Shadow's Surrender: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 14)

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Shadow's Surrender: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 14) Page 25

by Chiah Wilder

  “Probably just some punks who thought it was funny.” He stepped closer to her.

  “Funny?” Her green eyes flashed. “You could’ve been killed!”

  “Yeah, but I wasn’t. When you ride a bike, you know shit can happen.”

  “But this was intentional, not just an accident. There’s a big difference. How can you be so flippant about this?”

  Shadow was right in front of her now. “Because I don’t want my rage over this to get outta control. Now give me a kiss, darlin’.”

  The corners of her mouth tugged up, and she leaned closer to him. “I don’t want to hurt you,” she whispered.

  “My lips are just fine.” He lowered his head and pressed his mouth to hers.

  “Here’s the towel,” Jim said.

  Scarlett broke away from the kiss and took it from Jim.

  “Apply pressure to his palms to stop the bleeding,” Lynn said. “If it doesn’t stop in about ten minutes, then he has to get to the hospital.”

  “She’s fuckin’ obsessed with dragging my ass to that damn place,” Shadow muttered.

  Scarlett pressed the towel against his skin. “She’s just being nice and helpful,” she whispered.

  He hissed at the sizzle of pain that shot through his hands.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  She push down harder on the wounds, sending another wave of pain searing through his nerve endings.


  “Are you doing okay?” Scarlett glanced up at him.

  “Yeah,” he gritted between his teeth.

  A low rumble in the distance built to a roar as six motorcycles rolled up the street. A brown pickup truck followed behind then pulled up beside Shadow.

  Smokey glanced at the couple then at Scarlett before resting his gaze on Shadow. “Where’s your bike?”

  “It’s over here,” Jim said before Shadow could answer.

  Smokey shifted his gaze back to Shadow. “Who’s he?”

  “He and his wife pulled over to help me.”

  “Oh yeah, you used their phone.” Smokey rode forward, then switched off the engine and exited the truck.

  “What the fuck, dude?” Helm said as he came over with Bones and Cruiser following behind. “Smokey said some fuckers threw an iron at you.”

  “They’re fuckin’ dead when we find them,” Cruiser said, then snapped his mouth shut when he noticed the couple behind Shadow.

  “These people helped me out,” he said in a loud voice so all the brothers could hear lest they reveal more than they wanted the citizens to hear.

  “That’s cool,” Bones said. “So your bike’s pretty fucked up?”

  Shadow lifted one shoulder. “I don’t know. I’m hoping it’s an easy fix.”

  “I’ll take it over to Hawk’s shop. Banger’s having Doc meet us at the clubhouse,” Smokey said.

  “I’m so glad you’re seeing a doctor,” Lynn said.

  “Yeah. So, thanks again. You can go now—we got things under control.” Shadow saw the way Jim was checking out the brothers and staring at the rockers on the back of their cuts.

  “Let’s go, Lynn.” Jim turned to him. “I hope you feel better soon.”

  “Thanks, man.” Shadow watched as Jim talked into Lynn’s ear as they walked back to their minivan. Several times, she looked over her shoulders with widened eyes, then went back to listening to her husband.

  “We’ll talk about what happened when we get to the club. There’s no way those fuckers are getting away with what they did to you,” Hubcap said, his hands clenching into fists.

  “There are security cameras in front of all these buildings. Maybe you can get the footage,” Scarlett said.

  Hubcap whipped his head around to gape at Scarlett as if realizing for the first time a woman was in their midst. Surprise etched across his face, and he glanced over at Shadow, giving him a what-the-hell look.

  “This is my woman,” Shadow said as he hooked his good arm around her shoulder and pulled her to his side.

  “Oh,” Hubcap answered, his gaze still fixed on her.

  “If the cameras are live or close circuit, Hawk can get into them.” Shadow kissed the side of his woman’s head. “Thanks, babe, for that information.”

  “You ready to go?” Smokey asked.

  “Yeah.” He looked down and caught her gaze. “You don’t need to come, baby.”

  “I want to.” Her eyes shimmered and she blinked rapidly.

  Warmth spread through him, and at that moment, he never thought he could love a woman as completely as he did Scarlett.

