The Felidae 1: Laithe’s Pride

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The Felidae 1: Laithe’s Pride Page 6

by Jade Buchanan

  He shifted in place, the tip of his tail swishing out and bumping into her calf before he continued. “So, many times, a female will be shared by different men, but they will not reside together. She has her own territory overlapped by the territory of the men that she is mated to. It is natural for the female to raise her young, and so I was with her when she died. My mother was killed when a rival Pardus tried to force her to be with him. She fought back, and he killed her. My father heard about it and came as soon as he could to take me to live with him. But I had already been alone for several weeks. I almost followed her into death.”

  “Oh, God, Fahd, I’m so sorry. That must have been horrible.” Rowan nestled closer to him, offering comfort by running her hand along his shoulder.

  He purred quietly and butted his head forward into her chest. “I don’t really remember it. I was fortunate that my father was living with Haytham at the time. The men of my clan have no idea how to raise young -- they just don’t do it -- but Ariel took one look at me and instantly claimed me for her own. It is almost unheard of for a Leo female to claim other cubs, but she did. I’ve never asked her why she claimed me as her own, but she is such a gentle woman -- fierce as hell when someone threatens her mates or her cubs, but gentle with us.

  “I guess I fell in love with Laithe as we got older. We were always doing things together. We had almost reached maturity when Morgan came to live with us. His mother was killed in a similar fashion to my own, a horrible fate when you consider how few women we have. The three of us were pretty inseparable growing up, but I always felt differently about Laithe. We became lovers, and I thought we would be together forever.”

  “So what happened?” Rowan asked, almost dreading the answer.

  “His father didn’t think I was appropriate to be Laithe’s partner. And he was right at the time. Oh, Laithe didn’t agree with him, but I knew the truth. Laithe needed someone strong to support him, and we were always the other way around. Laithe was the strong one growing up. He was always protecting me from something. It wasn’t until he told me that we had no future together that I realized if I ever wanted to be with him, then I needed to be a better man. I needed to be the man that Laithe deserved. I needed to be stronger, smarter… better. I needed to be able to stand up for myself without waiting for Laithe to save me. I just… I don’t know what will happen now.”

  Rowan saw the indecision written on his face. She had a sense that he was talking about her addition to their pride. Rowan thought back to when they’d made love. Laithe had shown such emotion for the other man, she had a feeling she knew what he wanted to happen. But was she strong enough to accept Fahd’s place in Laithe’s life? It pretty much went without saying Laithe wanted Rowan. If he ever wanted to have children, then he needed her. Or was he starting to have feelings for her? She couldn’t imagine going back to a life without him. She thought she could grow to love him in time once she was offered the chance to know him better.

  Until she talked to Laithe, she would only be guessing at his feelings for her. So what was she to do? On the one hand, she could deny Fahd, and tell Laithe that she didn’t want the other man to be with them. But she knew that Laithe had feelings for him, and she didn’t think she would be able to live with knowing that Laithe would forever yearn to be with another man. Or she could accept Fahd into their lives, and hope that Laithe’s feelings for her were strong enough that he would eventually fall in love with her.

  If she was honest with herself, she wanted both men in her life. She wanted to get to know them both. There was something so appealing about Fahd. He had a vulnerability that Laithe didn’t have. He called to something inside her. Laithe was so dominant, so alpha male that he made her toes tingle just thinking about him. Her passion for Laithe was immediate, despite how crazy it was. He could inflame her with just one look. Her feelings for Fahd were different, but no less powerful. It was more of a slow burn, a subtle yearning to be with him. The way he talked about Laithe made her chest ache from the passion in his voice. She wanted that… she wanted someone to talk about her like that. It was ridiculous. She couldn’t have feelings for Fahd too. Could she? Was it crazy to want to be with two men?

  Christ, this was so much easier when it was just her. Now she had to worry about everyone else. Well, she had a definite decision to make. Was she strong enough? Heck, she was going through so many different changes, she might as well see what Laithe’s way of life offered.

