Rescuing Lilly

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Rescuing Lilly Page 3

by Miller, Hallie

  "How were you going to leave anyway?" he asked, walking closer to her until he was standing directly in front of her. She could feel his heat radiating off of him as she stared at his dusty work jeans. Her eyes worked their way to his chest. He was wearing a blue plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up. It was unbuttoned from his neck down to the top of his chest. He smelled of sweat, dirt, and the remnants of a delicious brand of cologne she couldn't place. Not realizing, she took in a deep tantalizing breath of his rugged aroma. God he smells good. She felt herself weaken in the knees just from his scent and closeness.

  When she didn't answer his question after several moments, Jake heard her deep breath and tried a different approach. He just wanted to pick her up and hug her and tell her that he would take care of her and that she didn't need to run away from him. But he didn't want to get too close too fast and he couldn't figure out what was running through her little mind. She was unbelievably frustrating and interesting at the same time. He took her chin between his thumb and index finger and pulled her to look at him. "Please don't tell me you were going to try to walk to your car."

  She stared into his eyes, hoping he would pull her in closer so she could taste his lips. When he spoke, she shook herself out of the little trance, and her defiance came back with full force. "You know I'm not some weakling who can't walk a couple of miles down the road. I run three miles nearly every day. I'm sure a little walking isn't going to hurt me. So to answer your question, yes, I am going to walk to my car."

  "Twelve miles is quite a walk. And if I do recall, the doctor told you to rest for the next couple of days, not walk a half-marathon," he stated matter-of-factly. He grabbed her by the elbow and began pulling her toward the stairs.

  Lilly pulled back on her arm but he just continued to tug her until they were at the bottom of the stairs. "But. But wait-" she began.

  "But nothing. Get back upstairs and get into bed," he ordered, giving her a swat on her behind.

  Lilly couldn't believe his high-handedness. His ordering her around was going to have to stop. "You can't just order me around like this!" she argued, turning around to face him as she stood on the second step. Her point seemed better argued when she was standing almost as tall as him.

  "I told you that I make the decisions around here and since you are staying here, you have two choices. You can do as you're told and get upstairs and back to bed, or we can have another little discussion like we did last night about what happens when you disobey me. And then I'm going to put you back into bed. What's it going to be?" Jake raised his eyebrows as he waited for an answer. He watched as her face scrunched up and she suddenly turned around and stomped up the steps like a five-year-old. He smiled as he watched her cute little behind angrily make its way to the top of the steps. This girl might be a little spitfire, but she was sure hot as hell and he couldn't help but want to chase her up those steps and take her to bed.

  As Jake turned to walk back into the kitchen, Sylvia walked through the front door. Sylvia had taken care of his family for twenty years and was practically a mother to him and his brothers when he was a child. Jake was only eleven when his mother died, and his brothers were fifteen and sixteen. Sylvia had been there for him while his brothers were out taking care of the ranch with his father. His father passed away when he was twenty, and it was then that his brothers, Ethan and Kyle, decided to leave the ranch-life to work in the city as property salesmen. Jake took over the ranch while Sylvia cared for the house.

  "Hey, Jake! How are you this morning?" she greeted kindly as he sat down at the kitchen table. Sylvia noticed the smile on his face and continued, "Looks like you are just fine and dandy today. Is there something you want to tell me?"

  Jake explained the previous day while Sylvia began making breakfast of bacon, eggs, and buttermilk biscuits. Once he was through, Sylvia set a plate in front of him. "Well, honey, it seems like you might have a thing for this girl."

  Jake tried to hide the truth, but Sylvia could always see right through his intentions. "No, I just feel bad for her. I don't know why she is running away, but she hasn't been doing a very good job taking care of herself and she obviously needs someone to look after her."

  Sylvia smiled and nodded. "Well, I'm sure she is grateful that you are willing to help her."

  "So grateful she just tried to run off again," he said under his breath.

  "What's that?" Sylvia asked when she heard him mutter something.

