Wilder, J. C. - Shadow Dweller 6

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Wilder, J. C. - Shadow Dweller 6 Page 13

by Temptation(lit)

  "She's wanted for questioning." He glanced around the dilapidated courtyard. "Have you seen Sinjin today?"

  "No, I don't usually see him until late because he keeps such late hours."

  He turned back to her. "Have you thought about what we discussed at the hospital?"

  "Sinjin being a vampire?" Vivian gave a soft laugh. "I'm not really sure what you hope to gain by telling such a fib. Everyone knows that vampires don't exist in the real world."

  "Ask him, Vivian." A mechanical beeping sounded and Brent reached for his pager. "I want you to ask him before it's too late. If he does feel anything for you, he'll tell you the truth."

  "He'll think I'm crazy."

  "No, he won't." Brent rose from his seat. "Crazy or not, ask yourself this. Why haven't you ever seen him in the daylight? Have you ever seen him eat anything? Come to think of it, have you seen any of the Chat employees eat anything?" He tapped the packet containing the photo. "And ask him who Elena is." He paused, his expression tight. "I'll bet my badge that he knows exactly what happened to you when you were mugged and why."

  "I don't see-"

  "Trust me, Vivian."

  Disturbed, she watched him leave as a shiver ran down her spine. What would make a man, a police detective of all things, believe that another person could be a vampire? New Orleans was known for being steeped in mysticism and magic, but vampires?

  She looked across the courtyard to see Maeve staring at her, a troubled look in her eye.

  Heart pounding, Vivian perched on the edge of her bed at the hotel. The sun was sinking in the western sky and still no call from Shai. Where could she be?

  She rubbed her hands down her arms, trying to rid herself of the chill that had settled in shortly after Brent had left that afternoon. Part of her, the part nearest her heart, wanted to laugh at the detective's allegations. Who would believe that vampires could walk this earth?

  But there were so many things left unanswered, thanks to the detective, and those were the things that plagued her. She'd never seen Sinjin eat anything, though she had seen him drink from his black coffee mug from time to time. What had he been drinking?

  And what about Maeve? Did she know anything about what was going on? She was a good friend of Sinjin's and she'd claimed to be a friend of Shai's as well.

  As the last of the daylight faded from the sky, she picked up her cell phone. Since Shai hadn't returned her call, there was only one other person she could call.


  "Jennifer? It's Viv."

  "Viv!" There was no disguising the pleasure in Jennifer's voice. "I'm so glad to hear from you. Where are you?"

  "I'm currently in New Orleans."

  "What are you doing there?"

  "I was doing some research for Erihn and I ran into someone you might know."

  "Oh, really?" Jennifer gave an uneasy twitter. "I don't know very many people in New Orleans."

  "Maeve Leigh?"

  "Oh, Maeve." Her laugh was easy. "Yes, I know Maeve. How is she doing? I haven't heard from her in-"

  "And Damien St. James."

  "Sinjin?" Jen's voice faltered. "Where in the world did you run into him?"

  Vivian's heart skipped a beat. "Do you know him?"

  "Yes. I've known him for years though I don't know him very well." There was a pause, then the sound of an indrawn breath. "Oh, Viv, you didn't...." In the background, she heard the sound of something falling.

  Vivian closed her eyes as pain washed over her. Whatever the truth was, Jennifer knew.

  "Jen, if you've ever loved me, you need to tell me what the hell I've gotten myself into down here."

  "You need to leave, Viv." Jennifer took a deep breath. "Come to Colorado and, I swear, I'll tell you everything."

  "No, you need to tell me now."

  "Viv, please, I'm begging you-"

  "Someone tried to kill me, Jen." She heard a sound of distress from Jen, but Vivian didn't stop. "I have the right to know the truth."

  "I'll call Shai and Erihn. Please come to Colorado and we can sit down and talk about this- "

  "Shai and Erihn are involved as well?" Her knees gave way and she slid off the side of the bed, landing on the floor with a soft thump. She was dimly aware of Jennifer begging her to pack and leave. But didn't she understand that, finally, Vivian had fallen in love? A hysterical laugh caught in her throat and threatened to choke her. She'd fallen in love and now her best friend was begging her to walk away. How was that for irony?

