Theirs to Keep tht-1

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Theirs to Keep tht-1 Page 6

by Maya Banks

  She’d never seen Merrick so…fierce. She couldn’t wrap her head around the difference in this man, the fighter, and the man who’d held her and comforted her so many times.

  As the two men parted and the bell rang, signaling the start, Elle surged forward in her seat. Other than the light touch to her arm, Merrick hadn’t acknowledged her in any way. She hadn’t expected him to. He had to be focused. A distraction could cost him the match and could cause him serious injury.

  Beside her, Dallas shot to his feet as Merrick and his opponent exchanged a flurry of punches. Dallas was yelling. Charlie was on his feet hollering something Elle couldn’t decipher.

  When Merrick took a shot to the head and stumbled back, Elle flew to her feet, her hand over her mouth.

  “Don’t look like that,” Dallas yelled in her ear. “Suck it up. If he looks this way, the last thing he needs to see is you looking like you’re going to puke.”

  His rebuke jarred her from her horror, and she schooled her features. But inside her chest, her heart was about to explode as she watched the flurry of action in the ring.

  The first round lasted an eternity. The few minutes stretched into what seemed like an hour as the two men traded punches and wrestling holds. When the bell rang and Merrick returned to his corner, she stared hard, looking for any sign of injury.

  He sat, looking calm and completely focused. At peace, which seemed ridiculous given he’d spent the last several minutes getting pounded by a man as big as he was.

  But there was no blood, and his face looked untouched. The other guy hadn’t been as fortunate. His eye was swollen, and a cut had opened up on his cheek.

  “He won that one!” Charlie yelled over the crowd.

  “Hell yeah he did,” Dallas said.

  “He won?” she asked in bewilderment. “It’s over?”

  “He won the round,” Dallas said in a patient voice. “Points. If there isn’t a knockout, the match is determined by points. Merrick won that round.”

  “Yes!” she hollered.

  Charlie and Dallas both grinned at her, and Charlie pounded her on the back.

  “That’s the way to get into it, girl!”

  She remained standing when the two fighters came out of their corners for the second round. Now that she knew Merrick had won the first round, it made sense to her why his opponent came out more aggressive.

  “He’s being careless!” Dallas said in a whoop. “Merrick will nail his ass to the wall. There isn’t going to be another round. I guarantee it!”

  Elle surged forward in the excitement, her fingers curled into tight balls as her nails dug into her palms. Her heart was pounding, and her gaze was glued to the two fighters.

  Merrick’s opponent lashed out with a high kick, but Merrick reared his head back, caught the guy’s leg and then drove him to the mat.

  “Damn it, I can’t see!” Elle yelled in frustration.

  Dallas turned, presenting his back to her. “Hop up.”

  She stared blankly at him, and he looked back over his shoulder.

  “Come on, or you’re going to miss it!”

  She tossed her purse at Charlie and put her hands on Dallas’s shoulders. As she jumped, he reached back, grasped the backs of her legs and hoisted her upward.

  Elevated above Charlie and Dallas, she could now clearly see the action in the ring. Merrick was atop his opponent and was landing punches to his head. She winced but was grateful it wasn’t Merrick getting his ass handed to him.

  She knew from watching Merrick’s training that just as much of the match was fought on the ground as it was standing upright and boxing. She’d read up on jiu-jitsu to familiarize herself with the holds and maneuvers so she wasn’t completely ignorant of something that was obviously extremely important not only to Merrick but to Cade, Dallas and Charlie as well.

  Merrick had an amazing support network, and now so did she. It hit her, standing right there in the middle of the crowded arena. She was a part of this. She had no explanation for how. Or why she was so fortunate to have ended up with men like Cade and Merrick and their extended group. Charlie, Dallas. Even Merrick’s team.

  She was a fixture at the gym and at the training sessions. They often had dinner together after training. She even rode in the back of the truck when Merrick went for his runs and his trainer timed him.