  "Nothing, just thinking about what I have to do for the rest of the day," he lied. He looked towards the stairs and then back at Sylvia as he opened the back door. "Will you keep an eye on her until I get back for lunch? I have a feeling she isn't the kind of girl that takes bed-rest seriously."

  "Of course I will. I'm sure she and I will get along great. See you around noon!" she smiled and waved as he walked out the door toward the stables. Sylvia was curious about this girl. She didn't see Jake get so flustered about a girl very often. Actually, she couldn't even remember the last time he mentioned any girls. He seemed to keep more to himself after his father passed, and the ranch kept him more than a little occupied on a day-to-day basis. It was almost as if he needed a girl to come to him for any type of relationship to prosper. This was the perfect situation! She smiled to herself and made a plate to take to Lilly, hoping she could get to know her a little better.


  Lilly plopped back down on the bed, angry that her escape attempt was sabotaged. Just as she laid her head down on the pillow, she thought he heard a female voice coming from downstairs and figured Jake had invited some bimbo over while she was held hostage in a guest room. She slammed her fist into the pillow, wishing it was his face. Maybe a punch to his jaw would knock him off his high pedestal. She listened again for the female voice but couldn't hear anything but the jingle of silverware. Now he is making breakfast for that whore! Lilly slammed her head down on the pillow and closed her eyes. She didn't know why the thought of him making breakfast for someone else bothered her so much. He hadn't done anything but boss her around since they met... except for last night when he had been so sweet as he held her when she cried on his shoulder. But that was after he beat me into submission with the palm of his hand! Her thoughts were flying back and forth in her head when there was a small knock on the door. Lilly froze. Slowly the door opened and a lady who looked to be in her early to mid-sixties walked in carrying a tray of eggs and bacon. She had a sweet smile on her face and Lilly wondered if it was Jake's mom.

  "I brought you some breakfast," the lady said with a smile, setting the tray down on the bedside table. "I'm Sylvia. I take care of the house here on the ranch. You must be Lilly."

  Lilly felt ashamed thinking this sweet lady was someone Jake was flirting downstairs with only minutes earlier. "Hi." Her mouth went dry and she felt the need to explain herself and why she was in Jake's house. "Jake, um, picked me up yesterday. My car broke down," was all she could spit out.

  "I know, sweetheart. Jake told me the whole story. It's so nice to have you here. It's going to be great to have another female to talk to during the day."

  The whole story? Did he tell her about the spanking and everything? Lilly's face filled with an embarrassing blush, but she glanced up at the older lady who just smiled genuinely at her and held out her hand to help her sit up in bed. "Is Jake still here?" Lilly asked.

  "No, honey, he left to get back to work at the stables. He won't be back until around lunchtime. Would you like to come downstairs and eat with me? Or would you rather stay up here?"

  Lilly knew Jake told her she was supposed to go back to bed, but after hearing he wasn't here, she decided she didn't care if she followed his directions. She hopped out of bed and followed Sylvia out of the room with the breakfast tray.


  "Has he always been so bossy," Lilly asked Sylvia as they cut carrots and celery for dinner.

  "Oh, honey, you have no idea. He has been that way for years. He really is a sweet man thou
gh." Sylvia smiled at Lilly and nudged her arm as they stood side by side. "Jake just has his hands full dealing with all of the ins and outs of the ranch. He is very particular how he likes things done, but he dang sure knows what he is doing. He has made this ranch one of the most profitable in the state since his brothers left for San Antonio."

  "He has brothers?"

  "Two of them. Ethan and Kyle. They are four and five years older, respectively. You see, when their mother died about twenty years ago, Ethan and Kyle took over the ranch to help their father. Jake was only a little boy then and he watched as his older brothers worked hard to help their father out of debt after his wife died. Jake was still too young to do most of the ranch work, but as the years passed and their father grew sick with cancer, Ethan and Kyle grew weary of the ranch business and moved to the city for property sales. Jake took over by himself and has been doing it ever since. e is such a hard worker, but that's probably the reason he never found himself a wife and family. He dedicated himself to this ranch so many years ago." Sylvia frowned, thinking of how Jake deserved a good wife and family. She sincerely hoped that Lilly may be the one for him and prayed she realized Jake was a good man.