  Rowan leaned down, touching her mouth to Fahd’s with a gentle, undemanding kiss. “I don’t know what will happen, but if Laithe wants you in his life, I have no problem accepting you.”

  Fahd looked at her in shock, opening his mouth and then closing it several times, no words coming out.

  “Do you mean that?” he asked, grabbing her shoulders again.

  “I think so… yes, I mean it,” she replied. If he heard the indecision in her voice, he was good enough to ignore it and not point it out.

  Pulling her down on top of him, Fahd kissed her, slowly and so heartbreakingly tender her heart turned over in her chest.

  God, she didn’t know what she would do.

  * * *

  Laithe entered his home, fiercely proud that his father had approved his mating with Rowan, his Nawra. His mother and his uncles were overcome with joy that he had found someone to be with. His mother urged him to go and bring back his mate, to introduce her to the rest of them and to hasten the bonding ceremony.

  Standing just inside the doorway, he stopped at the sight in front of him. His heart stuttered as he looked upon his mate, sleeping peacefully in the arms of the only man he had ever loved. He couldn’t imagine not having either one in his life, and he only hoped this was a good sign that meant his Nawra was willing to accept Fahd in their lives. For whatever he might feel about Fahd, it was the little human that he was mated to. He couldn’t explain the connection they had. He could feel the presence of her mind, even as he stood looking upon her. They were so connected that it was as if she was a part of him. He could no more let her go than he could voluntarily cut off a limb. He loved her. If he had to lose one of them, then he had no choice but to let Fahd go.

  He had already spoken to his mother about it. She had to go through the same thing when his father had brought Pantheras into their relationship. He asked her how she had dealt with it. Her answer was she already had so much love in her heart because of Haytham and his brothers that it was easy to open up and accept another love in her life. He could only hope that Rowan felt the same.

  Clearing his throat, he walked over to the two, staring down at them as they began to wake up. Fahd looked up at him first, tightening his arms around Rowan as she mewled in protest. Laithe smiled down at him and his heart turned over again as Fahd rubbed his cheek against Rowan’s hair. She whispered Laithe’s name, and then whispered Fahd’s when she began to stir.

  “It is time, Nawra. We must begin the ceremony.”


  Fahd chuckled, sitting up with Rowan in his arms, smiling indulgently at Laithe.

  “She has had a tiring time of it lately. Give her time to wake up before you start spouting off orders.”

  Laithe laughed softly, leaning down to kiss Rowan’s forehead. “I will send in Morgan, Rajiv and Catan to her. They will serve as her family and prepare her for what is to happen. And I believe that it will take a stronger man than all of us combined to keep Mother out of here.”

  “Right, come on, gorgeous, time to get up.” Fahd shook her gently, grinning when she finally opened her eyes to frown at them.

  “I’m up already, so stop shaking me, you jerk.”

  Fahd kissed her quickly on the lips, sliding his mouth erotically against hers. Just when she started to respond, he ended the kiss, moving her to the side to slide out from under her.

  The two men stood beside each other, wrapping their tails together, and staring down at Laithe’s mate. Rowan blinked up at them, smiling when she stretched her limbs, makin
g them groan at the revealing pose she was in.

  “We don’t have time for this, but you will be paying for that later, mate.”

  Rowan giggled at the mock frown Laithe sent her way. He was about to pounce on her when he heard the voices of his father and his uncles coming toward them. Sighing, he wandered to the door, letting them in. He watched as the four men passed by him, each one a variation of what he would look like in a few decades, followed closely by the smaller form of his mother. Behind them, Pantheras stood silent, protecting the back of his father. His father Haytham was the one he most closely resembled, his thick, chocolate mane setting him apart from his brothers. The darker mane was considered a sign of his leadership capabilities, making both father and son more desirable to the females of their kind.