  Staring in awe as the crowd roared, she scanned the flashing lights, the people thrusting their fists in the air, and then her gaze returned to the ring just in time to see Merrick execute a rear naked choke hold.

  It was a submission move.

  She strained upward, holding her breath as she watched Merrick lock it in. The wait seemed interminable. Adrenaline bolted through her body like a shock, and she found herself yelling until she was hoarse.

  And then finally, Merrick’s opponent tapped three times. The referee stepped in, waving his arms, and then he pushed in to separate the two fighters.

  Merrick rose, arms held up, and then Cade was running into the ring to hoist him up. Charlie surged forward, climbing the steps to the ring. Dallas let her slide down his back, and then he threw his arms around her, hugging her until she couldn’t breathe.

  “He did it!” Dallas yelled. “He did it!”

  He started for the ring as Charlie had, but then he hesitated, looking back at Elle as if he remembered he was supposed to watch out for her.

  “Go,” Elle mouthed.

  Dallas shook his head.

  “Go,” she said again, loudly this time. “I’ll be right here. There’s nowhere to go. Merrick will want you there. You should be there.”

  Dallas grimaced. “He wants you there too.”

  “And I will be,” she said. “Afterward. Go and be there for him. He’ll want to share this moment with you.”

  Dallas put his hands out. “Don’t move from this spot. I’ll be back for you.”

  She shooed him away, and he bolted for the ring, joining in the mad celebration. She stood back, watching as the men she’d grown so close to whooped and yelled. In that moment, she felt incredibly alone and isolated. She wished she could be right up there with the others. But she had no idea of the possible evil lurking out there, and she couldn’t take such a risk.

  Two burly men stepped up beside her, boxing her in on both sides. One leaned in so she could hear.

  “You’re to come with us, ma’am. Mr. Sullivan wants you back in the dressing room to wait for him there.”

  Panic screeched through her veins. Dallas had told her to stay put. He hadn’t said anything about someone else escorting her away.

  She shook her head, trying not to freak out on the spot. She shrank back until her legs hit the chair she’d been sitting in.

  Instead of pressing the issue, the two men simply stood there, hovering protectively as more of the crowd surged forward chanting Merrick’s name.

  In the ring, the announcer was making the official declaration of Merrick’s victory. He held Merrick’s arm up, and the crowd erupted once more.

  And then Merrick looked directly at her. He smiled. It lit up the entire arena. He pointed at her and then balled his fist doing a pump in the air.

  She grinned back and blew him a kiss.

  Dallas squeezed in and cupped her elbow. “They’re okay, Elle,” he said, dipping his head toward the two men standing guard over her. “Merrick sent them to escort you back before things get too crazy. I’ll go with you.”

  Relieved that Dallas was here, she allowed the two men to escort her and Dallas back to the dressing room. When they burst in, it was already chaotic with celebration, and Merrick hadn’t even made it back yet.

  Champagne bottles were being opened, and a glass was shoved into her hand. Just a few moments later, Merrick burst into the locker room flanked by Cade and Charlie. His trainer came in close behind him, and the other members of his team, as well as several other fighters who’d come to support Merrick, crowded around, fists in the air as they shouted their congratulations to


  It was hard for her not to go to him. But she was supposed to be here with Dallas. His girl.

  Their gazes connected through the crowd. Both Cade and Merrick sought her out, their stares probing, the question clear in their eyes.

  “I’m fine,” she mouthed. “You did awesome,” she said to Merrick.

  He winked at her and then turned his attention to his well-wishers.

  Elle retreated to a far corner so she could observe the festivities at a distance. It was on the edge of her mind to think how different her life was now, but how could she know that when she had no idea what her life had been before?

  She’d been swept into a different world. But this wasn’t her life. It was Cade and Merrick’s life. And she had no idea how or if she fit into it.

  C H A P T E R E L E V E N

  “HEY, YOU GOING TO THE after party?” Dakota asked Merrick.

  Merrick hesitated and then glanced across the room to where Elle was curled in a chair in the corner sound asleep.

  “I don’t think so, man. I’m tired. I could use a little peace and quiet right now.”