  “Then come on.” He brushed his lips across hers and led her to the truck.

  The truck rolled down the old highway, and every bump it hit felt like a fireball exploded inside him. The bleeding had stopped on his palms and on portions of his left arm, which was a good sign, because it meant the cuts weren’t too deep. Chances were that he’d suffered second-degree road rash since there was debris embedded in his skin.

  “When we get to the clubhouse, you need to stay in the main room at one of the tables. I’ll tell the others that you’re with me, so they won’t be messing with you. We got some guys from another chapter there, but I’ll have one of the prospects watch over you.”

  “You’re sort of scaring me,” she said.

  “The outlaw world is different. It’s a male-oriented world, and the women who hang at the club during non-family times are viewed as fair game.” He sucked in a breath.

  “Now you’re freaking me out. Can’t I be with you?”

  “Doc’s gonna have to clean me up. I got some gravel and shit lodged into some of my wounds. It’s not gonna be pretty.”

  Scarlett bumped lightly against him. “Are you afraid I’ll tease you about whining?” She joked.

  He laughed. “There’s no fuckin’ way you or anyone else is gonna hear me whine. If that ever happens, just shoot me.”

  “Ditto,” Smokey said, catching Shadow’s eyes in the rearview mirror.

  She let out a small giggle that sounded like windchimes blowing in a light breeze. “You’re such a macho man.”

  He pivoted to her and dipped his head. “And you love it, baby.” Shadow captured her lips.

  For the rest of the drive Scarlett sat close to him, her head on his shoulder, as he stared out the window at the blurred shapes that raced by them.

  Once I’m patched up, those fuckers better watch out. I think I’ll pay Charlie Bowen a visit to see what he knows about tonight. My gut’s telling me he does.

  He leaned his head back against the seat and closed his eyes, letting the hum of the motor lull him to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Scarlett sat at one of the tables, nursing a bourbon and water, pretending that she was cool with everything that was going on around her. It was bad enough that a good majority of the men leered at her as if she were a deer surrounded by a pride of lions, but it was all the copulating in plain sight that had her looking down at the table and stirring her drink like it was never going to mix.

  “Did you want something to eat?”

  Scarlett glanced up and saw a pretty woman with auburn hair and blue eyes standing at the table.

  “No, thank you,” she replied as she brought the drink to her lips and took a small sip; the alcohol was now watery since the ice cubes had melted.

  “You’re Scarlett—Shadow’s woman, right?” The woman pulled out a chair and sat down. “I’m Kristy.” She smiled broadly.

  “Nice to meet you.” Scarlett tried to keep her eyes away from the woman’s skimpy top that did little to cover her large breasts.

  “You look like you needed a friend. You had that deer-caught-in-the-headlights look.” Kristy laughed. “I guess the club comes off as being over the top if you’re not used to it.”

  “A little bit. Who is your boyfriend? I don’t know any of the other members except for Smokey.”

  “I heard he did some work at your house.”

  “My parents’ ho
use, and he did a real good job. Is Smokey your boyfriend?”

  Kristy burst out laughing. “No way. I can’t see Smokey being any woman’s boyfriend. I’m a club girl, so I’m not attached to any one member.”

  Scarlett took another gulp of her drink, wishing the prospect—what was his name—would add another shot of bourbon. In her research of one-percent MCs, she stumbled across the club girls. Some of the articles referred to them as club whores, mamas, and even sheep. She couldn’t even begin to understand what would attract a woman to choose a life as the club’s chattel, banging any man who wanted or demanded it. She shuddered at the idea of it.

  “I gotta admit I never thought Shadow would settle down. He’s broken a few hearts around here.”

  “Really? I thought club women didn’t get attached to the men.”

  Kristy shook her head. “Of course we do—we’re women, you know? Some of us have our favorites, others just go in for the fun and never anything beyond that. I had it bad for Hawk—the VP—and I still have a soft spot for him.” She leaned in close. “Don’t tell anyone that, okay? I must be more tipsy than I thought. I can’t believe I told you that.”

  “Is Hawk here tonight? I’ve heard Shadow speak about him a lot.”

