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Breakthrough Page 17

by Kris Bryant

  “I could use another cup of coffee,” I said.

  “I’m sorry I fell asleep early.” Brynn reached over and squeezed my hand. I missed her warmth when she let go. “How long will it take your boss to read your article?”

  I shrugged. “She’ll put it at the top of her list since it’s the feature and she wants her little brother to succeed. I’m sure after Travis meets with the production team and shows them everything, he or Erin will let me know what they need. She might be okay with it all.”

  “So you could leave as soon as tomorrow.” Her voice was void of emotion.

  “Well, I could take a day or two of personal time, if we wanted to spend more time together.” I couldn’t look at her. I pretended to find something really interesting outside my window. I wanted her to beg me to take that time. I wanted her to pull the Jeep over, hold me in her arms, kiss me soundly, and tell me that was the best idea she’d ever heard.

  “I would like that. Maybe I could take a few days, too, and I can show you more of Alaska,” she said. I smiled. She wanted to spend more time with me, too. “There’s a great half-day trip over to Kodiak Island where we can watch bears up close and personal. Or we could go kayaking.”

  “You want me in the water? That cold Alaskan water? Are you kidding me? Baby steps, Brynn. Baby steps,” I said.

  “Okay, maybe we’ll do the bear trip instead.”

  “Or we could just stay at the cabin.”

  She raised her eyebrow at me. “I do owe you a really good night.”

  “You don’t owe me anything. You’ve done everything for me. Professionally and personally, and I’ve enjoyed every single minute with you.” I caressed her arm. I loved the way her muscles twitched under my touch.

  “Entirely my pleasure. And I mean that.” She sounded sexy and confident, like she did two nights ago when she flipped me over and did things to me that nobody had ever done before.

  “I’m going to miss you and your confidence.” I ruined the moment with my confession. The smile slid off of her face. She gave a curt nod and turned back to face the road. Fuck. My timing sucked. I was so bad at this relationship stuff. It was just easier to slip out at night. “So, anything from Lara?” Not that I wanted to talk about the investigation, but it was safer than chatting about our emotions.

  “Nothing new. She said the Department of Fish and Game hadn’t received any reports of anything out of the ordinary, but they are on alert,” she said.

  “What does that mean?”

  “Hunters have to report their big game or if they’ve witnessed anything out of the ordinary. For every bad hunter out there, there are ten good ones who do things by the book,” she explained.

  “I was hoping we’d get this resolved before—” Again, I said the wrong thing. “I mean, I hope they catch them soon.”

  “Me, too. But if it happens when you are back in California, I doubt they would need you for anything. Most of these don’t go to trial. Especially when there is an eye witness. It usually gets handled between the lawyers.” Brynn pulled into the parking lot where a tiny coffee shack sat. It was more of a kiosk and it smelled wonderful. “What do you want?”

  “Bold, two creamers, two sugars.” My eyes throbbed this morning from lack of sleep and the brightness of the sun. It radiated off of everything. I wanted a dreary day that matched my mood. I checked my emails even though it was too early for Erin. Nothing other than every single store offering some type of great sale. The only thing I was excited to get back to in California was my wardrobe. Even though I loved the new jeans I bought for the trip, I wanted to throw them away because I had worn them so many times over the past several weeks.

  “What are you looking forward to the most when you get home?” Brynn asked. It was like she read my mind.

  “All of my clothes. I swear I was just thinking that. I mean, these clothes are fine and the boots are comfortable, but I miss dressing up and feeling pretty. Sounds stupid, huh?” She reached over to cup my chin and lifted it so my gaze met hers.

  “You are beautiful wearing anything and nothing at all. I love seeing you in my flannel shirts and even my boxers to bed. I’m sure you are a knockout all dressed up on the red carpet, but I think you are gorgeous sitting here, right next to me.”