  Dakota followed Merrick’s gaze to Elle. “Your fans are going to want to see you. This is an important lead-up to the championship fight. Did you see that Lash was at the fight? Second row. He left in a hurry after you submitted Carew.”

  Merrick shook his head. “I didn’t see.” And he didn’t care. Lash was the champion, and Merrick wanted the belt. It didn’t matter who it was. It wasn’t personal.

  “I think it’s a good idea for you to at least make an appearance,” Dakota persisted.

  Merrick sighed and glanced over at Cade. In the past, he and Cade and Dallas would have gone to the after party and partied hard through the night. Now all he wanted to do was go back to his hotel room so he could spend some quiet time with Elle and find out what the hell she’d thought about all this.

  “I’ll send a car with two bodyguards with Elle back to the hotel,” Dakota said, his tone persuasive. “They’ll stand outside her room. No one will get near her. When you’re done, you can head back. Spend an hour. I’ll make sure no one bothers you after that.”

  Cade, who’d been listening in, looked torn as well. He glanced at Elle and then back at Merrick. Then finally he put his hand on Merrick’s shoulder.

  “This is your night, man. It’s your call. I’ll go with you to the party if you want to go. Dakota’s probably right. It’s probably a good idea for you to show up, at least for a little while. You had a ton of people come out for you tonight.”

  Dallas pushed in next to Cade. “You guys want me to go back to the hotel with Elle?”

  “No,” Merrick clipped out.

  He trusted Dallas implicitly, but even the charade of Dallas being with Elle grated on him. He didn’t want to see them leave together even if he knew the entire thing was a fabrication meant to make sure Elle wasn’t thrust into the spotlight. It was utterly ridiculous, but jealousy was eating at him at the mere appearance that Elle was with another man.

  He turned to his trainer, his lips tight. “You make damn sure she gets to the hotel safely and that the bodyguards don’t leave her side until she’s inside. I’ll relieve them when I get back to the hotel. I’m holding you personally responsible for her safety.”

  Dakota nodded. “Get showered and changed, and I’ll arrange transportation to the bar we’ve rented out for the night. While you’re doing that, I’ll have Catherine take care of Elle.”

  It took everything Merrick had to walk away from her and not go to her, leaving her sleeping in the chair. Goddamn but he hated this.

  He shook his head and jabbed his finger at Dakota. “You take care of it personally. Catherine’s a wonderful woman, but I’d rather you see to Elle’s protection.”

  “Whatever you want, Merrick. Now go. I’ll take care of things.”

  Elle was gently shaken awake by Catherine, Dakota’s wife. Dakota was in his forties, and Catherine was likely in her late thirties, but she didn’t look a day over twenty-five. And it wasn’t because of artificial means. The woman was just beautiful and vibrant, and she had a smile that could light up an entire city block.

  She was smart too. She was often involved in the business aspect of Merrick’s career. Elle knew from just the short time she’d been associated with the guys that Dakota depended on Catherine a lot for advice and her opinions. She had the respect of all the men around her, and Elle admired her for that.

  “Hey, you feeling okay?” Catherine asked.

  Elle nodded and sat up quickly, embarrassed that she’d fallen asleep during Merrick’s locker room celebration. A quick glance around told her that things were dying down and people were starting to clear out of the dressing room.

  “This is what’s going down for the night,” Catherine said. “There’s an after party. It’s completely normal. Tradition, one might even say, for the winner to host a party for fans. It’s important for Merrick to be there and have a presence. The organization is looking hard at him right now. They know he’s a contender for the belt and he’s likely going to get that offer soon. Public support is always a good thing to have on your side.”

  Elle held her hand up to stop the flow of words. “Catherine, I understand. Of course he should go. This is an important night for him. I just wish…”

  Catherine’s face wrinkled in sympathy. “What do you wish?”

  “That I could be there too,” Elle said wistfully.

  Catherine put her hand over Elle’s. “I know you do. I can only imagine.”

