer my bodyguard. Therefore you don’t get to give me orders.”

  “I am still your Dom. No.”

  Her eyes snapped with furious fire. Glorious and sizzling. He didn’t like the way Henderson talked about her, and he wasn’t having her exposed to that.

  “Want me to call Tara?”

  “What I’d like is a bit of peace and quiet.” She stood.

  He grabbed her hand before she could storm out of the room. He tumbled her onto his lap and gave her a blistering kiss. She melted into his arms.

  He leaned down, his mouth close to her ear. “Take a bath. Then wait for me. Naked. On the bed. On your back. Legs spread.”

  Her breathing quickened, and she squirmed in his hold. He stood and set her on her feet. Then he gave her a sharp smack on her ass. “Go.”

  He made certain the alarm was set and the door locked before he left.

  “If looks could kill,” Jack said with a laugh. “Wouldn’t want to be in your shoes when you get home.”

  If he knew what would be waiting for Tiny when he got home, he’d think differently.


  Anger was a roiling beast inside him when he arrived back at Reagan’s apartment two hours later. The bastard, Henderson was claiming he had no clue what Maddy had been up to. Tiny wasn’t certain whether to believe him or not, but he admitted he wanted him to be guilty, so he had an excuse to kick his ass.

  He’d come close when Henderson called Reagan a bitch. Roarke and Jack had to hold him back. He’d enjoyed the way Henderson had paled. Roarke had kicked him out of the club, saying he’d been on his last chance, and his attitude toward Reagan had pushed him over.

  Tiny moved through the apartment toward Reagan’s bedroom. Had she obeyed him? She’d been mad at him when he’d left. When he stepped into the bedroom and saw her on the bed just as he’d instructed, his breath left him in a whoosh. He stood there, staring at her for the longest time.


  She stared up at him. He walked forward then crouched by the bed and kissed her. He kissed her like it was their last kiss. As though they’d never kiss again.

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?” she whispered, her eyes wide.

  “For this. I know you’re mad.”

  She sighed. “Not at you. Not really. I’m just tired of everything being out of my hands. In case you didn’t realize it, I kind of like to be in control.”

  He grinned. “I guessed.” Meant that much more that she surrendered to him. That she allowed him to take control.

  “What did he say?”

  “Denied knowing anything. Enough about him.” Henderson had no place here. With them. “I’m going to spank you.”

  Her eyes widened. “Why? What did I do?”

  “Nothing.” He winked.

  “Oh,” she breathed out, her face turning dreamy. “That’s nice.”

  He chuckled. “Legs up to your chest. Hold them there.”

  He laid between her legs and stared at her glistening pussy. Fucking beautiful. He took a deep lick, savoring the taste of her. Swirling his finger through her dew, he drew it down to her ass, thrusting deep.

  Her whole body jolted.

  “Keep still.”

  He thrust his tongue deep inside her. She cried out, her legs closing slightly. He drew back, licking his lips, his breath coming in harsh pants.

  He grabbed a blindfold from the bedside drawer and held it up. “I’m not going to bind you, but you’re going to wear this. One day, I’ll bind and blindfold you. But not today.”

  She nodded, nerves filling her face as he placed the blindfold over her eyes.

  “Roll over onto your hands and knees.”

  He helped her roll over, steadying her.

  “Ass up, head down. Remember your safe word.”

  Jesus, it was all he could do to hold onto his composure. To not thrust himself deep inside her. But he held back. He moved to the side, rubbing his hand over her ass. He smacked his hand down suddenly, delighting in her cry of surprise. Then he set about spanking her in earnest. Covering her ass. Her skin turned pink, and he paused to admire the plump, rosy globes.

  “Damn sexy sight.”

  “Sir! Please!”

  He reached down and cupped her mound. Her heat scorched him, her lips were coated in slick arousal. Fuck, he couldn’t hold back. He gave her two final smacks before moving behind her. At the last moment, he remembered he wasn’t sheathed and quickly grabbed a condom.

  He thrust himself deep inside her. Their groans mingled. Their breathing quickened with each push of his hips. She sucked him in, her warmth surrounding him. Reaching around he flicked her clit with his finger. She was swollen. So ready.

  “Come. Come with me,” he ordered.

  “Sir! Sir!” A few more flicks of her clit and he felt her release begin. His thrusts grew more hurried, rougher, less controlled. Finally, he succumbed to his own release. It poured through him, a thunderstorm that reached its peak with a crescendo that made him roar.


  Tiny placed his phone down then turned to her, looking grim. “That was Gray.”

  Her stomach dropped. Two days had passed since they’d discovered Maddy was the intruder. She still wasn’t talking, which worried Reagan. What did they actually have against her? Attempted break-in? Would that even stick? She thought she would feel safer once the intruder was caught, but she still felt unsettled.

  Of course, that could be because Tiny was leaving soon. He was still reluctant to talk about their future and Reagan was starting to wonder if that was because he didn’t want a future with her. Maybe this was over and she just wasn’t getting the hint. She didn’t want to ask again because she didn’t want to ruin these last days they had together.