  I almost swooned at her sincerity. “Oh, stop it. You’re just trying to make me feel good.” I leaned over and kissed her cheek. “It’s working,” I whispered. I felt her smile against my lips.

  Brynn checked the maps in the marquee at the first trailhead to ensure they were well stocked and poked around the garbage and recycle receptacles. She talked to a couple who just arrived and gave them her business card. I was sure it was to caution them about the poachers and to be careful in general. We did that all morning and well into the afternoon. It wasn’t glamorous, but we got to spend time together.

  I was the one who answered questions this time around. Why I was scared of animals, what I was allergic to, and who was my favorite band growing up. She wanted to know my first word, the last time I stayed up all night, and if I liked fireworks. Her questions were so random and charming.

  “Do you feel like going out for dinner tonight?” Brynn asked after we finished our rounds.

  “Honestly? Only if it’s quick. I’d like to spend some quiet time alone with you, if that’s all right.” The clock was ticking on our time together.

  “We can do a drive by at Lucille’s. Does anything sound good? I can call it in.” We decided on the fried chicken special. While I transferred our stuff to the truck, Brynn grabbed Wally and called in our order. Wally crawled to my lap and we headed into town to get a quick dinner.

  I was nervous that I hadn’t heard from Erin yet. I knew that she, or her assistant, opened my email because I had the read receipt in my inbox. I learned that trick a long time ago, especially when dealing with deadlines. That tiny feature saved me a time or two.

  Brynn put the food in her storage locker in the bed of the truck. The smells would’ve been too much of a distraction for Wally and both of us would’ve had to hold him back from digging into it the entire drive home. He was well behaved, but still an animal.

  When we were only a few minutes away from the cabin, Brynn said, “We can watch a movie this evening if you want.”

  “I’d like to take a walk with you,” I said. Brynn’s property was so lovely and I wanted to see it when we weren’t so stressed. “Can Wally come with us or no?”

  “A walk sounds nice, but it’s not the best idea to bring him with us. We would spend our walk corralling him, pulling him off of trees, chasing him away from holes in the hills. Taking Wally for a walk is more of a workout.” I vividly pictured Brynn doing all of those things with Wally and laughed at the visual.

  “You paint a hilarious picture. Yeah, okay, we’ll leave him home.” Home. I slipped into this role so quickly. Brynn’s girlfriend. Wally’s surrogate. It was a nice fantasy.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  I liked the feel of Brynn’s hand in mine. Her fingers were long and soft, and I remembered them touching my body over and over. She gave my hand a tug and pulled me close for a kiss. It was tender and maybe I was reading too much into it, but I felt her heart in that kiss. I had no reason to tell her anything, no reason to give either of us hope, but I needed to say something.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. She nodded at me. She lifted her fingertips to glide over my cheeks, touching my face everywhere as if to memorize me. I closed my eyes and leaned into her hands.

  “It’s okay.” She wiped away the first few tears that fell. She kissed away the rest. “It’s okay.” She repeated that over and over until I fell against her and gave in to my tears. She held me tightly and stroked my hair until I stopped crying.

  I sniffled and pulled back from her soaked shirt. “I’m sorry I’m so emotional. I don’t know what’s going on with me,” I said.

  She brushed away the last of my tears with her fingertips. “It’s hard. I’m just trying not to thi
nk about it. Wally and I got used to you being around. Thank you for staying with us. I know it was because of bad circumstances, but it’s been a nice time with you.”

  My lip quivered as I tried not to cry again. “Thank you for taking care of me. You were always at the right place at the right time. What treats do moose eat?”

  She looked confused. “Usually leaves, water lilies, stuff like that. Why?”

  “I feel like I should leave something special for Martha and Tuffy. It’s because of them that we’re together.” I shook my head at that memory. It seemed like a lifetime ago. She laughed at my joke. God, I was going to miss that sound.

  “She’s like the sheep. She spent a few weeks at Spa Sanctuary and has a hard time leaving,” Brynn said.