  Rowan stood up behind him, and when he glanced back he contemplated her standing in front of Fahd. The other man had his hands at her waist, supporting her even as his tail wrapped around her leg. Laithe grunted in approval.

  “Are you ready, son?” Haytham approached him, his uncles falling back to stand as witnesses.

  Laithe nodded, turning to Rowan.

  “I would like you to meet my father, Haytham.” He waited, watching while his father inclined his head to his mate. “Behind him are my uncles, Leander, Lavi and Apollo. The black Pardus who resembles Fahd so much is his father, Pantheras. Finally, I would like you to meet my mother, Ariel.”

  Laithe’s mother stepped forward, clasping Rowan’s hands and kissing her cheek.

  “Welcome to the Felidae, child. We are so very blessed to have you,” Ariel said, before moving back to her mates.

  From behind them, Laithe perceived movement. Rajiv prowled into the room, followed by his three brothers. He frowned at Usama, standing close behind the Tigris. He knew they had been intimate; he could smell Rajiv all over his brother. He just hoped Rajiv would take care of Usama. He wasn’t as strong as the rest of the Gatti brothers. Morgan appeared from the hallway leading to Lev’s room, coming forward to stand behind Lev, offering up his own form of support. The two of them had their own choices to make soon. They couldn’t continue on with the casual affair they were having. They would soon be faced with other challenges, and Laithe decided that he couldn’t interfere. They would have to decide whether it would bring them closer or separate them for good.

  “Are your witnesses here, son?” his father asked.

  His pride stepped forward, walking around his uncles to stand beside Rowan and Fahd. Laithe grunted in approval at the show of support. If he wasn’t careful, he might just start bawling like a little cub. His emotions were so close to the surface he was afraid they would erupt at the first opportunity.

  “Who represents this man in his mating?” his father asked.

  Fahd stepped forward. Laithe smiled when Fahd moved up close to him, brushing his arm against Laithe’s in camaraderie. He could feel his three brothers behind him, and looked back at them just as a white tail brushed his back. His brothers would always be there for him.

  “And who represents this woman in her mating?”

  At the question, Rajiv stepped up to Rowan’s back, Catan and Morgan flanking her on either side.

  Haytham grunted in approval, and his mother beamed at all of them, leaning back while her other mates crowded around her. His uncle Leander brushed a kiss across her shoulder, when Lavi and Apollo each took one of her hands. Pantheras remained at their backs, but he smiled when she looked back at him. Laithe wanted that for himself. He had grown up in such a loving family that he wanted to have that kind of relationship with his own pride. He knew that Rowan was the central figure they needed.

  Rowan fidgeted nervously, waiting to see what would happen next. No one had informed her of exactly how this ceremony would take place. She glanced at the men surrounding her, smiling at Catan when he peeked shyly at her. He seemed just as uncertain as she was, and she leaned further over to brush up against him in support. Immediately he purred, rubbing his face against her neck. He had to bend down a tad to do it, but it was odd being with someone that was only a little taller than her. The other men in the pride towered over the two of them.

  She turned her attention back to Laithe when his father started to speak again.

  “Have you brought a symbol of your union together, my son?”

  Laithe reached down into the strip of cloth he had wound around his waist. It was tied around and under his legs, like a loincloth. He pulled out two small objects, making Fahd gasp. Rowan had no idea what the significance of the objects were, but for some reason, Fahd looked like a gentle wind might blow him over he was so shocked.

  “By the powers that were given to me, as your Appaliunas, I bless these symbols, and pray they give you the strength to keep what the gods have gifted you with. Go now and know that you have the blessing of your people.”

  Laithe turned to her, a look of such savagery on his face she nearly backed up. Or at least she would have backed up, if Rajiv hadn’t chosen that moment to step forward, effectively preventing her from moving. Laithe moved in front of her, grabbing her around the waist, and guiding her gently to the platform to their side, ignoring her squeak of protest.