  “He rarely comes to parties now that he’s hitched with three kids. He got himself a rich one too. Do you know her?”


  “Cara something. She’s a lawyer.” The lines around Kristy’s mouth deepened when she frowned.

  “Cara Minelli? I definitely know her—she’s on my committee for the Sheridan Center gala. She’s married to a biker? I never knew that. She’s older than I am so we never hung out. I’m just sort of shocked.”

  “So was I when he hooked up with her. I was his favorite.” Kristy blinked several times. “Brandi and me have been here the longest. These young sluts coming in think they’re the shit. I can out-fuck any of them—hands down.” She hiccupped, then giggled. “I can’t believe I’m telling you all this shit. Fuck … I must be wasted.”

  “Radar’s looking for you, Kristy. Go find him,” Smokey said.

  Scarlett looked behind her shoulder and smiled at him. “How’s Shadow?”

  “Good. He wanted me to get you.”

  She leapt out of the chair. “I’ve been so worried about him. What did the doctor say?”

  “You can ask him.” Smokey spun around and strode away.

  “Nice talking with you,” Scarlett said to Kristy, who was busy pulling down her top. Since Smokey was tall and had long legs, she had to practically run to keep up with him.

  Shadow’s room was small but very neat, which pleased her immensely. His furniture consisted of a desk, chair, double bed, nightstand, chest of drawers, and what looked like a recliner. A table lamp sat on the nightstand, and a floor lamp stood next to the recliner. The walls were bare, but the top of his dresser had several framed photographs of a woman, who Scarlett guessed was his mother. She wanted to pick them up to get a better look, but several men were crowded around the room, and she didn’t want to draw attention to herself.

  “Baby,” Shadow said. A grin graced his face. He reached out his hand and she noticed it was bandaged.

  Scarlett walked over and sat at the edge of the bed. “Are you feeling better?” she asked, bending down. “You scared the hell out of me,” she whispered before pressing her lips to his.

  “It wasn’t my idea to do that. I had a whole different plan for tonight. You know I can’t get that picture you texted me outta my mind,” he said, his voice low.

  “I’m wearing it under my sundress. I slipped this dress on real fast as soon as you told me what happened.” She smothered his face with tiny kisses. “When you’re feeling better, we’ll have some fun.”

  “My arm and hands are messed up, not my cock, baby.” He swiped his tongue over her lips.

  All of a sudden Scarlett remembered the other men in the room, and she felt the heat rising to her face as she sat up straight.

  “What did the doctor say?”

  “What I thought—second-degree road rash. I just gotta change the bandages, put on some antibiotic cream, and some other shit. Been there, done that.”

  The other men in the room chuckled as they nodded.

  In that moment, she realized how dangerous riding a motorcycle could be, and she shivered.

  “Are you cold?” Shadow asked.

  “No. It just dawned on me how dangerous riding can be.”

  “Don’t go getting all bent outta shape and start worrying about me all the time. We all know the risks of riding, but it’s worth it. Besides, I’m a skilled and good rider, this is on account of those fuckers.”

  “I know, it’s just—”

  “It’s nothing, darlin’. Don’t blow this outta proportion.” He tugged on the ends of her hair.

  She bit the corner of her bottom lip and tilted her head. “I won’t. How’s your pain?”

  “Gone—amazing what pain pills and a good joint can do.” Shadow chuckled, and the men in the room joined in.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends?” Scarlett asked.

  “If you want, sure.” He pointed at each man. “This is Helm, Cruiser, Blade, Bones, Hubcap, Puck, and you know Smokey.” He winked at her. “And this is Scarlett.”

  “Nice to meet all of you,” she said, smiling.

  The men grunted something inaudible, then focused their attention back to him.

  “If you don’t need anything, bro, I’m gonna head out,” Helm said.

  Shadow ran his bandaged hand down her arm. “I’m good.”

  “Okay, I’ll catch you tomorrow so we can discuss things.” Smokey lifted his chin then walked toward the door.

  The rest of the men either raised their fists in the air or lifted their chins before leaving the room.

  When the door closed, Shadow pulled her down on top of him, then kissed her deeply. “I’m so fuckin’ pissed our night was ruined,” he said against her lips.

