Kansas Flame [Kansas Heat 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Kansas Flame [Kansas Heat 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 21

by Jenny Penn

  She wasn’t even aware of his free hand sliding over her waist to bunch the folds of her skirt in his fist. It wasn’t until the rough tips of his fingers seared over the heated flesh of her ass to dip down and discover the creaming slit of her naked pussy that Lindsay realized Nick had pulled her dress up to her waist. Breaking his kiss with a gasp, she arched into his touch, giving herself over to the incredible pleasure sizzling through her.

  “Oh, God.”

  Lindsay didn’t know if that broken plea had fallen from her lips or Nick’s as he fell to his knees before her. She only knew it was Cooper’s hard strength holding her up as he stepped up behind her to wrap his arms around her waist. His big, broad palm slid down over her thigh to cup her knee and lift it high, opening her pussy completely for Nick’s inspection.

  “You didn’t shave this little cunt because we forced you to,” Nick growled against her plump, molten folds.

  Lindsay whimpered as he spread her pussy lips wide, knowing that Nick watched. He was so close the heated wash of his breath had her clit swelling as it begged silently for attention. As if sensing her body’s silent call, Cooper rolled his thumb over her swollen bud, making her cry out as her hips rolled, blindly following his touch. He rewarded her with another slow, tormenting pass of his thumb.

  “You shaved this sweet little pussy because you knew it would drive us mad. You knew that it would make us fight for control, and you hoped it would break us. Didn’t you?”

  Cooper’s words set off distant warning bells but the marvelous spasms of pleasure pulsing through Lindsay washed away any sense of alarm. Too lost in the wicked delight of being petted by one man while his brother watched, Lindsay could barely manage to breathe much less speak but when Cooper issued his warning, she managed to find her voice.

  “Answer me, lil’ bit, or I won’t let Nick take a taste of your juicy little cunt, and that’s why you shaved it, to make sure you’d get eaten.”

  “Yes,” Lindsay gasped, uncertain and unconcerned about what she agreed to. All she cared about was the promise hidden in Cooper’s command. “Tasted. Eaten. Please, I ache.”

  Lindsay’s plea ended in a cry as Nick’s mouth descended on her tender flesh to devour her cunt with a hunger that matched her own need. In an assault of soft lips, hard teeth and slippery tongue he toyed, teased, sucked and nipped at her intimate folds until Lindsay felt like she’d been drawn out on a rack of rapture so intense it threatened to rip her apart.

  “You want to come, don’t you?” Dark, dangerous, Cooper’s voice curled through Lindsay, making her shiver as she strained to reach the peak of pleasure building inside her. “He’s not going to release you. Neither of us will.”

  “Please,” Lindsay all but sobbed, desperate for the climax Nick denied her.

  “Then what does your stepfather really want?”

  “Control.” Left without the will to resist, Lindsay gave him the answer he wanted and was immediately rewarded with suckling kiss to her clit. She panted through the brilliant bloom of ecstasy that blossomed through her, readily babbling out more details in a mindless attempt to keep the pleasure flowing. “Control of my trust. He needs it.”

  “Why?” The hard cut of a demand in Cooper’s tone had Lindsay stilling as Nick’s lips lifted, giving her the moment to find an answer but she didn’t have one.

  “I don’t know.” Lindsay didn’t. She’d never questioned Carl’s motives and didn’t want to waste the time to figure it out right then. “Power. He likes power. Please, I don’t know.”

  She’d given them everything she had and was too far gone for Nick to deny her now. Curling her fingers into the soft, thick waves of Nick’s hair, she tried to force his face back into her steaming folds. He resisted, waiting for his brother’s direction but all Cooper had were more questions.

  “Fine, then let’s talk about your trespasser.”

  Lindsay tensed at the suggestion as the euphoria encasing her in its delightful bubble began to fade. The last person she wanted to bother discussing was Crugman. There was no escaping Cooper’s demand or the hands that lifted off her hips to settle on her arms and slide down to cover Lindsay’s fingers. Carefully, he pried his brother free of her grip even as he prodded Lindsay to give him his answers.

  “Who is he, lil’ bit, and what does he want with you?”