  "I want to know what's going on, Jen. Either you tell me or I'll find Sinjin and force him to talk to me."


  "Someone told me that Sinjin is a..." She struggled to get the word out. "Vampire. What do you have to say to that, Jen?"

  "I don't know what to say," she said, her voice a little sad.

  "You can start by telling me that I'm crazy. That vampires don't exist in the real world."

  There was a slight pause before Jennifer spoke. "I can't tell you that, Vivian."

  She clutched the phone harder, her knuckles aching with the pressure. "Sure you can. You just say, 'you're nuts, doll.'"

  "You're not crazy, Vivian. Vampires do exist."

  The room seemed to shudder around her and she put her hand down, her nails digging into the carpet as she gripped it for balance. "How can-"

  "Vampires have been around since the time of the Pharaohs. I don't know if anyone really knows their origins but they've been the silent observers of the passage of time."

  "I don't believe you." Her chest ached with restrained emotions. "Why are you doing this to me?"

  "I never wanted you to know, Vivian. I love you. You're my friend, but the reality is that the human mind finds these things hard to comprehend, and that's why we never said anything to you."

  A dawning sense of horror washed over her. "Who is 'we'?" she whispered.

  "Erihn, Shai and I. We-"

  "You're all vampires?"

  "No. There are several species of preternaturals who roam the earth."

  "What the hell does preternatural mean?"

  "It means something that exists outside of nature. For humans, it's anything that they cannot wrap their brain around."

  "Are you trying to tell me that all of you-you, who're supposed to be my friends- are these preternaturals?"


  "What are you?"

  "I'm called a revenant, an immortal."

  "You can't be killed?"

  "Well, no. I can be killed but it isn't easy."

  "What about Shai and Erihn? Are they immortals as well?"

  "Erihn is a were-cat."

  "A what?"

  "A were-cat, similar to a werewolf only in cat form. As the full moon nears, she changes form-"

  "Uh huh, just like Lon Chaney and those characters she writes about. What about Shai? What is she?"

  "A vampire."

  Dazed, Vivian stared out the window of her hotel room. How could her best friends be these preternatural creatures without her knowing it?

  "When did all of this happen?"

  "I've been a revenant since long before I met you. Shai, about twelve years, and Erihn, around a year or so."


  "He's a vampire."

  A sense of unreality set in. How could everyone around her be of another species and she not know it? How was this even possible?

  She cleared her throat. "And Sinjin?"

  "He's a vampire, Viv." Jennifer sucked in a noisy breath. "Where are you? I'll come down with Erihn and we'll pick you up and we can sit-"

  Vivian hit the "end" button, cutting off Jennifer's words, and closed her eyes against the pain in her chest. She'd been fool enough to fall in love and what did she do? Fall in love with a vampire, of all things. Yeah, he was the perfect man for her, another bloodsucker like her father, only Sinjin was the real thing.

  Tears ran down her face as a bitter sob broke in her throat. Limp, she slid to the carpet as sobs wracked her body. How
could she have fallen in love with a man who not only lied to her, but wasn't even human?

  On the floor, her cell phone rang, but she ignored it. It was probably Jennifer trying to get a hold of her and she had nothing to say to her one-time friend. There was nothing left to say.

  The phone fell silent and, slowly, her sobs died down. The room grew dark with approaching night and still she lay on the floor, unable to move, barely able to breathe.

  Slowly she calmed, her heart aching, but intact, her tears dried to a sticky film on her cheeks. Exhausted, she struggled to rise from the floor. She couldn't stay here any longer. She'd return home to New York and pick up the tattered threads of her life as best she could.

  She dialed the airlines and booked the first available flight out. Unfortunately it was to St. Louis, but right now north was north and she'd take it. The more space she put between herself and New Orleans, the better off she'd be.

  As she packed, her cell phone rang several more times. Hardening her heart, she ignored it. She had nothing to say to Shai, Jen or Erihn right now. Of course, it could be someone else. She picked up the phone and frowned when she saw her stepbrother's home number on it.


