Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy)

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Seal It With A Kiss (McClellan Trilogy) Page 4

by Judy Hagemann

  “Heard from her?”

  “Yes, she hasn’t shown up yet and I was starting to get concerned.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about McClellan, she was the first one here this morning.”

  “She was? Well, where is she?”

  The Captain leaned back in his chair and began to chew on a pen while staring at Brock. “What did you do McClellan?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. What did you do? It is obvious to me that she is avoiding you for some reason. Did you do something inappropriate?”

  “No! It was mutual. I mean—no, nothing inappropriate sir.”

  Again the Captain was silent while he searched Brock’s expression for a clue. “If nothing happened, correction—if nothing inappropriate happened between the two of you, then why is she avoiding you?”

  “I can’t answer that Captain. I guess I need to ask her. Now, if you will just tell me where she is, I will do just that.”

  “No, I think I will let her have her space for now. If she is avoiding you, she must have a pretty damn good reason to do so.”

  “Then I will just ask someone else.” Brock said as he turned and walked out the door.

  “I wouldn’t do that.” The Captain said on deaf ears.

  Twenty minutes later, Brock found Holly in a back storage room. “Really? Hiding out in a storage closet?”

  Holly looked up from the file she was reading, “I’m not hiding.”

  “Bullshit.” Brock commented.

  “I’m not—I just needed a place that was quiet so that I could concentrate.”

  “Bullshit.” He repeated.

  “Hmmm, new word for you today? Bullshit?”

  “You are avoiding me—now admit it.” He demanded.

  “Why would I need to avoid you Detective McClellan?” Holly asked.

  “Does that help?”

  “Does what help?”

  “That formal crap that you’re trying to pull.” He pointed out.

  “I’m sorry—are you no longer a detective?”


  “You heard me. Are you no longer a detective?” She repeated.

  “Yes, I am a detective and you damn well know it.”

  “Did you change your last name?”

  “Are you shitting me? No—I did not change my last name.” He said in a frustrated tone.

  “Then I don’t understand why referring to you as Detective McClellan is an issue.” She challenged.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “I think you know the answer to that question Detective.” She said in a whisper.

  Brock took a step towards her when suddenly she held up her hand. “Don’t—please.”

  “So, this is what you want? A working relationship only?”

  “Yes. It can’t be anything more—that’s the deal.”

  “Fine, I will agree to this deal on one condition.”

  “What is your condition?”

  “That I get to kiss you just once.” He said as the distance between them became nothing. Not waiting for a response, he pushed her up against the wall and devoured her like there was no tomorrow.

  Ending the kiss, Brock said “Now you can stop hiding, I expect to see you in my office in five minutes.”

  Holly watched Brock as he left the storage closet and felt as though her knees were going to collapse out from under her. “What did I just do?” She said aloud.


  When Holly entered Brock’s office carrying the files she was working on. He glanced up and said, “Have a seat Cavanaugh.”

  As soon as she sat down he asked, “Do you have anything new to report?”

  “Not really.”

  “Not really?” He repeated with an eyebrow raised.

  “I just have a feeling again that there is something here in this file and that I just need to take some more time with it.”

  “That hunch worked for you last time, so just go with it. Have you heard from victim number three’s sister yet?”

  “No, I will give her another call.”

  Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and when Brock looked up Brooke entered with a basket in her hands. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

  “No, not at all.” He said as he got up and walked over to her and gave her a hug. “How is Luke doing?”

  “I would say he needs to get back to work. He keeps pampering me for crying out loud.”

  “He only wants what is best for you and the baby.”

  “Are you going to introduce me Brock?”

  “Oh, sure. Brooke, this is Detective Cavanaugh—Detective Cavanaugh, this is my sister-in-law Brooke.”

  “Very nice to meet you Brooke.” Holly said.

  “So, what’s in the basket?” Brock asked.

  “I picked a bunch of peaches from the tree in our back yard and Luke is starting to get tired of them. I know how you like peaches, so I brought you some peach cobbler with a cream sauce.”

  Brock almost choked as the memory of Holly always smelling like peaches and cream flooded his mind. “Are you okay Brock?” Brooke asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll be just fine; I just need to get a drink.”

  “Sam called Luke about what happened Friday night at the club. They are worried about you.”

  “Sorry, I think I need to go get me that drink . Be right back.” Brock practically ran out of his office.

  “So, have you and Brock been partners for long?” Brooke asked.

  “No, I transferred in last week.” Holly responded.

  “Would that have been around Tuesday of last week?”

  “Why yes, it was. Why do you ask?”

  “Oh no reason, just a good guess.”

  “What was a good guess?” Brock asked walking back into the room.

  “Hey, I have to run. I have a doctor’s appointment later today and Luke is going with so I have to go home and pick him up.”

  “Is everything okay?” Brock asked with concern on his face.

  “Yes, everything is fine—just a routine visit. Luke is looking forward to hearing the baby’s heartbeat. Gotta go, so take care. I think you should share some of your cobbler with Detective Cavanaugh?” She said as she walked out and closed the door behind her.