  “He’s Mitchell Crugman and he wants revenge.” That was the truth, though her explanation lacked the details Lindsay knew Cooper wanted. “Now, please. You can’t leave me like this.”

  Lindsay twisted in Cooper’s arms, forcing him to shift his hold back to her hips and freeing her fingers to twine back into Nick’s hair. Nick caved, following the direction of her hands to breathe a gentle tide of kisses over the molten folds of her pussy. Each one sweet and toying, they provided no relief for the inferno burning inside her but instead fanned the flames until she cried out and gave them the rest of the story.

  “He works for my stepfather. He’s Carl’s right hand man. They say he’s my ex-husband but I don’t remember marrying him. I went to sleep and woke up two days later in bed with him and…oh, God!”

  Lindsay forgot all about the horror of the night as Nick opened his mouth wide and stole the very breath from her body. His tongue curled around her clit, stroking over it faster and faster, winding the tension spiraling through her higher and higher.

  Just when it felt ready to snap, Lindsay felt the tight grip of her spasming sheath clamp down on the hard fullness of Nick’s thick fingers. He screwed three fingers deep, fucking her with a fast pace that had her entire body convulsing with the ecstasy in a matter of seconds. Giving herself over to the frantic rhythm, Lindsay pumped her pussy against the hand driving her climax ever higher until finally the bliss seared away all reality as she crashed into the land of sweet, peaceful oblivion.

  * * * *

  Lindsay went limp in Cooper’s arms and he knew she’d passed out. Nick, though, didn’t appear aware of that fact as he continued to hungrily devour her pussy. The slick smacking sounds of Nick eating Lindsay’s release right off the lips of her cunt had Cooper clenching as he fought for control over the lust boiling in his balls.

  He wanted to take a taste of that tasty pussy but knew if he buried her head between Lindsay’s sweet thighs it wouldn’t be long before he was burying the throbbing length of his erection there as well. That’s just what would happen if Nick didn’t stop. Burying a hand in his brother’s hair, Cooper ripped Nick away from Lindsay’s molten folds. The scent of feminine arousal thickened in the air all but drugging Cooper with a desire so potent it became painful to hold back.

  With a growl of frustration and a silent vow of retribution, Cooper released Lindsay, allowing Nick to catch her in his arms as he rose to his feet. Not trusting himself to speak, Cooper turned and headed for his study and the bottle of aged bourbon he kept there. It took a whole glass and fifteen minutes before the ache in his balls had receded enough for Cooper to begin to think clearly.

  The first thing he did was reach for his phone. The first person he called was his lawyer, Evan Chester. An old friend, Evan didn’t hesitate to offer his help. They discussed Lindsay’s situation for nearly an hour before Cooper heard Nick moving around in the living room. Swearing to have Lindsay sign all the papers that Evan intended to e-mail to him, he got off the phone with his buddy and went to find his brother piling food back into the picnic basket.

  “She all tucked in?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

  “Yep.” Nick paused to shoot Cooper a quick smirk. “You feeling better?”

  “I’ll survive,” Cooper assured him dryly as he moved back to let Nick pass.

  Grabbing the blanket off the floor, he followed Nick toward the kitchen. It didn’t take him long to fill his brother in on everything he’d been up to. Nick offered up some suggestions, but didn’t voice any major disagreement until Cooper got around to the matter of his lawyer. Then they ran into a major stumbling block.

  “I co
ntacted Evans. He’s agreed to take Lindsay on as client. She’s going to need to sign off on that in the morning.”

  “She will,” Nick assured him as he finished putting away the last of the leftovers.

  “I hope so.” Cooper wished he could feel as confident as his brother, but when it came to Lindsay, she never seemed to do the expected. “Evan has a few connections he’s going to tap to start digging around in her trust. I’m betting that whatever her stepfather really wants it has something to do with that trust.”

  “Yeah. Probably,” Nick murmured as he turned to consider Cooper. When he spoke next, his words were slow and measured. “You know her stepfather wouldn’t be able to claim any kind of guardianship over her or control over her trust if he wasn’t the next of kin.”

  “I know.” And he knew what came next.