  "Viv, Christ-I've been trying to reach you for two days."

  "Well, you succeeded." She balled several silk shirts and stuffed them into the case.

  "I need you to come home right away. We have trouble with the business."

  "I'm on my way. I have a flight booked for later this evening."

  "You have?" The relief was evident in his voice.

  She was leaving New Orleans. Hands trembling, she snapped her suitcases shut. Was she actually going to leave without confronting Sinjin with what she'd been told? What happened to her vow of living her life with truth? The old Viv would have walked away without a backward glance. She'd have chalked up this mess to yet another bad decision of which she was glad to be rid.

  The new Vivian, the woman she was now, wanted the chance to confront the man who'd broken her heart.

  "Vivian? Are you still there?"

  "Yes, I'm here."

  "I asked if I should send a car?"

  "Yes, send it to the Chat Noir at eleven p.m." Vivian gave him the address of the club. "I'll be waiting."

  Brent scowled as he walked down Bourbon Street. He'd lost sight of Elena Vasquez in the crowds and nothing annoyed him more than losing his quarry. Vasquez was a suspect in a series of burglaries that had taken place over three years ago. When he'd first seen her at the Chat two nights ago, his heart had almost stopped. Now, after losing her, it had almost stopped again.

  His phone rang as he approached his car. He pulled the cell phone from his belt holder and flipped it open. "Draven."

  "Detective Draven? This is Detective Grant with district two."

  "Evening, Detective, what can I do for you?" Draven reached his car and unlocked the door.

  "I have some information on one of your cases. You're the detective in charge of the Janee Reynolds murder?"

  "The woman who was found in the dumpster?" He slid behind the wheel of his car. "Yes, that's mine. What do you have for me?"

  "On the same day we had a similar murder in our district. The woman's body was found in a mall and her throat had been slashed. I was reviewing the inventory of items found at your murder scene and I think I may have found a similarity between the two crimes."

  Silently Brent cursed. He was swamped with his current caseload and he'd meant to compare the two inventories himself earlier in the day. But the lead on Elena had come in and he'd kicked everything else to the curb. "What would that be?"

  "Both women had past criminal records for petty theft and credit card fraud. Both were found with multiple stolen credit cards in their possession and each women had a card with the name of Vivian Carrington." Brent heard the rustle of paper over the pounding of his heart. "I have here on your list that there were multiple receipts. Have you looked into what credit cards were used that day?"

  "Yes, but I don't have that paperwork in front of me."

  "Well, look into that and get back to me. My victim was using Ms. Carrington's cards just twenty minutes before she was killed. If your victim was using those cards as well, we might have more on our hands than just a couple of murders."

  Brent thanked the detective and hung up, his mind racing. If both women had used Vivian's cards just prior to their deaths, what did that mean? Was someone stalking Vivian? If so, who was it?

  He gunned the motor and put the car into drive. Whatever was going on, he needed to find Vivian fast.

  * * *

  Chapter 13

  "Where are they?"

  Brent Draven stood in Sinjin's office door and his expression was dark. Sinjin tamped down the mild irritation that had reared its ugly head at the sight of the detective.

  "Define 'they'." Sinjin laid the diary pages he'd been studying face down on his desk. He couldn't concentrate when he didn't know where Vivian had gone. The cursed woman hadn't bothered to leave a note.

  "Vivian Carrington and Elena Vasquez," Brent said

  Sinjin frowned. How did the detective know Elena and what did he want with her? "I have no idea. I've been calling all over town."

  Brent advanced into the room. "How long have you known her?"

  "A little over a week, I guess." Sinjin shrugged.

  "Did you approach her or did she approach you?"

  "Why do ye want to know?" Sinjin shot back. He was getting a little tired of the detective's inquisition.

  "Just answer the question."

  "Are ye here in an official capacity?" He rose from behind the desk and leaned forward, palms down on the polished top. "If ye are, I dinna remember seeing yer badge nor a warrant."