  “Your sister-in-law seems pretty cool.” Holly commented.

  “Yeah, she is. My brother found a real gem that’s for sure.”

  When Holly’s phone began to ring, she picked it up. “Hello, Detective Cavanaugh here.”

  “Hello, this is Kelly Munson—Sara Munson’s sister. You called and left a message for me.”

  “Yes, thank you for calling me back Kelly. Detective McClellan and I visited your sister yesterday as we were assigned her case and needed to get some additional information.”

  “I don’t know how I can be of any assistance to you.”

  “Well, according to your sister, you were the person who cleaned her apartment after the police released it. Is that accurate?”

  “Yes, that is correct.”

  “Great, that is what I would like to discuss with you then. I know this may be a stretch since this happened almost a year ago, but do you happen to remember picking up a book of matches in the living room area. It would have been on the floor in the corner.”

  “Yes, I do remember that and I thought it was strange because I know that Sara doesn’t smoke. I assumed it wasn’t significant as the police didn’t collect it as evidence. Are you saying that it really was important?”

  “Yes, I do believe so. Do you remember what happened to it?”

  “I threw it away. Like I said—I didn’t think it was important. I am so sorry.”

  “Well, we have another option we can try. We can blow up the picture and see if we can get a name off of it.”

  “Oh, just give me a minute—I remember looking at it and the name of the bar wasn’t familiar to me. O’Malley’s…‌O’Doules...”

  “Could it have been O’Donnell

  “Yes! That’s it! Do you know the place?”

  “I am familiar with its location, but I have never been there. Do you know if your sister may have ever gone there?”

  “I can’t say for sure, but you really should ask her.”

  “Thank you for your time, you have been really helpful.”

  Holly hung up and slapped the desk. “I’ve got a lead! The matchbook was from O’Donnell’s.”

  “Great work Cavanaugh. Make sure you log it.”

  Holly was a bit disappointed that Brock didn’t show any more excitement than he did. “Great work Cavanaugh.” She said to herself.

  It was past lunch time and that peach cobbler was looking pretty good, so Holly got up and walked out of the office to the break room where she picked up a couple of forks and headed back to Brock’s office. She took the lid off of the container and was just about to stab a piece with her fork when Brock asked, “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I am going to have some peach cobbler.”

  “No, you’re not.” He argued.

  “Didn’t you hear Brooke? She told you to share it with me.” Holly reminded him.

  “She suggested that I share it with you, she didn’t tell me to share it with you.” He corrected her.

  “Are you kidding me?” Holly said in shock.

  “No. Now put down the fork or I will have to hurt you.”

  “I brought you one too you know.” She said holding up the fork.

  “Hand it over and no one gets hurt.” Brock ordered.

  “Oh my God—you have reverted back to ten years old again.”

  “Did not.”

  “Did you just hear yourself?”

  “I said put the fork down.”

  “All right—fine. I will put it down.” Just as Brock relaxed his shoulders, Holly scooped a huge chunk of cobbler into her mouth.

  “You did NOT just do that!” Brock shouted.

  Holly shoved the dish across the desk and put a chair between them. “Have your damned cobbler then. What did your sister-in-law call you? Oh yeah, PIG!”

  “Oh no, you didn’t just call me a name.” Brock questioned.

  “Oh yes I did!”

  “You will pay for that and for eating my cobbler.”

  In less than one second the chair was gone and Brock had Holly in a bear hug with her arms locked tight to her body. Holly squealed and got really quiet as she looked up into Brock’s eyes. All of a sudden, Brock leaned down and licked her lips. “Mmmm—good cobbler. I don’t have any napkins in here and you had some on your lips. You should be good to go Cavanaugh.”

  He walked back around his desk, picked up the fork and began eating the cobbler while Holly just stared at him in disbelief. “I am going to grab some lunch since you refuse to share.” She said as she walked out the door.

  Brock threw the fork down and pushed the dish to the side. For some reason, the cobbler didn’t taste so good anymore.

  Holly returned from lunch and noticed that Brock didn’t finish the cobbler. “Change your mind about sharing?”

  “No. I just wanted to save some for dessert tonight.”

  “So—What happened at the club Friday night?” Holly asked.


  “Your sister-in-law mentioned something about a Sam talking to Luke about what happened at the club on Friday night.”

  “It was just Sam over-reacting—nothing really.”

  “So what’s Sam like?” She asked out of curiosity.


  “Sam, what is she like? What did you do to her at the club?”

  “First of all, Sam is a he—not a she. He happens to be my brother. Secondly, I didn’t do anything to Sam other than save his ass from what would have been a really bad choice. He should be thanking me, not pouting about the situation.”

  “How many brothers do you have?”


  “Just curious. Sam sounds like a nice guy—being concerned about you like that. Maybe you should introduce me to him.” Holly suggested.

  “What? Why?”