  Catherine and Dakota both knew of Elle’s situation. Merrick could hardly keep it a secret from them since he needed their cooperation in keeping Elle out of the public eye. Most of Merrick’s camp knew. And Dakota and Catherine had both been wonderful to her.

  But what they didn’t or couldn’t know was the extent of her relationship with either Cade or Merrick. How could they when even Elle didn’t know?

  As far as they were concerned, Elle was a woman in trouble, and Cade and Merrick were lending her a helping hand and support until she got her memory back.

  Elle knew in her gut that she wanted more. But damn if she could even put a finger on exactly what she wanted from the two men. Or maybe she knew, and she was too afraid to admit it even to herself.

  “Dakota has a car to take you back to the hotel. If you don’t mind, I’m going to catch a ride back with you,” Catherine said. “I’m beat, and as thrilled as I am for Merrick, I don’t have it in me to pull a late nighter tonight.”

  “Of course I don’t mind. I’d love the company,” Elle said honestly.

  “Dakota is sending two bodyguards with us, and they’ll remain outside your suite until Merrick and Cade return.”

  Elle nodded, not bothering to say it was unnecessary. How could she say that with any certainty? She had no idea who’d tried to kill her or where he was now. All she knew was that the only time she felt safe was when she was with Cade and Merrick.

  Dallas walked over and bent down to press a perfunctory kiss to Elle’s forehead. It could easily be interpreted as an affectionate kiss from a man to his lover, and Elle knew Dallas did view her affectionately, but it was a pretense.

  “You going to be okay with Cathy?” Dallas asked. “I’ll go back to the hotel with you if you want.”

  Elle shook her head. “Go and have fun. Enjoy the moment, and make sure Merrick does too. And please don’t let them worry about me. Catherine has been nice enough to ride back to the hotel with me, and I’m going to curl up and get some sleep. I’ll be fine.”

  Dallas smiled and then ruffled her hair. “Okay, will do. You two be careful.”

  “See ya, Dallas,” Catherine said.

  Dakota walked over then with the two mountains who’d escorted her to her seat earlier.

  “Elle, this is Carl and Steven, and they’ll be escorting you back to the hotel.”

  “I’m going to ride with her, babe,” Catherine spoke up.

p; Dakota’s brow furrowed. “You sure?”

  “Yeah, I’m tired. You guys go and celebrate.”

  Dakota pulled her into his arms and kissed her. It was clear the couple cared a lot for each other, and Dakota wasn’t hesitant at all about demonstrating that love for his wife regardless of who was watching.

  “See you later then,” he said. Then he nodded at Elle. “They’ll take you out now.”

  Elle followed behind Carl while Steven fell in behind her and Catherine. As they walked toward the door, Merrick came out of the shower, his hair still damp. Elle stopped a moment to absorb the image of him standing in the dressing room wearing a T-shirt advertising his training facilities and a pair of jeans that hugged his body in all the right places.

  Cade walked over to where she stood, his stance casual. Merrick came up behind him until both men were mere inches away.

  “You okay?” Cade asked softly.

  She nodded and smiled. “Yep. Congratulations, Merrick. It was an awesome fight.”

  The corner of Merrick’s mouth lifted. “You watched? Or did you hide your eyes the entire time?”

  She huffed indignantly. “You submitted him with a rear naked choke hold.”

  Both men laughed. Cade started to put his hand out to touch her but pulled it back at the last minute.

  “We’ll see you later, okay? If you need anything at all, call my cell. I’ll be checking it.”

  Elle nodded, and after one last lingering glance, she turned and walked away with the two bodyguards.

  C H A P T E R T W E L V E

  ELLE WAS IN A VERY modest pair of pajamas when she heard the slide of a keycard in the door. A moment later, it opened, admitting Cade and Merrick into the suite.

  She glanced up from her perch on the couch as they trudged inside.

  The room was dark, with only a corner lamp burning. She’d been sitting by the window staring at the Las Vegas strip and the dazzling array of lights that cascaded up and down the boulevard.


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