  “What did he say?” she asked. She knew it wouldn’t be good news. They’d been waiting for this phone call.

  “Got to go back for a job.”

  Pain stabbed her insides.


  “Tonight. My flight’s in a few hours.”

  She held back the cry of denial. She wasn’t ready for this. She couldn’t let him go.

  “Come with me,” he told her.


  “To Austin.”

  “Tiny, I can’t just take off. I have work to do.”

  “You can work from Austin just as easily as from here,” he pointed out.

  “But now that the danger is over, I should go back to the office.”

  Tiny placed his hands on his hips. “I’m not leaving you alone.”

  “You’re still feeling protective, I get it. But I’m fine now.” Although, she didn’t like the idea of being apart from him any more than he did.

  He scowled. “Don’t know when I can get back.”

  Maybe he wouldn’t come back. Maybe these feelings they had for each other were due to being thrown together in such extreme circumstances. Maybe—

  “Stop.” Tiny took hold of her shoulders and shook her.

  “What?” She tried to shrug his hold off, but he wasn’t budging.

  “I can see you have doubts.”

  “Don’t you?” she asked. “We can barely bring ourselves to talk about the future, does that mean we don’t have one?”

  He frowned.

  “Neither one of us wants to quit our job and move
. So, what does that mean? A long-distance relationship? That won’t work long term. Maybe… maybe it’s better to just call this quits.”


  She couldn’t believe she was saying this. Just speaking the words made her feel ill. But what did she really have to offer him? She’d never be truly normal. Her quirks would soon irritate him. He’d grow more and more annoyed with her. Probably meet someone else. Someone who didn’t have to check the door was locked three times, or have her cups turned a certain way.

  Someone who lived in the same damn city.

  “You breaking things off?”

  “It seems for the best,” she replied stiffly.

  “Reagan, we are not breaking up.” He grasped hold of her chin. “I have to go, but I’m coming back.”

  Sure. Of course, he was. In the beginning.

  “I don’t want to torture us both.”

  “Oh, there will be torture. Your ass will ache for days for pulling this.” He kissed her hard.

  She pulled him close, needing to touch him, needing to feel him against her.

  “Take me,” she whispered.

  He tugged at her jeans.

  She reached down and took over, drawing her jeans and panties down her legs. He drew down his own jeans then clasped her around the waist, lifting her. She placed her legs around his waist as he thrust deep inside her.

  They both groaned. He pumped in and out of her as he sucked her nipple through her top. The orgasm rushed at her, ripping through her with a force that made her gasp. As she came, Tiny gave a shout, pausing before pulling out and then driving deep.

  When he drew away, his gaze was intense, his face serious. “This isn’t over.”

  Yeah, somehow, she wasn’t so sure.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Come on, Reagan. You need to quit moping and have some fun,” Tara told her. “A night out with the girls is just what you need.”

  Reagan shook her head. A night out with the girls was the last thing she wanted. She was exhausted. She couldn’t sleep. She couldn’t eat.

  Tiny had left two weeks ago, and she was a mess. He’d called her a few times. But talking on the phone wasn’t easy. She didn’t know what to say, and he wasn’t the greatest conversationalist.

  She’d taken this time to think like he’d suggested, and she’d decided this was madness. She loved him. Hopefully, he felt the same about her. Reagan sighed, feeling nervous. No, he loved her. He had to.

  She’d decided to quit her job and move to Austin. She could get a new job. It would be hard to start again. But it would be worth it to be with Tiny. She’d sent through an email to her boss just a few minutes ago with her resignation.

  “No, thanks,” she told Tara. “There’s something I need to tell you, though. I’m resigning.”

  “What?” Tara gaped at her.

  “Yes. I told Lionel he’d be an idiot to get rid of you, though, and I will provide any references you need. I—”

  “Reagan, wait up.” Tara held up her hand. “Don’t worry about that. Why did you resign? Because of Tiny?”

  “Yes. I’ve given two weeks’ notice, but I’m going to fly to Austin tonight to tell him. I—I can’t be without him, Tara.”

  “You love him.”

  “Yes. I love him. And he better damn well love me, too.”

  Tara grinned. “You get him, girl.” She hugged Reagan who stiffened in surprise. But after a few seconds, she clasped her arms around the shorter girl. “I’ll miss you.”

  Reagan smiled. “I’ll miss you, too.”

  Tara’s phone beeped. “Damn, that will be Tilly. She’s picking me up. Do you need us to take you to the airport?”

  “No. I’ll be fine. Tara, thanks.”

  Tara looked at her in surprise. “For what?”

  “For being my friend.”

  “Hey, you don’t have to thank me. And I’m always going to be your friend, Reagan.” Reaching out, she grabbed hold of her hand, squeezing it. “Good luck!”

  “I don’t believe in luck. But thanks anyway.”

  Reagan drove home. She had a few hours until her flight, so she packed up her bag. Checked she had everything she needed three times then called for a taxi. She grabbed her bag and left, locking the door. She’d wait out on the street.


  “What is this?” Hunter stormed into the staff room where Tiny was cleaning the plate he’d brought in this morning, filled with chocolate caramel slice.

