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Waylander Page 6

by Waylander [lit]

  'Entitlement means nothing. I've lost at dice ten days in a row!'

  'And on the eleventh?'

  'I lose again. You know I never win at dice.'

  'I know you never pay your debts,' said Gellan. 'You still owe me three silver pieces. Get the men together - Jonat should be back soon.'

  But it was mid-morning before Jonat and the others cantered into the clearing. Gellan strode to meet them as Jonat lifted his leg over the pommel and slid to the ground.

  'What news?' he asked.

  'You were right, sir - there's a convoy three hours to the east. Twenty-seven wagons. But there are fifty mounted guards and two outriding scouts.'

  'Were you seen?'

  'I do not believe so,' replied Jonat stiffly.

  Tell me of the ground.'

  'There's only one spot to take them, but it's close to Ostry and the infantry. However, the trail winds between two wooded hills; there's plenty of cover on both sides and the wagons will move slowly, for the track is muddy and steep.'

  'How soon can we be there and in place?'

  Two hours. But that will leave it very tight, sir. We might even arrive as the wagons enter the trees on the far side.'

  'That's too damned tight,' said Sarvaj, 'especially since they have scouts out.'

  The risks were too great, Gellan knew, yet Egel


  needed supplies desperately. What was worse, there was no time to plan, to think.

  'Mount up!' he shouted.

  As the troop thundered to the east, Gellan was cursing his shortcomings. What was needed before setting out was a powerful short speech to the men, something to fire their blood. But he had never been good with groups and knew the men felt him to be a cold, distant leader. Now he was uncomfortably aware that he was leading some of them - perhaps all - to their deaths on a harebrained attack best left to reckless, colourful men like Karnak or Dundas. How the men worshipped them - young, dashing and totally fearless, they led their Centuries against the Vagrians time and again, cutting and running, letting the enemy know there was still some fight in the Drenai.

  They had little time for veterans like Gellan. Per­haps rightly so, he considered, as the wind tore at his face.

  I should have retired, he thought. He had made up his mind to quit this autumn, but there was no quiet retirement for a Drenai officer now.

  They reached the wood in under two hours and Gellan called a swift meeting with his under-officers. Two of his best bowmen were dispatched to deal with the advance scouts, and then he split his force to left and right of the track. He himself took com­mand of the right-hand slope, giving Jonat the left, ignoring Sarvaj's disapproving glare.

  With the orders given, the men settled down to wait and Gellan bit his lip, his mind racing round in infuriating circles as he struggled to find a flaw in his plan - a flaw he felt certain was there for all to see.

  On the left-hand slope Jonat crouched behind a


  thick bush, rubbing at his neck to ease the tension. On either side his men waited, bows ready and arrows notched,.

  He wished Gellan had given this command to Sarvaj; he felt ill at ease with the responsibility.

  'Why don't they come?' hissed a man to his left.

  'Keep calm,' Jonat heard himself say. 'They'll come. And when they do, we'll kill them. All of them! We'll teach them what it means to invade Drenai lands.'

  He grinned at the soldier and as the man grinned back, Jonat felt the tension ease from him. Gellan's plan was a good one, but then Jonat would expect little else from such an ice-man. To hear him talk you would think that was just another manoeuvre, but then Gellan was one of the warrior class, damn him! Not the son of a farm labourer best known for his ability to dance while drunk. Anger flared, but Jonat quelled it as the first creaking sounds of the wagons drifted up to him.

  'Steady now!' he whispered. 'No one lets fly before the order. Pass the word along - I'll flay the man alive who disobeys!'

  The wagons were led by six horsemen, their black horned helms down, swords in their hands. Behind them trundled the heavy wagons and carts, twenty-two horsemen filing along both sides of the track.

  Slowly they came on and as the lead horsemen passed Jonat's position he notched an arrow to his bow, waiting, waiting . . .

  'Now!' he yelled as the last wagons began the incline.

  Black shafts flashed from the trees on both sides. Horses reared screaming and pandemonium came to the woods. One horseman tipped over the back of


  his horse, two arrows appearing in his chest. Another pitched forward as a shaft sliced his throat.

  Cartsmen dived for cover below the wagons as the massacre continued. Three horsemen galloped west, ducking low over their horses' necks. One was brought down when an arrow hammered into his mount's neck; as he scrambled to his feet, three shafts plunged into his back. The other two broke clear over the hill-top and straightened in their saddles . . .

  Only to find themselves galloping towards Sarvaj and ten bowmen. Arrows peppered them and both horses fell dying, pitching their riders to the ground. Sarvaj and his men ran forward, killing the riders before they could rise.

  In the woods Jonat led his men on a reckless charge to the wagons. Several of the cartsmen crawled out to meet them with hands raised, but the Drenai were in no mood for prisoners and they were despatched without mercy.

  Within three minutes of the onset of the encoun­ter, all the Vagrians were dead.