  The others parted to form a half circle around them when Laithe leapt over her to lounge on her far side. Fahd moved fluidly, sliding on to the platform. She was now surrounded by the two men.

  Fahd lifted his head to look at Laithe.

  “Will you accept this symbol, Nawra, as a token of our mating?” Laithe held up a small ring. It looked like plastic, a clear ring with a tiny line of chocolate brown set in the very center of it, and an opening at one end.

  “What is it?” she asked, leaning closer to look at the ring.

  “It is made of a metal that is common on our planet. It is customary for our males to make them ourselves when we are considering the mate bond. I had this made years ago, when I first accepted my pride leadership, in the hopes that one day I would use it. A piece of my mane has been inserted into the metal, before it was cooled, identifying you as my mate.”

  “Wow, you made this yourself? So why is it open on one end? It looks too small to fit on my finger,” she laughed, then quieted when she realized no one else seemed to find it the least bit funny.

  “It doesn’t go on your finger, Nawra. It goes here,” he replied, threading his fingers under the cloth at her waist to brush up against the folds of her pussy.

  “Oh, my God, please tell me you’re joking.” She glanced over at Fahd, only to realize by the heated look on his face he would be no help to her. She turned her attention back to Laithe, refusing to look at any of the witnesses. Oh, God… “Uh…wait, just please, wait a minute.”

  “What is wrong, Nawra?” he asked, concerned.

  “A piercing is so permanent, Laithe. It’s not exactly something I can remove if I get bored with it, or don’t like it in a few weeks.”

  “I realize that, Nawra. It is a symbol of our unity together. It represents the connection between us. A piece of me, permanently entwined with you. I want this for us. I want us to be two people united together as one. It is a symbol of my promise to you, that I will always protect you and cherish you.”

  “Oh…” she sighed. “That’s beautiful, Laithe.”

  “If you really do not wish to do it, we can wait until you are more comfortable. But it is customary among my people. I will not back down on this,” Laithe said.

  Rowan took a deep breath, realizing the witnesses bothered her more than to have the piercing itself. Besides, with Fahd on her other side, he did block some of their view. Turning once more to Laithe, she nodded, flushing when he growled in response.

  “Thank you, Nawra. You have gifted me with a priceless treasure. One I will hold dear.”

  He leaned over, kissing her briefly on the lips before moving downward, licking along her jaw and down her neck. She shivered at the wet heat, darts of pleasure radiating from each pleasure spot he found. Laithe bit down, waiting until she
bucked up against him before moving down her body. Fahd rose up on her other side, providing more coverage against the people at his back, holding himself above her.

  Laithe pulled aside the strip of cloth at her waist, twisting his body to place it on the platform behind him. She was now completely bare to his gaze. He smiled up at her, briefly showing his canines before kissing her belly. His lips were hot, searing her skin. His lower lip brushed the crease of her leg before he angled his head and blew his moist breath against her clit. Her pussy clenched, an ache building inside her.

  Rowan shifted, embarrassed to grow wet when there were so many people in the room. Besides, if there was one thing she’d found out recently, it was their acute sense of smell. They would all know exactly how hot she was.

  Fahd gently urged her to open her legs further, grabbing the thigh closest to him and holding it out. Laithe held down her other leg too, moving up and over her to settle between them. He looked up her body, catching her gaze when she stared back at him, panting at what he was about to do.

  He threaded his fingers through the triangle of hair in front of him, calming her. He licked her folds once, a strong sweep of his tongue, before parting her. He blew on her clit again, sucking it into his mouth until she drove up into him, putting pressure on the hands holding her down.

  Before she could think, Laithe released one of his deadly claws, piercing through the thin skin of her inner labia quickly and efficiently. Rowan arched, letting out a loud gasp. Laithe leaned in and blew another breath against her clit, making her arch into his lips, begging him for more. She whimpered when Laithe threaded the small ring through the hole, closing it with one powerful snap of his hand.


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