  “Can we go back home? I think I’m done crying.” She kissed my hand several times while we walked back to the cabin. “This place is so beautiful, Brynn. I get why you live here.”

  In my head, I was pointing out all the differences between our two homes. I loved the craziness of Los Angeles in a weird, twisted way. Being away from it so long, though, I found that I really didn’t miss it. I rarely slept, my eating habits were terrible, and I didn’t make a bit of difference to anybody. My friends were all work related. They were pleasant enough, but I couldn’t remember ever going over to someone’s house just to have a nice dinner and chat. There was always a catch. A meaning behind all of our actions. Here in Alaska, I started from scratch. There were people here who genuinely liked me. They didn’t want something from me, or expect anything in return other than friendship.

  “What are you thinking about?” Brynn put her arm around my shoulders while we walked.

  “I was thinking about myself. Sounds selfish, right? I feel like I’ve made some kind of breakthrough here in Alaska. I don’t feel like I’m the same person I was when I got here. Does that make sense?”

  “It completely makes sense. Alaska has a way of stripping a person down and showing her what’s really important in this world. You can’t be this close to nature and not understand its significance,” she said.

  “I’m just surprised at how much it’s affected me. And not just because we happened. People here are friendly—”

  “Except for the poachers chasing you,” Brynn interrupted. Her arm tightened possessively.

  I smiled. “Except for the poachers. It’s small town life in a bigger city. Anchorage is good-sized. Honestly, when I came here, I was expecting something less civilized. I mean, I knew there were hotels and fast food restaurants. But there is still so much local flavor and culture mixed in.”

  “That’s why I love this place so much. I can run into town to catch a concert or movie, or I can take a walk on a trail ten minutes from town and not see a single person,” Brynn said. She opened the door for me when we got back to the cabin. Wally greeted us with whimpers and hugs.

  “He’s so attached to you,” I said.

  Brynn scooped him up and tossed him on the couch. They wrestled around for a bit while I jumped in the shower and got ready for bed. I wasn’t tired, so I started a mystery book on my kindle.

  “Sorry it took so long. He was rather rambunctious, but I got him to expel a lot of energy,” she said. She stripped to her sports bra and boxers and turned on the shower. She peeked her head back around the corner and winked at me. “I’ll be back in a flash.”

  My heart raced as visions of what she was going to do to me filled my head. I looked at the oversized T-shirt and boxers and decided it wasn’t sexy enough. I jumped out of bed, traded the boxers for my black panties, and found a white tank top in Brynn’s dresser. I was sure she wouldn’t mind. I piled my hair high and surveyed myself in the mirror. I still had it. When Brynn turned off the shower, I suppressed a squeal and jumped back into bed. She walked out of the bathroom wearing only a towel.

  “You win.” I leaned up on my knees and reached out to her.

  “Nice tank.” She rubbed her thumbs across my hard nipples and I shuddered.

  “Nice towel,” I said and slowly removed it. Fuck, I loved her body. Standing in front of me, naked, muscular, and sexy, she was everything I wanted in a woman. Strong, determined, and not ashamed to give or seek pleasure. I touched her stomach and watched chills explode across her body. “You’re still wet.”

  “Oh, you have no idea how much.” She leaned forward and pushed me back onto the mattress. I smiled at her. I didn’t want to think about tomorrow or the future. I just wanted to enjoy us right here, right now. “I want to make this a night neither one of us forgets.”

  I traced her face. I loved touching her. “I could never forget you, Brynn.” I pulled her head to me and placed a gentle, meaningful kiss on her lips. It started off soft, but the second she started rolling her hips into me, I deepened it. Her tongue teased mine, touching it softly, licking the sides. I sucked it into my mouth. I needed her to consume me. She moaned into my mouth. Her body stiffened with the need to release. She broke our kiss and reached down to lift my legs onto her shoulders.

  “I need these off.” She pulled at my panties.