  “Piece of paper?” Tiny asked dryly.

  “Have those all gone?” Hunter looked at the empty plate mournfully. “Damn greedy bastards, I barely got any.”

  “So, I didn’t see you scoff down three pieces at lunch?” Cady asked as she entered the room. She winked over at Tiny.

  “I’m a growing man,” Hunter complained.

  “Uh-huh.” She patted his stomach.

  “You’ll pay for that,” Hunter told her.

  “Promises. Promises.” She grinned as she walked to the fridge. Reaching in, she grabbed a bottle of water. “I could hear you bellowing from the other room? What’s up?”

  “This is what’s up.” Hunter held up the piece of paper again. “Tiny’s trying to resign.”

  “What? You’re leaving?” Cady turned to him. “Why?”

  “Not trying to resign. I am resigning.”

  “Because of Reagan?” Cady asked him.

  “Who?” Hunter asked.

  “Reagan? The woman he was protecting when he was in Austin,” Cady reminded him. “About time you went to her. You’ve been moping around since you left her.”

  “Men don’t mope,” Hunter told Cady.

  “Ahh, yeah, they do. Haven’t you noticed how much he’s been baking? It’s because he misses Reagan. It’s sweet.”

  Hunter scowled. “Sweet? It’s not sweet. It’s sickening. There is no moping at Black-Gray.”

  “What’s going on in here?” Gray walked in.

  Tiny groaned. There was no privacy around here.

  “Tiny thinks he’s resigning.” Hunter gave Gray the piece of paper.

  “This looks like he already has.” Gray looked over at Tiny. “Reagan?”

  Hunter threw his arms up into the air. “How come everyone but me knows about this girl?”

  Cady snorted. “You know about her. You chose to ignore it because it suited you.”

  “You’re not resigning,” Hunter commanded. “You want this girl then just make her move here.”

  Cady groaned, and Gray rolled his eyes.

  “How do you put up with him?” Tiny asked Cady.

  “I have the patience of a saint,” she replied. “Plus, he’s really good in the sack.”

  “Cady,” Hunter barked. He pointed at her. “No sex talk in the work place.”

  “Since when?” Gray asked dryly.

  “Since you threatened me with that damn sexual harassment seminar.”

  “Is there no way she’d move here, Tiny?” Gray asked. “We’d hate to see you go.”

  “Reagan needs familiar things. Easier for me to move.” And he should have told her that straight away instead of taking time to think things through. What things? He loved her. He wanted to be with her. He’d been an idiot to leave her. Giving up his job and friends would be hard. But she was worth it. Maybe she did deserve better than him, but no one would ever love her like he would. No one would cherish or protect her better.

  “Going tonight to talk to her.” He just hoped she’d take him back.

  “Good luck,” Cady told him.

  He nodded. He might just need it.


  “Hello, Reagan.”

  Reagan turned at the greeting. A man stepped forward, a baseball cap low on his head. He wore a well-pressed, clean, checked shirt that was buttoned right up to his chin and dark slacks. His tidy clothes seemed out of place with the scruffy baseball cap. He strode forward, his eyes darting back and forth nervously. A small tingle ran down her spine in warning. The sun was
starting to sink, and the street was quiet. She glanced over at the door to the apartment building, judging the distance.

  “Don’t even think about running.” He stared at her, his gaze unsettling in its complete and utter focus.

  “Who are you?” she demanded, thrusting her shoulders back. She wouldn’t show him she was scared. “What do you want?”

  “I’m your secret admirer.” He laughed, obviously pleased with himself, although she had no idea why.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t play coy. ‘A dishonest woman contemneth shame: but an honest woman will reverence her husband’.”

  Her fear grew. Who was he? Her secret admirer? “You left the notes? The flowers?”

  “Yes, of course. Should a man not send his future wife flowers?”

  “Wife?” She screeched.

  He glanced around, his breath coming in fast pants. “We must go inside.”

  “No way.” Did he think she was an idiot?

  “You will obey me. ‘Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord’.”

  “You’re fucking crazy. Did Maddy put you up to this?” Had the other woman paid this guy to terrorize her?

  “Who?” He looked genuinely confused, and her trepidation grew.

  “I’m calling the police.” She reached into her handbag as he leapt forward and grabbed her wrist. He turned her, so her back was to his front. She’d underestimated him. He might be slightly built, but his grasp was strong, and the knife he now pressed against her side told her he was deadly serious.

  “We’re going inside.”


  He prodded her into the apartment building, the knife pressed against her side. It pricked at her a couple of times, and she winced. She’d left her luggage outside, but he hadn’t seemed to notice. Maybe someone would see the suitcase and investigate.

  More likely they’d just steal her stuff.

  She thought about entering the wrong pin into the key pad and setting off the alarm, but he pressed his knife against her side. She cried out in pain.

  “Hurry up. And don’t even think about disobeying me, unless you want to add to your punishment.”

  Punished? Holy fuck, he had a few screws missing.

  But she entered the correct pin. No sense in antagonizing him. Not yet, anyway.


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