  After listening to the history Sylvia retold as they worked in the kitchen, Lilly started to change her mind slightly about Jake. Maybe he really is just trying to help me. She finished cutting the vegetables and threw them in the large pot on the stove. She sat back down at the kitchen table, thumbing through Sylvia's recipe book.

  "What are you doing up?" Jake demanded as he strode into the kitchen.

  Lilly hadn't even heard the door open when she jumped at his deep voice. She looked to Sylvia for some back-up, hoping she could just remain silent.

  "Jake, calm down. Lilly and I were just talking and prepping for dinner," Sylvia soothed as she put the last of the ingredients into the Dutch oven for the roast. "Why don't you sit down and I'll make you two some sandwiches for lunch."

  Jake glared at Lilly and sat down beside her at the table. Lilly slid down in the chair, avoiding his eyes, and tried to continue reading through the recipe book. She knew why he was upset, but she was hoping he wouldn't do anything rash while Sylvia was still in the room.

  "You didn't answer my question," he asked quietly with a menacing tone.

  "Sylvia asked me if I wanted to come down and help her in the kitchen," she murmured quietly, refusing to look at him.

  "That's wonderful, but I asked you to stay in your room and get some rest. I'm sure Sylvia would have understood if you would've told her that," he spoke with an almost threatening tone and Lilly wished Sylvia would help her out of the situation.

  "Told me what, Jake?" Sylvia asked.

  "I specifically told Lilly to stay in her room and get some rest today like the doctor ordered. I'm guessing she didn't tell you that though," he assumed, looking back and forth between the two ladies, seeing the guilty blush on Lilly's cheeks.

  Sylvia could feel Jake's annoyance and knew he was particular about certain things, but she didn't want to get Lilly in trouble. She really liked her. She was sweet and helpful. "Jake, I'm sure she was just trying to be nice and give me a hand. Don't give her a hard time. She still has all afternoon to rest."

  Lilly breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God for this heavenly lady saving me from the wrath of the overbearing cowboy. She looked at Jake and saw his grim face now appeared somewhat appeased at Sylvia's explanation so she nodded in agreement.

  "I'm gonna run to the store to grab some dessert for tonight since we have a guest," Sylvia mentioned, feeling the need to leave Jake and Lilly alone for a little while.

  Once Sylvia shut the door behind her, Jake turned to look at Lilly. "I know you feel like you two pulled something over on me just now. I'm going to let it slide this time because I am glad you and Sylvia are getting along." He paused, leaning in until he was only inches from her face. "But don't think that you are going to continue to evade the rules in this house. I meant it when I said I don't like to be disobeyed. This is your last warning."

  Lilly felt tingles all up her spine. This had to be the most intimidating man she'd ever met. However, for some reason, she didn't think the way her body was reacting was just fear. She felt somewhat aroused from his demanding statement and almost wanted to test his follow-through. She felt the heat rising underneath her skin from his overwhelming presence. Her mouth began to go dry. She looked up into his icy blue eyes and saw his pupils dilating in lust. She leaned in toward him, thinking of her next move, wanting more than anything for him to put his lips on hers and thrust his tongue into her mouth. Instead, she decided against her body's wishes, knowing if she kissed him she wouldn't be able to stop.

  "You're lucky I'm already tired," she sneered and got up from the table. There was something fun about making this guy mad. She wasn't sure if he was going to react to her statement so she rushed up the stairs faster than normal. Once in her room, she shut the door and lay down on the bed, pulling the blanket around her. She actually was pretty tired. She closed her eyes and was asleep within minutes.