  Gellan walked slowly down to the wagons. Six of the oxen used to pull the lead wagon were down and he ordered them cut clear. The action had gone better than he could have hoped for: seventy Vagri­ans dead and not one of his men wounded.

  But now came the hard part - he had to get the wagons to Skultik.

  'Good work, Jonat!' he said. 'Your timing was excellent.'

  'Thank you, sir,'

  'Strip the cloaks and helms from the dead - and get the bodies hidden in the woods.'

  'Yes, sir,'


  'We're going to be Vagrians for a little while.' 'It's a long way to Skultik,' said Jonat. 'We'll get there,' answered Gellan.



  Waylander paused at the foot of a grass-covered hill and lifted Culas and Miriel from the saddle. The trees were thinning now and once over the crest the group would be on open ground. Waylander was tired; his limbs felt heavy and his eyes ached. A strong man, he was unused to this physical weariness and at a loss to understand it. Dardalion halted beside him and Danyal lowered Krylla into the priest's arms.

  'Why are we stopping?' asked Danyal. Dardalion shrugged.

  Waylander walked to the top of the hill and lay on his belly scanning the plain beyond. In the far distance a column of wagons was heading north, escorted by Vagrian cavalry. Waylander chewed at his lip and frowned.

  Heading north?

  Towards Egel?

  This could only mean that Egel had been forced out of Skultik, or had made a run for Purdol. If either was the case, then there was little point in taking the children to the forest. But where else could they go? Waylander returned his gaze to the plain itself: thousands of square miles of flat, unend­ing grassland, dotted with occasional trees and ground-hugging hedgerows. And yet the land was deceptive, he knew. What looked like flatlands hid


  scores of gullies and hollows, random dips and curves in the earth. The entire Vagrian army could be camped within the range of his sight and yet be hidden from him. He glanced back and saw the two little girls gathering bluebells. The sound of laughter echoed on the hillside. Waylander cursed softly. Moving back carefully from the crest he stood up and turned towards the group.

  As he walked down the hill four men moved out of the trees.

  Waylander's eyes narrowed, but he walked on. Dardalion had not seen the men and was talking to the boy, Culas.

  The men spread out as Waylander approached. All four were bearded, their faces grim. E
ach wore a longsword and two of them carried bows. Waylan-der's crossbow was clipped to his belt, but it was useless, for the metal arms were snapped shut.

  Dardalion turned as Waylander walked past him and saw the newcomers. The sisters ceased their flower-gathering and ran to Danyal, Culas moving alongside them as Dardalion went to stand just behind Waylander.

  'Nice horses,' said the man at the centre of the group. He was taller than the others and wore a green cloak of homespun wool.

  Waylander said nothing and Dardalion could feel the tension rising. He wiped his palm on his shirt and hooked his thumb in his belt close to the hilt of the knife. The green-cloaked newcomer observed the movement and smiled, his blue eyes flickering back to Waylander.

  'You don't offer much in the way of greetings, my friend,' he said.


  Waylander smiled. 'Did you come here to die?' he asked softly.

  'Why this talk of dying? We are all Drenai here.' The man was uncomfortable now. 'My name is Baloc and these are my brothers Lak, Dujat and Meloc - he's the youngest. We're not here to cause you harm.'

  'It would not matter if you were,' said Waylander. Tell your brothers to sit down and be comfortable.'

  'I do not like your manner,' said Baloc, stiffening. He edged back a step and the brothers fanned out to form a semi-circle around Waylander and the priest.

  'Your likes and dislikes are immaterial to me,' said Waylander. 'And if your brother makes one more move to the right, I'll kill him.'

  The man stopped instantly and Baloc licked his lips. 'You are big on threats for a man with no sword.'

  'That should tell you something,' said Waylander. 'But then you look like a stupid man, so I will spell it out for you. I don't need a sword to deal with scum like you. No, don't say a word - just listen! Today I am in a good mood. You understand? Had you arrived yesterday I would probably have killed you without all this conversation. But today I feel expansive. The sun is shining and all is well. So take your brothers and go back the way you came.'

  Baloc stared into Waylander's eyes, unsure and aware of a growing unease. Two men against four and not a sword in sight. Two horses and a woman as the prize. Yet still he was unsure.

  The man was so confident, so calm. Not an ounce of tension showed in his stance or his manner . . . and his eyes were cold as tombstones.


  Baioc grinned suddenly and spread his arms. 'All this talk of death and killing ... Is there not enough trouble in the world? All right, we'll leave.' As he backed away, watching Waylander, his brothers joined him and all the men disappeared back into the trees.

  'Run,' said Waylander.

  'What?' asked Dardalion. But the dark-haired warrior was already sprinting towards the horses, pulling his crossbow clear and snapping the hinges open.

  'Lie down!' he yelled and Danyal hurled herself to the ground, dragging the sisters with her.