  “I’m so fucking pissed that those two delinquents hurt you,” she replied before kissing him again.

  She pulled back and lightly ran her fingers over his face. “I about died when you told me that you had an accident. I never want to lose you. I couldn’t bear it.” Her voice hitched.

  “Come on … where’s my strong woman? I’m not going anywhere, babe. I saw those fuckers, so I swerved my bike to avoid a worse accident. I’ll always be here.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that,” she whispered.

  “You do that, darlin’,” he said thickly.

  Pushing up, she looked at him and noticed his lids were heavy. She raked her fingers through his hair. “I think the pain pills are making you sleepy.”

  “Yeah—I’m so damn tired.”

  “Then sleep. I’m staying with you.”

  “Love you,” he mumbled then his eyes shut and his lips parted slightly.

  Scarlett dipped her head down and kissed his forehead. “Love you too, baby,” she whispered. She watched him as he slept, loving the way he looked so serene. Shadow was nothing like the other men she’d known, who told lies and exaggerated tales in the name of supposed love. She huffed. No … Shadow was the real deal, and she’d almost lost him that night. Okay, I’m being overly dramatic, but he did get hurt, and what if another car had been driving up the street and hit him. There was an ache in Scarlett’s chest and her eyes stung with tears. I need to stop this now. He’s safe—that’s all that matters. But what if— She shook her head vigorously. No. Stop it. A small snore stopped her thoughts, and she smiled and brushed a kiss over his cheek then stood up.

  Scarlett switched off the lamp on the nightstand, then walked over to the large window and pulled down the blinds. She shuffled over to the dresser and opened the top drawer, looking for a T-shirt to wear to bed. It was then that she remembered the framed pictures, and she slowly picked up them up and went over to the floor lamp and switched it.

  The first photograp
h showed a young lady of about eighteen years, holding an infant who had black hair. That’s Shadow—I’m sure of it. Scarlett ran her finger over his picture. He’s adorable. And his mother is so young. She probably got pregnant in high school. She’s beautiful. The woman’s sparkling eyes and dark hair looked very much like Shadow’s. Two of the other three pictures were of his mother, only at different ages: maybe twenty-three or twenty-four, the other around thirty. The last photograph was of Shadow—she recognized him right away—when he was about fourteen or maybe fifteen. He was tall, and Scarlett could see that his arms were toned and even muscular back then, although not like they were now. A badass vibe emanated from Shadow by the way he stood, cocked his head, and snarled his lips. His mother had her arm around him, and her face was glowing with happiness and love. She was so young, and he was too young to lose his mom.

  The tip of her index finger traced over both Shadow and his mother as sadness filled her. “I wish I could’ve met you,” she whispered to his mother. “You raised an amazing son.”

  The bed creaked and Scarlett froze as her gaze flew to that side of the room. Shadow had turned on his good side, and the sheet had fallen away, exposing all the bandages running up and down his left arm. She tiptoed to the dresser and put the frames back on top of it, then rummaged through his drawer to find one of his undershirts.

  After she had splashed some water on her face and changed into Shadow’s T-shirt, she padded over to the bed and pulled the sheet over him before slipping in beside him. She listened to him breathe for a long time, the images of his mother and a teenaged Shadow floating through her mind.

  Slivers of moonlight filtered through the blinds, looking like thin fingers, and Scarlett watched as they wavered on the wheat-colored carpet and across the bed until sleep tugged at her lids. She finally gave in to the stillness, to his low and deep breathing, and to the murmuring chants of the whip-poor-wills.

  * * *

  Scarlett awoke to soft sheets and the morning sunlight seeping in through the slatted blinds. She rubbed her eyes with her knuckles then slowly turned on her side and propped herself up on her elbow. Shadow lay on his back sleeping, and she touched him lightly, careful not to wake him up. Her fingertips ran over the muscles of his chest, and the bones of his ribs and hips. Shadow moved slightly and a small groan slipped from his lips, and she froze. Looking at his scraped arm and hands, Scarlett wished she could kiss away the pain and make it all better like her father used to do when she was a kid and had roughed up her knees after falling from her bicycle.


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