  “Ten again.” Holly pointed out.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Brock asked half pissed off.

  “Nothing—just the fact that you have been reduced to one word sentences is all.”

  Brock glared at Holly before opening the file in front of him and looking busy. The words in the file were nothing but a blur no matter how much he tried to concentrate. “I’m not acting like a ten year old,” he thought to himself.

  “I’m going to head over to victim number three’s house and ask her if she has ever gone to O’Donnell’s.” Holly said as she got up and headed for the door.

  “Not without me you aren’t”

  “I am a big girl you know. I don’t need a little boy to tag along.” She said as she shut the door on her way out.

  “I’m not ten!” He shouted at the door.

  Holly heard his parting comment and smiled as she said, “Are too!”

  Holly arrived at Sara’s apartment and knocked on the door. Moments later the door opened a crack and she heard a voice ask, “Who’s there?”

  “Detective Cavanaugh, ma’am.”

  “Can I see some I.D.?”

  “Sure.” She said handing it through the crack in the door.

  Sara opened the door and handed the badge back to Holly as she looked around outside. “I’m alone today. Detective McClellan isn’t with me.”

  “Did you get a hold of my sister?”

  “Yes, I spoke with her earlier and she was extremely helpful, but I needed to ask you another question after speaking with her.”

  “I see, well I will try to answer it for you then.”

  “Great! Have you ever been to O’Donnell’s Bar & Grille?”

  “Yes, I was only there one time though. I went with some of my college friends.”

  “Do you remember if this was before or after your rape?”

  “Definitely before. I haven’t been able to leave my apartment since.”

  “Okay, I have another difficult question—Can you give me a time frame in association to when you were there and when the rape occurred?”

  “Let me grab my calendar.”

  “No problem, take your time.”

  “Okay, we had finals on Tuesday, May 3rd and a bunch of us went there to celebrate and I was raped on Saturday, May 7th.”

  “Sara, you have done a really good job here today. Thank you for your time.”

  “Detective Cavanaugh?”


  “Will I ever get my life back?”

  Holly pulled Sara into a hug as a tear hit her cheek. “Yes, but it will take a lot of time and hard work on your part.”

  “Thank you.”

  Holly got back in the car to drive to the precinct and immediately shut off the radio. She didn’t feel like listening to any music. She just needed silence so that she could take what she had learned from Sara and try to piece something together. This was now personal to her as Sara’s plea had cracked the surface of her heart and she felt she owed it to her. This girl needed her life back.


  As usual, when Brock arrived at work, Holly was already going over the case files.

  “You know you are starting to make me look bad—don’t you?” Brock asked dryly.

  “Detective McClellan.”


  “How did the interview go last night with victim number three?” He continued.

  “Her name is Sara. Her damn name is Sara.” Holly stated angrily.

  “Whoa! Where is this coming from?”

  “This monster has broken that girl, and I will get the son of a bitch.” Holly avowed.

  “Cavanaugh—you can’t make this personal. It will just make the job harder for you.”

  “If only you would have seen her last night.”

  “I wanted to go with, but you wouldn’t let me.” Brock point
ed out.

  “I don’t think she would have opened up with you there. She shuts down around men.”

  “I take it you were able to piece something together?”

  “Yes, Sara was in that bar the Tuesday before she was raped.”

  “Great—the perp must have been in there too—that’s the connection we are looking for. Good job Cavanaugh.”

  “Remember the other day I was going through this file here and I had a feeling that there was something here?” Holly continued.

  “Yes, did you figure it out?”

  “I did. Take a look at this picture.” She said handing him a photograph.

  Brock took the photo from her and stared at it. “I’ll be damned.”

  “You see it?” She asked.

  “I do, if you are talking about the coaster on the coffee table.”

  “Yep—that’s it and I will bet that it is from O’Donnell’s. Do you see the shamrock on the top?”

  “You could be right. A shamrock is Irish and O’Donnell’s would be an Irish name. What are you doing tonight?” Brock asked.


  “No! This is work related. I think we need to go under cover and hang out at O’Donnell’s to observe and to see if we can spot a possible suspect.”


  “You sound disappointed Cavanaugh. Are you having second thoughts about our deal?” He asked with a raised brow.


  “All you have to do is say the word.” He offered.

  “That’s not going to happen.”

  “Can’t blame a guy for trying. So what do you say?”

  “I think we would be better off if I went alone.”

  “What? No!”

  “Well, the rapist isn’t there looking for a guy you know.”

  “No! You are not going to be bait.”

  “Why not? I think I can defend myself just fine. Do I have to remind you about the night you dropped by my house?”

  “No. I just don’t like it.”

  “That is just too bad. Besides, what are the chances that the perp will even be there?”

  “But what if he is? What if he follows you home?” He said as he tried to come up with a variety of scenerios.

  “I will know if he follows me home—I am a detective after all.”

  “You didn’t notice when I followed you home.” ‘Oh hell,’ he thought to himself.


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