  Black-shafted arrows hissed from the trees. One flashed by Dardalion's head and he dived for the grass; a second missed Waylander by inches. Snap­ping two bolts into place and stretching the bow-arms tight, he ran for the trees, zig-zagging and ducking. Arrows flew perilously close. One hissed above Dardalion; he heard a choking cry and rolled over. The boy, Culas, had remained standing but now he knelt in pain, his small hands clutching a shaft buried in his belly.

  Anger roared through Dardalion and with knife in hand he followed Waylander. As he went, a scream came from the forest . . . then another. Dar­dalion entered the trees at a run and saw two of the men down while Waylander, a knife in each hand, faced the other pair. Baloc ran forward, his sword flashing towards Waylander's neck, but Waylander ducked under the sweeping blade and rammed his right-hand knife in to the man's groin. Baloc doubled over and fell, dragging Waylander with him. As the last robber ran forward with sword raised, Darda­lion's arm came up and swept down. The black blade


  thudded home in the robber's throat and he toppled backwards to writhe on the dark earth. Waylander wrenched his knife clear of Baloc and then, grabbing the man's hair, pulled his head back.

  'There are some who never learn,' he said, open­ing the man's jugular.

  Standing, he moved to the writhing man downed by Dardalion and, tearing the knife clear, wiped the blade on the man's jerkin before returning it to the priest. Recovering his two bolts from the other bodies, he cleaned his crossbow and pressed the bow-arms back into place alongside the handle.

  'Well thrown!' he said.

  "They've killed the boy,' Dardalion told him.

  'Blame me,' said Waylander bitterly. 'I should have killed them instantly.'

  "They may have meant no harm,' said Dardalion.

  'Collect two swords and scabbards and one of the bows,' asked Waylander. 'I'll see to the boy.'

  Leaving Dardalion in the woods, he walked slowly back to the horses. The sisters were sitting together, silent in shock; Danyal was crying as Culas lay with his head in her lap, his eyes open and his hands still clutching the arrow.

  Waylander knelt by his side. 'Is there much pain?'

  The boy nodded. He bit his lip and tears flowed. 'I'm going to die! I know I am.'

  'Of course you are not,' said Danyal fiercely. 'We'll just rest for a little while, then we'll take the arrow out for you.'

  Culas let go of the arrow and lifted his hand; it was drenched in blood. 'I can't feel my legs,' he wailed. Waylander reached out and took the boy's hand.

  'Listen to me, Culas. There is nothing to frighten


  you. In a little while you will go to sleep, that's all. Just a deep sleep . . . there will be no pain.'

  'It hurts now,' said Culas. 'It's like fire.'

  As Waylander gazed down on the young face, distorted now by agony, he saw again his son lying among the flowers.

  'Close your eyes, Culas, and listen to my voice. A long time ago I had a farm. A lovely farm, and there was a white pony that could run like the wind . . .' And as he spoke Waylander drew his knife and touched it to Culas' thigh. The boy did not react. Waylander carried on speaking in a low, gentle voice and turned the knifepoint into Culas' groin, slicing the artery at the top of the thigh. Blood gushed from the wound and still Waylander's voice continued as Culas' face grew pale and a blue tinge appeared on his eyelids.

  'Sleep softly,' whispered Waylander and the boy's head sagged sideways. Danyal blinked and looked up, seeing the knife in Waylander's hand. Her arm lashed out, catching him on the side of the head.

  'You swine, you despicable swine! You killed him!'

  'Yes,' he said. He stood up and touched his lip. Blood was seeping from a split at the edge of his mouth where her fist had caught him.

  'Why? Why did you do it?'

  'I enjoy killing boys' he said sardonically and walked to his horse. Dardalion joined him; the priest was now wearing Baloc's longsword.

  'What happened?' he asked, passing a second sword and belt to Waylander.

  'I killed the boy ... he would have lingered in pain for days. Gods, priest, I wish I had never met


  you! Get the children mounted and head north - I'm going to scout around for a while.'

  He rode for an hour, alert and watchful, until he found a shallow dip in the land. Riding down into it, he located a camp-site near a broken tree and dismounted. After feeding his horse the last of the grain, he sat down on the stump of the tree, where he stayed without moving for another hour until the light began to fade, then he walked up the slope and stood waiting for Dardalion.

  The group arrived just as the sun slid behind the western mountains. Waylander led them to the camp-site and lifted the sisters from the saddle.

  'There's a man coming to see you, Waylander,' said Krylla, curing her arms around his neck.

  'How do you know?'

  'He told me; he said he would join us for supper.'

  'When did you see him?'

  'A little while ago. I was nearly asleep and Danyal was holding me and I
must have drifted. The man said he would see you tonight.'

  'Was he a nice man?' asked Waylander.

  'His eyes were on fire,' said Krylla.

  Waylander lit a small fire in a circle of stones, then walked out on to the plain to see if the glare could be spotted. Satisfied that the camp-site was hidden, he made his way slowly through the long grass towards the hollow.

  A cloud drifted across the moon and the plain was plunged into darkness. Waylander froze. A whisper of movement to his right saw him drop to the ground, knife in hand.


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