All Mine (Bears In Love Book 2)

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All Mine (Bears In Love Book 2) Page 2

by Sway Jones

  All three of them looked at her in surprise.

  “You know about shifters?” Waverly asked, stunned.

  “Of course I do,” Delilah responded waving her hand casually. “Who doesn’t?”

  “I didn’t think …” Waverly began.

  “What do you know about shifters?” Hank asked, trying to be casual, scooping up some potatoes to munch on even though his bear wanted to fling itself at their mate.

  She knows, it argued.

  What does she know, he countered? Most people know gossip and speculation not actual facts.

  His bear grumbled with dissatisfaction at his reply.

  “Shifters are – physically bigger than the average human male,” Delilah replied.

  See she knows how big our cock is, the bear whined.

  That’s not all that matters to a human woman, he growled. And she wasn’t talking about our cock.

  “So you guessed we are shifters,” Ryan said sheepishly. “My brothers and I.”

  “I wasn’t sure until I saw you both.”

  “We are rather – large,” Hank said replied, staring Delilah in the eye. She immediately caught his double entendre and blushed while looking away.

  “But also extremely sweet,” Waverly piped in smiling at Ryan and then Hank. “Shifters are the greatest family men. Ryan and all his brothers have been so wonderful to me. They helped me move in and have been gently easing me into farm life.”

  “I can see how happy you are,” Delilah said wistfully. “It’s so – delightful to see you so relaxed and in love.”

  “You are so right!” Waverly squealed. “It is relaxation in love. I don’t have to worry so much anymore. I know that between the two of us and the rest of the men, we can tackle any problem that presents itself and if we can’t, we can be there for each other. Other than you Delilah I don’t think I’ve ever trusted anyone more than I do Ryan. And his brothers too.”

  “That’s great Waverly. I’m so happy for you.”

  “I have a family,” Waverly sighed. “A real family.”

  “I am happy for you two,” Hank said staring at Delilah. “But I can’t help but feel a little jealous too.”

  “Me too,” Delilah said softly without thinking. “I mean, I think its great you found each other thanks to me.”

  “And me,” Hank interrupted. “I signed him up for the speed dating event.”

  “You did? Me too! So basically we are why you two are together,” she smirked.

  “Yes,” Ryan drawled. “That and we had the courage to have another date.”

  “Ok, ok. You all had to do something too,” Hank conceded with a chuckle.

  “Perhaps you two have a fairy godmother or godfather working in the wings,” Ryan said slyly. “Trying to introduce you to a man or woman who is your soul mate.”

  “Maybe,” Hank conceded easily, staring at Delilah wondering what she thought about the idea. When he caught her eye, they widened in surprise and then she looked away quickly in embarrassment. Could she see how much he wanted her?

  “I can’t imagine it would be that easy for someone like me,” Delilah replied looking at Waverly and avoiding the men’s gazes.

  “What do you mean?” Hank asked frowning. He didn’t like the sound of that resignation in her voice.

  “I’m kind of – different than most women,” she managed to get out. “I mean not many tall redheads, who are – extra curvy, get that much attention from men or shifters.”

  “You’re gorgeous!” Hank couldn’t stop himself from blurting out.

  Delilah looked up at him in surprise. She narrowed her eyes trying to decipher his intentions.

  He smiled self-effacingly. “I mean, you are very – beautiful,” he expounded. “You’re unique. I – I like unique.”

  “You do?” she whispered not believing him.

  “I do,” he replied without hesitation.

  “You would be – exceptional in that way,” she murmured. “Thank you.”

  “Your welcome.”

  They all fell into a meaningful silence as they each thought about what had been revealed in their conversation.

  “Oh. It’s eight o’clock!” Waverly exclaimed suddenly. “Was Jai going to feed the calves?”

  “Yes. No need to worry,” Ryan answered. “Unless you think Delilah might like to go see the newborns?”

  “Oh I would love to,” Delilah answered excitedly without waiting to be asked.

  “I’ll show her,” Hank said before Waverly could say anything. “If that is ok?”

  “I- uh, that would be great,” Delilah stuttered nervously. “Thank you.”

  “Your welcome.”

  Chapter 4

  “They are so strong,” Delilah cooed as she held a bottle up for one of the calves to feed from. She laughed when he almost pulled her into the pen with them.

  “Easy there,” Jai said, grabbing her waist so that she didn’t fall in. Before he knew what was going on, he found himself halfway across the barn, thrown there like a rag doll by Hank, who now stared down at him angrily. Jai chuckled at the jealousy he saw in his big brother’s frustration. He quickly sprung up onto his feet and continued smiling at his brother.

  “Don’t you ever touch her,” Hank rasped menacingly.

  “Calm down big brother,” Jai teased. “I was just steadying her so that she wouldn’t hurt herself.”

  “That’s my job. You don’t need to concern yourself with her safety.”

  “Ok man. Don’t get all territorial on me. I’m your brother. I get that she’s your mate but does she know that?”

  “No. We just met.”

  “Don’t you think you should tell her?”

  “She’s a human. She doesn’t get the whole mate bond.”

  “But she knows about shifters right?”