  "I don't need a warrant to ask a few questions... in an official capacity, of course." Brent's eyes glinted with a combative light as he advanced into the room, stopping when he reached the opposite side of the desk. "I can always take you downtown if that will help jog your memory."

  Sinjin could scarcely believe what he was hearing and he fought the urge to leap over the desk and rip the other man's throat out. Was Draven threatening to arrest him? The last thing he could afford to do was to end up in jail. Not only would it be disastrous if he didn't manage to get himself released by sunrise, he wouldn't be able to wait for Vivian's call. Where the devil was the woman?

  "I spoke to her first." He gave the detective a look he hoped would let Brent know in no uncertain terms that he'd get back at him for this impromptu questioning. "She'd been frequenting the Chat and I was intrigued the first time I saw her." He shuffled the copies then slid the pages into a folder before dropping them into an open drawer.

  "Did she mention anything about a moonstone necklace?"

  He frowned. "Nae. Why would Vivian mention a necklace to me?"

  "I'm not talking about Vivian."

  "Who are ye talking about?"


  Sinjin shook his head. "Why are ye looking for Elena?"

  "Yes, why are you looking for the lovely Elena?" Miles stood in the doorway, his gaze fixed on the detective and, in his hand, he held a semi-automatic pistol, the muzzle trained on Brent's head.

  "Good evening, Miles." Sinjin silently cursed the fact that Brent had managed to distract him so an immortal could sneak in. As a vampire, Sinjin didn't have much to fear from a gun. However, Brent was mortal and highly susceptible to the damage bullets could inflict. He nudged the drawer shut with his leg, secreting away the diary pages. "What can I do for ye?"

  "I think you already know." Miles stepped into the room, waving the muzzle of the gun at Brent, motioning him to move away from the desk. "Empty your pockets and put your weapons on the desk."

  Sinjin glanced at Brent and saw that the detective's gaze was focused on the barrel of Miles' gun. He put a hand up as if to pacify Miles by showing him how harmless he was. "I think we should talk about what you're about to do-"

  "No disc
ussion is needed," Miles said. "Empty your pockets and holster or she dies."

  Another man stepped into the room, pulling a smaller figure behind him. Long dark hair hung in a ragged braid and, in a glance, Sinjin knew it was Elena. Her lower lip was split and her chin marred with blood. Her right eye was blackened and swollen shut. Bruises and abrasions marred her throat where a rope was tied like a dog leash. Her wrists were secured and chained to her waist.

  The new arrival shoved Elena in front of him before propelling her to sit on the couch by using the rope around her throat like the reins of a horse. After she was seated, he withdrew a small revolver and placed it against the side of her neck.

  "This one contains silver bullets, if you get my meaning," he said.

  Brent glanced at Sinjin, his gaze clearly asking for direction in this situation. Sinjin gave the detective a slight nod. Brent may be in charge on the streets of New Orleans, but Sinjin was dealing with his own kind, something with which the detective had little to no experience. It was up to him to guide them all through the situation unharmed.

  Sinjin looked at Elena. "Are ye all right?"

  The eye that wasn't swollen shut narrowed and she gave a jerky nod, her chin elevated to a haughty angle.

  His lips tightened. No woman should have to endure what had been inflicted upon her. Granted, she'd placed herself in harm's way by stealing the diary in the first place and that put her square in the middle of the playing field. But enough was enough. Werewolves were sturdy creatures, but that didn't mean they couldn't feel pain and he could feel her pain and outrage even across the room.

  Sinjin moved around the desk as Brent removed a .40 H K handgun from his shoulder holster. Holding it by two fingers, he laid it on the corner of desk.

  "What do ye want, Miles?" Sinjin leaned against the desk, crossing his arms over his chest as if revenants entered his office with guns on a regular basis.

  "You know exactly what I want. Turn over the diary and we'll walk away."

  Sinjin knew better than to think Miles would let any of them go unscathed. "The diary is at my house."

  "And the other one, detective?" Miles gave Brent an unpleasant smile.

  The detective raised his leg, then tugged up his pant leg to remove a small, 9 mm semi- automatic from his ankle holster. He laid it beside the first firearm on the desk.


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