  Jake watched as Lilly ran up the stairs and heard her door shut seconds later. He couldn't help but grit his teeth at her snide statement. He felt like she was trying to rile him up on purpose. She seemed to be making it obvious that she didn't want any of his attention, but he started to realize that he had been somewhat bossy with her since they returned from the hospital. Maybe I should lighten up a little, he thought. He finished his sandwich and walked out the back door to continue working. Despite moving on to various chores, he just couldn't shake Lilly out of his brain. It took everything in him to not go back to the house early, but he gave in anyway at six o'clock, hoping she would sit down and talk to him before dinner.

  Jake opened the back door to the kitchen to find only Sylvia standing over the stove, stirring a pot. He slumped slightly, realizing how upset he was that Lilly wasn't in here with her. Sylvia turned around when she heard him.

  "Well are you calling quits early today?" She smiled at Jake and poured him some lemonade from the fridge. "You wouldn't be trying to spend some time with Lilly would you?"

  Jake whipped his head around to look at her. "I just figured I could use a break today."

  "Mm hmm." Sylvia nodded, knowing Jake better than anyone. He never asked for a break, unless he was sick or someone in the family was hurt. "Well, in case you were wondering, Lilly is upstairs still. She was still sleeping when I checked on her half an hour ago."

  "It's been almost six hours," he said in amazement. "Has she been asleep the entire time?

  "As far as I know she has been asleep since I got back from the store around 12:45."

  Jake knew she needed some rest from the day before, but he was a little worried that she would sleep for that long. He hoped she wasn't just pretending to be asleep so she wouldn't have to see him. After showering and changing clothes, he walked back into the kitchen. Sylvia was still at the stove with no sign of Lilly. "Well I should probably go check on her," he said and made his way up the stairs.

  Once he reached her room, he knocked softly, and whispered, "Lilly, you awake?" When no answer came, he opened the door a crack and peeked inside the room. She was on her side with her back toward the door, curled up in almost a ball. Other than her chest rising and falling slowly, she was immensely still. He walked over to the bed and put a hand on her waist to lean over and see her face. She seemed to be dreaming peacefully and had a small smile playing on her lips. He didn't want to wake her if she was really tired enough to sleep for this long. But then he realized that she probably needed to get some food in her system if she was going to continue sleeping for the rest of the night. He walked around the bed to sit on the edge and began to shake her lightly to wake her. "Lilly, wake up, honey. It's almost dinner time," he said softly.

  She stirred slightly and Jake could hear a faint whine coming from her. "Uhhhhhh. No. Stop," she whined in her sleep. She began to toss lightly back an
d forth. Jake put his hands on either side of her so she wouldn't roll away from him.

  "Lilly, come on sweetheart. Wake up. It's ok," he soothed while he rubbed her back.

  "Stop. Please don't!" she cried, still dreaming.

  Jake didn't think she was awake but was worried what she could be dreaming about that made her so scared. He shook her a little harder this time to wake her up out of the nightmare. Suddenly her eyes shot open. The wild and scared look in her eyes was something Jake would never be able to remove from his memory. Before he could pick her up to hug her, she jumped into his arms and threw her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her out from the covers so she was sitting in his lap.

  "It's ok. It's ok. I've got you," he murmured into her hair. He could her feel warm tears seep through his shirt as she softly cried. He rubbed her back and rocked her lightly until she quieted down. When she started to sniffle, he pulled her back by the arms to look at her face. Her eyes were still swollen from crying and her face was still slightly red. "You wanna tell me what that was about?" He spoke softly, still holding her and rubbing her arms with his thumbs as he held them in his hands.

  Lilly just stared at him for a second, shaken from her dream. She shook her head and then turned to stare out the window. It was still light outside, but the sun was beginning to come down and she could see it setting over the rolling hills in the distance.

  "What time is it?" she asked, still not looking at him.

  "It's almost seven. You slept for over six hours." When she tried to get off of his lap, he pulled her back down and turned her face to his. "Are you ok?" His voice took on a worried tone and he hugged her closer. When she tried to retreat again and pull away, he took a firmer grip around her waist. "You know I would never hurt you, right?"


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