  “What Lindsay needs is a husband,” Nick commented with a total lack of subtly. Neither did Nick’s pointed look leave any doubt of his thoughts. Cooper knew his brother expected him to freak out over the idea of getting stuck marrying Lindsay but he wasn’t running.

  “Evan’s going to get a marriage license prepared.” Cooper saw no reason to lie and figured it would be best to have this confrontation done and over with. “That is after he makes sure she’s not already married.”

  “You son of a bitch!” Nick slammed the refrigerator door and turned on Cooper. “When were you planning on telling me you were going to ask Lindsay to marry you?”

  “After she said ‘yes,’” Cooper answered honestly, not the least bit ashamed by his admission. “She’s going to be my wife.”

  Nick’s mouth opened and closed as his fingers curled into a white-knuckled fist. As valiantly as he struggled to hold his temper in check, he did not succeed but ended up shouting loud enough to wake the men sleeping all the way down in the dorms.

  “And what about me?”

  “You’re my brother.” Cooper shrugged. “You’re welcome to stay here as long as you want. You know that.”

  “I see.” Nick studied him with a look so hard Cooper knew his brother didn’t intend to give in anytime soon. “And what if I ask her first?”

  That threat had Cooper stiffening up. “Since when are you interested in marriage?”

  “Since when are you?” Nick shot back.

  “This isn’t a competition.” Cooper could feel his own temper rising as his brother’s obstinate attitude began to irritate him. “I’m not going to let you hurt Lindsay by acting like it is. Marriage is until death do you part, Nick. It means being there for somebody for the rest of your life, and we both know you—”

  “That I what?” Nick demanded to know when Cooper stopped short.

  “You know what? It doesn’t matter.” Cooper refused to answer, not wanting to say something he’d regret.

  “It’s something, so tell me.”


  “Tell me!”

  “Because we both know you’re not right,” Cooper snapped, almost instantly regretting answering. Quickly he tried to soften his comment. “You’re angry a lot more and…I mean…I don’t know what happened with the bomb, with you getting caught but…you’re just angry a lot now and that’s not what Lindsay needs.”

  Nick stood still, vibrating with an inner tension that Cooper feared forewarned of a coming storm. When his brother finally spoke he could hear that it wasn’t anger but anguish tearing through Nick.

  “What happened is I had to sit there, useless, waiting my turn while they tortured a woman for hours…for days…I had to listen and watch.” Nick paused, his whole body clenching before he finally released a deep breath and appeared to gain control of himself. “So you’re right. I am mad. Mad at myself.”

  Lindsay had come to represent the woman Nick had failed, and he wasn’t going to let that happen again. Cooper could hear that unspoken vow clearly. While he might be sympathetic to his brother’s torment, that didn’t change his determination to protect Lindsay from him.

  “This woman…you were sleeping with her?” Cooper prodded carefully.

  “Yes, and I know where you are going. Lindsay is different,” Nick swore. “This time will be different.”

  “And why is that?”

  “Because this time, I’m going to ask for help.”

  Chapter 23

  August 21st

  Lindsay woke burning with a rapture so exquisite it seared her straight down to her soul. The inferno consuming her licked higher, spurred on by the soft, silken laps of a tongue slipping through the swollen folds of her cunt. Her breath caught as the sensual fantasy that had filled her slumbering hours dissipated into a reality more wicked and erotic than even her subconscious had dared to imagine.

  She was hot, wet, and trapped between two hard, naked male bodies. Callus-roughened hands gripped her breasts in a firm grip while fingers plucked and toyed with the tender peaks. Her nipples puckered, becoming aching points while Lindsay squirmed, grinding herself against the warm chest and thick erection she was pinned against.

  The smooth ridges of the ripped abdomen cushioning her from behind were in sharp contrast to the coarse, hair-covered thighs teasing her own sensitive skin as they bent beneath her knees. Her legs were forced wide, uncurling a thrill deep within in her as molten folds of her cunt were exposed to more than the cool dawn air.

  A second set of hands stole her breath as they gripped her hips and held her steady for the tantalizing whisper of kisses that teased the intimate flesh of her pussy. Bolts of pure, molten ecstasy shot out of her cunt as a heavy thumb caught her clit under its merciless grasp. Rolling, pulling, pinching, the frenzy of pleasure that burst from her clit merged with the riot of delight burning through her chest.