  “So maybe she does know about it. She’s got to be feeling it too if she’s your mate.”

  “Maybe,” Hank said reluctantly. It would make his life a whole lot easier if she did feel it too.

  “Is everything ok?” Delilah called out.

  “Everything is fine,” Hank said coming back to her. “I bet you didn’t think you would be feeding baby cows when you came over tonight.”

  Delilah laughed and Hank was enchanted with the sound. He needed to hear it again.

  “Did not have this in mind for sure,” Delilah replied. “But I’m glad I am. Thank you for bringing me out here.”

  “Any time,” he said with a smile that distracted her from what she was doing. The calf pulled hard for that last pull of formula and nearly pulled her back into the stall again. This time Hank caught hold of her and pulled her against his hard body.

  “Oh my,” he heard her whisper as she came to rest against him. She was swept away in the feel of him holding her. He was so hard and resistant. Nothing could get through him. A sense of security fell over her. He was a man that would protect his own, she thought enviously. If only she was one of his.

  She startled herself. Where had that come from? She didn’t belong to anyone. Her parents had left her at a fire station when she was four years old. She had spent her entire childhood in and out of foster homes where the only reason they kept her was for the monthly check. Nobody had wanted her to belong to them because of who she was, an introverted, depressed little girl.

  She still felt like that child even though she had gotten better at hiding her behind a mask of friendliness and humor. Being a beautician she had to learn how to pretend to be open to interacting with her customers. Otherwise she would have none.

  Wanting to belong to this man was a fantasy, a daydream. He was gorgeous and rich, from what she could recall from the gossip at the beauty shop. He could have any woman he wanted for the night. He wasn’t about to stoop to her level for a quick fuck.

  Hank couldn’t deny enjoying the feel of Delilah against him. She was so soft, unlike him. But his hardness was wholly compatible with her lushness.

  Her height aligned her to him exquisitely. She was still small compared to him but she wasn’t so short as to make things uncomfortable.

  “Sorry,” she murmured pulling away from him reluctantly. “Didn’t mean to – crowd you like that.”

  “Sweetheart you can crowd me any time you like,” he forced himself to say in a confident drawl. He let her go just as reluctantly.

  He smiled when he saw her blush at his words. “Jai can take you back while I feed the rest of the calves.”

  “I can help,” she protested. “I promise not to fall in. Now that I know how strong they are.”

  “I’d love the help.”

  Jai chuckled at his brother’s blatant behavior. He was determined to get this woman. “Well I’ll leave you two to it.” He quickly left.

  Chapter 5

  They worked in relaxed silence. Delilah was extremely aware of Hank’s presence in the crowded pen where the calves were kept. She apologized several times for bumping into him. She was as big as a cow, she thought horrified every time she touched him inadvertently. He probably was disgusted with how much physical contact she was making with him.

  “No need to apologize,” he said more than once.

  “I think maybe I should go inside and quit – bothering you,” she finally sighed the last time she bumped into him. Even though that time was because a calf had leaned into her and pushed her into Hank.

  “You aren’t bothering me,” Hank replied grabbing her by the shoulders. “Please stay.”

  He looked so earnestly at her, she nodded her agreement and went back to feeding the calf that rested against her while she fed. She tried not to read anything into his plea for her to stay. He just needed the extra help. He didn’t want to be out here anymore than necessary. He hadn’t even finished dinner.

  “That’s the last of them for now,” he finally said putting away the formula. “At least until midnight.”

  “I didn’t realize how much they needed to be fed,” she exclaimed. “They are very hungry.”

  “Yes, very hungry.”

  Something in his voice made her look up at him. She took in a small intake of air when she met his gaze. No man had ever looked at her like he was looking at her. Her body responded instinctually. The warmth in her chest spread outward from her breasts. Her nipples beaded up hard and she suddenly wanted to rub herself against him.

  Wetness invaded the juncture of her legs. Goosebumps rose all over her body even though the pen was kept warm for the calves and she had a thick coat on.

  Hank saw her eyes dilate and her mouth opened slightly. Staring at her with all his hunger he tried to show her that he wanted something from her – her love, both physical and emotional.

  “Delilah.” The way he said her name, taking great care with it as if it and she were precious to him. No man had ever said her name with such grace.

  “H – Hank,” she managed to stutter out. “Yes.”

  She had no idea what she was saying “yes” to but it seemed the appropriate answer for the moment. He didn’t disappoint.

  Stalking up to her he grabbed her head and kissed her fiercely. It was a demanding but polite kiss. He wouldn’t take what she didn’t offer but he needed her to know how much he wanted her. As he swiped his tongue against the seam of her mouth, she gasped at the sudden electricity between them with that slight touch. He took that as an invitation to invade her orally. They came together like two perfect jigsaw puzzle pieces. He grabbed that gorgeous hair of hers, angling her head so that he could deepen the kiss.

  Moving his tongue over the edge of her teeth he came into contact with hers and luxuriated in lapping at her, tasting her, possessing her. He leisurely took his time claiming her. As he kissed her he pulled her close to him, losing all space between them. She leaned even harder into him. He growled at all the clothes they were wearing, keeping him from her luscious body.