  I was only able to free one leg from them before she spread her hands on my hips and pulled me into her. My panties were forgotten when I felt her wet pussy against mine. We both moaned at the intimate contact. She pushed against me and we found a fantastic rhythm. She slid my legs back down onto the bed and I splayed them shamelessly for her. Every part of me was hers. She made me feel adored. I closed my eyes when I felt her hands run up and down my thighs, possessively, eagerly. I bucked into her hand when she massaged my slit.

  “I’m yours,” I said. I felt her hesitation at my confession for only a fraction of a second.

  She slid two fingers inside of me and I lifted my hips to get her deeper inside me. I opened my eyes and watched as she fucked me. I wanted to go slow and savor the moment, but we had all night so I greeted my first orgasm with a sharp cry. The second, only moments later, was just as intense. I shook so badly that she stopped to give me a break. She stretched out beside me and kissed my neck.

  “You are mine,” she said.

  I put my hand on her chest. “Always.” I meant it.

  Brynn would always have a piece of my heart whether we were together or thirty-five hundred miles apart. She managed to get me to do something I hadn’t done since my first love. She made me fall again. She made me realize that I wasn’t lost, I only needed to be found. She was there for me at every turn. Brynn was too good for me. I didn’t deserve her, but I sure as hell was going to make this night one we both remembered for a long time. I leaned up, kissed her, and pushed her back so I was on top. Brynn was not one to wait for anything. She pressed her hands into mine and ran them over her breasts, down her stomach, and rested them on my thighs.

  “I need to feel you inside of me,” she said.

  I slipped my hand between us to rub her slick, swollen mound. My movements were restricted since I was straddling her, but I found it highly erotic watching Brynn become even more aroused. When she pressed her hips up into me, I pushed down to give her the tight friction she wanted.

  “You’re killing me.” She groaned. She clenched my hips and bucked against my hand. I was stunned when she came after only a few seconds of movement. I ran my hands over her body while she relaxed.

  “That was amazing.” I had never seen anybody come that way. I was empowered by the whole experience, but slightly disappointed. I wanted Brynn to come in my mouth; her hand on my head, her pussy grinding against me. It was still beautiful to watch her orgasm even if it wasn’t the way I pictured.

  “That surprised me, too,” she said. I leaned forward and kissed her. “I haven’t come like that in a long time.”

  “You are incredible. And sensitive.” I cuddled on top of her and smiled as she ran her fingertips up and down my back. I brushed her damp hair out of her face. “You have the prettiest eyes. Sometimes they are gray, sometimes they are almost black. I can always tell when you are upset or turned on just
by their color.”

  “Oh, yeah? What color are they now?” Brynn asked.

  “It’s dark in here, so I can’t tell, but I’m going to guess they’re dark.”

  “The first day I saw you, I noticed your eyes. You have tiny copper color flecks in your big brown eyes. I even told you that. It’s so unique.” She kissed me. “That’s how you get all the girls, isn’t it? Damsel in distress, big, flirty eyes.” I poked her side. She giggled and grabbed my fingers. “I’ve got a better place for these.”

  “Should I guess where?” I loved when she was playful.

  “I’ll narrow it down. Somewhere on my body, but not my sides.” I traced a path with my fingertip over her collarbone, across one breast, over to the other.


  “That’s nice, but not what I had in mind.” She smiled crookedly at me.

  I raised an eyebrow at her. I leaned on my side and continued my trek down her body. I stopped at her belly button. “Here?” I circled a pattern around it until she giggled.

  “Also not what I had in mind.”

  I purposely skipped her pelvic area and moved to her legs. I stopped at her knee. “What about here?”

  She sighed heavily. “Nope. You went too far.” She picked up a strand of my hair that fell across her chest and twirled it gently around her fingers. “I thought you knew me better than that.” Challenge accepted.

  “Oh. Maybe you mean here?” I trailed my hand to the juncture of her thighs. She pressed her hand against mine and stopped it from moving away.


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