  Her breath caught as a sharp-edged set of teeth bit down over her captive tit. White-hot ecstasy, so piercing it was nearly painful, shot through her with the speed and brilliance of lightning bolts. Her whole body arched under the sensation as her muscles tightened with the tension boiling in her blood. The fingers gripping her thighs tightened their hold, keeping her leashed to the bed and prisoner to the feasting lips that settled down over her pussy.

  No gentleness. No hesitation. This time the velvety tongue that invaded her folds sank straight into the clenching depths of her cunt. Lindsay’s eyes bulged open as daylight flooded her vision with the same brightness that poured through her as Cooper began to fuck her with smooth, quick strokes.

  That’s whose dark hair tickled between her thighs. Nick’s silken locks brushed over the flushed curves of her shoulder as he nibbled his way up her neck, joining in the feasting. All the while he tormented the swollen globes of her breasts. Lindsay let her lids drift back down as both brothers drove her toward utter bliss.

  “So good…sooo good….yes…” Lindsay panted out soft encouragements with each breath, allowing her hips to roll and flex as she worked her pussy against the tongue tormenting her wicked pleasure.

  Completely lost to the rhythm they set, she could only writhe with the rapture burgeoning in her veins. The slow, torturous wind of tension through her brought tears to the edge of her lashes as her tone turned pleading and her words more desperate. “Oh, please…Oh, God, please! I can’t…can’t…Ahhhhh!”

  Two thick fingers slid down her stomach to dip into her cunt. Nick didn’t fight Cooper for possession, though. Instead he slickened his fingers in her arousal and traced a sticky, cool line over her hip to dip down over the lush curve of her ass. Before Lindsay could brace herself, he plunged them deep into the entrance hidden between her cheeks.

  Unprepared for the sudden penetration or the powerful pleasure that flooded her as Nick began reaming her from behind, Lindsay erupted into a scream that felt like it lasted forever as Cooper fucked her pussy with the same relentless demand. It was too much.

  Lindsay couldn’t hold back. Like a sudden summer storm, her release broke over her with a magnificent crash but washed away just as quickly. Collapsing as her muscles gave out, she could do little more
than lay there as her body spasmed with the devastating aftershocks that still pulsed within her veins.

  “Such a tasty little pussy.” Cooper rose up, the husky rasp of his voice pulling Lindsay’s eye open as he focused on his own ravenous gaze. “So in need of a good fucking. Isn’t that what you want, lil’ bit? To get laid?”

  Her words from last night echoed between them, a reminder that she had asked for this. That wasn’t enough for them, though. The brothers wanted more. They demanded it.

  “Answer me.” Cooper’s heated growl sent shivers of excitement racing down her spine as his hands trailed back up her sides to recapture her breasts. “Tell me, Lindsay. Tell me to take what already belongs to me.”

  The coarse hairs covering Cooper’s legs scraped against the sensitive skin of her thighs as he forced them even wider, opening her cunt up to the titillating grind of his cock as his hips rolled and flexed. The rounded bulb of his cock head scraped over her clit, trapping the throbbing bud beneath its heavy weight and lighting up Lindsay’s world with a pleasure so intense it couldn’t be contained.

  Her hips began to move with a reflex as old as time, matching the rhythm Cooper set and wringing every last drop of delight from the sensations whipping through her. She was not alone in the storm. Above her Cooper shuddered, his eyes closing as he groaned and ground harder against her.

  “God but you feel so good, lil’ bit. So far from innocent. If only I could stay like this, surrounded by your warmth, always.” There could be no denying, nor dismissing the longing deepening in Cooper’s tone. Nor could Lindsay ignore the thrill they sent down racing down her spine.


  It might be a lie but in that moment it felt real. More than real. It felt right, so did Nick’s presence.

  “Your warmth may be his but your strength is mine,” Nick snarled from behind her. “Do you feel that? Feel how your muscles pull on my fingers?”

  He added a third finger to the two stretching her ass wide, making Lindsay whimper and shift as the pressure grew to border on pain. It was the most exquisite of pains, so intense, so wild there was no hope of controlling it or her body’s response to Nick’s dark promise.


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