  Someone cleared their throat loudly. Hank reluctantly pulled away from Delilah but pushed her gently behind him, shielding her from whoever had entered into their private moment. He didn’t want anyone to see her like that, all – needy. That was only for him to know.

  Turning to face the person who had interrupted their intimacy, he scowled at Ryan, who was smiling cheekily.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” he said in a voice that said he wasn’t terribly sorry he had. “Waverly was getting worried about you two and asked me to come check on you both. Shall I tell her everything is ok?”

  “Yes,” Hank growled again, taking offense at his little brother’s impertinence. “We’ll be in, in a minute.”

  “Very well. Delilah see you in a minute.”

  He chuckled when he saw her wave a hand at him from around Hank to let him know she heard him.

  She didn’t say anything because she was still trying to recover from that kiss. Her toes had curled and her womanhood had exploded with need. Her clit throbbed with desire. And that was from only a kiss. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like with his hands on her and his mouth – everywhere. Her spine tingled at the thought.

  After Ryan left, Hank stepped forward away from Delilah and then turned to face her. He smiled sheepishly at her. She glanced up at him and also smiled a little embarrassed.

  “I usually don’t do that within hours of meeting a man,” she finally confessed. “I don’t know what got into me.”

  “Hopefully it was me,” he said softly.

  She swallowed hard at the image that came up with those words. Looking up at him she realized that he had meant the words exactly as she had taken them. He wanted to make love to her.

  “I’d – like that. A lot,” she managed to stammer out, without moving her gaze from his.

  “Perhaps we should have a date first,” he said trying to calm the situation down a little. If he didn’t he would be fucking her in the next stall over in the hay.

  “Yes, a date!” She jumped at the chance to slow things down before they got ahead of her. Although not too slow, she thought wickedly.

  “That’s a pretty sly smile,” he commented smiling as well.

  She shook her head surprised he had noticed. No one noticed anything about her except of course Waverly.

  “I think a date would be good,” she told him looking him in the eye. “We should get to know one another a – little bit better.”

  “You mean before we make love,” he stated unequivocally. When he said that his eyes glittered a golden color she had never seen before in nature. Was that his bear? A shot of adrenaline and endorphins, making her head rush, zoomed through her blood stream at the thought of making love to this bear of a man, this creature that was so wild and yet human. A predator but also a partner.

  No wonder Waverly married Ryan within weeks of meeting him. This intense physical feeling could be addictive to a sex-starved brain never mind an emotional starved soul. The combination would be lethal. Hence Waverly’s capitulation to it.

  “Yes,” she whispered almost afraid to say the word out loud. It would jinx her chances at being with this man if she let it out too much into the universe. No man had ever wanted her like he seemed to want her – because of who she was and not because of what he thought she was – easy. At least she hoped that was the case.

  No, she shook her head. He seemed authentic in his presentation of himself. She had no reason to doubt him. Perhaps she should trust him and see where that took her. Never had she trusted a man from the beginning because most gave her a reason to not do so right off the bat. But Hank had been nothing but a gentlemen and everything he had done, she had joined in with both feet.

  Plus she wanted him. Never had she wanted a man like she wanted this bear. It was intoxicating to think of finding sexual solace in his arms. If that kiss was any indication she was about to find pure bliss in making love to this man.

  “Why ‘no’?” he asked frowning at her headshake.

  “I didn’t mean ‘no’ to you,” she quickly amended her nonverbal cues. “I was telling my
self to not – worry so much about things moving along so – quickly. You don’t think I’m easy because I’m so – not pretty.”

  He frowned harder.

  “What do you mean?” he asked not sure he understood what she was saying but having a feeling that maybe he did but didn’t want to acknowledge such pain in her.

  “It’s nothing,” she tried to evade answering. “I – I’m only a little nervous. It’s been awhile for me.”

  “Me too,” he revealed.

  “Really? I would think you had women lined up to – have sex with you.”

  “I did at one time,” he spoke honestly. “But when I turned thirty-five, I decided that I wanted something more. More than just sex. Unfortunately all those women wanted were sex and my money.”

  “That’s terrible! They didn’t give you a chance to fall in love.”

  “Love was the last thing most of the women in my life were after.”

  “Because you’re rich?”

  “And that’s the type of women I attracted, wanted during my younger years. Plastic blonde Barbies that had big tits and little in the way of intellect. I realized late that wasn’t enough. I needed something more. My bear and I needed a soul mate. None of those women made my bear even raise his head to consider her as one.”

  “Does he raise his head for me?” she asked shyly, not sure which answer would disappoint or scare her the most.

  “Yes, right from the beginning he has wanted you,” Hank confessed. “The moment he saw you, he knew.”

  “Knew I was a soul mate?”

  “You were the soul mate.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked her mouth going dry.

  “Well things for us shifters tend to move pretty instinctually. When I saw you, my bear pretty made up his mind that you were the One.”

  “From one look?” she squeaked in surprise.

  “Yeah,” he said bashfully. “It’s like that. Ryan knew when he sat down across from Waverly at the speed-dating event. He only needed one second in the presence of his mate.”


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